465 research outputs found


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    The discrimination of abrupt changes in speed and direction of visual motion

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    AbstractA random dot pattern that moved within an invisible aperture was used to present two motions contiguously in time. The motions differed slightly either in speed (Experiments 1 and 3) or in direction (Experiments 2 and 4) and the subject had to discriminate the sign of the change (e.g. increment or decrement). The same discrimination task was performed when the two motions were temporally separated by 1 s. In Experiments 1 and 2 discrimination thresholds were measured with motion durations of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 s and mean speeds of 2, 4, 8, and 16°/s. In Experiments 3 and 4 thresholds were measured with aperture widths of 5 and 20 cm. The discrimination of contiguous motions progressively deteriorated with decreasing duration and mean speed of motion. For the lowest value of duration the Weber fraction for contiguous speeds was more than three times as the Weber fractions for separate speeds. For the same low value of duration the thresholds for discrimination of direction of contiguous motions were only about 50% higher than the thresholds for separate motions. The Weber fraction for contiguous speeds was ca. three times higher with the smaller aperture than with the larger one, provided the ratio ‘aperture width/mean speed’ (i.e. the lifetime of the moving dots) was less than 0.3 s. Aperture width did not affect the discrimination of direction of contiguous motions. The discrimination of contiguous motions is discussed together with the known data for detection of changes in speed and direction. It is suggested that both, detection of changes in speed and discrimination of the sign of speed changes, may be performed by a common visual mechanism

    Analytical pre-test support of boil-down test QUENCH-11

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    Analytische Unterstützung zur Vorbereitung des Ausdampf-Versuchs QUENCH-11 Im QUENCH-Vorhaben des Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe soll das Fluten eines teilweise zerstörten Kerns untersucht werden. Der zweite LACOMERA Versuch Q-L2 (QUENCH-11) beginnt mit einer Ausdampfphase des Bündels, bis der Wasserspiegel das untere Bündel¬ende erreicht hat. Ein derartiger Versuch wurde bislang noch nicht in der QUENCH-Anlage durchgeführt, so dass mit SCDAP/RELAP5 mod3.2.irs eine Machbarkeitsstudie erforderlich war. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Zusatzheizung im unteren Plenum notwendig ist, um den Wasserstand und die Verdampfungsrate (Dampfmassenstrom in der Ausdampfphase) unabhängig von der angestrebten Maximaltemperatur im Bündel zu regeln. Für eine verläss¬liche Versuchsplanung sowie zur Erstellung der Energiebilanz muss die Zusatzheizung in¬nerhalb des unteren Plenums unterhalb der Wasseroberfläche installiert werden, damit die Heizleistung vollständig in das Wasser eingekoppelt wird. Um die Verdampfungsrate über längere Zeit aufrecht zu erhalten, muss zusätzlich Wasser in das untere Plenum eingespeist werden. Anhand dieser Rechnungen wird der Testablauf im Detail diskutiert. Eine entsprechende Studie zeigte die Durchführbarkeit eines solchen Ausdampftests und war die Grundlage für die oben erwähnten Änderungen in der Anlage und der Versuchs-Durchführung gegenüber früheren Tests. Eine Reihe von Vorversuche wurde durchgeführt, um die Brauchbarkeit der Änderungen an der Anlage und der geplanten Versuchsführung zu prüfen und um Daten für das thermohydraulische Verhalten der Anlage zu bekommen, an denen die Code-Modelle für die Voraus- und Nachrechnungen von QUENCH-11 getestet werden können. Im Anschluss an die Vorversuche wurden wie bei früheren QUENCH-Tests detaillierte Vorausrechnungen mit verschiedenen Codes zu Versuchsablauf und -steuerung durchgeführt. Drei Forschungs¬einrichtungen in der EU waren beteiligt. Die berechneten Ergebnisse reagieren empfindlich auf Änderungen der Versuchsparameter wie das anfängliche axiale Temperaturprofil und die eingespeiste elektrische Leistung, wie es auch für die untersuchten physikalischen Bedin¬gungen im Versuch erwartet werden kann

    Liquid-Liquid Extraction-Spectrophotometric Investigations of Three Ternary Complexes of Vanadium(V)

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    Complex formation and liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) were studied in systems containing vanadi-um(V), 5-methyl-4-(2-thiazolylazo)resorcinol (TAO), tetrazolium salt (TZS), water and chloroform. The following three TZSs were used: 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazol)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT), 3-(2-naphtyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium chloride (Tetrazolium violet, TV), and 2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl-2H-tetrazolium chloride (INT). Concentration of the reagents (TAO and TZS), pH of the aqueous medium, and shaking time were subjects of optimization experi-ments. Formation of ternary complexes with a composition of 2:2:2 was demonstrated by a set of dif-ferent methods. Some key characteristics concerning the analytical application of the studied LLE-chromogenic systems were established as well

    High-Resolution Subtropical Summer Precipitation Derived from Dynamical Downscaling of the NCEP-DOE Reanalysis: How Much Small-Scale Information Is Added by a Regional Model?

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    This study assesses the regional-scale summer precipitation produced by the dynamical downscaling of analyzed large-scale fields. The main goal of this study is to investigate how much the regional model adds smaller scale precipitation information that the large-scale fields do not resolve. The modeling region for this study covers the southeastern United States (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and North Carolina) where the summer climate is subtropical in nature, with a heavy influence of regional-scale convection. The coarse resolution (2.5deg latitude/longitude) large-scale atmospheric variables from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/DOE reanalysis (R2) are downscaled using the NCEP Environmental Climate Prediction Center regional spectral model (RSM) to produce precipitation at 20 km resolution for 16 summer seasons (19902005). The RSM produces realistic details in the regional summer precipitation at 20 km resolution. Compared to R2, the RSM-produced monthly precipitation shows better agreement with observations. There is a reduced wet bias and a more realistic spatial pattern of the precipitation climatology compared with the interpolated R2 values. The root mean square errors of the monthly R2 precipitation are reduced over 93 (1,697) of all the grid points in the five states (1,821). The temporal correlation also improves over 92 (1,675) of all grid points such that the domain-averaged correlation increases from 0.38 (R2) to 0.55 (RSM). The RSM accurately reproduces the first two observed eigenmodes, compared with the R2 product for which the second mode is not properly reproduced. The spatial patterns for wet versus dry summer years are also successfully simulated in RSM. For shorter time scales, the RSM resolves heavy rainfall events and their frequency better than R2. Correlation and categorical classification (above/near/below average) for the monthly frequency of heavy precipitation days is also significantly improved by the RSM

    Co-existing structures in 105Ru

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    New positive-parity states, having a band-like structure, were observed in 105Ru. The nucleus was produced in induced fission reaction and the prompt gamma-rays, emitted from the fragments, were detected by the EUROBALL III multi-detector array. The partial scheme of excited 105Ru levels is analyzed within the Triaxial-Rotor-plus-Particle approach

    Dwarf Copper-Gold Porphyry Deposits of the Buchim-Damjan-Borov Dol Ore District, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)

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    The metallogenic aspects, tectonic setting, magmatism, structure, and composition of Au-and Ag-bearing porphyry copper deposits in the Buchim-Damjan-Borov Dol ore district and their genetic features are considered and compared with earlier published data. Special attention is paid to supergene gold in heavy concentrate halos of the Borov Dol deposit. The total Cu reserves of the deposits discussed in this paper do not exceed 150 kt. The Buchim deposit likely is the world's smallest deposit of this type currently involved in mining. A comprehensive study of these dwarf porphyry copper deposits is undertaken to answer questions on the conditions of their formation. How do they differ from formation conditions of giant deposits