415 research outputs found

    Коментарі Валерія Шевчука в літописі Самійла Величка як позатекстова інтерпретація давньоукраїнської пам'ятки

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    У статті розглядаються різновиди коментарів як позатекстової інтерпретації Валерієм Шевчуком барокової пам’ятки – Літопису Самійла Величка.The article deals with Valery Shevchuk’s way of varieties of the commentaries as out-of-text interpretation of Baroque remembrance of Chronicle of Samiylo Velitchko

    Participatory scenario development for integrated assessment of nutrient flows in a Catalan river catchment

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    Rivers in developed regions are under significant stress due to nutrient enrichment generated mainly by human activities. Excess nitrogen and phosphorus emissions are the product of complex dynamic systems influenced by various factors such as demographic, socio-economic and technological development. Using a Catalan river catchment, La Tordera (North-East of Spain), as a case study of an integrated and interdisciplinary environmental assessment of nutrient flows, we present and discuss the development of narrative socio-economic scenarios through a participatory process for the sustainable management of the anthropogenic sources of nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus. In this context, scenarios are an appropriate tool to assist nutrient emissions modelling, and to assess impacts, possible pathways for socio-economic development and associated uncertainties. Evaluated against the 1993–2003 baseline period, scenarios target the 2030 horizon, i.e. through the implementation process of the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC). After a critical examination of the methodology used in the participatory development of socio-economic scenarios, we present four possible futures (or perspectives) for the Catalan river catchment conceived by stakeholders invited to a workshop. Keys to the success of such a participatory process were trust, which enhanced openness, and disagreements, which fostered the group's creativity for scenario development. The translation of narrative socio-economic scenarios into meaningful nutrient emission scenarios is also discussed. By integrating findings of natural sciences and socio-economic analysis, we aim to assist decision makers and stakeholders in evaluating optimal management strategies for the anthropogenic sources of nitrogen and phosphorus

    Invloed kruimel- versus korrelvoer op groeiverloop en voerconversie bij vleeskuikens

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    Het PP heeft in samenwerking met ACM onderzocht welke invloed het verstrekken van gekruimeld groeivoer heeft op het groeiverloop, de voerconversie en de uitval bij vleeskuikens. Dit in vergelijking met voer in korrelvorm

    Searching for Planets in the Hyades II: Some Implications of Stellar Magnetic Activity

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    The Hyades constitute a homogeneous sample of stars ideal for investigating the dependence of planet formation on the mass of the central star. Due to their youth, Hyades members are much more chromospherically active than stars traditionally surveyed for planets using high precision radial velocity (RV) techniques. Therefore, we have conducted a detailed investigation of whether magnetic activity of our Hyades target stars will interfere with our ability to make precise RV searches for substellar companions. We measure chromospheric activity (which we take as a proxy for magnetic activity) by computing the equivalent of the R'HK activity index from the Ca II K line. is not constant in the Hyades: we confirm that it decreases with increasing temperature in the F stars, and also find it decreases for stars cooler than mid-K. We examine correlations between simultaneously measured R'HK and RV using both a classical statistical test and a Bayesian odds ratio test. We find that there is a significant correlation between R'HK and the RV in only 5 of the 82 stars in this sample. Thus, simple Rprime HK-RV correlations will generally not be effective in correcting the measured RV values for the effects of magnetic activity in the Hyades. We argue that this implies long timescale activity variations (of order a few years; i.e., magnetic cycles or growth and decay of plage regions) will not significantly hinder our search for planets in the Hyades if the stars are closely monitored for chromospheric activity. The trends in the RV scatter (sigma'_v) with , vsini, and P_rot for our stars is generally consistent with those found in field stars in the Lick planet search data, with the notable exception of a shallower dependence of sigma'_v on for F stars.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; To appear in the July 2002 issue of The Astronomical Journa

    Prevalence of small osteophytes on knee MRI in several large clinical and population-based studies of various age groups and OA risk factors

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    Objective: Osteophytes, also small ones, are an important imaging feature of OA. However, due to their high prevalence on MR, the question has arisen whether these are truly pathophysiologic features of early OA, a result of physiologic aging, or rather a merely transient phenomenon. The aim of this study was to explore the prevalence of osteophytes on MR in various locations of the knee, with special emphasis on small osteophytes, across multiple large studies conducted in our institution comprising a wide range of subjects at different ages. Method: Retrospective explorative study of the prevalence of osteophytes, particularly grade 1 according to MOAKS, among four studies with a wide variety in age and OA risk factors. Results: A large number of grade 1 osteophytes were found in all four studies. The largest number of osteophytes were present in the youngest age group of &lt;30 years (69.6%) compared to 36.8% in the age group of ≥30 ​&lt; ​50 years and 54,3% when aged ≥50 years, of which most were grade 1 osteophytes. Conclusion: Small osteophytes are highly prevalent among populations with varying age and OA risk factors, in particular among young subjects without other OA features. This might suggest that these “osteophytes” do not necessarily represent early OA, but rather indicate a transient physiologic phenomenon.</p

    Lipoarabinomannan in urine during tuberculosis treatment: association with host and pathogen factors and mycobacteriuria

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    BACKGROUND: Detection of lipoarabinomannan (LAM), a Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) cell wall antigen, is a potentially attractive diagnostic. However, the LAM-ELISA assay has demonstrated variable sensitivity in diagnosing TB in diverse clinical populations. We therefore explored pathogen and host factors potentially impacting LAM detection. METHODS: LAM-ELISA assay testing, sputum smear and culture status, HIV status, CD4 cell count, proteinuria and TB outcomes were prospectively determined in adults diagnosed with TB and commencing TB treatment at a South African township TB clinic. Sputum TB isolates were characterised by IS61110-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and urines were tested for mycobacteriuria by Xpert® MTB/RIF assay. RESULTS: 32/199 (16.1%) of patients tested LAM-ELISA positive. Median optical density and proportion testing LAM positive remained unchanged during 2 weeks of treatment and then declined over 24 weeks. LAM was associated with positive sputum smear and culture status, HIV infection and low CD4 cell counts but not proteinuria, RFLP strain or TB treatment outcome. The sensitivity of LAM for TB in HIV-infected patients with CD4 counts of ≥ 200, 100-199, 50-99, and < 50 cells/μl, was 15.2%, 32%, 42.9%, and 69.2% respectively. Mycobacteriuria was found in 15/32 (46.9%) of LAM positive patients and in none of the LAM negative controls. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary LAM was related to host immune factors, was unrelated to Mtb strain and declined steadily after an initial 2 weeks of TB treatment. The strong association of urine LAM with mycobacteriuria is a new finding, indicating frequent TB involvement of the renal tract in advanced HIV infection

    Force of tuberculosis infection among adolescents in a high HIV and TB prevalence community: a cross-sectional observation study

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding of the transmission dynamics of tuberculosis (TB) in high TB and HIV prevalent settings is required in order to develop effective intervention strategies for TB control. However, there are little data assessing incidence of TB infection in adolescents in these settings. METHODS: We performed a tuberculin skin test (TST) and HIV survey among secondary school learners in a high HIV and TB prevalence community. TST responses to purified protein derivative RT23 were read after 3 days. HIV-infection was assessed using Orasure(R) collection device and ELISA testing. The results of the HIV-uninfected participants were combined with those from previous surveys among primary school learners in the same community, and force of TB infection was calculated by age. RESULTS: The age of 820 secondary school participants ranged from 13 to 22 years. 159 participants had participated in the primary school surveys. At a 10 mm cut-off, prevalence of TB infection among HIV-uninfected and first time participants, was 54% (n = 334/620). HIV prevalence was 5% (n = 40/816). HIV infection was not significantly associated with TST positivity (p = 0.07). In the combined survey dataset, TB prevalence was 45% (n = 645/1451), and was associated with increasing age and male gender. Force of infection increased with age, from 3% to 7.3% in adolescents [greater than or equal to]20 years of age. CONCLUSIONS: We show a high force of infection among adolescents, positively associated with increasing age. We postulate this is due to increased social contact with infectious TB cases. Control of the TB epidemic in this setting will require reducing the force of infection