1,508 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Pendukung Keputusan Pariwisata Berbasis Web

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    Pariwisata merupakan salah satu potensi sumber daya yang dapat dikembangkan oleh setiap daerah. Sebagai salah satu sumber daya yang menghasilkan devisa bagi negara, hal ini membutuhkan pengoptimalan dalam penyediaan jasa untuk lebih menunjang potensi kawasan wisata yang akan dikunjungi. Saat penelitian ini dilakukan, Dinas Budaya dan Pariwisata Provinsi Jawa Barat telah menggunakan media internet dalam promosi. Akan tetapi sistem yang digunakan masih belum sempurna. Masalah ini berasal dari manajemen data pariwisata yang kurang baik dan masih belum maksimalnya beberapa fasilitas di sistem yang berjalan. Dengan beberapa masalah tersebut, sudah saatnya sistem yang lama di perbaiki. Tidak hanya sekedar memperbaiki saja, penulis menyarankan untuk diciptakannya beberapa fitur baru seperti fitur simulasi dan fitur pendukung keputusan. Dalam penelitian ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan action research, sedangkan pendekatan sistem yang digunakan adalah terstruktur dengan metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan model waterfall. Alat bantu yang digunakan adalah Diagram Konteks, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Kamus Data, dan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Alat bantu perancangan basis data dalam pengembangan sistem informasi ini adalah Normalisasi dan Tabel Relasi. Bahasa pemograman yang digunakan adalah PHP, dengan tools Adobe Dreamwaver CS5. Untuk database, sistem informasi ini menggunakan MySQL dan untuk pengambilan keputusan, sistem informasi ini menggunakan metode AHP (Analitycal Hierarchy Process) Dengan pembuatan sistem informasi ini, penulis berharap sistem informasi yang penulis buat kedepan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan untuk para wisatawan dan dapat membantu top manajamen pariwisata yang ada di provinsi Jawa Barat untuk membuat keputusan dengan fitur-fitur baru yang dimilikinya

    Psychotic symptoms in post traumatic stress disorder: a case illustration and literature review

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition being increasingly recognized. The diagnosis is based on the re-experiencing of a traumatic event. There have been reports of the presence of psychotic symptoms in some cases of PTSD. This may represent increased severity or a different diagnostic clinical entity. It has also been suggested that psychotic symptoms may be over-represented in the Hispanic population. In this manuscript, we describe a case to illustrate this relationship and we review the current literature on the relationship of psychotic symptoms among PTSD patients. The implications regarding diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are discussed. Keywords: Psychosis; PTSD; Trauma; Hallucinations; Delusions; Posttraumatic stress disorderSA Psych Rev 2003;6: 21-2

    Perencanaan Strategi Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi pada PT. Tripuri Mitra Nobelindo

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    Competitions faced by companies are some obstacles in achieving the business objectives to maintain the company\u27s growth and survival. The use of information technology trend requires companies to use it in order to compete with competitors. Strategic planning of information system (IS) and information technology (IT) which refer to business strategy should be customized to the company\u27s business processes. The process of finding a future application portfolio is preceded by the discovery of business strategy, IS/IT strategy managemen and IT strategy. The method used is the strategic planning of information system and information technology of Ward and Peppard. The discovery of business strategy through internal and external analysis of the company is done using tools: PEST, SWOT, Porter\u27s five competitive model, Value chain, and CSF. The analysis of the current information systems helps determine the proposed IS and IT plan. The result achieved is strategic system plan and information technology that are appropriate to the company in achieving its business goals

    An AI-Based Framework for Translating American Sign Language to English and Vice Versa

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    Abstract: In this paper, we propose a framework to convert American Sign Language (ASL) to English and English to ASL. Within this framework, we use a deep learning model along with the rolling average prediction that captures image frames from videos and classifies the signs from the image frames. The classified frames are then used to construct ASL words and sentences to support people with hearing impairments. We also use the same deep learning model to capture signs from the people with deaf symptoms and convert them into ASL words and English sentences. Based on this framework, we developed a web-based tool to use in real-life application and we also present the tool as a proof of concept. With the evaluation, we found that the deep learning model converts the image signs into ASL words and sentences with high accuracy. The tool was also found to be very useful for people with hearing impairment and deaf symptoms. The main contribution of this work is the design of a system to convert ASL to English and vice versa

    The impact of infectious disease specialist consultation for Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections: A systematic review

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a common cause of severe bloodstream infection.We performed a systematic review to assess whether consultation with infectious disease specialists decreased all-cause mortality or rate of complications of S aureus bloodstream infections. The review also assessed parameters associated with the quality of management of the infection. We searched for eligible studies in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and clinical trials.gov as well as the references of included studies. We identified 22 observational studies and 1 study protocol for a randomized trial. A meta-analysis was not performed because of the high risk of bias in the included studies. The outcomes are reported in a narrative review. Most included studies reported survival benefit, in the adjusted analysis. Recommended management strategies were carried out significantly more often among patients seen by an infectious disease specialist. Trials, such as cluster-randomized controlled trials, can more validly assess the studies at low risk of bias.© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the work, in any medium, provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that the work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected]

    A multimedia data visualization based on Ad Hoc communication networks and its application to disaster management

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    After massive earthquakes and other large-scale disasters, existing communication infrastructure may become unavailable and, therefore, it can be quite difficult for relief organizations to fully grasp the impact of the disaster on the affected region. Consequently, this will be the cause of delays to offer the strategic assistance, and to provide water and food, etc. In order to solve the problem of re-establishing communication infrastructure to allow for information gathering, we developed an ad hoc mobile communications network for disaster-struck areas using ZigBee. As the communication speed of ZigBee is low, we propose a problem-specific image compression method for the multimedia data visualization. By using the proposed method combined with GPS information, it is possible to quickly grasp the damage situation in the region. Through our communication experiments in Tsukuba City, Japan we confirm the effectiveness of our system as a disaster information gathering and management system

    Use of Xpert MTB/RIF in Decentralized Public Health Settings and Its Effect on Pulmonary TB and DR-TB Case Finding in India

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    Background Xpert MTB/RIF, the first automated molecular test for tuberculosis, is transforming the diagnostic landscape in high-burden settings. This study assessed the impact of up-front Xpert MTB/RIF testing on detection of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and rifampicin-resistant PTB (DR-TB) cases in India. Methods This demonstration study was implemented in 18 sub-district level TB programme units (TUs) in India in diverse geographic and demographic settings covering a population of 8.8 million. A baseline phase in 14 TUs captured programmatic baseline data, and an intervention phase in 18 TUs had Xpert MTB/RIF offered to all presumptive TB patients. We estimated changes in detection of TB and DR-TB, the former using binomial regression models to adjust for clustering and covariates. Results In the 14 study TUs, which participated in both phases, 10,675 and 70,556 presumptive TB patients were enrolled in the baseline and intervention phase, respectively, and 1,532 (14.4%) and 14,299 (20.3%) bacteriologically confirmed PTB cases were detected. The implementation of Xpert MTB/RIF was associated with increases in both notification rates of bacteriologically confirmed TB cases (adjusted incidence rate ratio [aIRR] 1.39; CI 1.18-1.64), and proportion of bacteriological confirmed TB cases among presumptive TB cases (adjusted risk ratio (aRR) 1.33; CI 1.6-1.52). Compared with the baseline strategy of selective drug-susceptibility testing only for PTB cases at high risk of drug-resistant TB, Xpert MTB/RIF implementation increased rifampicin resistant TB case detection by over fivefold. Among, 2765 rifampicin resistance cases detected, 1055 were retested with conventional drug susceptibility testing (DST). Positive predictive value (PPV) of rifampicin resistance detected by Xpert MTB/RIF was 94.7% (CI 91.3-98.1), in comparison to conventional DST. Conclusion Introduction of Xpert MTB/RIF as initial diagnostic test for TB in public health facilities significantly increased case-notification rates of all bacteriologically confirmed TB by 39% and rifampicin-resistant TB case notification by fivefold

    Measurement of Two-Photon Production Cross Sections Resulting from Photon-Electron Collisions

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    Dual Band to Wideband Pentagon-shaped Patch Antenna with Frequency Reconfigurability using EBGs

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    A dual band to wideband reconfigurable pentagon-shaped antenna with EBG unit cell is proposed. A minimal number of two EBG unit cell is deployed to realize frequency reconfigurable mechanism.  By varying the state of the EBG the antenna is capable to change its dual band operation to wideband alternately. There are three cases that have been analysed, first case is the EBG incorporated antenna with ideal and second is with the active EBG. Subsequently, the third cases is the fabricated ideal EBG incorporated antenna. The dual band operation is at 1.8 GHz and 5.2 GHz while the wide band from 1.6 GHz to 2.37 GHz (770 MHz). The proposed reconfigurable antenna is suitable to be implemented for LTE (1.6 GHz), Wi-Fi (5.2 GHz), WiMAX (2.3 GHz) and cognitive radio application