Maternal Syphilis: Variations in Prenatal Screening, Treatment, and Diagnosis of Congenital Syphilis


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that, if left untreated, can impact fetal development. In this systematic review of syphilis in pregnancy, we attempt to better understand worldwide discrepancies regarding its diagnosis and management. OVID MEDLINE and PubMed databases were searched for keywords and 74 relevant articles were identified. Twenty-nine articles were ultimately included in our review. In the literature spanning from 1944—2014, we identified several variations in maternal syphilis screening and treatment, as well as a spectrum of gestational outcomes. Even following the publication of universal guidelines by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and scientific investigators, practice patterns have continued to vary. Greater adherence to these guidelines could improve the quality of research in this area and promote earlier detection and thus prevention of maternal and congenital syphilis

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