438 research outputs found

    The once and future information society

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    In the late twentieth century, many social scientists and other social commentators came to characterize the world as evolving into an “information society.” Central to these claims was the notion that new social uses of information, and particularly application of scientific knowledge, are transforming social life in fundamental ways. Among the supposed transformations are the rise of intellectuals in social importance, growing productivity and prosperity stemming from increasingly knowledge-based economic activity, and replacement of political conflict by authoritative, knowledge-based decision-making. We trace these ideas to their origins in the Enlightenment doctrines of Saint Simon and Comte, show that empirical support for them has never been strong, and consider the durability of their social appeal

    A hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis case with newly defined UNC13D (C.175G>C; p.Ala59Pro) mutation and a rare complication

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    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) represents a severe hyperinflammatory condition with cardinal symptoms of prolonged fever, cytopenias, hepatosplenomegaly, and hemophagocytosis by activated, morphologically benign macrophages with impaired function of natural killer cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. A 2-month-old girl, who was admitted with fever, was diagnosed with HLH and her genetic examination revealed a newly defined mutation in the UNC13D (c.175G>C; p.Ala59Pro) gene. She was treated with dexamethasone, etoposide, and intrathecal methotrexate. During the second week of treatment, after three doses of etoposide, it was noticed that there was a necrotic plaque lesion on the soft palate. Pathologic examination of debrided material in PAS and Grocott staining revealed lots of septated hyphae, which was consistent with aspergillosis infection. Etoposide was stopped and amphotericin B treatment was given for six weeks. HLH 2004 protocol was completed to eight weeks with cyclosporine A orally. There was no patient with invasive aspergillosis infection as severe as causing palate and nasal septum perforation during HLH therapy. In immuncompromised patients, fungal infections may cause nasal septum perforation and treatment could be achieved by antifungal therapy and debridement of necrotic tissue. © 2015 Turkish Society of Hematology. All rights reserved

    Učinak eksrakta kore brucijskog bora (Pinus brutia) na čiste i mješovite kulture buražnih bakterija i arheja te na fermentacijske značajke buraga in vitro

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of Pinus brutia bark extract, which is rich in polyphenolic compounds of tannins, on both pure and mixed continuous cultures of rumen bacteria and archaea, as well as on rumen fermentation characteristics in vitro. Antimicrobial susceptibility assay with pure cultures was carried out in an anaerobic chamber. Pinus brutia bark extract exhibited a potential inhibitor activity (P<0.05) against pure cultures of Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Eubacterium ruminantium, and Methanobacterium formicicum while a growth stimulatory effect (P<0.05) was observed for Ruminoccocus albus, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, and Streptococcus bovis. Pinus brutia bark extract only had a potential inhibitor effect (P<0.05) on R. albus at the highest dose (1200 μg/mL). Pinus brutia bark extract also stimulated (P<0.05) the growth of pure cultures of Fibrobacter succinogenes, while it did not affect Megasphaera elsdenii, except at the highest dose. The effects of two doses (75 and 375 mg/L) of P. brutia bark extract on in vitro mixed cultures and rumen fermentation parameters were determined by the rumen simulation technique (Rusitec). Supplementation with P. brutia bark extract led to a quadratic decrease (P<0.05) in the cell numbers of R. flavefaciens. Production of total and individual short chain fatty acids (SCFA), acetate to propionate ratio (C2/C3), total protozoa, ruminal pH, and dry matter digestibility (DMD) did not change in the presence of P. brutia bark extract. Supplementation with both doses of P. brutia bark extract decreased (P<0.05) the ammonia-N concentrations. Ammonia-N concentration was lowest in the high-supplemented group (P<0.05). As a conclusion, inhibitory effects of P. brutia bark extract on some species in the pure cultures were in the same direction as with mixed ruminal cultures, while stimulatory effects disappeared. The lack of inhibitory effects on protozoa and on a large number of Gram-positive rumen bacteria in the mixed cultures suggests that its mechanism of action is not exactly similar to antibiotics. Although P. brutia bark extract did not alter ruminal SCFA, it could have potential to improve ruminal protein utilization without depressing rumen microbial fermentation.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti učinak ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora (Pinus brutia), koji je bogat polifenolnim sastojcima tanina, na čiste i mješovite kulture buražnih bakterija i arheja kao i na in vitro fermentacijske značajke buraga. Proveden je test antimikrobne osjetljivosti s čistim kulturama u anaerobnim uvjetima. Ekstrakt kore brucijskog bora pokazao je potencijalnu inhibitornu aktivnost (P < 0,05) protiv čistih kultura bakterija Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Eubacterium ruminantium i Methanobacterium formicicum, a stimulacijski učinak na rast (P < 0,05) opažen je za bakterije Ruminoccocus albus, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens i Streptococcus bovis. Ekstrakt kore brucijskog bora imao je potencijalan inhibitorni učinak (P < 0,05) na R. albus samo u najvećoj dozi (1200 μg/mL). Također je imao stimulacijski učinak (P < 0,05) na čiste kulture Fibrobacter succinogenes, a nije utjecao na Megasphaera elsdenii osim u najvećoj dozi. Učinak dviju doza (75 i 375 mg/L) ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora na in vitro mješovite culture i pokazatelje fermentacije u buragu određen je simulacijskom tehnikom (Rusitec). Dodatak ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora doveo je do kvadratnog smanjenja (P < 0,05) broja stanica R. flavefaciens. Nije bilo promjena u proizvodnji ukupnih i pojedinačnih kratkolančanih masnih kiselina (SCFA), omjeru acetata i propionata (C2/C3), ukupnom broju protozoa, buražnom pH i probavljivosti suhe tvari (DMD). Suplementacija objema dozama ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora smanjila je (P < 0,05) koncentracije amonijaka-N. Koncentracija amonijaka-N bila je najniža u skupini s najvećom dozom suplementa (P < 0,05). Zaključujemo da je inhibitorni učinak ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora na neke vrste u čistim kulturama bio jednak onomu u mješovitim buražnim kulturama, a nije bilo stimulacijskog efekta. Manjak inhibitornih učinaka na protozoe i na mnoge Gram-pozitivne buražne bakterije u mješovitim kulturama upućuje na to da njihov mehanizam djelovanja nije jednak onomu kod antibiotika. Premda ekstrakt kore brucijskog bora nije promijenio buražni SCFA, mogao bi poboljšati iskorištavanje proteina u buragu a da pritom ne suprimira mikrobnu fermentaciju


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    This paper aims to introduce the concept and objectives of a recently supported European project entitled “Geomatics and Civil Engineering Innovative Research on Heritage”, in short ENGINEER. The ENGINEER project visions to enhance and extend inter-departmental multidisciplinary research activities of the Department of Civil Engineering & Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology through coordination and support actions as well as through targeted research activities with the support of European leading institutions. Project tasks aim to fill research multidisciplinary gaps, push, and extend knowledge into new and innovative fields dealing with the monitoring, digitization, visualization, and preservation of ancient monuments and cultural heritage sites, assisting their protection, promotion, and safeguarding

    Does the Bone Cement Affect Miniscrew Stability?

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    Objective:The purpose of this study was to determine whether bone cement increased the resistance of miniscrews against pull-out and shear forces.Materials and Method:Sixty commercially available miniscrews were placed into bovine bone samples (one each) at a 90° angle, using a custom-made orientation jig and controlling torque (30 N-cm) and rotation (20 rpm) with a rechargeable screwdriver. The miniscrews were inserted using three different methods: self-drilling, predrilling, and predrilling with bone cement application. Pull-out strengths and shear tests were performed using a universal testing machine.Results:Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for comparisons between groups, and Bonferroni-adjusted Mann-Whitney U tests were used to detect different group(s) (α/3=0.016). There was a statistically significant difference between the pull-out strengths of the groups (p<0.01). The self-drilling group had a significantly lower pull-out strength at failure than the other groups (p<0.016). The pullout strengths of the miniscrews placed with bone cement had a significantly higher pull-out strength than the predrilling group. In shear tests, there was no statistically significant difference among the groups.Conclusion:This study is the first report demonstrating the effects of bone cement on stability and resistance to failure at the bone-miniscrew interface. These results show that the use of miniscrews with bone cement is a promising method that may extend the limits of force application

    Chiral Devices for Terahertz Waves Based on Tunable Metamaterials

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    There are exceptional advantages in the region where Terahertz (THz) frequency takes place that could be identified as; a non-ionizing bio-innocuous property, transparent characteristics in cardboard or textiles, and extremely discriminating absorption spectral lines which can provide a “genetic code” of various bio-materials. [1,2]. The resonant effects at various terahertz frequencies that were displayed by metamaterials have created to accomplish a very important situation. Metamaterials are virtually desirable platforms for investigating chiral effects. In order to enhance these effects, producing the tunable chiral devices attracted lots of attention. Among the phase change materials for chiral metamaterials, graphene is a promising candidate due to its astonishing properties specifically in the THz and far infrared region. In this study, a chiral metamaterial gammadion structure is designed and fabricated on both sides of the sapphire substrates. A commercial COMSOL and CST Microwave Studio programs are used to design and optimize the chiral metamaterial. Numerical simulations are based on the interaction of the chiral structure with linearly and circularly polarized light. In the experimental side, a resistive evaporation and dc magnetron sputtering method is used for the deposition of gold and Sb2Se3 films respectively. A single layer graphene is used, that is grown on a copper foil by chemical vapor deposition. The thin graphene layer transferred on the Sb2Se3 coated sapphire substrates. The conventional UV lithography and ion beam etching techniques are used for patterning process. The THz characterization measurements were performed in order to assess the THz frequency response and to demonstrate the dynamically tunable chiroptical response using optical pumping [3,4]. The active polarization manipulation capability of the Sb2Se3/graphene chiral metamaterial with frequency tunability are investigated both numerically and experimentally.XVI Photonics Workshop : Book of abstracts; March 12-15, 2023; Kopaonik, Serbi

    Fluorescently-labelled CPD and 6-4PP photolyases: new tools for live-cell DNA damage quantification and laser-assisted repair

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    UV light induces cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) photoproducts (6-4PPs), which can result in carcinogenesis and aging, if not properly repaired by nucleotide excision repair (NER). Assays to determine DNA damage load and repair rates are invaluable tools for fundamental and clinical NER research. However, most current assays to quantify DNA damage and repair cannot be performed in real time. To overcome this limitation, we made use of the damage recognition characteristics of CPD and 6-4PP photolyases (PLs). Fluorescently-tagged PLs efficiently recognize UVinduced DNA damage without blocking NER activity, and therefore can be used as sensitive live-cell damage sensors. Importantly, FRAP-based assays showed that PLs bind to damaged DNA in a highly sensitive and dose-dependent manner, and can be used to quantify DNA damage load and to determine repair kinetics in real time. Additionally, PLs can instantly reverse DNA damage by 405 nm laserassisted photo-reactivation during live-cell imaging, opening new possibilities to study lesion-specific NER dynamics and cellular responses to damage removal. Our results show that fluorescently-tagged PLs can be used as a versatile tool to sense, quantify and repair DNA damage, and to study NER kinetics and UV-induced DNA damage response in living cells

    Inferring latent task structure for Multitask Learning by Multiple Kernel Learning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The lack of sufficient training data is the limiting factor for many Machine Learning applications in Computational Biology. If data is available for several different but related problem domains, Multitask Learning algorithms can be used to learn a model based on all available information. In Bioinformatics, many problems can be cast into the Multitask Learning scenario by incorporating data from several organisms. However, combining information from several tasks requires careful consideration of the degree of similarity between tasks. Our proposed method simultaneously learns or refines the similarity between tasks along with the Multitask Learning classifier. This is done by formulating the Multitask Learning problem as Multiple Kernel Learning, using the recently published <it>q</it>-Norm MKL algorithm.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate the performance of our method on two problems from Computational Biology. First, we show that our method is able to improve performance on a splice site dataset with given hierarchical task structure by refining the task relationships. Second, we consider an MHC-I dataset, for which we assume no knowledge about the degree of task relatedness. Here, we are able to learn the task similarities<it> ab initio</it> along with the Multitask classifiers. In both cases, we outperform baseline methods that we compare against.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We present a novel approach to Multitask Learning that is capable of learning task similarity along with the classifiers. The framework is very general as it allows to incorporate prior knowledge about tasks relationships if available, but is also able to identify task similarities in absence of such prior information. Both variants show promising results in applications from Computational Biology.</p