1,525 research outputs found

    Skew-orthogonal Laguerre polynomials for chiral real asymmetric random matrices

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    We apply the method of skew-orthogonal polynomials (SOP) in the complex plane to asymmetric random matrices with real elements, belonging to two different classes. Explicit integral representations valid for arbitrary weight functions are derived for the SOP and for their Cauchy transforms, given as expectation values of traces and determinants or their inverses, respectively. Our proof uses the fact that the joint probability distribution function for all combinations of real eigenvalues and complex conjugate eigenvalue pairs can be written as a product. Examples for the SOP are given in terms of Laguerre polynomials for the chiral ensemble (also called the non-Hermitian real Wishart-Laguerre ensemble), both without and with the insertion of characteristic polynomials. Such characteristic polynomials play the role of mass terms in applications to complex Dirac spectra in field theory. In addition, for the elliptic real Ginibre ensemble we recover the SOP of Forrester and Nagao in terms of Hermite polynomials

    Statistical properties of random density matrices

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    Statistical properties of ensembles of random density matrices are investigated. We compute traces and von Neumann entropies averaged over ensembles of random density matrices distributed according to the Bures measure. The eigenvalues of the random density matrices are analyzed: we derive the eigenvalue distribution for the Bures ensemble which is shown to be broader then the quarter--circle distribution characteristic of the Hilbert--Schmidt ensemble. For measures induced by partial tracing over the environment we compute exactly the two-point eigenvalue correlation function.Comment: 8 revtex pages with one eps file included, ver. 2 - minor misprints correcte

    Schur function averages for the real Ginibre ensemble

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    We derive an explicit simple formula for expectations of all Schur functions in the real Ginibre ensemble. It is a positive integer for all entries of the partition even and zero otherwise. The result can be used to determine the average of any analytic series of elementary symmetric functions by Schur function expansion

    Probability distributions of Linear Statistics in Chaotic Cavities and associated phase transitions

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    We establish large deviation formulas for linear statistics on the NN transmission eigenvalues {Ti}\{T_i\} of a chaotic cavity, in the framework of Random Matrix Theory. Given any linear statistics of interest A=i=1Na(Ti)A=\sum_{i=1}^N a(T_i), the probability distribution PA(A,N)\mathcal{P}_A(A,N) of AA generically satisfies the large deviation formula limN[2logPA(Nx,N)/βN2]=ΨA(x)\lim_{N\to\infty}[-2\log\mathcal{P}_A(Nx,N)/\beta N^2]=\Psi_A(x), where ΨA(x)\Psi_A(x) is a rate function that we compute explicitly in many cases (conductance, shot noise, moments) and β\beta corresponds to different symmetry classes. Using these large deviation expressions, it is possible to recover easily known results and to produce new formulas, such as a closed form expression for v(n)=limNvar(Tn)v(n)=\lim_{N\to\infty}\mathrm{var}(\mathcal{T}_n) (where Tn=iTin\mathcal{T}_n=\sum_{i}T_i^n) for arbitrary integer nn. The universal limit v=limnv(n)=1/2πβv^\star=\lim_{n\to\infty} v(n)=1/2\pi\beta is also computed exactly. The distributions display a central Gaussian region flanked on both sides by non-Gaussian tails. At the junction of the two regimes, weakly non-analytical points appear, a direct consequence of phase transitions in an associated Coulomb gas problem. Numerical checks are also provided, which are in full agreement with our asymptotic results in both real and Laplace space even for moderately small NN. Part of the results have been announced in [P. Vivo, S.N. Majumdar and O. Bohigas, {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 101}, 216809 (2008)].Comment: 31 pages, 16 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B. Added section IVD about comparison with other theories and numerical simulation

    Long-range correlations in the wave functions of chaotic systems

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    We study correlations of the amplitudes of wave functions of a chaotic system at large distances. For this purpose, a joint distribution function of the amplitudes at two distant points in a sample is calculated analytically using the supersymmetry technique. The result shows that, although in the limit of the orthogonal and unitary symmetry classes the correlations vanish, they are finite through the entire crossover regime and may be reduced only by localization effects.Comment: 4 pages RevTex + 2 fig

    Random matrix description of decaying quantum systems

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    This contribution describes a statistical model for decaying quantum systems (e.g. photo-dissociation or -ionization). It takes the interference between direct and indirect decay processes explicitely into account. The resulting expressions for the partial decay amplitudes and the corresponding cross sections may be considered a many-channel many-resonance generalization of Fano's original work on resonance lineshapes [Phys. Rev 124, 1866 (1961)]. A statistical (random matrix) model is then introduced. It allows to describe chaotic scattering systems with tunable couplings to the decay channels. We focus on the autocorrelation function of the total (photo) cross section, and we find that it depends on the same combination of parameters, as the Fano-parameter distribution. These combinations are statistical variants of the one-channel Fano parameter. It is thus possible to study Fano interference (i.e. the interference between direct and indirect decay paths) on the basis of the autocorrelation function, and thereby in the regime of overlapping resonances. It allows us, to study the Fano interference in the limit of strongly overlapping resonances, where we find a persisting effect on the level of the weak localization correction.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Hilbert--Schmidt volume of the set of mixed quantum states

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    We compute the volume of the convex N^2-1 dimensional set M_N of density matrices of size N with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt measure. The hyper--area of the boundary of this set is also found and its ratio to the volume provides an information about the complex structure of M_N. Similar investigations are also performed for the smaller set of all real density matrices. As an intermediate step we analyze volumes of the unitary and orthogonal groups and of the flag manifolds.Comment: 13 revtex pages, ver 3: minor improvement

    Universal lateral distribution of energy deposit in air showers and its application to shower reconstruction

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    The light intensity distribution in a shower image and its implications to the primary energy reconstructed by the fluorescence technique are studied. Based on detailed CORSIKA energy deposit simulations, a universal analytical formula is derived for the lateral distribution of light in the shower image and a correction factor is obtained to account for the fraction of shower light falling into outlying pixels in the detector. The expected light profiles and the corresponding correction of the primary shower energy are illustrated for several typical event geometries. This correction of the shower energy can exceed 10%, depending on shower geometry.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure