427 research outputs found

    A Prospective Open Labelled Non Randomized Phase-II Clinical trial to evaluate the Therapeutic Efficacy of the Siddha Medicine “Thiripalai Mathirai” (Internal) for the treatment of “Pitha Paandu” (Iron Deficiency Anaemia)

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    Pitha Paandu (Iron Deficiency Anemia) is the most prevalent type of anaemia which attribute to 50% of total population suffering from anaemia. It becomes a major problem in the developing countries like India due to majority of people living below poverty line, unhygienic food habits and nutritional deficiency. Since the diagnosis and management of Pitha paandu (Iron deficiency anaemia) remains a great challenge, I have chosen this disease and made an attempt to search for a perfect remedy for the same. 20 patients of the either sex as OP & 20 patients in IP were selected and they were administered with the trial medicine “THIRIPALAI MATHIRAI” (INTERNAL) 1 tablet bd and the adjuvant Karisalai kudineer 100 ml bd during the whole study period. Thiripalai mathirai was chosen for this study with reference from “KADUKKAI VALLARAIYIN THANI MAANBU”-Third Edition: 1992, Page No: 81.Author: Hakkim. P. Mohammed Abdullah Sahib. The trial drug was subjected to Phytochemical analysis, Bio chemical analysis, Antimicrobial, Pharmacological and Toxicological (Acute and Sub-acute) studies. At the end of the study period, the majority of the cases showed significant results

    Basic Minimal Dominating Functions of Quadratic Residue Cayley Graphs

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    Domination arises in the study of numerous facility location problems where the number of facilities is fixed and one attempt to minimize the number of facilities necessary so that everyone is serviced. This problem reduces to finding a minimum dominating set in the graph corresponding to this network. In this paper we study the minimal dominating functions and basic minimal dominating functions of quadratic residue Cayley graphs and results on these functions have been obtained.Keywords: Quadratic Residue Cayley Graph, Minimal Dominating Functions, Basic Minimal Dominating Function

    In silico analysis for the presence of HARDY an Arabidopsis drought tolerance DNA binding transcription factor product in chromosome 6 of Sorghum bicolor genome

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    Expression of the Arabidopsis HARDY (hrd) DNA binding transcription factor (555 bp present on chromosome 2) has been shown to increase WUE in rice by Karaba et al 2007 (PNAS, 104:15270–15275). We conducted a detail analysis of the complete sorghum genome for the similarity/presence of either DNA, mRNA or protein product of the Arabidopsis HARDY (hrd) DNA binding transcription factor (555 bp present on chromosome 2). Chromosome 6 showed a sequence match of 61.5 percent positive between 61 and 255 mRNA residues of the query region. Further confirmation was obtained by TBLASTN which showed that chromosome 6 of the sorghum genome has a region between 54948120 and 54948668 which has 80 amino acid similarities out of the 185 residues. A homology model was constructed and verified using Anolea, Gromos and Verify3D. Scanning the motif for possible activation sites revealed that there was a protein kinase C phosphorylation site between 15th and 20th residue. The study indicates the possibility of the presence of a DNA binding transcription factor in chromosome 6 of Sorghum bicolor with 60 percent similarity to that of Arabidopsis hrd DNA binding transcription factor

    Edge Cover Domination in Mangoldt Graph

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    In their recent study of arithmetic graphs associated with certain arithmetic functions, the authors have introduced a new class of arithmetic graphs associated with Mangoldt function Λ(n), n ≥ 1, an integer and studied their basic properties and vertex cover. In this paper the edge cover, edge domination set, bondage number, non – bondage number and their parameters have been obtained for these graphs. Key words: Vertex cover, Edge cover, Edge domination, Bondage number, Non-Bondage number


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    Objectives: To find out the effect of the extract of Calophyllum inophyllum leaves on the streptozotocin-induced oxidative stress complications in mice.Methods: The plant extract was first checked for its radical scavenging activity by the 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) method andL-ascorbic acid was used as the standard. DPPH assay activity of the plant extract was found to be close to the standard drug ascorbic acid. Acutetoxicity was conducted as per OECD 425 guidelines. From the results obtained, 250, 300, and 350 mg/kg dose were chosen for further experimentation.After 16 days of drug treatment, glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride and enzymatic antioxidants levels were estimated in serum samples.Results: C. inophyllum leaves extract has significantly reduced the glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride and enzymatic antioxidants levels. Hence, thisproves that the plant has anti-diabetic property. However, vitamin E had no effect on the triglyceride level. Antioxidant activity was monitored bysuperoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, malondialdehyde assay and it was found that the plant extract has effectively increased theantioxidant activity as the dose increases.Conclusion: C. inophyllum leaves extract have anti-diabetic activity and effective in curbing the oxidative stress complications.Keywords: Calophyllum inophyllum, Oxidative stress complications, Anti-diabetic activity, Free radicals

    Analisis Cemaran Residu Logam Berat Dan Residu Pestisida Organofosfat Pada Daging, Hati Dan Ginjal Sapi

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    Meat is one of the most important foods to meet the needs of the human protein. Therefore, the meat should be safe and healthy for consumption and free of contaminants that can cause illnesses such as the contamination of heavy metals residues and pesticide residues. This study aims to determine the residual content of heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Hg) and organophosphate (OP) pesticide residues on the meat, liver and kidney. Random sampling was done on a population of livestock owners that slaughtered atSlaughterhouse Pekanbaru city. For evaluation, five livestock owners were sampling randomly to analysis. Sample used for analysis were the meat samples of bicep femoris (BF), liver and kidney. The variables observed in this study were the residues heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Hg) and organophosphate (OP) pesticide residues. Results showed that heavy metal contamination of residues in meat, liver and kidney beef were under the maximum allowed according to SNI. The respective heavy metal contamination was Pb (0,00-0,92 ppm), Cd (0,00-0,60 ppm) and Hg (0,00-0,03 ppm), while the organophosphate pesticide residues were less than 0005 ppm or below the maximum limit set by Indonesian National Standard (ISN) 7313: 2008 on limit maximum pesticide residues in agricultural products. In conclusion, the meat, liver and kidneys of cattle distributed traditionally at the market in Pekanbaru city had contamination levels of heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Hg) and pesticide residues organophosphate which were under maximum conditions specifie

    Antiproteinuric effects of cilnidipine and amlodipine as add on therapy in hypertensive patients with chronic renal disease: a comparative study

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    Background: Cilnidipine is a dual blocker of L type and N type calcium channel and dilates both afferent and efferent arterioles. Hence it increases renal blood flow and reduces glomerular pressure ultimately reducing proteinuria. Thus, it may exert renoprotective effects. The present study was designed to compare the antiproteinuric effects of cilnidipine and amlodipine in hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease as add on therapy to patients on losartan.Methods: This is a randomized, open label, prospective, parallel group study conducted in the out patient Department of Nephrology. The trial enrolled Diabetic CKD patients with hypertension and with spot urine protein creatinine ratio (PCR) ≥0.2 who were being treated with T. Losartan 50mg/day for >2 months. The subjects were then randomly assigned to 2 groups to receive either cilnidipine 10-20mg/day (Group A-46) or amlodipine 5-10mg/day (Group B- 50). The drugs were given for a duration of 6 months for each patient. The dose of losartan (50mg/day) was not adjusted throughout the study.Results: After 6 months, a significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure was seen in both the groups. The decrease in urinary protein creatinine ratio was significantly higher in cilnidipine group rather than amlodipine group. Thus, cilnidipine exerted greater antiproteinuric effect than amlodipine.Conclusions: Cilnidipine has antihypertensive effect equivalent to amlodipine but addition of cilnidipine rather than amlodipine to losartan decreased urine protein excretion in diabetic chronic kidney disease patients


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    ABSTRACT Interval graphs have drawn the attention of many researchers for over 30 years. They are extensively studied and revealed their practical relevance for modeling problems arising in the real world. In this paper we discuss various cases in which the dominating set constructed by the algorithm becomes an accurate dominating set, total accurate dominating set and also the cases where it is not an accurate dominating set and a total accurate dominating set
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