149 research outputs found

    Nota sobre Linaria tursica Valdés y Cabezudo y Linaria donyanae Valdés-Bermejo, Castroviejo, Costa y Rivas-Martínez

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    It has been choser the name of Linaria tursica Valdés & Cabezudo for an endemic species in Doñana National Park (Huelva, Spain) simultaneously described as Linaria tursica Valdés & Cabezudo and Linaria donyanae Valdés Bermejo & col.Se elige el nombre de Linaria tursica Valdés & Cabezudo para una especie endémica del Parque Nacional de Doñana (Huelva, España) descrita simultáneamente con los nombres de Linaria tursica Valdés & Cabezudo y Linaria donyanae Valdés-Bermejo et al

    Architecture and functional traits of semi-arid shrub species in Cabo de Gata Natural Park, SE Spain

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    16 páginas[FR] Les caractéristiques architecturales basiques de 45 arbustes de12 familles sont décrites dans un matorral semi-aride méditerranéen à Cabo de Gata (SE de l'Espagne). Six différents modèles architecturaux de croissance de plantes sont décrits :Scarrone, Rauh, Holttum, Leeuwenberg, Champagnat et Corner.Le modèle de Tomlinson a été considéré comme une varianteà répétition basitone des modèles de Rauh, Corner, Leeuwenberg et Holttum. La variation sympodiale du modèle de Scarrone a été trouvée comme étant la plus commune dans la zone étudiée. Les caractères fonctionnels comme la hauteur de la plante, la croissance annuelle et la surface de recouvrement de la plante ont été corrélés avec les modéles architecturaux.Ainsi, des petits arbustes de taille inférieure à 0,6 m, avec une faible croissance annuelle (0,1-0,25 m) et une petite surface de recouvrement (0,5-1 m2), ont plutôt présenté un modèle de croissance sympodique, une ramification dichasiale acrotone et des inflorescences terminales. Inversement, les grands arbustes d'une hauteur de 1-3 m, présentant une large surface de recouvrement (1-3 m2), une forte croissance de rameaux latéraux (> 0,25 m) ont montré un modèle de croissance déterminé portant des inflorescences latérales. Le premier de ces deux groupes comportent des espèces qui se développent suivant la variante sympodiale du modèle de Scarrone, tandis que le second groupe contient des espèces obéissant au modèlede Rauh et incluant des arbustes épineux des communautés climaxiques.[EN] The basic architectural features of 45 shrub species representing 12 families are described from a Mediterranean semi-arid shrubland in the location of Cabo de Gata (SE Spain). Six different architectural models were recognized: Scarrone, Rauh,Holttum, Leeuwenberg, Champagnat and Corner. The Tomlinson model was recognized as a variation with basitonic repetition of the Rauh, Corner, Leeuwenberg and Holttum models. The sympodic variant of the Scarrone model was the mostcommon in our study area. Functional traits such as plant height, lateral spread and plant coverage were correlated with the architectural models. Small shrubs up to 0.6 m height with reduced lateral spread (0.1-0.25 m) and plant coverage (0.5-1 m2) were likely to have sympodic growth patterns, acrotonic dichasial branching and terminal inflorescences. Inversely,large shrubs up to 1-3 m in height, with large canopies (1-3 m2), and well developed lateral spread (> 0.25 m) were likely to have a determinate growth pattern with lateral inflorescences. The first group have species which grow following the sympodic variant of the Scarrone model, whereas the second group presents species following the Rauh model and includes thorny shrubs from the climax communities.Peer reviewe

    Contribución al estudio florístico de las serranías subbéticas de la provincia de Sevilla

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    A check—list of the Sierras Subbéticas of the province of Seville is presented. A total of 883 species have been identificated. The geographical, geological, edaphological and climatological characters, are also give.En este trabajo se ha realizado un catálogo florístico de la Sierras Subbéticas de la provincia de Sevilla, en el que se citan 882 especies. Dicho catálogo va acompañado de las componentes geográficas, geológicas, edafológicas y climatológicas que caracterizan la zona. A check—list of the Sierras Subbéticas of the province of Seville is presented. A total of 883 species have been identificated. The geographical, geological, edaphological and climatological characters, are also give

    Do vegetation patch spatial patterns disrupt the spatial organization of plant species?

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    Thelong-range spatial autocorrelationwasevaluated based on the dispersal abilities of the species.Among the 106 species evaluated, 39%of thewoody species, 17% of the forbs, and 12% of the grasses exhibited disrupted long-range spatial autocorrelation where patches were small. The species that are more vulnerable to the effects of fragmentation tended to be those that have restricted dispersal, such as those that have short-range ispersal (atelechoric), e.g., Phlomis purpurea, Cistus albidus, Teucrium pseudochamaepytis, Brachypodium retusum, and the ballistic species, Genista spartioides. Helianthemumalmeriense is another vulnerable species that has actively restricted dispersal (antitelechory), which is common in arid regions. Wind dispersers such as Launaea lanifera were less vulnerable to the effects of fragmentation. Long-distance dispersers whose persistence depends on facilitative interactions with other individuals, e.g., allogamous species such as Thymus hyemalis, Ballota hirsuta, and Anthyllis cytisoides, exhibit disrupted long-range spatial autocorrelation when patch size is reduce

    Association between competition and facilitation processes and vegetation spatial patterns in alpha steppes

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    11 páginas, 5 figuras, 3 tablas.-- El PDF del artículo es la versión post-print.In semiarid ecosystems, the self-organized spatial patterns of plants associated with catastrophic shifts can emerge from a variety of processes. In this study, on moderate slopes where Stipa tenacissima cover was high, the self-organization of some of the typical species of semiarid Mediterranean matorral (Phlomis purpurea, Sideritis oxteosylla, Helianthemum almeriense, and Brachypodium retusum) was negatively correlated with Stipa cover. The extent of Stipa cover did not affect desert pioneer species, such as Artemisia herba-alba, Fagonia cretica, and Launaea lanifera. On pronounced slopes, the self-organizing structure of brushwood vegetation did not vary predictably with the amount of Stipa cover. We examined the competition/facilitation processes associated with self-organizing patterns in the dwarf shrub (Phl. purpurea) and the half shrub (H. almeriense). The developmental stability of H. almeriense was positively correlated with Stipa cover, which was expected because they are associated species in this seral thyme brushwood community. Indeed, facilitation processes were manifested by the developmental stability increases under the Stipa canopy, particularly on high slope areas, where Stipa is less competitive. In Phl. purpurea, negative feedback processes from competition with Stipa were manifested where Stipa cover was high and on low slopes (developmental instability increased). In general, competition with Stipa on low slopes tended to decrease plant self-organization.We gratefully acknowledge support from the Spanish CICYT (Project REN2002-04668/GLO, Efectos de la fragmentación y uso del suelo en la conservación y dinámica de las zonas esteparias Mediterráneas).Peer reviewe

    Contribución al estudio florístico de las serranías subbéticas de la provincia de Sevilla

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    A check-list of the Sierras Subbéticas of the province of Seville is presented. A total of 883 species have been identificated. The geographical, geological, edaphological and climatological characters, are also give.En este trabajo se ha realizado un catálogo florístico de la Sierras Subbéticas de la provincia de Sevilla, en el que se citan 882 especies. Dicho catálogo va acompañado de las componentes geográficas, geológicas, edafológicas y climatológicas que caracterizan la zona

    Atlas de la pteridoflora ibérica y balear

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    Tomando como base el Atlas Florae Europeae se ha realizado una revisión corológica de la pteridoflora ibérica y balear.En prennant comme base Atlas Florae Europeae onus ascos réalisé una révision chorologique de la pteridoflore ibérique et balear

    Dos años de estudios aerobiológicos en Vélez-Málaga (sur de España): periodo Febrero-Junio

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Bibliografía pteridológica ibérica (1980-1985)

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    Análisis pteridogeográfico de las Sierras Tejeda y Almijara (Málaga-Granada, España)

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    Based on the knowledge of the pteridoflora from the territory located between Sierra Tejeda and Sierra Almijara (South of Spain) and the application of different indices, an estimation of the coordinates wich determine its courrent composition is pretended.En base al conocimiento de la pteridoflora del territorio comprendido por las Sierras Tejeda y Almijara (S de España) y a la aplicación de diferentes índices, se pretende estimar las coordenadas que determinan su actual composición