480 research outputs found

    Accretion-ejection connection in the young brown dwarf candidate ISO-Cha1 217

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    As the number of observed brown dwarf outflows is growing it is important to investigate how these outflows compare to the well studied jets from young stellar objects. A key point of comparison is the relationship between outflow and accretion activity and in particular the ratio between the mass outflow and accretion rates (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}). The brown dwarf candidate ISO-ChaI 217 was discovered by our group, as part of a spectro-astrometric study of brown dwarfs, to be driving an asymmetric outflow with the blue-shifted lobe having a position angle of \sim 20^{\circ}. The aim here is to further investigate the properties of ISO-ChaI 217, the morphology and kinematics of its outflow, and to better constrain (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}). The outflow is spatially resolved in the [SII]λλ6716,6731[SII]\lambda \lambda 6716,6731 lines and is detected out to \sim 1\farcs6 in the blue-shifted lobe and ~ 1" in the red-shifted lobe. The asymmetry between the two lobes is confirmed although the velocity asymmetry is less pronounced with respect to our previous study. Using thirteen different accretion tracers we measure log(M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc}) [Msun_{sun}/yr]= -10.6 ±\pm 0.4. As it was not possible to measure the effect of extinction on the ISO-ChaI 217 outflow M˙out\dot{M}_{out} was derived for a range of values of Av_{v}, up to a value of Av_{v} = 2.5 mag estimated for the source extinction. The logarithm of the mass outflow (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}) was estimated in the range -11.7 to -11.1 for both jets combined. Thus M˙out\dot{M}_{out}/M˙acc\dot{M}_{acc} [\Msun/yr] lies below the maximum value predicted by magneto-centrifugal jet launching models. Finally, both model fitting of the Balmer decrements and spectro-astrometric analysis of the Hα\alpha line show that the bulk of the H I emission comes from the accretion flow.Comment: accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Pathway Weathering in Granitoid Rocks from Central Region of Angola: Geochemical and Mineralogical Data

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    The Central Region of Angola is characterized by the abundance of granitoid rocks, whose weathering “in situ” originated the so-called residual soils. The textural, geochemical and mineralogical properties of these soils depend not only on the chemical composition of parent rock, but mainly on the local climatic and geomorphological characteristics. In the study area, sampling sites were selected, which extend from the region of Kwanza- Norte (Kassenda, Dondo) through Kwanza-Sul (Cangulo, Quibala and Waco Kungo) until the plateau of Huambo, where samples of fresh rock, weathered rock and its residual soil were collected along each weathering profile. Chemical analytical data were determined using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of the major and minor elements, whereas mineralogical data were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), on the samples of rock and on the respective residual soil. The results obtained and their comparative analysis between the sampling sites, as well as along each weathering profile is presented. This paper allows contributing to the knowledge of the geochemical weathering in tropical areas, as is the case of Angola


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    Poucos são os trabalhos científicos existentes que contemplem a composição química, mineralógica e textural de solos residuais tropicais de Angola, sendo que os mais comuns têm sido focados para a caracterização pedológica, fundamentalmente para fins agrícolas [Castanheira, 1998], ou baseiam-se em classificações cujas realidades não se enquadram com as de Angola, tanto pela ausência de bibliografia, como pela complexidade que os mesmos apresentam. Em resultado disso, a aplicação destes solos para fins de engenharia traz, muitas das vezes, consequências nefastas que podem ser imprevisíveis e irreversíveis, do ponto de vista da funcionalidade e segurança das obras de engenharia. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objectivo determinar características geológicas e geotécnicas dos solos residuais da Região Central de Angola (Huambo, Kwanza-Sul e Kwanza-Norte), ilustrados na Figura 1, assim como identificar os principais factores que determinam a formação dos mesmos. Dado que a composição mineralógica e textural de um solo residual, é resultado principalmente da história geológica herdada da rocha-mãe, do clima predominante e das condições geomorfológicas, não se pode caracterizar os solos residuais sem antes conhecer a composição química e mineralógica da rocha-mãe em questão [Duarte, 2002]. Sendo assim, a caracterização mineralógica foi efetuada mediante a aplicação das técnicas de análise mineralógica por difracção de raios-X (DRX) e a análise química por espectrometria de fluorescência de raios-X (FRX), a fim de se identificar os principais tipos de minerais, assim como os elementos químicos constituintes tanto da rocha-mãe, como do solo residual resultante. Os resultados de DRX revelam que as de rochas de origem são constituídas por quartzo muito abundante, presença de feldspatos potássicos (microclina e ortose) e plagioclases ricas em sódio (Albite) [Ferreira da Silva, 2009]. As micas estão presentes em todas as rochas, às vezes com a maior preponderância da biotite (amostras A e B), e noutros casos com o maior predomínio da moscovite/ilite (amostras C e F). Noutros casos (e.g. amostra de rocha F), constata-se que os seus minerais constituintes são o quartzo, a albite, a moscovite/ilite, a ortose e a braunite (óxido silicato de manganês). Esta constituição mineralógica é típica de rochas granitóides, precisamente granitos, e é confirmada pelos dados químicos obtidos por FRX que revelam que as rochas são constituídas por SiO2 (71%), Al2O3 (14%), K2O (4%), Fe3O2 (3%), Na2O (3%) e CaO (2%) [Duarte et al, 2013]. Com a atuação dos mecanismos de alteração, os minerais que se cristalizam em primeiro lugar, formados a temperaturas mais altas (e.g. as biotites) são menos estáveis quando submetidos as condições atmosféricas mais rigorosas (e.g. os solos do Huambo) dando lugar aos óxidos de ferro e de alumínio (hematite, goethite e a gibsite). Ao passo que os minerais que se cristalizam em último lugar, formados em temperaturas mais baixas e mais próximas às das condições superficiais (e.g. o quartzo), são mais estáveis. Os resultados da caracterização mineralógica são confirmados pela FRX que nos revelam que as perdas são muito acentuadas em regiões com taxas altas de precipitação, onde os elementos mais móveis (Na, K, Ca, Mg, etc.) quase desapareceram na totalidade, obtendo-se a composição de um solo rico em alumínio e ferro, com algum titânio. Noutras regiões (e.g. Cassenda, com menor taxa de precipitação), os elementos móveis mantém-se parcialmente nas amostras, o que denota menor disponibilidade de água para lixiviar tais elementos. Os dados obtidos a partir das análises mineralógicas e químicas efetuadas, permitem identificar os processos de alteração envolvidos nos solos em causa, e compreender os resultados experimentais relativos às propriedades físicas e mecânicas (composição textural, consistência, porosidade, peso volúmico seco máximo, teor em água ótimo, C.B.R., etc.), cuja determinação pode aferir acerca das áreas da engenharia geotécnica onde estes solos poderão ser aplicados [Duarte et al, 2011]

    Assembly of the Auditory Circuitry by a Hox Genetic Network in the Mouse Brainstem

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    Rhombomeres (r) contribute to brainstem auditory nuclei during development. Hox genes are determinants of rhombomere-derived fate and neuronal connectivity. Little is known about the contribution of individual rhombomeres and their associated Hox codes to auditory sensorimotor circuitry. Here, we show that r4 contributes to functionally linked sensory and motor components, including the ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus, posterior ventral cochlear nuclei (VCN), and motor olivocochlear neurons. Assembly of the r4-derived auditory components is involved in sound perception and depends on regulatory interactions between Hoxb1 and Hoxb2. Indeed, in Hoxb1 and Hoxb2 mutant mice the transmission of low-level auditory stimuli is lost, resulting in hearing impairments. On the other hand, Hoxa2 regulates the Rig1 axon guidance receptor and controls contralateral projections from the anterior VCN to the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, a circuit involved in sound localization. Thus, individual rhombomeres and their associated Hox codes control the assembly of distinct functionally segregated sub-circuits in the developing auditory brainstem


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    Para avaliar as caracteristicas geotécnicas de um solo é necessário realizar um conjunto de ensaios para obter as respectivas propriedades básicas e permitir a sua classificação geotécnica (USCS, AASHTO e SATCC). Contudo, quando se trata de solos residuais tropicais, esta tarefa é dificultada por causa das suas especificidades químicas e mineralógicas. Neste trabalho apresentam-se algumas propriedades geotécnicas de solos residuais tropicais da Região Central de Angola, relacionando-as com as suas características mineralógicas previamente determinadas em Duarte et al. (2013). A caracterização geotécnica foi efetuada a partir dos parâmetros obtidos nos seguintes ensaios: índices físicos “in situ”, análise granulométrica, limites de consistência, equivalente de areia, expansibilidade, compactação e CBR, com o objetivo de aferir a aptidão destes solos residuais param fins de Engenharia (rodovias, ferrovias, aeródromos, aeroportos, barragens de terra, etc.). Os resultados obtidos permitem relacionar as propriedades geotécnicas destes solos residuais tropicais com as suas características mineralógicas, assim como, indicar a sua aplicação mais adequada em obras geotécnicas

    Mycorrhizal inoculation of pecan seedlings with some marketable truffles

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    Pecan is the common name of Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch, an ectomycorrhizal tree native to North America, also frequently known as hickory. Mycorrhizal inoculations of pecan seedlings with: Tuber aestivum Vittad., T. borchii Vittad., T. indicum Cooke & Massee, and T. lyonii Butters are described and discussed

    The diagnostic potential of Fe lines applied to protostellar jets*

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    We investigate the diagnostic capabilities of iron lines for tracing the physical conditions of shock-excited gas in jets driven by pre-main sequence stars. We have analyzed the 3000-25000 Å, X-shooter spectra of two jets driven by the pre-main sequence stars ESO-Hα 574 and Par-Lup 3-4. Both spectra are very rich in [Fe II] lines over the whole spectral range; in addition, lines from [Fe III] are detected in the ESO-Hα 574 spectrum. Non-local thermal equilibrium codes solving the equations of the statistical equilibrium along with codes for the ionization equilibrium are used to derive the gas excitation conditions of electron temperature and density and fractional ionization. An estimate of the iron gas-phase abundance is provided by comparing the iron lines emissivity with that of neutral oxygen at 6300 Å. The [Fe II] line analysis indicates that the jet driven by ESO-Hα 574 is, on average, colder (T e ~ 9000 K), less dense (n e ~ 2 × 104 cm–3), and more ionized (x e ~ 0.7) than the Par-Lup 3-4 jet (T e ~ 13,000 K, n e ~ 6 × 104 cm–3, x e < 0.4), even if the existence of a higher density component (n e ~ 2 × 105 cm–3) is probed by the [Fe III] and [Fe II] ultra-violet lines. The physical conditions derived from the iron lines are compared with shock models suggesting that the shock at work in ESO-Hα 574 is faster and likely more energetic than the Par-Lup 3-4 shock. This latter feature is confirmed by the high percentage of gas-phase iron measured in ESO-Hα 574 (50%-60% of its solar abundance in comparison with less than 30% in Par-Lup 3-4), which testifies that the ESO-Hα 574 shock is powerful enough to partially destroy the dust present inside the jet. This work demonstrates that a multiline Fe analysis can be effectively used to probe the excitation and ionization conditions of the gas in a jet without any assumption on ionic abundances. The main limitation on the diagnostics resides in the large uncertainties of the atomic data, which, however, can be overcome through a statistical approach involving many lines

    Empirical determination of Einstein A-coefficient ratios of bright [Fe II] lines

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    The Einstein spontaneous rates (A-coefficients) of Fe^+ lines have been computed by several authors, with results that differ from each other up to 40%. Consequently, models for line emissivities suffer from uncertainties which in turn affect the determination of the physical conditions at the base of line excitation. We provide an empirical determination of the A-coefficient ratios of bright [Fe II] lines, which would represent both a valid benchmark for theoretical computations and a reference for the physical interpretation of the observed lines. With the ESO-VLT X-shooter instrument between 3,000 A, and 24,700 A, we obtained a spectrum of the bright Herbig-Haro object HH1. We detect around 100 [Fe II] lines, some of which with a signal-to-noise ratio > 100. Among these latter, we selected those emitted by the same level, whose de-reddened intensity ratio is a direct function of the Einstein A-coefficient ratios. From the same X-shooter spectrum, we got an accurate estimate of the extinction toward HH1 through intensity ratios of atomic species, HI, recombination lines and H_2 ro-vibrational transitions. We provide seven reliable A-ooefficient ratios between bright [Fe II] lines, which are compared with the literature determinations. In particular, the A-coefficient ratios involving the brightest near-infrared lines (12570A/16440A and 13209A/16440A) are better in agreement with the predictions by Quinet et al. (1996) Relativistic Hartree-Fock model. However, none of the theoretical models predicts A-coefficient ratios in agreement with all our determinations. We also show that literature data of near-infrared intensity ratios better agree with our determinations than with theoretical expectations

    Positive approximations of the inverse of fractional powers of SPD M-matrices

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    This study is motivated by the recent development in the fractional calculus and its applications. During last few years, several different techniques are proposed to localize the nonlocal fractional diffusion operator. They are based on transformation of the original problem to a local elliptic or pseudoparabolic problem, or to an integral representation of the solution, thus increasing the dimension of the computational domain. More recently, an alternative approach aimed at reducing the computational complexity was developed. The linear algebraic system Aαu=f\cal A^\alpha \bf u=\bf f, 0<α<10< \alpha <1 is considered, where A\cal A is a properly normalized (scalded) symmetric and positive definite matrix obtained from finite element or finite difference approximation of second order elliptic problems in ΩRd\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d, d=1,2,3d=1,2,3. The method is based on best uniform rational approximations (BURA) of the function tβαt^{\beta-\alpha} for 0<t10 < t \le 1 and natural β\beta. The maximum principles are among the major qualitative properties of linear elliptic operators/PDEs. In many studies and applications, it is important that such properties are preserved by the selected numerical solution method. In this paper we present and analyze the properties of positive approximations of Aα\cal A^{-\alpha} obtained by the BURA technique. Sufficient conditions for positiveness are proven, complemented by sharp error estimates. The theoretical results are supported by representative numerical tests

    Importância dos Dispositivos Eletrónicos Cardíacos Implantáveis no Diagnóstico da Síndrome da Apneia do Sono

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    Introduction: Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS) is a prevalent respiratory disease with marked expression in the population with cardiovascular disease. The diagnosis is based on polysomnography. In patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED), the prevalence of SAS may reach 60%. The objective of this study was to evaluate the value of DEC in the SAS screening. Methods: Prospective study that included patients with CIED with sleep apnea algorithm. The frequency response function was activated and simplified polygraphy was performed. The data of the device were collected on the day of the polygraph. Results: The sample included 29 patients, with a mean age of 76.1 years, 71.4% of the male gender. The prevalence of SAS was 77%. For SAS, the agreement between polysomnography and the Pacemaker was Kappa = 0.54 (p = 0.001), 95% CI (0.28, 0.81) (moderate agreement); for moderate to severe SAS, the agreement was Kappa = 0.73 (p <0.001), 95% CI (0.49, 0.976) (substantial agreement). Severe SAS was obtained: sensitivity 60%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 60% and diagnostic accuracy 75%; for moderate to severe SAS: sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 83%, positive predictive values of 90% and negative of 87.5%, with a diagnostic accuracy of 87.5%. Conclusion: SAS is highly prevalent in patients with CIED. The values obtained through these devices have a strong positive correlation with the Apnea-Hypopnea Índex, which makes them a good tool for the screening of severe SAS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio