6,479 research outputs found

    The labial gene is required to terminate proliferation of identified neuroblasts in postembryonic development of the Drosophila brain

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    The developing brain of Drosophila has become a useful model for studying the molecular genetic mechanisms that give rise to the complex neuronal arrays that characterize higher brains in other animals including mammals. Brain development in Drosophila begins during embryogenesis and continues during a subsequent postembryonic phase. During embryogenesis, the Hox gene labial is expressed in the developing tritocerebrum, and labial loss-of-function has been shown to be associated with a loss of regional neuronal identity and severe patterning defects in this part of the brain. However nothing is known about the expression and function of labial, or any other Hox gene, during the postembryonic phase of brain development, when the majority of the neurons in the adult brain are generated. Here we report the first analysis of Hox gene action during postembryonic brain development in Drosophila. We show that labial is initially expressed in six larval brain neuroblasts, of which only four give rise to the labial expressing neuroblast lineages present in the late larval brain. Although MARCM-based clonal mutation of labial in these four neuroblast lineages does not result in an obvious phenotype, a striking and unexpected effect of clonal labial loss-of-function does occur during postembryonic brain development, namely the formation of two ectopic neuroblast lineages that are not present in wild-type brains. The same two ectopic neuroblast lineages are also observed following cell death blockage and, significantly, in this case the resulting ectopic lineages are Labial-positive. These findings imply that labial is required in two specific neuroblast lineages of the wildtype brain for the appropriate termination of proliferation through programmed cell death. Our analysis of labial function reveals a novel cell autonomous role of this Hox gene in shaping the lineage architecture of the brain during postembryonic development

    Measuring gender norms about relationships in early adolescence : results from the global early adolescent study

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    Introduction: Gender norms are increasingly recognized as drivers of health and wellbeing. While early adolescence constitutes a critical window of development, there is limited understanding about how adolescents perceive gender relations across different cultural settings. This study used a mixed-method approach, grounded in the voices of young people around the world, to construct and test a cross-cultural scale assessing the perceptions of gender norms regulating romantic relationships between boys and girls in early adolescence. Methods: The study draws on the Global Early Adolescent study (GEAS), a study focusing on gender norms and health related outcomes over the course of adolescence in urban poor settings worldwide. In-depth interviews were first conducted among approximately 200 adolescents between 10-14 years in seven sites across 4 continents to identify common scripts guiding romantic relations in early adolescence. These scripts were then transformed into a multidimensional scale. The scale was tested among 120 adolescents in each of 14 GEAS sites, followed by a second pilot among 75 adolescents in six sites. We evaluated the psychometric criteria of each subscale using principal component analysis, and parallel analysis, followed by exploratory factor analysis to guide the selection of a more parsimonious set of items. Results: Results suggested a two-factor structure, consisting of an "adolescent romantic expectations" subscale and a "Sexual Double Standard" subscale. Both subscales yielded high internal validity in each site, with polychoric Cronbach alpha values above 0.70 with the exception of Kinshasa for the adolescent romantic expectations scale (0.64) and Hanoi for the sexual double standard scale (0.61). Conclusion: This study reveals common perceptions of gendered norms about romantic engagement in early adolescence, normative for both sexes, but socially valued for boys while devaluated for girls. The findings illustrate that social hierarchies of power in romantic relationships form early in adolescence, regardless of cultural setting

    Women Abuse Screening Tool: A Validation Study on Nigerian Pregnant Women

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    Domestic violence is identified across the globe as a menace as it poses a threat to the mental health of its victims, the significant others of the victim and the security of a nation at large. In some cases, the victim of domestic violence is a pregnant woman and harm is caused not only to a woman but her fetus also and this calls for urgent psychological assessment and intervention. Although there is no doubt that psychological tests are effective in the assessment of domestic violence, using the psychometric properties obtained from a different population may produce generate inaccurate findings. This paper therefore attempts the validation study of Women Abuse Screening Tool (WAST) using a sample of 379 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at the State Specialist Hospital, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. The study derived a Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability of 0.758, p \u3c.05 and a Guttman split-half coefficient of 0.683, p \u3c.05. Furthermore, concurrent validity of Women Abuse Screening Tool (WAST) and Ongoing Abuse Screen (OAS) was established as 0.29, p\u3c.05. The norms of the instrument were given as 2.38 for tolerable level of domestic violence and 5.79 for severe and pathological level of domestic violence. Authors conclude that Women Abuse Screening Tool has acceptable psychometric properties to justify its usage for the assessment of level of domestic violence among pregnant women in Nigeria and other nations with similar socio-cultural backgrounds

    Laboratory and numerical experimentation for masonry in compression

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    In this paper, the initial part of a laboratory and numerical experimental campaign dedicated to historical masonry is described. One leaf masonry panels with regular texture are built in order to simulate a historical material characterised by strong resisting elements and weak mortar joints. Laboratory tests are first dedicated to masonry components and then to the behaviour in compression of masonry panels, which is applied both orthogonal and parallel to bed joints, in order to highlight the orthotropic behaviour of the material. First of all, the mechanical parameters of masonry constituents are calibrated and then a heterogeneous finite element model is introduced and calibrated for reproducing the orthotropic behaviour of masonry, together with the initial elastic response and the initial nonlinear behaviour due to the first level of damage

    Progress From Selection of Some Maize Cultivars' Response to Drought in the Derived Savanna of Nigeria

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    Field experiments were conducted to investigate the variations in sixteen maize genotypes in relation to drought tolerance. The experimental set up was subjected to drought stress after five weeks of planting for three weeks before data on morphological and yield characters of maize genotypes were [DBO1] obtained for three cropping years. Plant height and grain yield of Bodija yellow maize were the highest overall. There was a significant difference among genotypes for drought stress resistance and Bodija yellow maize showed the most tolerance, while TZBR Comp 1 – C1 S2 510 genotype was the least. First principal component axis (Prin 1) had the highest contribution to the variation of the morphological, yield and drought tolerance traits. Prin 1 was highly related to the morphological and yield characters more than to the drought resistance. [U2] Plant height was negatively and strongly correlated (p<0.01) with stem height, number of leaves, stem girth, leaf length, leaf width and week after planting, but negatively correlated with the drought resistance. Therefore, Bodija yellow maize should be considered as parent material in breeding for the development of drought tolerant traits in maize

    Determinants of Contraceptive Options among Postpartum Women Attending Selected Health Care Facilities in Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Introduction: Differences in availability and choices of contraceptive methods among postpartum women have been found to influence their quality of life as the fertility rate is very high, and the contraceptive usage rate persistently remains low in Nigeria. Objectives: This study assessed the determinants of contraceptive options among postpartum women in Nigeria. Methods: Two Local Governments were randomly selected from the four Local Governments. Within these two local governments, five health facilities were selected. A multistage sampling technique was used to select the 240 respondents, while a structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Results: Findings from the study indicated that 81.7% of the respondents have planned to have their current baby, and about 65.4% of the women have resumed sexual activities since delivery. Of those who have resumed sexual activities, the majority, 91.1% did so 6 weeks after delivery. Some form of contraceptive usage was prominent among 59.2% of the respondents, as the most common contraceptive method used was withdrawal (24.8%). Contraceptive prevalence was slightly lower for urban respondents than rural respondents, although the relationship was not significant. Also, there was a statistically significant relationship between the current use of contraceptives and resumption of sexual activities since delivery (p = .001), resumption of menstruation (p = .001), and information received about postpartum family planning (p = 0.013). Conclusion: Findings from this study emphasize the urgent need for enhanced accessibility and availability of contraceptive methods, with a parallel emphasis on targeted interventions and effective communication strategies to promote contraceptive uptake and family planning. Addressing these determinants is vital in improving postpartum women's overall quality of life in the study area

    Active tuberculosis among adult HIV-infected patients accessing antiretroviral therapy in a tertiary health facility in Lafia, northcentral Nigeria

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    Background: Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) co-infection is a major problem in Nigeria and other countries that are ravaged by a high burden of both diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the risk of developing active tuberculosis (TB) among people living with HIV is 16-27 times that of HIV negative persons. Although antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces the risk of developing TB, there are factors which predispose those on ART to TB. This study sought to determine the prevalence of TB among adults on ART in our facility and identify the predisposing factors. Methodology: This was a retrospective study utilizing data from clinical records (folders and electronic) of adult HIV patients who are accessing ART in our facility and have been on ART for at least 6 months. A proforma was used to collect data including demographic, clinical, ART and laboratory information of the patients. The data were entered into SPSS version 23 and analyzed using descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis. Associations were tested using Chi square with 95% confidence level. Results: A total of 457 patients were studied, aged 18-69 years (mean age 38.3± 10 years), and 72.4% females. Majority were married (81%), unemployed (53.8%), had mean baseline CD4 cell count of 267.4 ± 185 cells/mm3 and a mean duration on ART of 100.9± 39 months. Seventeen point three percent of the patients had a previous history of TB before or within 6 months of commencement of ART. Thirteen (2.8%) of the patients had active TB while on ART. Majority of those who had active TB were females (76.9%), married (76.9%), unemployed (46%), had no previous history of TB (53.8%), baseline CD4 cell count of ≤ 350 cells/mm3 and were on first line ART medication. There was however no significant statistical association of active TB with any of these factors. Conclusion: Few patients had active TB while on ART in this study. The high frequency of TB in those who had low baseline CD4 cell count and baseline WHO stage shows the importance of early initiation of ART in people living with HIV (PLHIV). There is need for regular screening of PLHIV for TB and innovative approaches to get people with HIV to know their TB status as well as early commencement of ART. Keywords: Human immunodeficiency virus, Active Tuberculosis, Antiretroviral therapy

    Competency-based Learning: The effectiveness of targeted resident education and clinical auditing feedback on completed death certificate accuracy rates

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    Background: Death certification is an integral part of physician practice, yet common errors are being encountered from this vital source of health information. Most medical training programs lack formal curricula for this important skill. Accurate information from DC will help in improve our mortality data which can be use public health purposesObjectives: This study evaluated the effect of a multifaceted educational intervention on accuracy of completing death certification in a tertiary-based paediatric residency programMethod: A pre-post intervention and control cohort study over 12- month period to assess the effect of our multifaceted intervention accuracy rate of completed DC was conducted. The intervention consisted of a 3-part program (distribution of educational material, presentation by a skilled instructor, skills workshop, and clinical mortality/auditing feedback sessions). Primary outcome was the difference in scores preand post-intervention and also the rate of accuracy on the MAHI death certificate scoring system.Results: The mean score before the intervention was 6.8±2.7 and 7.1±2.3 in both the intervention and control cohorts respectively. The mean score after the intervention was 16.3±2.5 and 7.3±2.8 in both the intervention and control cohorts respectively indicating an increase in scores. The mean difference in pre- and post-tutorial scores was significant (t=20.39, p=0.0001).Conclusions: We found that using a multifaceted educational intervention to train junior physicians on how to correctly complete a DC was effective in a residency-based pediatric programKeywords: Death certificate, medical education, multifaceted training, heath information, Nigeria

    Artists on the edge of the world : An integrated approach to the study of Magdalenian engraved stone plaquettes from Jersey (Channel Islands)

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    The Upper Palaeolithic is characterised by the appearance of iconographic expressions most often depicting animals, including anthropomorphic forms, and geometric signs. The Late Upper Palaeolithic Magdalenian saw a flourishing of such depictions, encompassing cave art, engraving of stone, bone and antler blanks and decoration of tools and weapons. Though Magdalenian settlement exists as far northwest as Britain, there is a limited range of art known from this region, possibly associated with only fleeting occupation of Britain during this period. Stone plaquettes, flat fragments of stone engraved on at least one surface, have been found in large quantities at numerous sites spanning the temporal and geographical spread of the Magdalenian, but they have been absent so far from the archaeological record of the British Isles. Between 2015 and 2018, ten fragments of stone plaquettes extensively engraved with abstract designs were uncovered at the Magdalenian site of Les Varines, Jersey, Channel Islands. In this paper, we report detailed analyses of these finds, which provide new evidence for technologies of abstract mark-making, and their significance within the lives of people on the edge of the Magdalenian world. These engraved stone fragments represent important, rare evidence of artistic expression in what is the far northern and western range of the Magdalenian and add new insight to the wider significance of dynamic practices of artistic expression during the Upper Palaeolithic

    Meseron Therapy and Christian Counselling: A Synergy

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    Christian Counselling (CC) is the practice of talking with individuals, couples, and families to increase their understanding of emotional and religious conflicts and to help resolve problems using Christian religious injunctions and other related resources.  Meseron Therapy (MT) was developed in accordance with the Nigerian belief in the power, potency and meaning of spoken words and its consequences. MT entails rejecting negativities and accepting the positives, with the techniques of MT reflecting a cognitive orientation. MT and CC approaches have several common grounds. The basic assumptions of MT such as the power of the spoken words to sensitize action, the ignition of man’s inherent potential for change, replacement of a negative status quo with constructive actions and the view of man as a striving creature all have Biblical support. Also, MT’s views on human nature and the causes of psychological disturbance agree with Christian teachings and beliefs. Application of Meseron therapeutic techniques and procedures to CC can be done by using Biblical teachings to enable clients sustain good health, encouraging the good use of endowments, assisting client in mental restructuring through motivation to strive, building and encouraging possibility thinking, enabling the clients to reject distractions from goal accomplishments and getting clients to say it right and synergize their thoughts, words and actions. Keywords:  Christian Counselling, Meseron Therapy, Synergy. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-8-03 Publication date: April 30th 202
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