46 research outputs found

    420,000 year assessment of fault leakage rates shows geological carbon storage is secure

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is routinely cited as a cost effective tool for climate change mitigation. CCS can directly reduce industrial CO2 emissions and is essential for the retention of CO2 extracted from the atmosphere. To be effective as a climate change mitigation tool, CO2 must be securely retained for 10,000 years (10 ka) with a leakage rate of below 0.01% per year of the total amount of CO2 injected. Migration of CO2 back to the atmosphere via leakage through geological faults is a potential high impact risk to CO2 storage integrity. Here, we calculate for the first time natural leakage rates from a 420 ka paleo-record of CO2 leakage above a naturally occurring, faulted, CO2 reservoir in Arizona, USA. Surface travertine (CaCO3) deposits provide evidence of vertical CO2 leakage linked to known faults. U-Th dating of travertine deposits shows leakage varies along a single fault and that individual seeps have lifespans of up to 200 ka. Whilst the total volumes of CO2 required to form the travertine deposits are high, time-averaged leakage equates to a linear rate of less than 0.01%/yr. Hence, even this natural geological storage site, which would be deemed to be of too high risk to be selected for engineered geologic storage, is adequate to store CO2 for climate mitigation purposes

    Long-term asset management and corrosion monitoring with sensors

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    Corrosion sensors have recently proven to be a useful and valuable tool for monitoring corrosion of civil infrastructure assets in a variety of marine, land and atmospheric environments. The sensors have been used in various functions from corrosion rate alarm monitoring, assessing protective coating performance, pre-construction corrosion severity surveys and preventative maintenance planning schemes. Data output from the sensors however, can be complex and requires some in depth understanding with respect to how corrosion mechanisms specific to the local environment can effect sensor outputs, as this can have a profound effect on the decision making process from an asset managers point of view. The purpose of this paper it to highlight some case studies where corrosion sensors have been deployed on various infrastructure assets and how the information retrieved from the sensors can be used to assist the decision making from an asset manager/engineers point of view to plan for preventative maintenance and/or implementation of corrosion prevention countermeasures. The paper will also highlight some pitfalls including accuracy of the measurements and erroneous interpretation of the data due to a lack of understanding of specific corrosion mechanisms.</p

    Man-made versus natural CO2 leakage: a 400 k.y. history of an analogue for engineered geological storage of CO2

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    To evaluate sites for long-term geological storage of CO2 and optimize techniques for monitoring the fate of injected CO2, it is crucial to investigate potential CO2 migration pathways out of a reservoir and surface leakage magnitudes. For the first time, we calculate CO2 leakage rates and volumes from ancient fault-related travertines and from an abandoned borehole. U-Th–dated travertine along two faults near Green River, Utah (western United States), shows that leakage has occurred in this area for over 400 k.y. and has switched location repeatedly over kilometer-scale distances. One individual travertine was active for at least 11 k.y. Modern leakage is predominantly through the active Crystal Geyser, which erupts from an abandoned exploration well. Using age data and travertine volume, we calculate magnitudes and rates of CO2 emission. Fault-focused leakage volume is twice as great than diffuse leakage through unconfined aquifers. The leakage rate from a poorly completed borehole is 13 times greater than the long-term time averaged fault-focused leakage. Although magnitudes and rates of any leakage from future storage sites will be highly dependent on local geology and pressure regime, our results highlight that leakage from abandoned wells is likely to be more significant than through faults

    The Management of Arable Land from Prehistory to the Present: Case Studies from the Northern Isles of Scotland

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    The arable soils from two multiperiod settlements were analyzed to identify changes in agricultural methods over time. The settlement middens were also analyzed to determine whether potential fertilizers were discarded unused. Results suggest that in the Neolithic period (~4000–2000 B.C. in the UK) the arable soils at Tofts Ness, Orkney, and Old Scatness, Shetland, were created by flattening and cultivating the settlements’ midden heaps in situ. The arable area at Tofts Ness was expanded in the Bronze Age (~2000–700 B.C. in the UK), and the new land was improved by the addition of ash, nightsoil, and domestic waste. Cultivation continued briefly after the fields were buried in windblown sand in the Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age, but by the Early Iron Age cultivation ceased and organic-rich material was allowed to accumulate within the settlement. By contrast, at Old Scatness, arable production was increased in the Iron Age (~700 B.C.–A.D. 550 in Scotland) by the intensive use of animal manures. The results indicate that during the lifespan of the two settlements the arable soils were fertilized to increase production, which was intensified over time

    Dating and constraining leakage rates from a natural analogue for CO2 storage - the little grand wash and salt wash fault

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    Capture and Storage of CO2 could decrease global carbon emissions on short time scales. Leakage rates from geological formations are poorly constrained, and are therefore an unknown factor in CCS feasibility studies. Natural CO2 reservoirs in the Colorado Plateau, USA, are analogues for geological storage. In places CO2 has migrated to the surface along fault zones, forming CO2-charged springs and geysers. Recent drilling for oil and water has also provided rapid pathways for CO2 migration. Uranium-series dating of travertine mounds along two fault zones in Utah has provided insight to the timing and rates of leakage along these faults. A continuous record of leakage has been preserved over the last 315ka, with the oldest dated mound at 413ka. The position of leakage has switched through time, and individual pathways have been utilised more than once for flow. Combining dates with volume measurements from these mounds it is possible to calculate the rates and volumes of flow in individual pathways and the long-term time-averaged CO2 leakage rate for the entire system. The observation that leakage of CO2-rich groundwater from a fault can occur for hundreds of thousands of years has implications for geological storage of CO2

    The use of electrical resistance corrosion sensors to assess infrastructure protective systems

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    Manual monitoring of the corrosion of structures and equipment in hazardous or remote environments can place inspectors at unnecessary risk and delivers inconclusive data. How can information be gathered in a safer, more meaningful way? Remote atmospheric corrosion sensors and environment monitors offer improved safety plus increased data collection capability, decreasing the risks associated with manual inspection, and increasing asset management proficiency. Research and development of the corrosion and environment sensors has also been extended to incorporate identified critical infrastructure, as well as models that analyse sensor data to identify potential breaches in protective systems. The paper will provide background to developed electrical resistance-based corrosion sensor boards and their deployment at various field locations. Field performance results will be provided. Protective systems assessed include petrolatum-based pile wraps and protective coatings. Structures to which the sensors have been deployed include marine wharves and coal processing facilities

    Anatomy of Reservoir-Scale Normal Faults in Central Utah: Stratigraphic Controls and Implications for Fault Zone Evolution and Fluid Flow

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    Analysis of fault zone structure and composition of two intermediate-displacement faults in the Colorado Plateau reveal how fault structure varies as a function of lithology, and how faults impact fluid flow. The Little Grand Wash fault cuts Jurassic Summerville through Cretaceous Mancos Shale rocks, and consists of a complex set of interweaving fault strands. Fault relays are developed where sandstone and shale are cut by the fault in roughly equal amounts. Ancient and modern fluid flow is documented by the presence of travertine and tufa deposits, an oil seep, and CO 2 gas seeps. Analysis of the water, travertine, and gas composition indicate that the CO 2 emanates from a reservoir 1.5–2 km deep, and charges a shallow aquifer. Cross-fault flow is inhibited, and the gas and water flows in the footwall damage zone of the fault. Analysis of the Bighole fault in the San Rafael Swell shows how fault structure varies with displacement. The fault is exposed entirely in the aeolian Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, and consists of a dense fault core interpreted to be a densely packed set of deformation bands bounded by a narrow slip surface. The fault zone consists of conjugate deformation band sets in the hanging wall and footwall of the fault, and the fault core thickness does not vary significantly with net slip