24 research outputs found

    Non-linear spectroscopy of rubidium: An undergraduate experiment

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    In this paper, we describe two complementary non-linear spectroscopy methods which both allow to achieve Doppler-free spectra of atomic gases. First, saturated absorption spectroscopy is used to investigate the structure of the 5S1/25P3/25{\rm S}_{1/2}\to 5{\rm P}_{3/2} transition in rubidium. Using a slightly modified experimental setup, Doppler-free two-photon absorption spectroscopy is then performed on the 5S1/25D5/25{\rm S}_{1/2}\to 5{\rm D}_{5/2} transition in rubidium, leading to accurate measurements of the hyperfine structure of the 5D5/25{\rm D}_{5/2} energy level. In addition, electric dipole selection rules of the two-photon transition are investigated, first by modifying the polarization of the excitation laser, and then by measuring two-photon absorption spectra when a magnetic field is applied close to the rubidium vapor. All experiments are performed with the same grating-feedback laser diode, providing an opportunity to compare different high resolution spectroscopy methods using a single experimental setup. Such experiments may acquaint students with quantum mechanics selection rules, atomic spectra and Zeeman effect.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Доработка электронного исполнительного пункта

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    Тез. докл. VI Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. (науч. чтения, посвящ. П. О. Сухому), Гомель, 19–20 окт. 2006 г

    The nature of domain walls in ultrathin ferromagnets revealed by scanning nanomagnetometry

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    The recent observation of current-induced domain wall (DW) motion with large velocity in ultrathin magnetic wires has opened new opportunities for spintronic devices. However, there is still no consensus on the underlying mechanisms of DW motion. Key to this debate is the DW structure, which can be of Bloch or N\'eel type, and dramatically affects the efficiency of the different proposed mechanisms. To date, most experiments aiming to address this question have relied on deducing the DW structure and chirality from its motion under additional in-plane applied fields, which is indirect and involves strong assumptions on its dynamics. Here we introduce a general method enabling direct, in situ, determination of the DW structure in ultrathin ferromagnets. It relies on local measurements of the stray field distribution above the DW using a scanning nanomagnetometer based on the Nitrogen-Vacancy defect in diamond. We first apply the method to a Ta/Co40Fe40B20(1 nm)/MgO magnetic wire and find clear signature of pure Bloch DWs. In contrast, we observe left-handed N\'eel DWs in a Pt/Co(0.6 nm)/AlOx wire, providing direct evidence for the presence of a sizable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) at the Pt/Co interface. This method offers a new path for exploring interfacial DMI in ultrathin ferromagnets and elucidating the physics of DW motion under current.Comment: Main text and Supplementary Information, 33 pages and 12 figure