294 research outputs found

    Secondary electron emission from a charged dielectric in the presence of normal and oblique electric fields

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    The secondary electron emission coefficient was obtained for a FEP-Teflon dielectric charged with monoenergetic electrons normally incident upon the surface of the specimen. Measurements of secondary emission coefficient were done for normal and oblique incidence with different primary beam energies in the presence of normal and oblique electric fields. A collimated probing beam was directed to different points on the surface of the specimen and the released or accumulated charge was monitored using an electrometer. The measured data for different probing beam energies, different impact points and different angles of incidence were plotted vs. impact energy and impact point. Data analyzed by computer simulations to find the potential distribution on the surface of the specimen and the electric field around it, is presented and discussed

    Detection of Calcium-induced morphological changes on RBCs by digital holographic microscopy and blinking optical tweezers

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    Ca+2 level in the circulating red blood cells (RBCs) takes part not only in controlling biophysical properties, but also affects the membrane composition, and its morphological and rheological properties. Excessive accumulation of Ca2+ within the cells is associated with a number of important pathological diseases. In this paper, by the use of digital holographic microscopy (DHM), we quantitatively analyzed the volumetric behavior of RBC membrane under influence of excess Calcium ions. DHM in a transmission mode is an effective tool for quantitative visualization of phase objects. By deriving the associated phase changes 3D information on the morphology variation of the cells at arbitrary time scales is obtained. Individual cells are immobilized by the use of optical tweezers and are monitored live with DHM system, while the concentration of Ca2+ ions in the buffer is changed simultaneously. We utilized blinking optical tweezers, by inserting an optical chopper to modulate intensity of the trapping laser beam. Blinking optical tweezers, while keeping the cell trapped during the experiments, ensures of minimizing the photo-damage of trapping laser beam on the cell. Our experimental results are in agreement with previous biological studies and predictions, and experimental observations of living RBCs under Ca2+ influence. © 2016 IEEE

    Microsphere-assisted super-resolved Mirau digital holographic microscopy for cell identification

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    In this paper, we use a glass microsphere incorporated into a digital holographic microscope to increase the effective resolution of the system, aiming at precise cell identification. A Mirau interferometric objective is employed in the experiments, which can be used for a common-path digital holographic microscopy (DHMicroscopy) arrangement. High-magnification Mirau objectives are expensive and suffer from low working distances, yet the commonly used low-magnification Mirau objectives do not have high lateral resolutions. We show that by placing a glass microsphere within the working distance of a low-magnification Mirau objective, its effective numerical aperture can be increased, leading to super-resolved three-dimensional images. The improvement in the lateral resolution depends on the size and vertical position of microsphere, and by varying these parameters, the lateral resolution and magnification may be adjusted. We used the information from the super-resolution DHMicroscopy to identify thalassemia minor red blood cells (tRBCs). Identification is done by comparing the volumetric measurements with those of healthy RBCs. Our results show that microsphere-assisted super-resolved Mirau DHMicroscopy, being common path and off-axis in nature, has the potential to serve as a benchtop device for cell identification and biomedical measurements. © 2017 Optical Society of America

    First-line therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder : a systematic review of cognitive behavioural therapy and psychodynamic approaches

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    Background: Despite evidence supporting cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) based interventions as the most effective approach for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in randomised control trials, alternative treatment interventions are often used in clinical practice. Psychodynamic (PDT) based interventions are one example of such preferred approaches, this is despite comparatively limited available evidence supporting their effectiveness for treating PTSD. Aims: Existing research exploring effective therapeutic interventions for PTSD includes trauma-focused CBT involving exposure techniques. The present review sought to establish the treatment efficacy of CBT and PDT approaches, and considers the potential impact of selecting PDT-based techniques over CBT-based techniques for the treatment of PTSD.Results: The evidence reviewed provided examples supporting PDT-based therapy as an effective treatment for PTSD, but confirmed CBT as more effective in the treatment of this particular disorder. Comparable dropout rates were reported for both treatment approaches, suggesting that relative dropout rate should not be a pivotal factor in the selection of a PDT approach over CBT for treatment of PTSD.Conclusion/Implications: The need to routinely observe evidence-based recommendations for effective treatment of PTSD is highlighted and factors undermining practitioner engagement with CBT-based interventions for the treatment of PTSD are identified

    Roadmap on digital holography [Invited]

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    This Roadmap article on digital holography provides an overview of a vast array of research activities in the field of digital holography. The paper consists of a series of 25 sections from the prominent experts in digital holography presenting various aspects of the field on sensing, 3D imaging and displays, virtual and augmented reality, microscopy, cell identification, tomography, label-free live cell imaging, and other applications. Each section represents the vision of its author to describe the significant progress, potential impact, important developments, and challenging issues in the field of digital holography

    Development of a core outcome set for orthodontic trials using a mixed-methods approach: Protocol for a multicentre study

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Background: Orthodontic treatment is commonly undertaken in young people, with over 40% of children in the UK needing treatment and currently one third having treatment, at a cost to the National Health Service in England and Wales of £273 million each year. Most current research about orthodontic care does not consider what patients truly feel about, or want, from treatment, and a diverse range of outcomes is being used with little consistency between studies. This study aims to address these problems, using established methodology to develop a core outcome set for use in future clinical trials of orthodontic interventions in children and young people. Methods/design: This is a mixed-methods study incorporating four distinct stages. The first stage will include a scoping review of the scientific literature to identify primary and secondary outcome measures that have been used in previous orthodontic clinical trials. The second stage will involve qualitative interviews and focus groups with orthodontic patients aged 10 to 16 years to determine what outcomes are important to them. The outcomes elicited from these two stages will inform the third stage of the study in which a long-list of outcomes will be ranked in terms of importance using electronic Delphi surveys involving clinicians and patients. The final stage of the study will involve face-to-face consensus meetings with all stakeholders to discuss and agree on the outcome measures that should be included in the final core outcome set. Discussion: This research will help to inform patients, parents, clinicians and commissioners about outcomes that are important to young people undergoing orthodontic treatment. Adoption of the core outcome set in future clinical trials of orthodontic treatment will make it easier for results to be compared, contrasted and combined. This should translate into improved decision-making by all stakeholders involved. Trial registration: The project has been registered on the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) website, January 2016

    Bayesian signaling game based efficient security model for MANETs

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    Game Theory acts as a suitable tool offering promising solutions to security-related concerns in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (i.e., MANETs). In MANETs, security forms a prominent concern as it includes nodes which are usually portable and require significant coordination between them. Further, the absence of physical organisation makes such networks susceptible to security breaches, hindering secure routing and execution among nodes. Game Theory approach has been manipulated in the current study to achieve an analytical view while addressing the security concerns in MANETs. This paper offers a Bayesian-Signaling game model capable of analysing the behaviour associated with regular as well as malicious nodes. In the proposed model, the utility of normal nodes has been increased while reducing the utility linked to malicious nodes. Moreover, the system employs a reputation system capable of stimulating best cooperation between the nodes. The regular nodes record incessantly to examine their corresponding nodes’ behaviours by using the belief system of Bayes-rules. On its comparison with existing schemes, it was revealed that the presented algorithm provides better identification of malicious nodes and attacks while delivering improved throughput and reduced false positive rate

    Fatigue life of machined components

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    A correlation between machining process and fatigue strength of machined components clearly exists. However, a complete picture of the knowledge on this is not readily available for practical applications. This study addresses this issue by investigating the effects of machining methods on fatigue life of commonly used materials, such as titanium alloys, steel, aluminium alloys and nickel alloys from previous literature. Effects of turning, milling, grinding and different non-conventional machining processes on fatigue strength of above-mentioned materials have been investigated in detail with correlated information. It is found that the effect of materials is not significant except steel in which phase change causes volume expansion, resulting in compressive/tensile residual stresses based on the amounts of white layers. It is very complex to identify the influence of surface roughness on the fatigue strength of machined components in the presence of residual stresses. The polishing process improves the surface roughness, but removes the surface layers that contain compressive residual stresses to decrease the fatigue strength of polished specimens. The compressive and tensile residual stresses improve and reduce fatigue strength, respectively. Grinding process induces tensile residual stresses on the machined surfaces due to high temperature generation. On the other hand, milling and turning processes induce compressive residual stresses. High temperature non-conventional machining generates a network of micro-cracks on the surfaces in addition to tensile residual stresses to subsequently reduce fatigue strength of machined components. Embedded grits of abrasive water jet machining degrade the fatigue performance of components machined by this method