30 research outputs found

    The Suppressor of AAC2 Lethality SAL1 Modulates Sensitivity of Heterologously Expressed Artemia ADP/ATP Carrier to Bongkrekate in Yeast

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    The ADP/ATP carrier protein (AAC) expressed in Artemia franciscana is refractory to bongkrekate. We generated two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae where AAC1 and AAC3 were inactivated and the AAC2 isoform was replaced with Artemia AAC containing a hemagglutinin tag (ArAAC-HA). In one of the strains the suppressor of ΔAAC2 lethality, SAL1, was also inactivated but a plasmid coding for yeast AAC2 was included, because the ArAACΔsal1Δ strain was lethal. In both strains ArAAC-HA was expressed and correctly localized to the mitochondria. Peptide sequencing of ArAAC expressed in Artemia and that expressed in the modified yeasts revealed identical amino acid sequences. The isolated mitochondria from both modified strains developed 85% of the membrane potential attained by mitochondria of control strains, and addition of ADP yielded bongkrekate-sensitive depolarizations implying acquired sensitivity of ArAAC-mediated adenine nucleotide exchange to this poison, independent from SAL1. However, growth of ArAAC-expressing yeasts in glycerol-containing media was arrested by bongkrekate only in the presence of SAL1. We conclude that the mitochondrial environment of yeasts relying on respiratory growth conferred sensitivity of ArAAC to bongkrekate in a SAL1-dependent manner. © 2013 Wysocka-Kapcinska et al

    Functional Expression of Human Adenine Nucleotide Translocase 4 in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    The adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) mediates the exchange of ADP and ATP across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The human genome encodes multiple ANT isoforms that are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. Recently a novel germ cell-specific member of the ANT family, ANT4 (SLC25A31) was identified. Although it is known that targeted depletion of ANT4 in mice resulted in male infertility, the functional biochemical differences between ANT4 and other somatic ANT isoforms remain undetermined. To gain insight into ANT4, we expressed human ANT4 (hANT4) in yeast mitochondria. Unlike the somatic ANT proteins, expression of hANT4 failed to complement an AAC-deficient yeast strain for growth on media requiring mitochondrial respiration. Moreover, overexpression of hANT4 from a multi-copy plasmid interfered with optimal yeast growth. However, mutation of specific amino acids of hANT4 improved yeast mitochondrial expression and supported growth of the AAC-deficient yeast on non-fermentable carbon sources. The mutations affected amino acids predicted to interact with phospholipids, suggesting the importance of lipid interactions for function of this protein. Each mutant hANT4 and the somatic hANTs exhibited similar ADP/ATP exchange kinetics. These data define common and distinct biochemical characteristics of ANT4 in comparison to ANT1, 2 and 3 providing a basis for study of its unique adaptation to germ cells

    Search for protein partners of mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding protein Rim1p using a yeast two-hybrid system

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    RIM1 is a nuclear gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae coding for a protein with single-stranded DNA-binding activity that is essential for mitochondrial genome maintenance. No protein partners of Rim1p have been described so far in yeast. To better understand the role of this protein in mitochondrial DNA replication and recombination, a search for protein interactors by the yeast two-hybrid system was performed. This approach led to the identification of several candidates, including a putative transcription factor, Azf1p, and Mph1p, a protein with an RNA helicase domain which is known to influence the mutation rate of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes

    Hepatic mTORC1 Opposes Impaired Insulin Action to Control Mitochondrial Metabolism in Obesity

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    Dysregulated mitochondrial metabolism during hepatic insulin resistance may contribute to pathophysiologies ranging from elevated glucose production to hepatocellular oxidative stress and inflammation. Given that obesity impairs insulin action but paradoxically activates mTORC1, we tested whether insulin action and mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) contribute to altered in vivo hepatic mitochondrial metabolism. Loss of hepatic insulin action for 2 weeks caused increased gluconeogenesis, mitochondrial anaplerosis, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle oxidation, and ketogenesis. However, activation of mTORC1, induced by the loss of hepatic Tsc1, suppressed these fluxes. Only glycogen synthesis was impaired by both loss of insulin receptor and mTORC1 activation. Mice with a double knockout of the insulin receptor and Tsc1 had larger livers, hyperglycemia, severely impaired glycogen storage, and suppressed ketogenesis, as compared to those with loss of the liver insulin receptor alone. Thus, activation of hepatic mTORC1 opposes the catabolic effects of impaired insulin action under some nutritional states

    Dominant membrane uncoupling by mutant adenine nucleotide translocase in mitochondrial diseases

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    Adenine nucleotide translocase (Ant) is the most abundant protein on the mitochondrial inner membrane (MIM) primarily involved in ADP/ATP exchange. Ant also possesses a discrete membrane uncoupling activity. Specific mis-sense mutations in the human Ant1 cause autosomal dominant Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (adPEO), mitochondrial myopathy and cardiomyopathy, which are commonly manifested by fractional mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions. It is currently thought that the pathogenic mutations alter substrate preference (e.g. ATP versus ADP) thereby dominantly disturbing adenine nucleotide homeostasis in mitochondria. This may interfere with mtDNA replication, consequently affecting mtDNA stability and oxidative phosphorylation. Here, we showed that the adPEO-type A128P, A106D and M114P mutations in the yeast Aac2p share the following common dominant phenotypes: electron transport chain damage, intolerance to moderate over-expression, synthetic lethality with low Δψm conditions, hypersensitivity to the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and mtDNA instability. More interestingly, the aac2A137D allele mimicking ant1A123D in mitochondrial myopathy and cardiomyopathy exhibits similar dominant phenotypes. Because Aac2A137D is known to completely lack transport activity, it is strongly argued that the dominant mitochondrial damages are not caused by aberrant nucleotide transport. The four pathogenic mutations occur in a structurally dynamic gating region on the cytosolic side. We provided direct evidence that the mutant alleles uncouple mitochondrial respiration. The pathogenic mutations likely enhance the intrinsic proton-conducting activity of Ant, which excessively uncouples the MIM thereby affecting energy transduction and mitochondrial biogenesis. mtDNA disintegration is a phenotype co-lateral to mitochondrial damages. These findings provide mechanistic insights into the pathogenesis of the Ant1-induced diseases

    Spatial niche formation but not malignant progression is a driving force for intratumoural heterogeneity

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    Intratumoural heterogeneity (ITH) is a major cause of cancer-associated lethality. Extensive genomic ITH has previously been reported in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Here we address the question whether ITH increases with malignant progression and can hence be exploited as a prognostic marker. Unexpectedly, precision quantitative image analysis reveals that the degree of functional ITH is virtually identical between primary ccRCCs of the lowest stage and advanced, metastatic tumours. Functional ITH was found to show a stage-independent topological pattern with peak proliferative and signalling activities almost exclusively in the tumour periphery. Exome sequencing of matching peripheral and central primary tumour specimens reveals various region-specific mutations. However, these mutations cannot directly explain the zonal pattern suggesting a role of microenvironmental factors in shaping functional ITH. In conclusion, our results indicate that ITH is an early and general characteristic of malignant growth rather than a consequence of malignant progression