448 research outputs found

    Automatic speech recognition: a study and performance evaluation on neural networks and hidden markov models

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    The main goal in this research is to find out possible ways to built hybrid systems, based on neural network (NN) and hidden M;arkov (HMM) models, for the task of automatic speech recognition. The investigation that has been conducted covers different types of neural network and hidden Markov models, and the combination of them into some hybrid models. The neural networks used were basically MLP and Radial Basis models. The hidden Markov models were basically different combinations of states and mixtures of the Continuous Density type of the Bakis model. A reduced set with ten words spoken in the Portuguese idiom, from Brazil, was carefully chosen to provide some pronounce and phonetic confusion. The results already obtained showed very positive, pointing toward to a high potentiality of such hybrid models

    Estratégia competitiva de uma multinacional estrangeira na avicultura de postura no Brasil.

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    Este estudo aborda a questão das estratégias envolvidas no processo de importação de gaiolas para aves de postura, direcionadas ao centro de distribuição de uma multinacional estrangeira localizada em Araraquara, São Paulo. Identifica as razões que levam uma empresa multinacional a aumentar seus investimentos no Brasil, onde está implantando um centro de distribuição (CD). Para estudar as estratégias envolvidas no processo, realizou-se pesquisa exploratória sobre o atual processo logístico da empresa, buscando identificar tais estratégias e as vantagens do novo processo. O trabalho apoia-se nas cinco forças competitivas de Porter, na análise SWOT, nas estratégias genéricas adotadas para obtenção de retorno sobre os investimentos e ainda, fundamenta-se em temas como, importação, logística, armazenagem e centro de distribuição. A pesquisa demonstra que a implantação do CD envolve a estratégia de inserção do produto no mercado nacional, especificamente em São Paulo, onde está o maior mercado de aves de postura do País. Para obter vantagem competitiva, a multinacional adota ainda a estratégia genérica da diferenciação, com foco em tecnologia e qualidade do produto. Apesar dos altos custos da construção e manutenção do CD representarem uma barreira de entrada no mercado, o investimento não representa risco financeiro, já que aumentará a demanda pelo produto, resultando maior retorno sobre o capital investido

    Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate

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    The report provides the comprehensive risk assessment of the substance Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI). It has been prepared by Belgium in the frame of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 793/93 on the evaluation and control of the risks of existing substances, following the principles for assessment of the risks to humans and the environment, laid down in Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1488/94. Part I - Environment This part of the evaluation considers the emissions and the resulting exposure to the environment in all life cycle steps. Following the exposure assessment, the environmental risk characterisation for each protection goal in the aquatic, terrestrial and atmospheric compartment has been determined. The environmental risk assessment concludes that there is no concern. Part II ¿ Human Health This part of the evaluation considers the emissions and the resulting exposure to human populations in all life cycle steps. The scenarios for occupational exposure, consumer exposure and humans exposed via the environment have been examined and the possible risks have been identified. The human health risk assessment concludes that there is concern for workers and consumers with regard to irritation of skin, eye and respiratory tract, skin sensitisation and lung effects induced by repeated inhalation exposure. There is a need for further information and for testing (on hold) on the toxicity for fertility for workers and consumers. For humans exposed via the environment and for human health (physico-chemical properties) there is no concern. The conclusions of this report will lead to risk reduction measures to be proposed by the Commission¿s committee on risk reduction strategies set up in support of Council Regulation (EEC) N. 793/93.JRC.DDG.I.2-Chemical assessment and testin

    Resolution of Linear Algebra for the Discrete Logarithm Problem Using GPU and Multi-core Architectures

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    In cryptanalysis, solving the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is key to assessing the security of many public-key cryptosystems. The index-calculus methods, that attack the DLP in multiplicative subgroups of finite fields, require solving large sparse systems of linear equations modulo large primes. This article deals with how we can run this computation on GPU- and multi-core-based clusters, featuring InfiniBand networking. More specifically, we present the sparse linear algebra algorithms that are proposed in the literature, in particular the block Wiedemann algorithm. We discuss the parallelization of the central matrix--vector product operation from both algorithmic and practical points of view, and illustrate how our approach has contributed to the recent record-sized DLP computation in GF(28092^{809}).Comment: Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing, Aug 2014, Porto, Portugal. \<http://europar2014.dcc.fc.up.pt/\&gt

    Competitividade de um grupo de produtores da cadeia produtiva da maçã na região de Vacaria/RS.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar se um grupo de produtores da cadeia produtiva da maçã na microrregião dos Campos de Cima da Serra está enfrentando dificuldades, e quais seriam elas, bem como identificar possíveis oportunidades que possam impactar na continuidade desta cadeia, através da metodologia de pesquisa exploratória, com caráter qualitativo e quantitativo quanto à abordagem metodológica, e, descritivo-explicativa quanto aos objetivos e levantamento de bibliografia. A coleta de informações foi realizada pelo método de entrevistas semiestruturadas, por meio de questionário. Os resultados indicaram que os produtores vêm enfrentando problemas de ordem produtiva e comercial, como fatores vinculados à mão de obra e clima, estabilização de preços, baixo consumo nacional da fruta, dentre outros, podendo ser amenizados pela introdução de técnicas, variedades e controle de custos. Além disso, a introdução paralela de novas culturas similares, como uva e pêra, pode aperfeiçoar o processo produtivo pela redução do custo. Palavras-chave: Maleicultura, produtividade, competitividade

    A kilobit hidden SNFS discrete logarithm computation

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    We perform a special number field sieve discrete logarithm computation in a 1024-bit prime field. To our knowledge, this is the first kilobit-sized discrete logarithm computation ever reported for prime fields. This computation took a little over two months of calendar time on an academic cluster using the open-source CADO-NFS software. Our chosen prime pp looks random, and p1p--1 has a 160-bit prime factor, in line with recommended parameters for the Digital Signature Algorithm. However, our p has been trapdoored in such a way that the special number field sieve can be used to compute discrete logarithms in F_p\mathbb{F}\_p^* , yet detecting that p has this trapdoor seems out of reach. Twenty-five years ago, there was considerable controversy around the possibility of back-doored parameters for DSA. Our computations show that trapdoored primes are entirely feasible with current computing technology. We also describe special number field sieve discrete log computations carried out for multiple weak primes found in use in the wild. As can be expected from a trapdoor mechanism which we say is hard to detect, our research did not reveal any trapdoored prime in wide use. The only way for a user to defend against a hypothetical trapdoor of this kind is to require verifiably random primes

    Protocolized Brain Oxygen Optimization in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.

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    Brain tissue hypoxia (P <sub>bt</sub> O <sub>2</sub> < 20 mmHg) is common after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and associated with poor outcome. Recent data suggest that brain oxygen optimization is feasible and reduces the time spent with P <sub>bt</sub> O <sub>2</sub> < 20 mmHg from 45 to 16% in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Here, we intended to quantify the brain tissue hypoxia burden despite implementation of a protocolized treatment approach in poor-grade SAH patients and to identify the simultaneous occurrence of pathologic values potentially amenable to treatment. We present a bi-centric observational cohort study including 100 poor-grade SAH patients admitted to two tertiary care centers who underwent multimodal brain monitoring and were managed with a P <sub>bt</sub> O <sub>2</sub> -targeted protocolized approach. P <sub>bt</sub> O <sub>2</sub> optimization (≥ 20 mmHg) included a stepwise neuro-intensive care approach, aiming to prevent low cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), and blood hemoglobin, and to keep normocapnia, normoxemia, and normothermia. Based on routine blood gas analysis, hemoglobin, PaCO <sub>2,</sub> and PaO <sub>2</sub> data were matched to 2-h averaged data of continuous CPP, P <sub>bt</sub> O <sub>2</sub> , core temperature, and to hourly cerebral microdialysis (CMD) samples over the first 11 days. Patients had a Glasgow Coma Scale of 3 (IQR 3-4) and were 58 years old (IQR 48-66). Overall incidence of brain tissue hypoxia was 25%, which was not different between both sites despite differences in the treatment approach. During brain tissue hypoxia, episodes of CPP < 70 mmHg (27%), PaCO <sub>2</sub> < 35 mmHg (19%), PaO <sub>2</sub> < 80 mmHg (14%), Hb < 9 g/dL (11%), metabolic crisis (CMD-lactate/pyruvate ratio > 40, and CMD-glucose < 0.7 mmol/L; 7%), and temperature > 38.3 °C (4%) were common. Our results demonstrate that brain tissue hypoxia remains common despite implementation of a P <sub>bt</sub> O <sub>2</sub> -targeted therapy in poor-grade SAH patients, suggesting room for further optimization

    Avaliação da assistência farmacêutica básica nos municípios de abrangência da 17ª Coordenadoria Regional de Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul

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    The application of indicators to evaluate actions developed by the pharmaceutical assistance in cities is a strategy to organize the attention and management in health. The objective of this study is to evaluate the basic pharmaceutical assistance, using indicators, in the twenty cities that are part of the 17th CRS/RS. METHODS: cross-sectional study using indicators of the pharmaceutical assistance, proposed by the Health Department of the "Rio Grande do Sul" State (SES/RS), in each Local Health Department of the twenty cities that are part of the 17thCRS/RS from the city of Ijuí. In each city a person in charge of the pharmacy was interviewed. RESULTS: Only five cities had a pharmaceutical in charge of the pharmacy. Only 25% of the health workers have already participated in any sort of capacity building or training courses. Only 15% of the cities had a basic list of medicines fixed in a visible place. The control of stored medicines was done in 90% of the cities. Concerning the medicines used as indicators, 78% were available. The average of medicines by prescription is 2,0. Considering only the prescribed medicines, 76% belonged to the basic list of medicines, and 64% were prescribed according to the Brazilian Common Denomination or the International Common Denomination. Effectively, 88% of the prescribed medicines were distributed. CONCLUSIONS: The Basic Pharmaceutical Assistance in the cities requires a larger investment in human, physical and material resources. The absence of pharmaceuticals in the health team of the cities is one of the main reasons of the pharmaceutical low efficiency of health actions in this scope.A aplicação de indicadores para a avaliação das ações desenvolvidas pela Assistência Farmacêutica nos municípios é uma estratégia de organização da atenção e gestão em saúde. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a Assistência Farmacêutica Básica, através de indicadores, nos vinte municípios de abrangência da 17ª Coordenadoria Regional de Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal utilizando indicadores da Assistência Farmacêutica, propostos pela Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (SES/RS), em cada Secretaria Municipal de Saúde dos 20 municípios que compõem a 17ª Coordenadoria Regional de Saúde de Ijuí/RS. Em cada município foi entrevistado o responsável pela farmácia. RESULTADOS: Apenas cinco municípios tinham farmacêutico responsável pela farmácia. Participaram de algum tipo de capacitação, 25% dos trabalhadores. Apenas 15% dos municípios tinham a Relação de Medicamentos Básicos afixada em local visível. O controle de estoque de medicamentos foi seguido por 90% dos municípios. Quanto aos medicamentos marcadores, 78% estavam disponíveis. O número médio de medicamentos por prescrição foi de 2,0. Dos prescritos, 76% pertenciam à Relação de Medicamentos Básicos, e 64% utilizaram a Denominação Comum Brasileira e/ou a Denominação Comum Internacional. Foram dispensados 88% dos medicamentos prescritos. CONCLUSÕES: A Assistência Farmacêutica Básica nos municípios é deficitária, exigindo maiores investimentos em recursos humanos, físicos e materiais. A ausência do farmacêutico na equipe de saúde é um fator importante, ainda que não o único, da fragmentação da execução, das etapas do ciclo da Assistência Farmacêutica e da baixa eficiência das ações de saúde neste âmbito

    Understanding and simulating the material behavior during multi-particle irradiations

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    A number of studies have suggested that the irradiation behavior and damage processes occurring during sequential and simultaneous particle irradiations can significantly differ. Currently, there is no definite answer as to why and when such differences are seen. Additionally, the conventional multi-particle irradiation facilities cannot correctly reproduce the complex irradiation scenarios experienced in a number of environments like space and nuclear reactors. Therefore, a better understanding of multi-particle irradiation problems and possible alternatives are needed. This study shows ionization induced thermal spike and defect recovery during sequential and simultaneous ion irradiation of amorphous silica. The simultaneous irradiation scenario is shown to be equivalent to multiple small sequential irradiation scenarios containing latent damage formation and recovery mechanisms. The results highlight the absence of any new damage mechanism and time-space correlation between various damage events during simultaneous irradiation of amorphous silica. This offers a new and convenient way to simulate and understand complex multi-particle irradiation problems