802 research outputs found

    A reddening-free method to estimate the 56^{56}Ni mass of Type Ia supernovae

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    The increase in the number of Type Ia supernovae (SNe\,Ia) has demonstrated that the population shows larger diversity than has been assumed in the past. The reasons (e.g. parent population, explosion mechanism) for this diversity remain largely unknown. We have investigated a sample of SNe\,Ia near-infrared light curves and have correlated the phase of the second maximum with the bolometric peak luminosity. The peak bolometric luminosity is related to the time of the second maximum (relative to the {\it B} light curve maximum) as follows : Lmax(1043ergs1)=(0.039±0.004)×t2(J)(days)+(0.013±0.106)L_{max}(10^{43} erg s^{-1}) = (0.039 \pm 0.004) \times t_2(J)(days) + (0.013 \pm 0.106). 56^{56}Ni masses can be derived from the peak luminosity based on Arnett's rule, which states that the luminosity at maximum is equal to instantaneous energy generated by the nickel decay. We check this assumption against recent radiative-transfer calculations of Chandrasekhar-mass delayed detonation models and find this assumption is valid to within 10\% in recent radiative-transfer calculations of Chandrasekhar-mass delayed detonation models. The LmaxL_{max} vs. t2t_2 relation is applied to a sample of 40 additional SNe\,Ia with significant reddening (E(BV)>E(B-V) > 0.1 mag) and a reddening-free bolometric luminosity function of SNe~Ia is established. The method is tested with the 56^{56}Ni mass measurement from the direct observation of γ\gamma-rays in the heavily absorbed SN 2014J and found to be fully consistent. Super-Chandrasekhar-mass explosions, in particular SN\,2007if, do not follow the relations between peak luminosity and second IR maximum. This may point to an additional energy source contributing at maximum light. The luminosity function of SNe\,Ia is constructed and is shown to be asymmetric with a tail of low-luminosity objects and a rather sharp high-luminosity cutoff, although it might be influenced by selection effects.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Accepted to A&

    Linear growth of spiral SASI modes in core-collapse supernovae

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    Two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations have shown that the post-bounce accretion shock in core collapse supernovae is subject to the Spherical Accretion Shock Instability, or SASI. Recent three-dimensional simulations have revealed the existence of a non-axisymmetric mode of the SASI as well, where the postshock flow displays a spiral pattern. Here we investigate the growth of these spiral modes using two-dimensional simulations of the post-bounce accretion flow in the equatorial plane of a core-collapse supernova. By perturbing a steady-state model we are able to excite both one, two and three-armed spiral modes that grow exponentially with time, demonstrating that these are linearly unstable modes closely related to the original axisymmetric sloshing modes. By tracking the distribution of angular momentum, we show that these modes are able to efficiently separate the angular momentum of the accretion flow (which maintains a net angular momentum of zero), leading to a significant spin-up of the underlying accreting proto-neutron star.Comment: To be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Ascertaining the Core Collapse Supernova Mechanism: An Emerging Picture?

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    Here we present the results from two sets of simulations, in two and three spatial dimensions. In two dimensions, the simulations include multifrequency flux-limited diffusion neutrino transport in the "ray-by-ray-plus" approximation, two-dimensional self gravity in the Newtonian limit, and nuclear burning through a 14-isotope alpha network. The three-dimensional simulations are model simulations constructed to reflect the post stellar core bounce conditions during neutrino shock reheating at the onset of explosion. They are hydrodynamics-only models that focus on critical aspects of the shock stability and dynamics and their impact on the supernova mechanism and explosion. In two dimensions, we obtain explosions (although in one case weak) for two progenitors (11 and 15 Solar mass models). Moreover, in both cases the explosion is initiated when the inner edge of the oxygen layer accretes through the shock. Thus, the shock is not revived while in the iron core, as previously discussed in the literature. The three-dimensional studies of the development of the stationary accretion shock instability (SASI) demonstrate the fundamentally new dynamics allowed when simulations are performed in three spatial dimensions. The predominant l=1 SASI mode gives way to a stable m=1 mode, which in turn has significant ramifications for the distribution of angular momentum in the region between the shock and proto-neutron star and, ultimately, for the spin of the remnant neutron star. Moreover, the three-dimensional simulations make clear, given the increased number of degrees of freedom, that two-dimensional models are severely limited by artificially imposed symmetries.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Supernova cosmology: legacy and future

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    The discovery of dark energy by the first generation of high-redshift supernova surveys has generated enormous interest beyond cosmology and has dramatic implications for fundamental physics. Distance measurements using supernova explosions are the most direct probes of the expansion history of the Universe, making them extremely useful tools to study the cosmic fabric and the properties of gravity at the largest scales. The past decade has seen the confirmation of the original results. Type Ia supernovae are among the leading techniques to obtain high-precision measurements of the dark energy equation of state parameter, and in the near future, its time dependence. The success of these efforts depends on our ability to understand a large number of effects, mostly of astrophysical nature, influencing the observed flux at Earth. The frontier now lies in understanding if the observed phenomenon is due to vacuum energy, albeit its unnatural density, or some exotic new physics. Future surveys will address the systematic effects with improved calibration procedures and provide thousands of supernovae for detailed studies.Comment: Invited review, Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science (submitted version

    On the Interpretation of Supernova Light Echo Profiles and Spectra

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    The light echo systems of historical supernovae in the Milky Way and local group galaxies provide an unprecedented opportunity to reveal the effects of asymmetry on observables, particularly optical spectra. Scattering dust at different locations on the light echo ellipsoid witnesses the supernova from different perspectives and the light consequently scattered towards Earth preserves the shape of line profile variations introduced by asymmetries in the supernova photosphere. However, the interpretation of supernova light echo spectra to date has not involved a detailed consideration of the effects of outburst duration and geometrical scattering modifications due to finite scattering dust filament dimension, inclination, and image point-spread function and spectrograph slit width. In this paper, we explore the implications of these factors and present a framework for future resolved supernova light echo spectra interpretation, and test it against Cas A and SN 1987A light echo spectra. We conclude that the full modeling of the dimensions and orientation of the scattering dust using the observed light echoes at two or more epochs is critical for the correct interpretation of light echo spectra. Indeed, without doing so one might falsely conclude that differences exist when none are actually present.Comment: 18 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Viscous timescale in high mass X-ray binaries

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    Context: Low mass X-ray binaries were found to have very low frequency breaks in their power density spectra below which the power density spectra are nearly in white noise structure and at higher frequencies they approximately follow the Pνν1.3P_\nu \propto \nu^{-1.3} law. Aims: In 2005, Gilfanov and Arefiev studied X-ray variability of persistent LMXBs in the 10810110^{-8}-10^{-1} Hz frequency range and To determine whether high mass X-ray binary power density spectra have similar properties and the findings for low mass X-ray binaries are also valid for high mass binaries, we analyzed the time series of high mass X-ray binary sources produced by All Sky Monitor of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. Method: We obtained the power density spectra of the high mass X-ray binaries using the cosine transform of autocorrelation function. Results: We identified break frequencies for seven sources, namely OAO 1657-415, SS 433, Vela X-1, SMC X-1, 4U 1700-377, GX 301-2, and LMC X-1. The normalized break frequencies with respect to the orbital frequency (fbreak/forbitf_{break}/f_{orbit}) for sources OAO 1657-415, SS 433, SMC X-1 and LMC X-1 are consistent with those of Roche lobe overflow systems. The other high mass X-ray binary systems, Vela X-1, GX 301-2, and 4U 1700-377, however, have larger break frequency ratios, fbreak/forbf_{break}/f_{orb} , which are indicative of short viscous times. These are all wind-accreting sources and the stellar winds in the systems allow the formation of only short radius discs. Consequently, we qualitatively distinguished the Roche lobe overflow binaries from the wind accreting system by comparing their normalized break frequencies.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&

    Spectroscopy of High-Redshift Supernovae from the ESSENCE Project: The First Four Years

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    We present the results of spectroscopic observations from the ESSENCE high-redshift supernova (SN) survey during its first four years of operation. This sample includes spectra of all SNe Ia whose light curves were presented by Miknaitis et al. (2007) and used in the cosmological analyses of Davis et al. (2007) and Wood-Vasey et al. (2007). The sample represents 273 hours of spectroscopic observations with 6.5 - 10-m-class telescopes of objects detected and selected for spectroscopy by the ESSENCE team. We present 174 spectra of 156 objects. Combining this sample with that of Matheson et al. (2005), we have a total sample of 329 spectra of 274 objects. From this, we are able to spectroscopically classify 118 Type Ia SNe. As the survey has matured, the efficiency of classifying SNe Ia has remained constant while we have observed both higher-redshift SNe Ia and SNe Ia farther from maximum brightness. Examining the subsample of SNe Ia with host-galaxy redshifts shows that redshifts derived from only the SN Ia spectra are consistent with redshifts found from host-galaxy spectra. Moreover, the phases derived from only the SN Ia spectra are consistent with those derived from light-curve fits. By comparing our spectra to local templates, we find that the rate of objects similar to the overluminous SN 1991T and the underluminous SN 1991bg in our sample are consistent with that of the local sample. We do note, however, that we detect no object spectroscopically or photometrically similar to SN 1991bg. Although systematic effects could reduce the high-redshift rate we expect based on the low-redshift surveys, it is possible that SN 1991bg-like SNe Ia are less prevalent at high redshift.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, accepted to A

    2D and 3D Core-Collapse Supernovae Simulation Results Obtained with the CHIMERA Code

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    Much progress in realistic modeling of core-collapse supernovae has occurred recently through the availability of multi-teraflop machines and the increasing sophistication of supernova codes. These improvements are enabling simulations with enough realism that the explosion mechanism, long a mystery, may soon be delineated. We briefly describe the CHIMERA code, a supernova code we have developed to simulate core-collapse supernovae in 1, 2, and 3 spatial dimensions. We then describe the results of an ongoing suite of 2D simulations initiated from a 12, 15, 20, and 25 solar mass progenitor. These have all exhibited explosions and are currently in the expanding phase with the shock at between 5,000 and 20,000 km. We also briefly describe an ongoing simulation in 3 spatial dimensions initiated from the 15 solar mass progenitor.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure