3,152 research outputs found

    Peramalan Penjualan di PT. Gold Coin Indonesia - Medan Mill

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    PT. Gold Coin Indonesia - Medan Mill, merupak:an salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalarn bidang pembuatan pak:an temak:. Setiap tahunnya PT. Gold Coin Indonesia - Medan Mill menghasilkan 240.000 ton pak:an temak sebagai produk utama dan pakan khusus.dengan jumlah produk tersebut, maka dilakukan peramalan penjualan. Perarnalan penjualan perlu dilakukan untuk memperkirakan kebutuhan persediaan di masa mendatang. Hasil peramalan penjualan tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu agar perencanaan pemesanan persediaan oleh perusahaan mencapai keadaan optimal. Keadaan optimal tersebut akan tercapai jika total biaya pemesanan, biaya penyimpanan, dan biaya kehabisan barang nilainya minimal. Perarnalan adalah merupak:an suatu metode untuk mengestimasi kebutuhan pada masa yang ak:an datang yang didasarkan pada yang masa yang lalu.Peramalan permintaan ak:an produk dan jasa di wak:tu mendatang dan bagianbagiannya adalah sangat penting dalarn perencanaan dan pengawasan produksi. Dilihat dari grafik data penjualan selarna 4 tahun, mak:a metoda perarnalan yang cocok digunakan adalan metoda siklis (musiman) dan konstan yang juga merupakan metoda dalam pemecahan masalah. Perhitungan perarnalan dengan metode siklis dan konstan dilak:ukan perhitungan nilai Standar Error Estimate (SEE). Penentuan peramalan penjualan dengan metode yang tepat ditentukan berdasarkan nilai Standar Error Estimate (SEE) terkecil dalarn peramalan. Rekapitulasi perhitungan Standar Error Estimate (SEE) menunjukkan metode siklis (Musiman) memiliki nilai kesalahan terkecil dibandingkan dengan metode konstan yakni Standar Error Estimate (SEE) adalah 772.6. Jumlah penjualan tahun 2008 adalah 78438 ton, dibandingkan dengan peramalan penjualan tahun 2009 yakni 78544,8 ton, tidak: jauh berbeda hal ini metoda siklis untuk peramalan penjualan di PT.Gold Coin Indonesia-Medan Mill cocok digunakan. Dibandingkan kapasitas mesin produksi dengan jumlah penjualan sangat berbeda diamana PT. Gold Coin Indonesia-Medan Mill mampu memproduksi 240000 ton setiap tahunnya, hal ini dipengaruhi pangsa pasar yang belum semakin meluas

    Pemberdayaan dan Kegiatan Petani Multikomoditi di Pedesaan Propinsi Maluku: suatu Kajian Ekonomi Rumahtangga

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    This study aim to evaluate succession implementing the multicommodity farmers empowering programand to analysis, the impact of external factors change toward farmer's decision. The farmer's activity analyzedwith simultaneous econometrics equation approach in the household economic model. Result of the studynamely implementing of the empowering program only success technically, but not success increase thefarmer's welfare. Utilize and allocation of the labor, agricultural product and farmers disposible income haveincreased caused by increase of the commodity prices, wages and non agricultural income. The farmers shouldincrease the activity motivation and to utilize the effort opportunity available. Program owner need toimprovement the performance in implemented theirs program, in order always orientation to autonomy thefarmers

    Influence of Cultural Organization and Leadership on the Performance of Employees Mediated Job Satisfaction on District Health Department Mimika Papua

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    Cultural organizations have become the talk very interesting and very important in today's era. Not just in depth but in order to make changes continuously, making the competitive advantage and the ability to survive in an era of constantly changing. If an organization is not treated culture then the organization can certainly run into problems which ultimately affect the sustainability of the organization. Organizational culture becomes a key element of the changes that will be a huge impact for the working system of the organization. The purpose of this study is; (1) To examine and analyze organization with cultural influence, directly or indirectly through job satisfaction on the performance of employees at the Department of Health Government of Mimika District of Papua Province (2) To examine and analyze the effect leadership directly or indirectly through job satisfaction on the performance of employees at the Department of Health Government of Mimika District of Papua Province. (3) To examine and analyze the effect job satisfaction on the performance of employees at the Department of Health Government of Mimika District of Papua Province. Unit sample in this study were clerks in Mimika District Health Office. Respondents amounted to 259 employees, were taken using the convenient sampling method. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of the program Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). The results showed that. The results showed that organizational culture and positive significant influence on employee performance both directly and indirectly through job satisfaction. It shows that when organizations are paying attention and make improvements to the organization's culture will directly be able to increase job satisfaction and indirectly affect employee performance. Leadership and positive significant effect on employee performance, both directly and indirectly through job satisfaction. It shows that the improvement of leadership in the organization will directly improve the performance of employees or indirectly through job satisfaction. Job satisfaction had positive significant influence on employee performance. This means that increasing employee satisfaction will be able to improve employee performance

    Subclasses of harmonic mappings defined by convolution

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    AbstractTwo new subclasses of harmonic univalent functions defined by convolution are introduced. The subclasses generate a number of known subclasses of harmonic mappings, and thus provide a unified treatment in the study of these subclasses. Sufficient coefficient conditions are obtained that are shown to be also necessary when the analytic parts of the harmonic functions have negative coefficients. Growth estimates and extreme points are also determined

    Subclasses Of Multivalent Harmonic Mappings Defined By Convolution.

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    Harmonic mappings have been recently investigated from the perspective of geometric function theory. These mappings are important in the study of minimal surfaces. Although harmonic mappings need not be analytic, they have been studied as generalizations of conformal mappings. The seminal works of Clunie and Sheil-Small [4] and Sheil-Small [B] showed that while certain classical results for conformal mappings have analogues for harmonic mappings, many other basic questions remain unsolved

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Jahe dan Kunyit Instan Pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Lasiana-Kota Kupang

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    Abstract This activity is intended to provide understanding and skills to the community in Lasiana Subdistrict, at Kupang City, on how to use house yard land to provide added value for family needs. This activity focuses on two types of plants, ginger and turmeric. How to grow a good ginger and turmeric, and maintain it. Giving added value to these two types of plants by processing them into ready-to-eat (instant) ginger and turmeric. The method used in this activity is interactive lectures and training (practice). Entrepreneurship and marketing of home industry products is also provided as additional knowledge. The participants are able to have skills in processing ginger and turmeric, into instant ginger and turmeric, which can be seen by their ability to make these products. The interest and knowledge of the participants in entrepreneurship must be followed up on the next activity. Keywords: ginger, turmeric, home yard use, added value, home industry Abstrak Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi pemahaman dan juga memberi ketrampilan pada masyarakat Kelurahan Lasiana di Kota Kupang, tentang bagaimana memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan untuk memberi nilai tambah bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan keluarga. Pada Kegiatan ini lebih di fokuskan pada dua jenis tanaman yaitu jahe dan kunyit. Bagaimana cara menanam jahe dan kunyit yang baik, dan memeliharanya. Pemberian nilai tambah pada kedua jenis tanaman ini, dengan mengolahnya menjadi jahe dan kunyit instan siap saji. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah ceramah interaktif dan pelatihan (praktek) pembuatannya. Tambahan pengetahuan mengenai kewirausahaan dan pemasaran produk industri rumah tangga, juga diberikan sebagai materi tambahan dalam kegiatan ini. Peserta kegiatan mampu menguasai dengan baik ketrampilan dalam mengolah jahe dan kunyit, menjadi jahe dan kunyit instan. Hal ini terlihat dengan mampunya mereka dalam membuat produk ini. Ketertarikan dan pengetahuan peserta kegiatan ini pada kewirausahaan merupakan suatu yang mengembirakan dan harus ditindaklanjuti pada kegiatan berikutnya. Kata Kunci: Jahe, kunyit, pemanfaatan pekarangan, nilai tambah, industri rumah tangga &nbsp

    Analisis Risiko Implementasi Digital Gold Pada Transaksi Emas Retail

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    Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi PT XYZ Tbk., perusahaan pertambangan yang juga memasarkan produk logam mulia seperti emas dan perak. Metode penelitian kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dan mengukur risiko dengan rumus R = P × D. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa risiko meliputi kesalahan input data oleh konsumen, kesalahan input oleh Customer Service, dan risiko hilangnya barang saat pengiriman oleh pihak ketiga. Perusahaan berkomitmen untuk mendigitalisasi proses penjualan emas dengan implementasi "Digital Gold," namun mereka juga harus memitigasi risiko yang mungkin muncul seiring dengan digitalisasi, terutama terkait dengan keamanan data dan layanan online. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan berharga dalam mengelola risiko transaksi online dalam bisnis penjualan emas retail dan menyoroti pentingnya keamanan data dalam lingkungan bisnis yang semakin digital

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Dextran Extension by Constant Force in Single Molecule AFM

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    AbstractThe extension of 1–6 polysaccharides has been studied in a series of recent single molecule AFM experiments. For dextran, a key finding was the existence of a plateau in the force-extension curve at forces between 700 and 1000pN. We studied the extension of the dextran 10-mer under constant force using atomistic simulation with various force fields. All the force fields reproduce the experimental plateau on the force-extension curve. With AMBER94 and AMBER-GLYCAM04 force fields the plateau can be explained by a transition of the glucopyranose rings in the dextran monomers from the chair (4C1) to the inverted chair (1C4) conformation while other processes occur at smaller (rotation around C5-C6 bond) or higher (chairs to boat transitions) forces. The CHARMM force field provides a different picture which associates the occurrence of the plateau to chair-boat transitions of the glucopyranose rings

    In situ spectroellipsometric study of the nucleation and growth of amorphous silicon

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    A detailed in situ spectroellipsometric analysis of the nucleation and growth of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a:Si:H) is presented. Photoelectronic quality a‐Si:H films are deposited by plasma‐enhanced chemical vapor deposition on smooth metal (NiCr alloy) and crystalline silicon (c‐Si) substrates. The deposition of a‐Si:H is analyzed from the first monolayer up to a final thickness of 1.2 μm. In order to perform an improved analysis, real time ellipsometric trajectories are recorded, using fixed preparation conditions, at various photon energies ranging from 2.2 to 3.6 eV. The advantage of using such a spectroscopic experimental procedure is underlined. New insights into the nucleation and growth mechanisms of a‐Si:H are obtained. The nucleation mechanism on metal and c‐Si substrates is very accurately described assuming a columnar microstructural development during the early stage of the growth. Then, as a consequence of the incomplete coalescence of the initial nuclei, a surface roughness at the 10-15 Å scale is identified during the further growth of a‐Si:H on both substrates. The bulk a‐Si:H grows homogeneously beneath the surface roughness. Finally, an increase of the surface roughness is evidenced during the long term growth of a‐Si:H. However, the nature of the substrate influenced the film growth. In particular, the film thickness involved in the nucleation‐coalescence phase is found lower in the case of c‐Si (67±8 Å) as compared to NiCr (118±22 Å). Likewise films deposited on c‐Si present a smaller surface roughness even if thick samples are considered (>1 μm). More generally, the present study illustrates the capability of in situ spectroellipsometry to precisely analyze fundamental processes in thin‐film growth, but also to monitor the preparation of complex structures on a few monolayers scale