571 research outputs found

    Modification of the simple mass balance equation for calculation of critical loads of acidity.

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    Over the last few years, the simple mass balance equation for the calculation of critical loads of acidity has been gradually modified as the underlying critical load concepts have developed and as problems with particular forms of the equation have been identified, through application in particular countries. The first major update of the equation took place following a workshop held in Vienna, Austria (Hojesky et al. 1993). The workshop was held to discuss problems which had been identified when the then current form of the equation was applied in countries with high rainfall. The problems had largely arisen because of simplifications and assumptions incorporated into the early formulation of the equation. The equation was reformulated to overcome the problems identified at the workshop. However, further problems were identified when the reformulated equation was applied in the UK in situations with a combination of high rainfall, large marine inputs and widespread occurrence of organic soils. A small workshop was, therefore held in Grange-over-Sands, UK in late 1993 to dicuss the problems and to further re-evaluate the equation. The problems had arisen in the UK because of simplifications and assumptions made in the formulation concerning, in particular, cation leaching and uptake. As a result, a more rigorous treatment of these variables was incorporated into the equation. The reformulation of the equation, as derived at the September 1993 workshop is described below

    Permeability evolution during progressive development of deformation bands in porous sandstones

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    [1] Triaxial deformation experiments were carried out on large (0.1 m) diameter cores of a porous sandstone in order to investigate the evolution of bulk sample permeability as a function of axial strain and effective confining pressure. The log permeability of each sample evolved via three stages: (1) a linear decrease prior to sample failure associated with poroelastic compaction, (2) a transient increase associated with dynamic stress drop, and (3) a systematic quasi-static decrease associated with progressive formation of new deformation bands with increasing inelastic axial strain. A quantitative model for permeability evolution with increasing inelastic axial strain is used to analyze the permeability data in the postfailure stage. The model explicitly accounts for the observed fault zone geometry, allowing the permeability of individual deformation bands to be estimated from measured bulk parameters. In a test of the model for Clashach sandstone, the parameters vary systematically with confining pressure and define a simple constitutive rule for bulk permeability of the sample as a function of inelastic axial strain and effective confining pressure. The parameters may thus be useful in predicting fault permeability and sealing potential as a function of burial depth and faul

    Using knowledge: the dilemmas of 'bridging research and policy'

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    The 'knowledge agenda' has become a central part of development discourse. This paper addresses one aspect of this discourse - the use of policy research in the social sciences - and the dilemmas that have been encountered by both development agencies and researchers in communicating and making use of that research. Development agencies as well as NGOs have initiated work to evaluate and document the effectiveness of research partnerships, knowledge capacity building and (social) science policy impact. As a multilateral initiative, the Global Development Network (GDN), and especially its 'Bridging Research and Policy' project, provides a vehicle to address issues related to research impact. Twelve perspectives on improving research and policy linkages are outlined to reveal that how the problem is defined shapes policy responses. Taken together, these explanations provide a multifaceted picture of the research-policy nexus indicating that there are many possible routes to 'bridging' research and policy. These diverse perspectives will be categorised into three broad categories of explanation: (i) supply-side; (ii) demand-led; and (iii) policy currents. However, knowledge is part of the solution to many development problems but not of itself a panacea

    Strontium as a tracer of weathering processes in a silicate catchment polluted by acid atmospheric inputs, Strengbach, France

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    This paper determines the weathering and atmospheric contributions of Ca in surface water from a small spruce forested silicate catchment (N–E France) receiving acid atmospheric inputs. The bedrock is a granite with K-feldspar and albite as dominant phases. The calcium content in plagioclase is low and the Ca/Na ratio in surface water is high, reflecting other sources of calcium from those expected from the weathering of major mineral phases. The biotite content is low. Only traces of apatite were detected while no calcite was found in spite of a major hydrothermal event having affected the granite. The strontium isotopic ratio 87Sr/86Sr and Sr content was used as a tracer of weathering and was determined in minerals and bulk bedrock, open field precipitation, throughfall, soil solution, spring and stream water. The Sr isotopic ratio of the reacting weathering end-member was predicted by simulating the alteration of the granite minerals by incorporating strontium into the water–rock interaction kinetic code KINDIS. In the early stages of water–rock interaction, K-feldspar and biotite strongly influence the isotopic composition of the weathering solution whereas, the Na-rich plagioclase appears to be the main long-term reactive weathering end-member. Approximately 50% of dissolved Sr in streamwater are atmospherically derived. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of exchangeable Sr in the fine fraction at 1-m depth from a soil profile indicate that the amount of exchangeable Sr seems essentially controlled by atmospheric inputs. The exception is the deep saprolite where weathering processes could supply the Sr (and Ca). Na-Plagioclase weathering obviously control the chemistry and the isotopic composition of surface waters. The weathering of trace mineral plays a secondary role, the exception is for apatite when plagioclase is absent. Our hydrochemical, mineralogical and isotopic investigations show that a major part of the strong Ca losses detected in catchment hydrochemical budgets that result from the neutralization of acid precipitation has an atmospheric origin. Consequently, in the long term, in such areas, the availability of such an exchangeable base cation might be strongly limited and surface waters consequently acidified

    Can retention forestry help conserve biodiversity?

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    Industrial forestry typically leads to a simplified forest structure and altered species composition. Retention of trees at harvest was introduced about 25years ago to mitigate negative impacts on biodiversity, mainly from clearcutting, and is now widely practiced in boreal and temperate regions. Despite numerous studies on response of flora and fauna to retention, no comprehensive review has summarized its effects on biodiversity in comparison to clearcuts as well as un-harvested forests. Using a systematic review protocol, we completed a meta-analysis of 78 studies including 944 comparisons of biodiversity between retention cuts and either clearcuts or un-harvested forests, with the main objective of assessing whether retention forestry helps, at least in the short term, to moderate the negative effects of clearcutting on flora and fauna. Retention cuts supported higher richness and a greater abundance of forest species than clearcuts as well as higher richness and abundance of open-habitat species than un-harvested forests. For all species taken together (i.e. forest species, open-habitat species, generalist species and unclassified species), richness was higher in retention cuts than in clearcuts. Retention cuts had negative impacts on some species compared to un-harvested forest, indicating that certain forest-interior species may not survive in retention cuts. Similarly, retention cuts were less suitable for some open-habitat species compared with clearcuts. Positive effects of retention cuts on richness of forest species increased with proportion of retained trees and time since harvest, but there were not enough data to analyse possible threshold effects, that is, levels at which effects on biodiversity diminish. Spatial arrangement of the trees (aggregated vs. dispersed) had no effect on either forest species or open-habitat species, although limited data may have hindered our capacity to identify responses. Results for different comparisons were largely consistent among taxonomic groups for forest and open-habitat species, respectively.Synthesis and applications. Our meta-analysis provides support for wider use of retention forestry since it moderates negative harvesting impacts on biodiversity. Hence, it is a promising approach for integrating biodiversity conservation and production forestry, although identifying optimal solutions between these two goals may need further attention. Nevertheless, retention forestry will not substitute for conservation actions targeting certain highly specialized species associated with forest-interior or open-habitat conditions.Our meta-analysis provides support for wider use of retention forestry since it moderates negative harvesting impacts on biodiversity. Hence, it is a promising approach for integrating biodiversity conservation and production forestry, although identifying optimal solutions between these two goals may need further attention. Nevertheless, retention forestry will not substitute for conservation actions targeting certain highly specialized species associated with forest-interior or open-habitat conditions

    A major shift to the retention approach for forestry can help resolve some global forest sustainability issues

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    Approximately 85% of the global forest estate is neither formally protected nor in areas dedicated to intensive wood production (e.g., plantations). Given the spatial extent of unprotected forests, finding management approaches that will sustain their multiple environmental, economic, and cultural values and prevent their conversion to other uses is imperative. The major global challenge of native forest management is further demonstrated by ongoing steep declines in forest biodiversity and carbon stocks. Here, we suggest that an essential part of such management—supplementing the protection of large reserves and sensitive areas within forest landscapes (e.g., aquatic features)—is the adoption of the retention approach in forests where logging occurs. This ecological approach to harvesting provides for permanent retention of important selected structures (e.g., trees and decayed logs) to provide for continuity of ecosystem structure, function, and species composition in the postharvest forest. The retention approach supports the integration of environmental, economic, and cultural values and is broadly applicable to tropical, temperate, and boreal forests, adaptable to different management objectives, and appropriate in different societal settings. The widespread adoption of the retention approach would be one of the most significant changes in management practice since the onset of modern high-yield forestry.Fil: Lindenmayer, D.B.. The Australian National University,; AustraliaFil: Franklin, J.F.. University of Washington; Estados UnidosFil: Lõhmus, A.. University of Tartu; EstoniaFil: Baker, S.C.. University of Tasmania; AustraliaFil: Bauhus, J.. Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg; AlemaniaFil: Beese, W.. University of Vancouver; CanadáFil: Brodie, A.. No especifíca;Fil: Kiehl, B.. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; SueciaFil: Kouki, J.. University of Eastern Finland; FinlandiaFil: Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Messier, C.. Université du Québec a Montreal; CanadáFil: Neyland, M.. University of Tasmania; AustraliaFil: Palik, B.. No especifíca;Fil: Sverdrup Thygeson, A.. Norwegian University of Life Sciences; NoruegaFil: Volney, J.. Canadian Forest Service; CanadáFil: Wayne, A.. No especifíca;Fil: Gustafsson, L.. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Sueci

    A repurposing strategy for Hsp90 inhibitors demonstrates their potency against filarial nematodes

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    Novel drugs are required for the elimination of infections caused by filarial worms, as most commonly used drugs largely target the microfilariae or first stage larvae of these infections. Previous studies, conducted in vitro, have shown that inhibition of Hsp90 kills adult Brugia pahangi. As numerous small molecule inhibitors of Hsp90 have been developed for use in cancer chemotherapy, we tested the activity of several novel Hsp90 inhibitors in a fluorescence polarization assay and against microfilariae and adult worms of Brugia in vitro. The results from all three assays correlated reasonably well and one particular compound, NVP-AUY922, was shown to be particularly active, inhibiting Mf output from female worms at concentrations as low as 5.0 nanomolar after 6 days exposure to drug. NVP-AUY922 was also active on adult worms after a short 24 h exposure to drug. Based on these in vitro data, NVP-AUY922 was tested in vivo in a mouse model and was shown to significantly reduce the recovery of both adult worms and microfilariae. These studies provide proof of principle that the repurposing of currently available Hsp90 inhibitors may have potential for the development of novel agents with macrofilaricidal properties