396 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research was to identify moves and steps in the Literature Review and Findings / Discussion chapter of four Master’s Degree theses namely JA, LY, ML, and MM. In analyzing the moves and steps in the Literature Review (LR) and Discussion in this research, the researchers used two kinds of framework namely Kwan (2006) framework and Yang Allison (2003) framework. Kwan framework was used to analyze the moves and steps in the Literature Review, while Yang Alison’s framework was used to analyze moves and steps in the Discussion chapter. It was found that the most frequently used in the LR was Move 1 (Establishing one of the territory of one’s own research), Strategy A (surveying the non-research-related phenomena or knowledge claims) included definition or explanations of terminology, constructs and theories. The authors of four Master Degree’s theses used Move 1 to present the theories and definition of terms. Then, in the Findings/Discussions, the most frequently used is Move 2 (Reporting Result). The authors used Move 2 in presenting the results of their study (research)


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    The objective of this research was to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery through hypnoteaching. It was a mixed research with action research method in SMAN 5 Kendari. The research data were taken in the first semester of SMAN 5 Kendari with 28 students and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The data were collected through observation and vocabulary test. The data analysis and interpretation indicated that there is an improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery. Quantitatively, it was found that the students’ vocabulary mastery increased significantly from the first until second cycles. Therefore, it concluded that the students’ vocabulary mastery can be improved by using hypnoteaching. The finding leads to the recommendation for the teachers to use hypnoteaching as an alternative technique in teaching vocabulary. It also recommended to other researchers to continue research

    Konflik Perkawinan dan Cara Penyelesaian melalui Tokoh Adat (Studi di Desa Labone Kecamatan Lasalepa Kabupaten Muna)

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    Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Faktor-Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadi konflik perkawinan pada masyarakat Desa Labone Kecamatan Lasalepa Kabupaten Muna (2) Peran tokoh adat dalam menyelesaikan konflik perkawinan pada masyarakat Desa Labone Kecamatan Lasalepa Kabupaten Muna. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Labone Kecamatan Lasalepa Kabupaten Muna informan berjumlah 24 orang dengan rincian sebagai berikut: 11 orang pasangan suami istri yang berkonflik dan 2 tokoh adat sebagai mediasi dalam penyelesaian konflik teruatama konflik perkawinan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan sumber data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa konflik perkawinan disebabkan beberapa faktor diantaranya sebagai berikut: (1) faktor Biologis terdiri dari, konflik perkawinan yang disebabkan oleh selingkuh (perbuatan zina), konflik perkawinan karena suami/istri tidak memenuhi kewajibanya, (2) faktor ekonomi terdiri dari; konflik perkawinan karena suami pemabuk dan penjudi, konflik perkawinan karena suami tidak melibatkan istri dalam mengelolah pendatnya, konflik perkawinan karena istri suka bergaya, bersifat boros dan suka menuntut pengahasilan suami, (3) faktor tidak sekufu diantaranya; konflik perkawinan karena suami/istri tidak sedarajat, konflik perkawinan suami atau istri yang tidak menghargai orang tua, (4) faktor tidak adanya saling pengertian diantaranya; konflik perkawinan suami istri sering meninggalkan rumah, konflik perkawinan suami yang menganiayah istri. Dan Peran Tokoh adat dalam menyelesaiakan konflik perkawinan (Akomodasi)


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    Penelitian ini dapat dikatakan sebuah studi yang urgen dan unik karena berangkat dari latar belakang permasalahan akan kesulitan siswa dalam hal kemampuan menghafalkan kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris. Meskipun siswa di SDN 1 Bone Kancitala Kab. Muna sudah diajarkan cara pengucapan dan bagaimana memahami kosakata dalam Bahasa Inggris, namun masih banyak siswa yang sulit dalam memahami arti dari kosakata tersebut dan juga di satu sisi sekolah tersebut juga merupakan Mitra dari Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui ke efektifan aplikasi Hangman berbasis gamifikasi dalam meningkatkan kosakata Bahasa Inggris siswa di SDN 1 Bone Kancitala Kab. Muna. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan melihat dan mendiskripsikan hasil dari data yang telah didapatkan dari nilai setelah menggunakan Aplikasi Hangman. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah Aplikasi Hangman memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan dari penguasaan Kosakata Siswa SDN 1 Bone Kancitala


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    This research describes the implementation of family hope program policy, especially in Bukit Wolio Indah Village, Baubau City. In its implementation, the facilitators play a crucial role in carrying out this program. This research uses qualitative methods. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The data were analyzed by organizing the substantive data, reducing it without changing the substantive information, and then presenting the data. The data were presented while still taking into account the freshness of the data, starting from credibility, transferability, dependability to conformability.  The research found that: firstly, the implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) policy has been organized and does not result in various policy interpretations, but this policy has not been successfully applied because many of the PKH beneficiaries are still not independent, with a total of 300 PKH beneficiary families. The policy was organized by involving the local government agencies, the Social Department and the Village Government, supported by the district facilitators. Secondly, the facilitators also serve as motivators, besides serving as facilitators and bridging the gap in validation data between the central government and the social service agency, which was often a problem in determining the target group of recipients. However, these roles are still not able to make the PKH beneficiaries independent.

    Analysis of the Characteristics of Chronic Energy Deficiency in Pregnant Women during the Covid 19 Pandemic

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    Pregnant women who experience chronic energy deficiency (KEK) tend to give birth to LBW babies and have a greater risk of death. Objective: This study was to analyze the factors associated with the incidence of KEK in pregnant women. Methods: The study was conducted for 2 months, in 2020 at Anggaberi Health Center and Soropia Health Center in Konawe district. Design: cross sectional, quantitative data collection and secondary data. The research sample was pregnant women who were registered in the maternal cohort data, which were taken randomly as many as 115 people. Univariate data analysis was carried out descriptively to see the distribution of the values ​​of the causal factors, bivariate analysis was carried out to analyze the relationship between the causal factors and the incidence of KEK through statistics, namely Chi-square test and cross tabulation with a significance value of 0.05. The results of the study found that the factors associated with the incidence of KEK were age (p-value = 0.000), education level (p-value = 0.000), employment status (p-value = 0.000), and pregnancy weight (p-value = 0.000 ). The incidence of KEK is more likely in mothers who have characteristics such as age < 20 years and > 35 years, low education, not working and low pregnant weight. Therefore, it is hoped that an increase in food security at the family level can be socialized through providing information to preconception women through counseling, flip-charts and posters

    Relative superiority analysis of Garut dam and its crossbred

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    In attemp to increase the productivity of Garut sheep, Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production has crossed Garut sheep (GG) with St. Croix sheep (HH) that has high frame body size and adaptable to the hot climate (in 1995) and with Moulton Charollais sheep (MM) that has high body weight gain and good milk production to raise multiple birth (in 1996). The objective of this research was to evaluate the ewe productivity of Garut sheep and its crosses with St. Croix and Moulton Charollais. This research was conducted at Animal Research Station, Bogor from 1995 to 2002. In this study the crossing was done using frozen semen of M. Charollais and ram of St. Croix so that the real performance of these sheep under Indonesian condition is not known. So that the relative superiority of these crosses is calculated from the percentage of the differences between traits mean of crossbred and purebred divided by trait means of purebred Garut, except for the threeway crosses (MHG and HMG) is calculated from the difference between the means of threeway crossbred trait with the means of two parents (MG and HG). It is concluded that HG and MHG show higher dam productivity than GG, it can be seen from their litter weight at birth and weaning. In poor feed condition GG showed higher productivity than the crossbred sheep (MG and HG), but MHG/MHG showed higher relative superiority compare to their parents (MG and HG). In good feed condition HG and MHG/HMG sheep showed higher productivity than Garut sheep. The relative superiority of HG sheep is 26.40% over GG and for MHG/HMG is 11.24% over their parents (MG and HG).       Key Words: Garut Sheep, St. Croix Sheep, M. Charollais Sheep, Relative Superiorit

    Systemic Literature Review : Makna Budaya di Indonesia

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    Peran dan fungsi kebudayaan menjadi sangat fundamental dalam struktur kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, karena kemajuan suatu negara dapat diukur oleh kedalaman akar nilai-nilai kebudayaan yang telah meresap dalam kehidupan masyarakatnya. Sebagai negara kepulauan, Indonesia memiliki kekayaan dan keberagaman budaya nusantara yang menjadi daya tarik unik di mata dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian literatur terkait dengan makna budaya di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang dipilih adalah metode (SLR) Systemic Literature Review. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mendokumentasi dan mereview semua artikel yang terkait dengan gangguan berbahasa dan berbicara pada anak yang diterbitkan dalam kurun waktu 2014 s/d 2023. Artikel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 13 artikel jurnal nasional yang diperoleh melalui data base Google Schoolar. Berdasarkan kajian literatur yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa di Indonesia memiliki beragam makna budaya yang memiliki Sejarah tradisi yang beraneka ragam dari setiap daerah di Indonesia

    Infection risk in Gustilo and Anderson type III tibia and fibular fractures treated with external fixation in a tertiary hospital of a developing country

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    Background: Open fractures of the tibia and fibula present with multiple management challenges of wound care, bone stabilization, potential risk of infection and its control. Attempt to resolve this problem, stabilization of the fracture with external fixators was introduced. However, this procedure predisposes infection too. This was an overview of the disposition of infection in the course of managing type III fractures in our center.Methods: This was a retrospective study of disposition of infection in Gustilo and Anderson type III open fractures of the tibia and fibula treated with external fixation device over ten years in Jos university teaching hospital. Data extracted from patients records and operation notes included age, sex, nature of open fracture with respect to Gustilo and Anderson classification in theater. Wound culture reports extracted early and weeks after commencement of treatment. The findings were analyzed using Epi info statistical software version 3.5.3.Results: A total of 74 patients, 63 (85.1%) males and 11 (14.9%) females (M:F=5.7:1) with mean age of 37.97±13.57 years. The mean duration of injury-presentation time was 13.48±38.73 days, 41 (55.4%). Patients that present with clinical infection were 40 (54.1%) among which staphylococcus aureus was isolated in 21 (28.3%). While treatment was on, the flora became altered. Motor cycles were responsible for 25 (33.7%), gunshots 20 (27%), motor vehicle injuries 19 (25.6%) while pedestrians accounted for 9 (12.2%).Conclusions: Type III fractures sustained from high energy risk of infections due to late presentation in our setting. Bacterial isolates tend to alter in course of hospitalization
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