29 research outputs found

    Dictionaries and their users

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    It is only recently that dictionary users have become a central consideration in the design of dictionaries, and this focus has both stimulated and benefited from research into dictionary use. The present contribution reviews the major issues in dictionary design from the user perspective, taking stock of the relevant findings from user research, insofar as such research can assist lexicographers in producing improved lexical tools

    Povezovanje razvoja managementa kompetenc z oblikovanjem organizacijske kulture

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    The paper presents the first results of the IGA/2012/7 project “Versatility of Organizational Management and its Reflection in the Area of Organizational Culture“. The paper tries to answer in particular a question if there exist and what are the relations between a process of management competencies development and process of organizational culture creation and change. The research is based upon two methods: (1) Leadership Versatility Index® (LVI ®) and Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS). The research data are presented in a form of two cases. Qualitative analysis of these data has led to two preliminary conclusions: (1) Some of the research expectations concerning an existence of the relations between organization´s management versatility and organizational culture might be confirmed in a future; (2) DOCS data can bring a new light on the LVI ® results and on the process of management competencies development. They help managers to understand that a change and development of their management competencies is not their personal business but a need with important strategic consequences for the whole organization. Reliable answers to all research questions and hypothesises are conditionedby a statistical analysis of the data collected in more organizations, however.Članek predstavlja prve rezultate IGA/2012/7 projekta "Raznolikost managementa organizacij in njegov odraz na področju organizacijske kulture". Članek poskuša odgovoriti zlasti na vprašanje, ali obstajajo in kakšni so odnosi med procesom razvoja managementa kompetenc in procesom oblikovanja organizacijske kulture in spremembe. Raziskava temelji na dveh metodah: (1) Indeks raznolikosti vodenja® (LVI ®) in Denisonovi tipologiji organizacijske kulture (DOCS). Podatki raziskave so predstavljeni z dvema primeroma. Kvalitativna analiza teh podatkov je privedla do dveh predhodnih ugotovitev: (1) Nekatera pričakovanja raziskave glede na obstoj povezav med raznolikostjo managementa organizacije in organizacijsko kulturo, bodo morda potrjena v prihodnosti; (2) DOCS podatki lahko prikažejo LVI ® rezultate in proces razvoja managementa kompetenc v novi luči. Pomagajo direktorjem razumeti, da sprememba in razvoj managementa kompetenc nista njihov osebna stvar, temveč potreba, s pomembnimi strateškimi posledicami za celotno organizacijo. Zanesljivi odgovori na vsa raziskovalna vprašanja in hipoteze pa so pogojeni s statističnimi analizami podatkov, ki so jih zbrali v več organizacijah

    Methodological protocol for assessing the environmental footprint by means of ecotoxicological tools: wastewater treatment plants as an example case

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    The ecotoxicological tools reveal to be profitably employable within the assessment of the so-called environmental footprint, which is commonly based on the results of a chemical monitoring. Due to the heterogeneity of biological endpoints and the possibility to explore several exposure frames, as well as to consider higher levels of organization (from cells to organisms and mesocosms), the definition of a protocol is desirable