119 research outputs found

    Demonstration of a transnational cooperation for harmonized chlorophyll a monitoring in the North East Atlantic Ocean

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    Comunicación presentada al EUROGOOS 2023, Galway, Ireland 3-5 October 2023The concentration of chlorophyll a (Chla), a proxy for phytoplankton biomass, is used as indicator for several criteria of three Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) descriptors (D1C6, the biodiversity of pelagic habitats; D4, food webs; and D5, eutrophication). Satellite Earth observation utilises algorithms that link the satellite observations of waterleaving radiance and the in-water Chla. Among the main sources of variability around this regression to define algorithms are the uncertainties in the in situ measurements due to the lack of consistency in the approaches employed in monitoring programs and research cruises. For example, global analyses based on measurements of Chla by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), considered the reference technique for Chla, are usually derived from studies of independent investigators, so methodological differences between laboratories can introduce significant uncertainties. In addition, since HPLC is a relatively expensive and expertise-demanding technique, Chla concentration have been customarily determined in long-term oceanographic time-series programs by alternative techniques, such as spectrofluorometry (e.g., in RADIALES (Spain)) and fluorometry (e.g., in Plymouth Station L4, Western Channel Observatory (UK)). However, the agreement in the results obtained with these techniques has only been compared in a few ancient studies. The cooperation among Member States required by the MSFD for methodological harmonization has triggered a transnational collaboration involving some partners of the Interreg Atlantic Area project iFADO (Innovation in the framework of the Atlantic deep ocean) for a joint monitorization of Chla in the North East Atlantic Ocean (NEA) region. In situ data have been obtained in 21 research cruises and sampling sites, from coastal to offshore environments, by using standardized sampling and analytical methods. We will report on the results obtained from this operational demonstration and how this collaborative transnational initiative allowed us: i) to intercalibrate the methods currently used for the analysis of discrete samples (HPLC, spectrofluorometry, fluorometry) and assess them in terms of accuracy, costs and effectiveness; ii) to calibrate continuous measurements obtained with optical sensors and remote sensing results with HPLC data; iv) to extend in situ observations temporally and spatially through remote sensing for MSFD assessments; iii) to contribute to the integration of data of different accuracy, spatial scale and resolution in databases and to their dissemination in data hubs according to FAIR principles. This work will provide detailed guidelines for in situ sampling, analysis, and data quality control for Chla monitoring and will contribute harmonized data for the next MSFD assessment cycles for the target descriptors

    Programa de Monitorização dos Ecossistemas Terrestre e Estuarino na Envolvente à CTRSU de S. João da Talha

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    A monitorização ambiental desempenha um papel fundamental no contexto da avaliação de impacto ambiental, permitindo acompanhar a evolução dos ecossistemas e inventariar e descrever as possíveis alterações decorrentes da implementação do projecto. A monitorização biológica dos ecossistemas terrestre e estuarino da envolvente à CTRSU teve como objectivo, no seu primeiro ano de trabalho, a criação de uma situação de referência que permitisse a comparação com os dados a obter nos anos seguintes e já durante a fase de exploração do empreendimento. Neste contexto procurou-se estabelecer o programa de recolha de dados que melhor permitisse equacionar os efeitos sobre o ecossistema em vários descritores que vêm sendo avaliados desde 1998: flora epífita, flora vascular e aves (ambiente terrestre); fitoplâncton, zooplâncton, algas macrófitas, vegetação halófita, macroinvertebrados e ictiofauna (ambiente estuarino). No presente trabalho apenas serão apresentados os resultados de um número reduzido de componentes (flora epifítica, aves, fitoplâncton, zooplâncton, macroinvertebrados e ictiofauna).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório técnico sobre o Programa de Monitorização dos Ecossistemas Terrestre e Estuarino na Envolvente à CTRSU de S. João da Talha

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    A monitorização ambiental desempenha um papel fundamental no contexto da avaliação de impacto ambiental, permitindo acompanhar a evolução dos ecossistemas e inventariar e descrever as possíveis alterações decorrentes da implementação do projecto. A monitorização biológica dos ecossistemas terrestre e estuarino da envolvente à CTRSU teve como objectivo, no seu primeiro ano de trabalho, a criação de uma situação de referência que permitisse a comparação com os dados a obter nos anos seguintes e já durante a fase de exploração do empreendimento. Neste contexto procurou-se estabelecer o programa de recolha de dados que melhor permitisse equacionar os efeitos sobre o ecossistema em vários descritores que vêm sendo avaliados desde 1998: flora epífita, flora vascular e aves (ambiente terrestre); fitoplâncton, zooplâncton, algas macrófitas, vegetação halófita, macroinvertebrados e ictiofauna (ambiente estuarino). No presente trabalho apenas serão apresentados os resultados de um número reduzido de componentes (flora epifítica, aves, fitoplâncton, zooplâncton, macroinvertebrados e ictiofauna).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Changes in phytoplankton communities along the Northern Antarctic Peninsula: Causes, impacts and research priorities

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    The Northern Antarctic Peninsula (NAP), located in West Antarctica, is amongst the most impacted regions by recent warming events. Its vulnerability to climate change has already led to an accumulation of severe changes along its ecosystems. This work reviews the current findings on impacts observed in phytoplankton communities occurring in the NAP, with a focus on its causes, consequences, and the potential research priorities toward an integrated comprehension of the physical–biological coupling and climate perspective. Evident changes in phytoplankton biomass, community composition and size structure, as well as potential bottom-up impacts to the ecosystem are discussed. Surface wind, sea ice and meltwater dynamics, as key drivers of the upper layer structure, are identified as the leading factors shaping phytoplankton. Short- and long-term scenarios are suggested for phytoplankton communities in the NAP, both indicating a future increase of the importance of small flagellates at the expense of diatoms, with potential devastating impacts for the ecosystem. Five main research gaps in the current understanding of the phytoplankton response to climate change in the region are identified: (i) anthropogenic signal has yet to be disentangled from natural climate variability; (ii) the influence of small-scale ocean circulation processes on phytoplankton is poorly understood; (iii) the potential consequences to regional food webs must be clarified; (iv) the magnitude and risk of potential changes in phytoplankton composition is relatively unknown; and (v) a better understanding of phytoplankton physiological responses to changes in the environmental conditions is required. Future research directions, along with specific suggestions on how to follow them, are equally suggested. Overall, while the current knowledge has shed light on the response of phytoplankton to climate change, in order to truly comprehend and predict changes in phytoplankton communities, there must be a robust collaboration effort integrating both Antarctic research programs and the whole scientific community under a common research framework

    Assessing phytoplankton community composition in the Atlantic Ocean from in situ and satellite observations

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    The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) program (www.amt-uk.org) provides the perfect opportunity to observe the phytoplankton community size structure over a long latitudinal transect 50oN to 50oS, thereby covering the most important latitude-related basin-scale environmental gradients of the Atlantic Ocean. This work presents cell abundance data of phytoplankton taxa recently collected during cruises AMT28 and 29 (in 2018 and 2019, respectively) using flow cytometer and microscope observations, as well as the pigment composition of the community, to assess the abundance and spatial distribution of taxonomic groups across the Atlantic. The community size structure showed a clear consistency between cruises at large spatial scale, with a dominance of picoplanktonic Cyanobacteria in oceanic gyres, an increase in all groups in the equatorial upwelling region, and high biomass of microplankton size class at higher latitudes. Phytoplankton carbon biomass for oceanographic provinces, ranged from median values of 10 to 47 mg Carbon m-3, for the oligotrophic gyres, and South Atlantic (45°S-50oS), respectively. Satellite images of total chlorophyll a (as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass) as well as the relative contribution of the three phytoplankton size classes were produced for both cruises, and despite the small number of matchups, statistically agreed well with in situ size classes estimated as carbon biomass, constituting the first attempt in the literature to match satellite size classes with in situ data derived from cell abundance. The comparison of community structure between recent cruises (2019, 2018, 2015) and earlier ones (1995-1998) indicates a decrease in the number of diatom-bloom forming species, and an increase in Dinoflagellates, whereas nitrogen-fixing Trichodesmium abundance in tropical Atlantic remains constant. Within the recent period, a relative increase in the median values of picoplankton fraction was seen in SATL region, counterbalanced by a decrease in both nano- and microplankton fractions. Additionally, this study includes a database of species identified by microscopy, which had been interrupted for 20 years, providing a basis for long-term series of phytoplankton species

    CoastColour Round Robin datasets: A data base to evaluate the performance of algorithms for the retrieval of water quality parameters in coastal waters

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    The use of in situ measurements is essential in the validation and evaluation of the algorithms that provide coastal water quality data products from ocean colour satellite remote sensing. Over the past decade, various types of ocean colour algorithms have been developed to deal with the optical complexity of coastal waters. Yet there is a lack of a comprehensive intercomparison due to the availability of quality checked in situ databases. The CoastColour Round Robin (CCRR) project, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), was designed to bring together three reference data sets using these to test algorithms and to assess their accuracy for retrieving water quality parameters. This paper provides a detailed description of these reference data sets, which include the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) level 2 match-ups, in situ reflectance measurements, and synthetic data generated by a radiative transfer model (HydroLight). These data sets, representing mainly coastal waters, are available from doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.841950. The data sets mainly consist of 6484 marine reflectance (either multispectral or hyperspectral) associated with various geometrical (sensor viewing and solar angles) and sky conditions and water constituents: total suspended matter (TSM) and chlorophyll a (CHL) concentrations, and the absorption of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Inherent optical properties are also provided in the simulated data sets (5000 simulations) and from 3054 match-up locations. The distributions of reflectance at selected MERIS bands and band ratios, CHL and TSM as a function of reflectance, from the three data sets are compared. Match-up and in situ sites where deviations occur are identified. The distributions of the three reflectance data sets are also compared to the simulated and in situ reflectances used previously by the International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG, 2006) for algorithm testing, showing a clear extension of the CCRR data which covers more turbid waters.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    Satellite Ocean Colour: Current Status and Future Perspective

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    Spectrally resolved water-leaving radiances (ocean colour) and inferred chlorophyll concentration are key to studying phytoplankton dynamics at seasonal and interannual scales, for a better understanding of the role of phytoplankton in marine biogeochemistry; the global carbon cycle; and the response of marine ecosystems to climate variability, change and feedback processes. Ocean colour data also have a critical role in operational observation systems monitoring coastal eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and sediment plumes. The contiguous ocean-colour record reached 21 years in 2018; however, it is comprised of a number of one-off missions such that creating a consistent time-series of ocean-colour data requires merging of the individual sensors (including MERIS, Aqua-MODIS, SeaWiFS, VIIRS, and OLCI) with differing sensor characteristics, without introducing artefacts. By contrast, the next decade will see consistent observations from operational ocean colour series with sensors of similar design and with a replacement strategy. Also, by 2029 the record will start to be of sufficient duration to discriminate climate change impacts from natural variability, at least in some regions. This paper describes the current status and future prospects in the field of ocean colour focusing on large to medium resolution observations of oceans and coastal seas. It reviews the user requirements in terms of products and uncertainty characteristics and then describes features of current and future satellite ocean-colour sensors, both operational and innovative. The key role of in situ validation and calibration is highlighted as are ground segments that process the data received from the ocean-colour sensors and deliver analysis-ready products to end-users. Example applications of the ocean-colour data are presented, focusing on the climate data record and operational applications including water quality and assimilation into numerical models. Current capacity building and training activities pertinent to ocean colour are described and finally a summary of future perspectives is provided