29,285 research outputs found

    Innovative Opportunities for Elementary and Middle School Teachers to Maintain Currency in Mathematics and Science: A Community College-School System Partnership

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    Since 1992 the Manassas Campus of Northern Virginia Community College – in response to requests from local school systems – has developed four innovative methods of assisting elementary, secondary and middle school teachers to enhance their content knowledge in science and mathematics, as well as integrate curriculum units for classroom presentation. These methods are based on the assumptions that: - While teachers at this level have fundamental understanding of math and science, if they wish to incorporate new concepts or technologies from these fields, graduate level content courses are generally beyond their background level. - Community College faculty can often provide a bridge that connects advanced content in science and mathematics with the applications that can be adapted to elementary/middle school curriculum. - Presenting content to a mixed audience of teachers from K-8 allows teachers to see how content can be adapted to grade levels above and below. - Content delivery methods must be interactive and must be responsive to the multiple demands on these teachers’ time. This requires flexibility in scheduling and course requirements

    In-flight simulation study of decoupled longitudinal controls for the approach and landing of a STOL aircraft

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    In this decoupled concept, the natural interactions of the flight variables were suppressed, and the pilot operated a separate controller for each (fore-and-aft control column for flight path angle without speed or pitch attitude change, for example). The handling qualities of the decoupled airplane were judged to be very favorable. The precise path control led to small touchdown point dispersion along with consistently low sink rates. The decoupled control system provided significantly better flying qualities than did conventional SAS applied to the same basic airframe

    Quantum Decoherence in a D-Foam Background

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    Within the general framework of Liouville string theory, we construct a model for quantum D-brane fluctuations in the space-time background through which light closed-string states propagate. The model is based on monopole and vortex defects on the world sheet, which have been discussed previously in a treatment of 1+1-dimensional black-hole fluctuations in the space-time background, and makes use of a T-duality transformation to relate formulations with Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. In accordance with previous general arguments, we derive an open quantum-mechanical description of this D-brane foam which embodies momentum and energy conservation and small mean energy fluctuations. Quantum decoherence effects appear at a rate consistent with previous estimates.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, two eps figures include

    High angular resolution observation of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the massive z=0.83 cluster ClJ0152-1357

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    X-ray observations of galaxy clusters at high redshift (z>0.5) indicate that they are more morphologically complex and less virialized than those at low-redshift. We present the first subarcmin resolution at 18 GHz observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect for ClJ0152-1357 using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. ClJ0152-1357 is a massive cluster at redshift z=0.83 and has a complex structure including several merging subclumps which have been studied at optical, X-ray, and radio wavelengths. Our high-resolution observations indicate a clear displacement of the maximum SZ effect from the peak of X-ray emission for the most massive sub-clump. This result shows that the cluster gas within the cluster substructures is not virialised in ClJ0152-1357 and we suggest that it is still recovering from a recent merger event. A similar offset of the SZ effect has been recently seen in the `bullet cluster' by Malu et al. This non-equilibrium situation implies that high resolution observations are necessary to investigate galaxy cluster evolution, and to extract cosmological constraints from a comparison of the SZ effect and X-ray signals.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ

    M Theory from World-Sheet Defects in Liouville String

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    We have argued previously that black holes may be represented in a D-brane approach by monopole and vortex defects in a sine-Gordon field theory model of Liouville dynamics on the world sheet. Supersymmetrizing this sine-Gordon system, we find critical behaviour in 11 dimensions, due to defect condensation that is the world-sheet analogue of D-brane condensation around an extra space-time dimension in M theory. This supersymmetric description of Liouville dynamics has a natural embedding within a 12-dimensional framework suggestive of F theory.Comment: 17 pages LATEX, 1 epsf figure include


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    A family of sets is said to be symmetric if its automorphism group is transitive, and 33-wise intersecting if any three sets in the family have nonempty intersection. Frankl conjectured in 1981 that if A\mathcal{A} is a symmetric 33-wise intersecting family of subsets of {1,2,,n}\{1,2,\dots,n\}, then A=o(2n)|\mathcal{A}| = o(2^n). Here, we give a short proof of Frankl's conjecture using a 'sharp threshold' result of Friedgut and Kalai.Comment: 7 pages, typo corrected in description of 'tree' construction in Section 3. Proc. Amer. Math. So

    Higher twists in polarized DIS and the size of the constituent quark

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    The spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry implies the presence of a short-distance scale in the QCD vacuum, which phenomenologically may be associated with the "size" of the constituent quark, rho ~ 0.3 fm. We discuss the role of this scale in the matrix elements of the twist-4 and 3 quark-gluon operators determining the leading power (1/Q^2-) corrections to the moments of the nucleon spin structure functions. We argue that the flavor-nonsinglet twist-4 matrix element, f_2^{u - d}, has a sizable negative value of the order rho^{-2}, due to the presence of sea quarks with virtualities ~ rho^{-2} in the proton wave function. The twist-3 matrix element, d_2, is not related to the scale rho^{-2}. Our arguments support the results of previous calculations of the matrix elements in the instanton vacuum model. We show that this qualitative picture is in agreement with the phenomenological higher-twist correction extracted from an NLO QCD fit to the world data on g_1^p and g_1^n, which include recent data from the Jefferson Lab Hall A and COMPASS experiments. We comment on the implications of the short-distance scale rho for quark-hadron duality and the x-dependence of higher-twist contributions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Time-Dependent Vacuum Energy Induced by D-Particle Recoil

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    We consider cosmology in the framework of a `material reference system' of D particles, including the effects of quantum recoil induced by closed-string probe particles. We find a time-dependent contribution to the cosmological vacuum energy, which relaxes to zero as 1/t2\sim 1/ t^2 for large times tt. If this energy density is dominant, the Universe expands with a scale factor R(t)t2R(t) \sim t^2. We show that this possibility is compatible with recent observational constraints from high-redshift supernovae, and may also respect other phenomenological bounds on time variation in the vacuum energy imposed by early cosmology.Comment: 14 pages LATEX, no figure

    Exploring positive adjustment in people with spinal cord injury.

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    This study explored adjustment in people with spinal cord injury; data from four focus groups are presented. Thematic analysis revealed four themes, managing goals and expectations, comparison with others, feeling useful and acceptance, showing participants positively engaged in life, positively interpreted social comparison information and set realistic goals and expectations. These positive strategies show support for adjustment theories, such as the Cognitive Adaptation Theory, the Control Process Theory and Response Shift Theory. These results also provide insight into the adjustment process of a person with spinal cord injury and may be useful in tailoring support during rehabilitation