480 research outputs found

    Første gevinstrealiseringsrapport med anbefalinger. Nasjonalt velferdsteknologiprogram

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    Helsedirektoratet presenterer i denne rapporten de første dokumenterte funnene fra deltagende kommuner i nasjonalt velferdsteknologiprogram. Det omfatter erfaringer fra totalt 34 kommuner. Funnene er basert på praktiske erfaringer og beregninger. Nasjonalt velferdsteknologiprogram har følgeforskning og sammenstilte funn vil bli publisert i en tilsvarende rapport i 2016 og i en sluttrapport i 2017. Utviklingskommunene kan vise til konkrete gevinster ved velferdsteknologiske løsninger. Disse erfaringene er så entydelige at Helsedirektorat ønsker å gi de første anbefalingene allerede nå. Realisering av gevinster ved bruk av velferdteknologiske løsninger vil variere fra kommune til kommune. I samarbeid med KS har Helsedirektoratet utviklet Veikart for tjenesteinnovasjon og velferdsteknologi, som gir kommunene verktøy og veiledning i hvordan lykkes med å ta velferdsteknologiske løsninger i bruk og sikre at gevinster realiseres. Helsedirektoratet ønsker med denne rapporten å gi anbefalinger om hvilke områder som bør prioriteres når de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene skal starte opp og videreføre prosjekter på velferdsteknologiområdet

    Dendritic Surfactants Show Evidence for Frustrated Intercalation: A New Organoclay Morphology

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    Mixing a smectite clay with some dendritic surfactants shows that despite the large size of some of these molecules, a property that frustrates complete intercalation into the gallery of the clay, organoclay materials are obtained. X-ray powder diffraction (XPD) reveals no significant increases in lattice spacing as these surfactants are added. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) show that interlayer water is preserved. Consistent with an undisturbed interlayer, the amount of organic material in organoclays derived from frustrated surfactants does not exceed 15% of the cationic exchange capacity (CEC) of the composite. Smaller dendritic surfactants do not display frustrated intercalation and instead readily enter into the gallery of the smectic clay yielding traditional organoclay materials. A range of organic compositions (5-50% w/w) that exceed the CEC of the materials are observed. The organic content is corroborated by UV spectroscopy and TGA. XPD reveals increasing lattice spacings with increasing organic content. IR spectroscopy and TGA support an increasingly hydrophobic interlayer. A linear isomer of a frustrated surfactant can intercalate into the gallery (5-33% w/w) yielding morphologies that depend on the amount of surfactant added. These results support the hypothesis that shape, and not only size, is important for producing frustrated intercalation

    Draft genome sequence of the bacteriocinogenic strain Enterococcus faecalis DBH18, isolated from mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos)

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    Here, we report the draft genome sequence of Enterococcus faecalis DBH18, a bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacterium (LAB) isolated from mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). The assembly contains 2,836,724 bp, with a G+C content of 37.6%. The genome is predicted to contain 2,654 coding DNA sequences (CDSs) and 50 RNAs

    Genomic Characterization of Dairy Associated Leuconostoc Species and Diversity of Leuconostocs in Undefined Mixed Mesophilic Starter Cultures

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    Undefined mesophilic mixed (DL-type) starter cultures are composed of predominantly Lactococcus lactis subspecies and 1–10% Leuconostoc spp. The composition of the Leuconostoc population in the starter culture ultimately affects the characteristics and the quality of the final product. The scientific basis for the taxonomy of dairy relevant leuconostocs can be traced back 50 years, and no documentation on the genomic diversity of leuconostocs in starter cultures exists. We present data on the Leuconostoc population in five DL-type starter cultures commonly used by the dairy industry. The analyses were performed using traditional cultivation methods, and further augmented by next-generation DNA sequencing methods. Bacterial counts for starter cultures cultivated on two different media, MRS and MPCA, revealed large differences in the relative abundance of leuconostocs. Most of the leuconostocs in two of the starter cultures were unable to grow on MRS, emphasizing the limitations of culture-based methods and the importance of careful media selection or use of culture independent methods. Pan-genomic analysis of 59 Leuconostoc genomes enabled differentiation into twelve robust lineages. The genomic analyses show that the dairy-associated leuconostocs are highly adapted to their environment, characterized by the acquisition of genotype traits, such as the ability to metabolize citrate. In particular, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris display telltale signs of a degenerative evolution, likely resulting from a long period of growth in milk in association with lactococci. Great differences in the metabolic potential between Leuconostoc species and subspecies were revealed. Using targeted amplicon sequencing, the composition of the Leuconostoc population in the five commercial starter cultures was shown to be significantly different. Three of the cultures were dominated by Ln. mesenteroides subspecies cremoris. Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides dominated in two of the cultures while Leuconostoc lactis, reported to be a major constituent in fermented dairy products, was only present in low amounts in one of the cultures. This is the first in-depth study of Leuconostoc genomics and diversity in dairy starter cultures. The results and the techniques presented may be of great value for the dairy industry

    A comprehensive p75 neurotrophin receptor gene network and pathway analyses identifying new target genes

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    P75 neurotrophic receptor (p75NTR) is an important receptor for the role of neurotrophins in modulating brain plasticity and apoptosis. The current understanding of the role of p75NTR in cellular adaptation following pathological insults remains blurred, which makes p75NTR's related signaling networks an interesting and challenging initial point of investigation. We identified p75NTR and related genes through extensive data mining of a PubMed literature search including published works related to p75NTR from the past 20 years. Bioinformatic network and pathway analyses of identified genes (n=235) were performed using ReactomeFIViz in Cytoscape based on the highly reliable Reactome functional interaction network algorithm. This approach merges interactions extracted from human curated pathways with predicted interactions from machine learning. Genome-wide pathway analysis showed total of 16 enriched hierarchical clusters. A total of 278 enriched single pathways were also identified (pPeer reviewe

    Anbefaling på valg av standarder/rammeverk for velferdsteknologi

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    Velferdsteknologi kan gi mange, uansett alder, mulighet for å bo hjemme under trygge forhold dersom man blir syk, behøver omsorg eller bare ønsker mulighet til å bo hjemme i en sen fase i livet

    Limits to dark matter annihilation cross-section from a combined analysis of MAGIC and Fermi-LAT observations of dwarf satellite galaxies

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    We present the first joint analysis of gamma-ray data from the MAGIC Cherenkov telescopes and the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) to search for gamma-ray signals from dark matter annihilation in dwarf satellite galaxies. We combine 158 hours of Segue 1 observations with MAGIC with 6-year observations of 15 dwarf satellite galaxies by the Fermi-LAT. We obtain limits on the annihilation cross-section for dark matter particle masses between 10 GeV and 100 TeV - the widest mass range ever explored by a single gamma-ray analysis. These limits improve on previously published Fermi-LAT and MAGIC results by up to a factor of two at certain masses. Our new inclusive analysis approach is completely generic and can be used to perform a global, sensitivity-optimized dark matter search by combining data from present and future gamma-ray and neutrino detectors.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. V2: Few typos corrected and references added. Matches published version JCAP 02 (2016) 03

    Detection of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the gravitationally-lensed blazar QSO B0218+357 with the MAGIC telescopes

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    Context. QSO B0218+357 is a gravitationally lensed blazar located at a redshift of 0.944. The gravitational lensing splits the emitted radiation into two components, spatially indistinguishable by gamma-ray instruments, but separated by a 10-12 day delay. In July 2014, QSO B0218+357 experienced a violent flare observed by the Fermi-LAT and followed by the MAGIC telescopes. Aims. The spectral energy distribution of QSO B0218+357 can give information on the energetics of z ~ 1 very high energy gamma- ray sources. Moreover the gamma-ray emission can also be used as a probe of the extragalactic background light at z ~ 1. Methods. MAGIC performed observations of QSO B0218+357 during the expected arrival time of the delayed component of the emission. The MAGIC and Fermi-LAT observations were accompanied by quasi-simultaneous optical data from the KVA telescope and X-ray observations by Swift-XRT. We construct a multiwavelength spectral energy distribution of QSO B0218+357 and use it to model the source. The GeV and sub-TeV data, obtained by Fermi-LAT and MAGIC, are used to set constraints on the extragalactic background light. Results. Very high energy gamma-ray emission was detected from the direction of QSO B0218+357 by the MAGIC telescopes during the expected time of arrival of the trailing component of the flare, making it the farthest very high energy gamma-ray sources detected to date. The observed emission spans the energy range from 65 to 175 GeV. The combined MAGIC and Fermi-LAT spectral energy distribution of QSO B0218+357 is consistent with current extragalactic background light models. The broad band emission can be modeled in the framework of a two zone external Compton scenario, where the GeV emission comes from an emission region in the jet, located outside the broad line region.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&