490 research outputs found

    Theorizing and Generalizing About Risk Assessment and Regulation Through Comparative Nested Analysis of Representative Cases

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    This article provides a framework and offers strategies for theorizing and generalizing about risk assessment and regulation developed in the context of an on-going comparative study of regulatory behavior. Construction of a universe of nearly 3,000 risks and study of a random sample of 100 of these risks allowed us to estimate relative U.S. and European regulatory precaution over a thirty-five-year period. Comparative nested analysis of cases selected from this universe of ecological, health, safety, and other risks or its eighteen categories or ninety-two subcategories of risk sources or causes will allow theory-testing and -building and many further descriptive and causal comparative generalizations

    Optimisation du dimensionnement des systèmes photovoltaïques, amélioration de leur rendement énergétique à travers des nouvelles techniques d’installation

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    Le sujet que nous traitons dans cet article est une comparaison de l’énergie reçue par des photovoltaïques (PV) sur deux installations différentes. Nous réalisons deux installations de supports de panneau solaire ; l’un est mobile et capable de se tourner dans deux directions différentes ; et l’autre est fixé et orienté selon une seule direction. A Antsiranana, le soleil passe au Nord environ huit (08) mois sur douze (12). C’est la raison pour laquelle l’installation du support fixe de panneau solaire est orientée vers le Nord. Toutefois, cette technique présente un faible rendement lorsque le soleil passe au Sud. Ainsi, l’idée de rendre mobile le support est envisagé pour palier à cet inconvénient. Le nouveau support peut s’orienter suivant l’Est-ouest et Nord-sud ou vis-versa. Ces orientations sont gérées par un module électronique programmable. En relevant les résultats des mesures obtenus sur les deux installations, nous remarquons une nette amélioration du rendement pour le support mobile. Ce dernier présent de rendement minimum de plus de 5% au mauvais temps et de 18% au temps ensoleillé par rapport à celle du support fixe.Mots-clés: capteur de lumière, support Mobile, microcontrôleur Atmega8, énergie solaire. Optimization of the design of photovoltaic systems, improve their energy efficiency through new installationThis paper is treated a comparison of the energy received by solar panels using two different installations. We realize two stands for solar panel; the first one is able to turn following different directions; and the other is fixed and which is oriented at a single angle. In Antsiranana, the sun spends in the north about 08 months. That is the reason why the supports of photovoltaic panels are oriented to the north. However, this technique presents a low yield when the sun goes south. So the idea to make mobile the support have been realized to overcome this inconvenient. The new support can move along the East-West and North-South or vice-versa. These guidelines are managed by a programmable electronic module. Noting the results of measurements on the two facilities, we notice a significant improvement in performance for mobile support. Compared to the fixed support, the mobile panel provides minimum yield for about 5% high in bad weather and 18% more for the sunny.Keywords: light sensor, mobile support, microcontroller Atmega8, solar energy

    Contribution à l’étude de la radioactivité gamma du sable des plages de Ramena et d’Orangea, Antsiranana, Madagascar

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    Les familles de l’Uranium -238, de l’Uranium -235, du Thorium -232 et du Potassium -40 sont d’origines telluriques et contribuent de manière générale aux expositions internes et externes d’un individu. Ce travail a pour objectif de mesurer la radioactivité du sable de deux plages de la baie de Diego-Suarez, à savoir celles de ramena et d’orangea. Différents échantillons ont été collectés pour avoir une représentation fidèle de ces sites. Les analyses par spectrométrie gamma de ces échantillons nous permettent de déterminer les activités des familles de l’Uranium -238, du Thorium -232 et du Potassium -40. Les analyses effectuées avec le détecteur NaI (Tl) de marque ORTEC et de modèle 905-4 série ont donné des résultats fiables. En effet, les activités varient de (66 ± 22) Bq.kg-1 à (180 ± 32) Bq.kg-1 pour la famille de l’Uranium-238, de (54 ± 14) Bq.kg-1 à (95 ± 16) Bq.kg-1 pour celle du Thorium-232 et de (107 ± 22) Bq.kg-1 à (321 ± 49) Bq.kg-1 pour le Potassium -40. Ainsi le radium équivalent varie de (174 ± 26) Bq.kg-1 à (319±37) Bq.kg-1 avec une moyenne de (235 32) Bq.kg-1.Mots-clés: radioactivité, spectrométrie gamma, radium équivalent.Contribution of the Measurements of beach sand radioactivities of Ramena and Orangea in Antsiranana, Madagascar Uranium -238, uranium -235 and Thorium -232 series are from telluric elements and with Potassium -40, they contribute to the internal and external exposure of the public. This work is essentially based on the measurement of beach sand radioactivities of Ramena and Orangea in Antsiranana. Enough samples have been collected in such way to have a good image of the two areas of interest. The samples analyses by gamma spectrometry system using ORTEC NaI(Tl) detector, 905-4 serie, allow us to determine the activities of Uranium -238, Thorium -232 series and the Potasium -40. The results show that the uranium -238, the thorium-232 series and the potassium-40 activities ranges are respectively from (66±22) Bq.kg-1 to (180 ± 32) Bq.kg-1, from (54 ± 14) Bq.kg-1 to (95 ± 16) Bq.kg-1 and from (107 ± 22) Bq.kg-1 to (321 ± 49) Bq.kg-1. Thus, the estimated radium equivalent ranges are between (174 ± 26) Bq.kg-1 to (319 ± 37) Bq.kg-1, with an average for about (235 32) Bq.kg-1.Keywords: radioactivity, gamma spectrometry, radium equivalent

    Contribution à l’étude de dose due à la radioactivité gamma du sol sur la rive de la baie des Français, Antsiranana, Madagascar

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    Le but de ce travail est d’étudier la radioactivité gamma des sols sur la rive de la baie des français et de déterminer l’impact dosimétrique sur la population locale dans les localités d’Ankorikihely, de betahitry et de Lazaret-Nord. Des échantillons du sol ont été prélevés et analysés pour identifier les activités spécifiques du potassium-40, des familles de l’Uranium-238 et du Thorium-232. Ces échantillons ont été analysés sur une chaine de spectrométrie gamma, muni d’un détecteur NaI(Tl) et du logiciel Scinti-vision. Le traitement des spectres a été réalisé en utilisant la méthode de Rybach. Après mesures, les résultats suivants ont été obtenus : les activités spécifiques du potassium-40 varient de 112 ± 34 Bq.kg-1 à 565 ± 50Bq.kg-1, avec une moyenne de 313 Bq.kg-1. Cette dernière est inferieure à la valeur moyenne mondiale, qui est 400 Bq.kg-1.Les activités spécifiques de la famille de l’uranium-238 varient de 87 ± 32 Bq.kg-1 à 190 ± 46Bq.kg-1, avec une moyenne de 139 Bq.kg-1. Cette valeur moyenne est quatre fois supérieure à la valeur moyenne mondiale, qui est de 35 Bq.kg-1. Les activités spécifiques de la famille du thorium-232 varient de 81 ± 20 Bq.kg-1 à 161 ± 23 Bq.kg-1, avec une moyenne de 126 Bq.kg-1. Cette valeur moyenne est quatre fois plus que la valeur moyenne mondiale, qui est de 30 Bq.kg-1. Les débits de dose absorbée à 1m au-dessus de la surface de sol varient entre 89 ± 14 nGy.h-1 et 209± 29 nGy.h-1 avec une moyenne de 153 nGy.h-1. Les doses efficaces annuelles sont comprises entre 0,14 ± 0,02 mSv.a-1 et 0,25 ± 0,03 mSv.a-1. Ces valeurs annuelles sont bien en-dessous de la valeur limite acceptable pour le public qui est de 1 mSv.a-1.Mots-clés: radioactivite, spectrométrie gamma, dose absorbée, dose efficace annuelle. Study of the dosimetric impact due to the gamma radioactivity of the soil in the border of the “baie des français”, Antsiranana, MadagascarThe aim of this work is to study gamma radioactivity of the soil in the border of the “baie des français” and then to determine the dosimetric impact to the local population of Ankorikihely, betahitry and Lazaret-Nord. Samples have been collected to identify the specific activities of the potassium-40, Uranium-238 series and Thorium-232.series. These samples have been analyzed by gamma spectrometry system, with NaI(Tl) detector using ScintiVision software. The spectrum processing has been done by using the method developed by Rybach. The results show that:The potassium-40 activity ranges are from 112 ± 34 Bq.kg-1 to 565 ± 50 Bq.kg-1, with an average of 313Bq.kg-1. This latter is below the work average value of 400 Bq.kg-1. The uranium-238 activity varies between 87 ± 32 Bq.kg-1 and 190 ± 46Bq.kg-1, with an average of 139 Bq.kg-1. This average value is 4 times higher than the world average value of 35 Bq.kg-1. The thorium-232 activity varies from 81 ± 20 Bq.kg-1 to (161 ± 23) Bq.kg-1, with an average of 126 Bq.kg-1. This average value is 4 times higher than the world average value of 30 Bq.kg-1. The absorbed dose rate at 1m above soil surface varies between 89 ± 14nGy.h-1and 209± 29 nGy.h-1, with an average of 153nGy.h-1. The annual effective dose ranges from 0.14 ± 0.02mSv.y-1to 0.25 ± 0.03mSv.y-1. The estimated annual effective doses are below 1mSv.y-1, the limit value for the public.Keywords: radioactivity, gamma spectrometry, absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose

    On the Sensitivity and Specificity of Postmortem Upper Respiratory Tract Testing for SARS-CoV-2

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    Background Postmortem testing can improve our understanding of the impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) if sufficiently sensitive and specific. Methods We investigated the postmortem sensitivity and specificity of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on upper respiratory swabs using a dataset of everyone tested for SARS-CoV-2 before and after death in England, 1 March to 29 October 2020. We analyzed sensitivity in those with a positive test before death by time to postmortem test. We developed a multivariate model and conducted time-to-negativity survival analysis. For specificity, we analyzed those with a negative test in the week before death. Results Postmortem testing within a week after death had a sensitivity of 96.8% if the person had tested positive within a week before death. There was no effect of age, sex, or specimen type on sensitivity, but individuals with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)–related codes on their death certificate were 5.65 times more likely to test positive after death (95% confidence interval, 2.31–13.9). Specificity was 94.2%, increasing to 97.5% in individuals without COVID-19 on the death certificate. Conclusion Postmortem testing has high sensitivity (96.8%) and specificity (94.2%) if performed within a week after death and could be a useful diagnostic tool

    Green tea extract only affects markers of oxidative status postprandially: lasting antioxidant effect of flavonoid-free diet

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    Epidemiological studies suggest that foods rich in flavonoids might reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of green tea extract (GTE) used as a food antioxidant on markers of oxidative status after dietary depletion of flavonoids and catechins. The study was designed as a 2×3 weeks blinded human cross-over intervention study (eight smokers, eight non-smokers) with GTE corresponding to a daily intake of 18·6 mg catechins/d. The GTE was incorporated into meat patties and consumed with a strictly controlled diet otherwise low in flavonoids. GTE intervention increased plasma antioxidant capacity from 1·35 to 1·56 (P<0·02) in postprandially collected plasma, most prominently in smokers. The intervention did not significantly affect markers in fasting blood samples, including plasma or haemoglobin protein oxidation, plasma oxidation lagtime, or activities of the erythrocyte superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and catalase. Neither were fasting plasma triacylglycerol, cholesterol, α-tocopherol, retinol, β-carotene, or ascorbic acid affected by intervention. Urinary 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine excretion was also unaffected. Catechins from the extract were excreted into urine with a half-life of less than 2 h in accordance with the short-term effects on plasma antioxidant capacity. Since no long-term effects of GTE were observed, the study essentially served as a fruit and vegetables depletion study. The overall effect of the 10-week period without dietary fruits and vegetables was a decrease in oxidative damage to DNA, blood proteins, and plasma lipids, concomitantly with marked changes in antioxidative defenc

    Can agricultural cultivation methods influence the healthfulness of crops for foods

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate if there are any health effects of long-term consumption of organically grown crops using a rat model. Crops were retrieved over two years from along-term field trial at three different locations in Denmark, using three different cultivation systems(OA, organic based on livestock manure; OB, organic based on green manure; and C, conventional with mineral fertilizers and pesticides)with two field replicates. The cultivation system had an impact on the nutritional quality, affecting γ-tocopherol, some amino acids, and fatty acid composition. Additionally, the nutritional quality was affected by harvest year and location. However, harvest year and location rather than cultivation system affected the measured health biomarkers. In conclusion, the differences in dietary treatments composed of ingredients from different cultivation systems did not lead to significant differences in the measured health biomarkers, except for a significant difference in plasma IgGl evels

    Interplay of structural and electronic phase separation in single crystalline La(2)CuO(4.05) studied by neutron and Raman scattering

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    We report a neutron and Raman scattering study of a single-crystal of La(2)CuO(4.05) prepared by high temperature electrochemical oxidation. Elastic neutron scattering measurements show the presence of two phases, corresponding to the two edges of the first miscibility gap, all the way up to 300 K. An additional oxygen redistribution, driven by electronic energies, is identified at 250 K in Raman scattering (RS) experiments by the simultaneous onset of two-phonon and two-magnon scattering, which are fingerprints of the insulating phase. Elastic neutron scattering measurements show directly an antiferromagnetic ordering below a N\'eel temperature of T_N =210K. The opening of the superconducting gap manifests itself as a redistribution of electronic Raman scattering below the superconducting transition temperature, T_c = 24K. A pronounced temperature-dependent suppression of the intensity of the (100) magnetic Bragg peak has been detected below T_c. We ascribe this phenomenon to a change of relative volume fraction of superconducting and antiferromagnetic phases with decreasing temperature caused by a form of a superconducting proximity effect.Comment: 9 pages, including 9 eps figures, submitted to PR