2,242 research outputs found

    Deep Spiking Neural Network model for time-variant signals classification: a real-time speech recognition approach

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    Speech recognition has become an important task to improve the human-machine interface. Taking into account the limitations of current automatic speech recognition systems, like non-real time cloud-based solutions or power demand, recent interest for neural networks and bio-inspired systems has motivated the implementation of new techniques. Among them, a combination of spiking neural networks and neuromorphic auditory sensors offer an alternative to carry out the human-like speech processing task. In this approach, a spiking convolutional neural network model was implemented, in which the weights of connections were calculated by training a convolutional neural network with specific activation functions, using firing rate-based static images with the spiking information obtained from a neuromorphic cochlea. The system was trained and tested with a large dataset that contains ”left” and ”right” speech commands, achieving 89.90% accuracy. A novel spiking neural network model has been proposed to adapt the network that has been trained with static images to a non-static processing approach, making it possible to classify audio signals and time series in real time.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Editorial: The Role of Flower Color in Angiosperm Evolution

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    European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and grants from the Spanish government (PID2020-116222GB-I00)Andalusian Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University (PY18-3651, US-1265280, and UPO1261687)

    Downscaling ECMWF seasonal precipitation forecasts in Europe using the RCA model

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    6 páginas, 4 figuras.--Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial 3.0The operational performance and usefulness of regional climate models at seasonal time scales are assessed by downscaling an ensemble of global seasonal forecasts. The Rossby Centre RCA regional model was applied to downscale a five-member ensemble from the ECMWF System3 global model in the European Atlantic domain for the period 1981–2001. One month lead time global and regional precipitation predictions were compared over Europe—and particularly over Spain—focusing the study in SON (autumn) dry events. A robust tercile-based probabilistic validation approach was applied to compare the forecasts from global and regional models, obtaining significant skill in both cases, but over a wider area for the later. Finally, we also analyse the performance of a mixed ensemble combining both forecasts.This work was partly supported by projects ENSEMBLES from the 6th FP EU(GOCE-CT-2003-505539), EXTREMBLES (CGL2010-21869) and CORWES (CGL2010-22158-C02) from the Spanish Ministry MICINN (Plan Nacional de I+D+i) and by ESCENA (200800050084265) from the Spanish Ministry MARM.Peer reviewe

    Synthesis and characterization of silica-chitosan hybrid materials as antibacterial coatings for titanium implants

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    To avoid dental implant-related infections and to promote the osseointegration of titanium implants, the application of silicon and chitosan containing coatings is proposed. Silicon is a well-known osteogenic element and chitosan was selected to confer the antibacterial properties. The synthesis of hybrid silica-chitosan coatings using the sol-gel process is presented and the characterization using 29Si-NMR to verify the correct formation of the network is discussed. The 13C NMR spectroscopy was used to confirm the covalent union between chitosan and the silicon network. Hydrolytic degradation and silicon release studies showed the effective silicon release from the hybrids and, hence, the possibility to promote bone formation. The introduction of different amounts of chitosan and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) modulated the Si release. The analysis of cell cultures in vitro demonstrated that the hybrid coatings were not cytotoxic and promoted cell proliferation on their surfaces. The coatings containing 5%–10% chitosan had substantial antibacterial properties

    Orocimales y delaminación: relaciones y efectos

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    Late- to post-orogenic oroclinal bending in conjunction with thinning of the lithospheric mantle is potentially an important component of the waning stages of plate convergence in collisional orogenies. This paper addresses possible and hitherto unexplored cause-effect relationships between oroclinal bending of an originally linear orogenic belt and lithospheric thinning and delamination based on an example from the Western European Variscan Belt (WEVB). We suggest that late- to post-orogenic bending of the lithosphere around a vertical axis may cause thickening and eventual detachment of the lithospheric root of orogenic belts such as the WEVB. The proposed hypothesis is consistent with the chronology of tectonic, metamorphic, magmatic and hydrothermal events recorded in the WEVB

    Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Porcine Pasteurella multocida Are Not Associated with Its Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern

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    Forty-eight Pasteurella multocida isolates were recovered from porcine pneumonic lungs collected from farms in "Castilla y León" (north-western Spain) in 2017-2019. These isolates were characterized for their minimal inhibition concentrations to twelve antimicrobial agents and for the appearance of eight resistance genes: tetA, tetB, blaROB1, blaTEM, ermA, ermC, mphE and msrE. Relevant resistance percentages were shown against tetracyclines (52.1% for doxycycline, 68.7% for oxytetracycline), sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (43.7%) and tiamulin (25.0%), thus suggesting that P. multocida isolates were mostly susceptible to amoxicillin, ceftiofur, enrofloxacin, florfenicol, marbofloxacin and macrolides. Overall, 29.2% of isolates were resistant to more than two antimicrobials. The tetracycline resistance genes (tetA and tetB) were detected in 22.9% of the isolates, but none were positive to both simultaneously; blaROB1 and blaTEM genes were found in one third of isolates but both genes were detected simultaneously in only one isolate. The ermC gene was observed in 41.7% of isolates, a percentage that decreased to 22.9% for msrE; finally, ermA was harbored by 16.7% and mphE was not found in any of them. Six clusters were established based on hierarchical clustering analysis on antimicrobial susceptibility for the twelve antimicrobials. Generally, it was unable to foresee the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern for each family and the association of each particular isolate inside the clusters established from the presence or absence of the resistance genes analyzed.Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain) and Cost Action CA18217 (European Network for Optimization of Veterinary Antimicrobial Treatment)

    Primary dispersal of Cytisus multiflorus seeds

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    Current work relates to the primary dispersal of Cytisus multiflorus seeds: seed production, dispersal mechanisms, distribution of seed after dissemination and dormancy were investigated. The distribution of seed was recorded before collection; seed viabilaty and dormancy were assessed. The results indicate that the dispersion is assisted by an explosive dehiscence of the seed pod in that only 35% of the seed drop directly beneath the plant, the remainder falling further away, some reaching distances greater than 3 m. Dormancy index was found to be 98.9%.[es] En el presente trabajo se estudia la dispersión primaria de las semillas de Cytisus multiflorus: cuantificación de la producción, mecanismos de dispersión, distribución de las semillas tras la diseminación, y su estado de latencia. Para ello se colocaron dispositivos de recogida de las semillas debajo y alrededor de las plantas, anotando la cantidad y distancia de la calda; posteriormente eran sembradas para comprobarla viabilidad y dormición de las semillas. Los resultados indican la existencia de una dispersión por dehiscencia explosiva; solamente el 35% de las semillas caen bajo la planta, haciéndolo el resto en sus alrededores; algunas alcanzaron distancias superiores a los 3 m. El índice de dormición es de 98.9%. [fr] Dans le présent travail on étudie la dispersion primaire des graines de Cytisus multiflorus: quantification de la production, mécanismes de dispersion, distribution des graines après la dissémination et leur état de latence. Pour ce faire on a placé des dispositifs de récolte des graines au dessous et autour des plantes, enregistrant la quantité et la distance de la chute; après elles étaient semées pour tester la viabilité et dormance des graines. Les résultats indiquent l'existence d'une dispersion par déhiscence explosive; seulement 35% des graines tombent au-dessous de la plante, et le reste dans les alentours; quelques-unes atteignent des distances supérieures à 3 m. L'index de dormition est de 98.9%