957 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal distribution of marine debris in seafloor habitats of the Balearic Islands

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    The weight and distribution of marine macrodebris in benthic habitats (continental shelves and upper slopes) from bottom trawl scientific surveys at the Balearic Islands was investigated. A time series of 15 years (2001 -2015) was studied at mesoscale level. Most abundant debris were glass, plastic and fishing material. The plastic fraction, which is highly persistent and resistant to biodegradation, showed a high variability in space and time with no clear trend

    Improving the ecological efficiency of the bottom trawl fishery in the western Mediterranean: it’s about time!

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    The improvement of fishing technology has been detrimental to the sustainability of fisheries, which is particularly clear for the bottom trawl fishery. Reducing its environmental impact is a key point for the development of a more sustainable fishery. The present work analyzed different possibilities to mitigate the impact of gears on the seabed and to increase the efficiency of the bottom trawl fishery of the Western Mediterranean. The analysis of three experiments showed that innovative technical and regulation measures can lead to benefits such as the reduction of fishing effort, the improvement of the cost-benefit relation and the reduction of the direct impact on the seabed and the indirect effect on the ecosystems through reduce discards and the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. After years of studies focused on improving the sustainability of this fishery, it's about time to turn this improvement into realityPreprint1,86

    Optimizing the ship constructions by automatic line heating forming process based in numerical simulation and artificial intelligence

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    This paper presents the development of a novel automatic lineheating forming machine based on intensive application of the numerical simulation and artificial intelligence. The forming of certain parts of the shell of the ships can be done by heating forming or mechanical forming. Line heating forming is usually a more flexible process, and therefore, it is more useful. The principal problem with line heating forming is that it is very time consuming, manual and needs very qualified workers. In this research, line heating forming is studied looking for the best way to automate the process. Numerical models were developed based on finite element methods to simulate the process of heating, cooling and finally forming of the plates. The models were tested and validated against experimental test over small plates. However, as numerical models have extremely long computational times demanding high computational capacities; they are not directly applicable in a real time scenario, as it is needed. Finally, after the mathematization of this knowledge and making use of it, it was developed a software based on artificial intelligence. Using an informed heuristic search strategy, this software predicts the optimal set of heating lines, their sequence and velocity to be applied over the plate to obtain the final shape. The developed system was tested to show its feasibility. As a consequence, there is a significative reduction in computational time allowing the system to be applied in a soft real-time environment. This model will help shipyard manufacturers determine the positions and trajectory of torch for the flame heating lines and their heating parameters to form a desired shape of plate

    Libanon : Heiße Spuren im „Mordfall Hariri“?

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    The teleosts Chelidonichthys cuculus, Trigloporus lastoviza, Serranus cabrilla and Trachinus draco, are important by-catch species, in terms of landed biomass and commercial value, from the continental shelf bottom trawl fishery off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). The main biological parameters of these species were calculated from monthly biological samplings, and were used along with three years pseudo-cohorts (2008-2010) obtained from monitoring on-board of the bottom trawl fleet, to assess their exploitation level through Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) and Yield per Recruit (Y/R) analysis. Time series of fishery independent indicators based on MEDITS surveys data such as the evolution of the abundance and biomass, the distribution range, and the Conservation Status of Fish b (CSFb), were also analyzed. All four species analyzed showed growth overfishing. The reductions of the fishing effort required to reach the Y/RF0,1 reference point were lower, 66-73% depending on the species, to those reported for the target species M. merluccius (87%), but higher than that reported for M. surmuletus (53%), in the study area in the period 2000-2010. The abundance and biomass, and the distribution range did not show any trend for the period 2001-2011, whereas the CSFb showed signs of recovery that may be due to the displacement of the trawl fishing effort from the shelf to the slope during the last decade. Our results underline the necessary incorporation of monitoring and assessment of by-catch species to the management of fisheries as their populations can show a more pronounced overexploitation than target ones

    Diamond vs. square mesh codend in a multi-species trawl fishery of the western Mediterranean: effects on catch composition, yield, size selectivity and discards

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    Selectivity studies usually describe the effects on target species, whereas information on by-catch and discards is scarce. Nevertheless, large quantities of undersized individuals and invertebrates are discarded in the Mediterranean multi-species bottom trawl fishery. The present work analyses the data from two surveys carried out on the shallow and deep continental shelf (50–78 m, and 147–189 m, respectively) off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). In these surveys, the traditionally used 40 mm diamond mesh codend and an experimental square mesh codend were used under commercial conditions. Catch composition, yields, size selectivity of both target and by-catch species, and discards were compared between the two mesh types. The mean selection length (L50) clearly increased for most species when using square mesh, escaping many more individuals under their minimum landing size. Yield of Spicara smaris was significantly lower by using the square mesh, changing the composition of the retained catch. Escapement ratio and economic loss were significantly higher with square mesh, although economic loss was almost negligible for both meshes on the deep continental shelf. The use of square mesh significantly reduced the discards of algae in the shallow waters and fish on the deep continental shelf. The results confirmed that square mesh codend reduces the fishing pressure on small specimens as well as the impact of trawling on the ecosystem. These benefits would not lead to a reduction of the yields neither of the main target species, the fishes Merluccius merluccius, Mullus surmuletus, Zeus faber, and the cephalopods Loligo vulgaris and Octopus vulgaris, nor of the rest of commercial categories, except for Spicara smarisPublicado

    Few-body bound states of two-dimensional bosons

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    We study clusters of the type AN_NBM_M with NM3N\leq M\leq 3 in a two-dimensional mixture of A and B bosons, with attractive AB and equally repulsive AA and BB interactions. In order to check universal aspects of the problem, we choose two very different models: dipolar bosons in a bilayer geometry and particles interacting via separable Gaussian potentials. We find that all the considered clusters are bound and that their energies are universal functions of the scattering lengths aABa_{AB} and aAA=aBBa_{AA}=a_{BB}, for sufficiently large attraction-to-repulsion ratios aAB/aBBa_{AB}/a_{BB}. When aAB/aBBa_{AB}/a_{BB} decreases below 10\approx 10, the dimer-dimer interaction changes from attractive to repulsive and the population-balanced AABB and AAABBB clusters break into AB dimers. Calculating the AAABBB hexamer energy just below this threshold, we find an effective three-dimer repulsion which may have important implications for the many-body problem, particularly for observing liquid and supersolid states of dipolar dimers in the bilayer geometry. The population-imbalanced ABB trimer, ABBB tetramer, and AABBB pentamer remain bound beyond the dimer-dimer threshold. In the dipolar model, they break up at aAB2aBBa_{AB}\approx 2 a_{BB} where the atom-dimer interaction switches to repulsion.Comment: 3 figure

    Stock boundaries for fisheries assessment and management in the Mediterranean: the Balearic Islands as a case study

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    The stock concept plays a pivotal role in fisheries assessment and management. Stocks are defined according to biological, geographical, economic or socio-political factors. The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) has established thirty management geographical sub-areas (GSAs) based on political and statistical considerations rather than biological or economic factors. Here, we present our view on the main biological and ecological aspects that should be considered for delineating different management units in the Mediterranean. We focus on the Balearic Islands (GSA05) as a case study highlighting its specificities compared to the adjacent coast of the Iberian Peninsula (GSA06), but the approach could be generalized to the problem of identifying stock boundaries in other areas. The work is based on published information from different marine disciplines such as geomorphology, ecology and fisheries, combined with the analysis of new data coming from official fishery statistics and scientific surveys. This approach avoids the important draw¬backs (inconclusive results, high costs) of other time-consuming techniques used in stock identification, such as genetics. According to the information presented, we conclude that GSA05 should be maintained as an individualized area for assess-ment and management purposes in the western MediterraneanPublicado