8,332 research outputs found

    Psychological Markers of the Overtraining Syndrome

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    The overtraining (OT) syndrome is characterized by performance plateaus and decrements and is manifested through various physiological and psychological variables. A qualitative review will summarize specific factors associated with OT to better understand this syndrome. PURPOSE: The purpose of this review is to summarize psychological aspects associated with the OT syndrome. METHODS: This study reviewed 13 articles that qualified for the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The variables measured include tension, anger, fatigue, confusion, depression, vigor, sleep, stress, and self-perceptions of physical status. Participants were measured during a normal (N) phase, midway phase (MW), and OT phase. In the review, selected variables (i.e., anger, depression, etc.) were noted in terms of direction (+, -) of change in the OT state compared to the N state. RESULTS: Combined sample size (N) was 238 subjects with the mean time in OT of 6.6 (weeks). The following are mean (SD) demographics of subjects from the selected studies: height (cm) 175.4 (2.4); weight (kg) 71.7 (2.6); body fat (%) 11.8 (0.9); age (y) 23.5 (2.03); VO2max (ml*kg -1*min -1) 55.4 (0.8). Three articles reported decreases in tension at OT, and one noted increases at MW. Fatigue increased at OT in 6 studies and showed no change in a separate study. Confusion did not change in two studies, increased at OT in another, and increased at MW then declined at OT in a final article. Vigor reportedly remained stable in two studies and decreased in two other studies. Anger did not change in 2 articles, decreased in another, and increased in a different study with its peak at MW. There was no change in depression in three studies, but a decrease was reported in a separate article at OT with an increase at MW. Studies reported impaired sleep patterns, increased wakefulness, and decrements and stability in sleep quality. Two studies indicated increased levels of stress with one specifying stress related to training, sleep, and health. Findings showed a decreased perception of strength, decreased perception of recovery, and no change in perception of muscle soreness. CONCLUSION: From this review, athletes in an OT state may experience disturbances in various sleep, self-perception, and mood factors

    A Meta-Analysis of Biomarkers Associated with the Overtraining Syndrome

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    Overtraining (OT) syndrome has been investigated extensively with little agreement as to reliable markers for detection. A meta-analytic review is a procedure designed to compile studies in an area with hopes of reaching a consensus view. PURPOSE: The purpose of this meta-analysis was to provide summary quantitative findings of biomarkers (i.e., blood) associated with the overtraining syndrome. METHODS: A meta-analytic research design was utilized to investigate selected studies allowing for a coding process to record data. Thirteen studies met inclusion/exclusion criteria. Biomarkers included samples taken with subjects in normal (N) condition and during OT. These biomarkers were the following: glutamine (um), glutamate (um), cortisol (nmo*l-1), IL-6 (nm), testosterone (mg*dL-1), total cholesterol (mg*dL-1), glucose (mg*dL-1), leptin (ng*mL-1), hematocrit (%), hemoglobin (g*L-1), norepinephrine (pg*mL-1), epinephrine (pg/ml), creatine kinase (u*L-1) To determine magnitude of difference between N and OT, the effect size calculation of M2-M1/SD1 was used where M2 is the mean of the OT sample, M1 was the mean of the N sample and SD1 is the standard deviation of the N sample. RESULTS: Combined sample size (N) was 238 subjects with the mean time in OT of 6.6 (weeks). The following are mean (SD) of combined subject demographics: height (cm) 175.4 (2.4); weight (kg) 71.7 (2.6); body fat (%) 11.8 (0.9); age (y) 23.5 (2.03); VO2max (ml*kg -1*min -1) 55.4 (0.8). Mean (SD) biomarker changes from N to OT were the following: Glutamine -56.3 (-2); glutamate 49.7 (2); cortisol -89.7 (-12.2); IL 6 -0.52 (0.12); testosterone -88.9 (-30); cholesterol 4.6 (-1.6); glucose -13.3 (1.9); leptin 0.15 (-0.11); hematocrit -0.83 (-0.4); hemoglobin -20; norepinephrine 36 (-4.1); epinephrine -2.2 (-3.5); creatine kinase 29.2 (8.5). Effect size calculations for the above biomarkers were considered large for the following: glutamine (-4.02), glutamate (8), cortisol, (-1.4), IL 6 (-5.2), glucose (-1.1). CONCLUSION: From this analysis, the noted biomarker changes and direction of change (+, -) indicates considerable immune-suppression and increased stress with athletes experiencing the OT syndrome

    Single Proton Knock-Out Reactions from 24,25,26F

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    The cross sections of the single proton knock-out reactions from 24F, 25F, and 26F on a 12C target were measured at energies of about 50 MeV/nucleon. Ground state populations of 6.6+-.9 mb, 3.8+-0.6 mb for the reactions 12C(24F,23O) and 12C(25F,24O) were extracted, respectively. The data were compared to calculations based on the many-body shell model and the eikonal theory. In the reaction 12C(26F,25O) the particle instability of 25O was confirmed

    Cultural Resources Monitoring/Survey of a JTF-6 Action, Van Horn, Texas Sector

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    This report presents the results of cultural resources monitoring and survey activities connected with a Department of Defense (DOD) Joint Task Force Six (JTF-6) project in southern Hudspeth and Culberson, western Jeff Davis, and northern Presidio Counties, Texas. These cultural resource activities were prompted by road improvement activities initiated by the U.S. Border Patrol. The road improvement activities were designed to aid the U.S. Border Patrol in their battle against illegal drug trade and smuggling operations along the U.S.-Mexico border. Geo-Marine, Inc. conducted the survey as part of an indefinite delivery contract with the Fort Worth District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The survey and monitoring were tailored to focus only on those areas to be disturbed by road repair activities and to identify cultural resource sites which were to be avoided during such activities

    Energy distributions from three-body decaying many-body resonances

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    We compute energy distributions of three particles emerging from decaying many-body resonances. We reproduce the measured energy distributions from decays of two archetypal states chosen as the lowest 0+0^{+} and 1+1^{+}-resonances in 12^{12}C populated in β\beta-decays. These states are dominated by sequential, through the 8^{8}Be ground state, and direct decays, respectively. These decay mechanisms are reflected in the ``dynamic'' evolution from small, cluster or shell-model states, to large distances, where the coordinate or momentum space continuum wavefunctions are accurately computed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Tool for Sizing Analysis of the Advanced Life Support System

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    Advanced Life Support Sizing Analysis Tool (ALSSAT) is a computer model for sizing and analyzing designs of environmental-control and life support systems (ECLSS) for spacecraft and surface habitats involved in the exploration of Mars and Moon. It performs conceptual designs of advanced life support (ALS) subsystems that utilize physicochemical and biological processes to recycle air and water, and process wastes in order to reduce the need of resource resupply. By assuming steady-state operations, ALSSAT is a means of investigating combinations of such subsystems technologies and thereby assisting in determining the most cost-effective technology combination available. In fact, ALSSAT can perform sizing analysis of the ALS subsystems that are operated dynamically or steady in nature. Using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software with Visual Basic programming language, ALSSAT has been developed to perform multiple-case trade studies based on the calculated ECLSS mass, volume, power, and Equivalent System Mass, as well as parametric studies by varying the input parameters. ALSSAT s modular format is specifically designed for the ease of future maintenance and upgrades

    Quark Description of Hadronic Phases

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    We extend our proposal that major universality classes of hadronic matter can be understood, and in favorable cases calculated, directly in the microscopic quark variables, to allow for splitting between strange and light quark masses. A surprisingly simple but apparently viable picture emerges, featuring essentially three phases, distinguished by whether strangeness is conserved (standard nuclear matter), conserved modulo two (hypernuclear matter), or locked to color (color flavor locking). These are separated by sharp phase transitions. There is also, potentially, a quark phase matching hadronic K-condensation. The smallness of the secondary gap in two-flavor color superconductivity corresponds to the disparity between the primary dynamical energy scales of QCD and the much smaller energy scales of nuclear physics.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Neutron knockout of 12Be populating neutron-unbound states in 11Be

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    Neutron-unbound resonant states of 11Be were populated in neutron knock-out reactions from 12Be and identified by 10Be-n coincidence measurements. A resonance in the decay-energy spectrum at 80(2) keV was attributed to a highly excited unbound state in 11Be at 3.949(2) MeV decaying to the 2+ excited state in 10Be. A knockout cross section of 15(3) mb was inferred for this 3.949(2) MeV state suggesting a spectroscopic factor near unity for this 0p3/2- level, consistent with the detailed shell model calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures \pacs{29.38.Db, 29.30.Hs, 24.50.+g, 21.10.Pc, 21.10.Hw, 27.20.+n} \keywords{neutron decay spectroscopy, neutron-unbound states in 11Be

    The Phase-Contrast Imaging Instrument at the Matter in Extreme Conditions Endstation at LCLS

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    We describe the Phase-Contrast Imaging instrument at the Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) endstation of the Linac Coherent Light Source. The instrument can image phenomena with a spatial resolution of a few hundreds of nanometers and at the same time reveal the atomic structure through X-ray diffraction, with a temporal resolution better than 100 femtosecond. It was specifically designed for studies relevant to High-Energy-Density Science and can monitor, e.g., shock fronts, phase transitions, or void collapses. This versatile instrument was commissioned last year and is now available to the MEC user community

    Development of Technologies and Test Formats for Credibility Assessment

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    From introduction: "Because Credibility Assessment is a relatively new and developing field there are different ways of describing it and what it encompasses. For ihe purposes of this paper Credibility Assessment is defined as the process of determining the reliability and validity of information, regardless of source. "(...