1,557 research outputs found

    Lattice Gauge Fixing for Parameter Dependent Covariant Gauges

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    We propose a non-perturbative procedure to fix generic covariant gauges on the lattice. Varying the gauge parameter, this gauge fixing provides a concrete method to check numerically the gauge dependence of correlators measured on the lattice. The new algorithm turns out to converge with a good efficiency. As a preliminary physical result, we find a sensitive dependence of the gluon propagator on the gauge parameter.Comment: 10 pages (LaTeX2e), 5 eps figure

    The role of neural inhibition in the development of amblyopia

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    One of the theories in the development of amblyopia is binocular inhibition. Support for this theory come from neurotransmitter studies. Dopamine is a modulatory neurotransmitter and may have a significant role in normal visual maturation and in the cortical plasticity during the critical period. This preliminary study assessed and compared, through autoradiographic techniques, the dopamine distribution in human fetal and neonatal visual cortex to adult primary visual cortex. The results shows a laminar and ontogenic distribution of dopamine receptor binding sites in adult and child visual cortex,with binding most distinct in layer IVc. The results suggests a role for dopamine in early visual development

    Assessing users’ experience of shared sanitation facilities: A case study of community ablution blocks in Durban, South Africa

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    Despite significant financial investment, the effective implementation and sustained use of water and sanitation (WATSAN) technologies remains a chimera, with one billion people using unimproved water facilities and two and a half billion not benefitting from adequate sanitation. The poor success rate of WATSAN interventions results from a predominance of supply-driven approaches which lack recipients’ inputs into planning and implementation to ensure that technologies are fully absorbed and adapted to users’ needs. In the academic literature, users’ feedback and experiences of technologies in the post-implementation phase have received scarce attention. The purpose of this study is to investigate users’ experience of sanitation technologies in the early post-implementation phase, when opportunities for remedial intervention are still available. Fieldwork comprising semi-structured interviews was undertaken with users and potential recipients of three community ablution blocks (CABs) in informal settlements around Durban. Results suggest that non-technical aspects such as affordability or cleanliness of the facilities can affect acceptance among the investigated communities. User training is positively associated with higher levels of facility maintenance as well as satisfaction with its functionality. A comparison between users and potential recipients of CABs shows that perceived health benefits, attitudes in case of  problems, and trust are affected by use of the facilities. Conclusions relate to how early post-implementation assessments of users’ experiencecould enhance the process of acceptance and management of the technology, thereby increasing progress towards achievement of the related Millenium Development Goals.Keywords: Ablution blocks, user acceptance, eThekwini municipality, Durban, sanitatio

    Risk management as a basis for integrated water cycle management in Kazakhstan

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    Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) aims to bring together a diversity of social, environmental, technological and economic aspects to implement sustainable water and land management systems. This paper investigates the challenges and opportunities facing Kazakhstan as it its efforts to move towards a more sustainable approach to managing its finite and highly stressed water resources. The use of a strategic-level risk governance framework to support a multi-disciplinary Kazakh-EU consortium in working collabora-tively towards enhancing capacity and capability to address identified challenges is described. With a clear focus on addressing capacity building needs, a strong emphasis is placed on developing taught integrated water cycle management programmes through communi-cation, stakeholder engagement and policy development including appropriate tools for managing the water issues including hydraulic models, GIS-based systems and scenario developments. Conclusions on the benefits of implementing an EU-style Water Framework Directive for Central Asia based on a risk management approach in Kazakhstan are formulated

    Histopathological examination of emergency obstetric hysterectomy specimens

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    Background: Obstetric hysterectomy is done as a lifesaving procedure in very trying circumstances of life threatening severe hemorrhage. The study was undertaken with the aim to evaluate the relative frequency of hysterectomy done for obstetric indication among the hysterectomy specimens and also to assess the histopathological findings in the hysterectomy specimens.Methods: The study was conducted at a tertiary care center over a period of two and half years. Consecutive specimens of hysterectomy done for obstetrical indication were included. Gross and microscopic findings noted and data analysed. The study was approved by the Institute Ethical Committee.Results: Of the total hysterectomy specimens received obstetrical hysterectomy comprised only 1.3%(12/915) of all the hysterectomies. Patient’s age ranged from 20-36 years; mean 28.6 years. Parity ranged from 1 to 5; mean 2. More multiparous women 91.7%(11/12) had hysterectomies as compared to primiparous 8.3%(1/12) cases                         (p value <0.0001). All patients had single pregnancy. All (100%) patients underwent surgery through abdominal route with subtotal hysterectomy with preservation of the bilateral adnexae undertaken in most (11/12; 91.7% cases). About 5(41.6%) cases hysterectomies were performed after previous caesarean section and had abnormal placentation. Histopathological examination revealed adherent placenta in 33.4%(4/12), endometritis in 25%(3/12), rupture in 25%(3/12) and histologically unremarkable in 16.6%(2/12) cases.Conclusions: Obstetric hysterectomy is an emergency lifesaving procedure done in situations of uncontrolled post-partum hemorrhage. In recent years with more number of caesarean sections the incidence of abnormal placentation has drastically increased, thus making adherent placenta as the most common histopathological finding

    Bordetella Holmesii: An Unusual Cause of Endogenous Endophthalmitis in a Patient With Sickle Cell Disease

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    Purpose: This case report describes a rare organism causing endogenous endophthalmitis in a patient with sickle cell disease. Methods: A case report was conducted. Results: A 41-year-old man with sickle cell disease presented with acute onset of blurry vision of the right eye. His visual acuity was counting fingers in the right eye and 20/20 in the left eye. He had ophthalmic findings of hypopyon and vitritis in the right eye, consistent with endophthalmitis. He was treated with intravitreal and systemic antibiotics. Vitreous cultures grew Bordetella holmesii. His visual acuity at follow-up visits improved to 20/40 in the setting of improved vitritis. Conclusions: This is the first case describing B holmesii, a rare causative organism of endogenous endophthalmitis, in a patient with sickle cell disease. More studies are needed to improve the early detection and treatment of this unusual organism

    Glycosylation Modulates Melanoma Cell α2β1 and α3β1 Integrin Interactions with Type IV Collagen

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    Although type IV collagen is heavily glycosylated, the influence of this posttranslational modification on integrin binding has not been investigated. In the present study, galactosylated and non-galactosylated triple-helical peptides have been constructed containing the α1(IV)382-393 and α1(IV)531-543 sequences, which are binding sites for the α2β1 and α3β1 integrins, respectively. All peptides had triple-helical stabilities of 37 °C or greater. The galactosylation of Hyl393 in α1(IV)382-393 and Hyl540 and Hyl543 in α1(IV)531-543 had a dose dependent influence on melanoma cell adhesion which was much more pronounced in the case of α3β1 integrin binding. Molecular modeling indicated that galactosylation occurred on the periphery of α2β1 integrin interaction with α1(IV)382-393 but right in the middle of α3β1 integrin interaction with α1(IV)531-543. The possibility of extracellular deglycosylation of type IV collagen was investigated, but no β-galactosidase-like activity capable of collagen modification was found. Thus, glycosylation of collagen can modulate integrin binding, and levels of glycosylation could be altered by reduction in expression of glycosylation enzymes but most likely not by extracellular deglycosylation activity
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