1,699 research outputs found

    Permutation Polynomials modulo n

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    Based on preliminary numerical computations, we give complete results for linear and quadratic polynomials. Rivest’s result holds in the linear case while there are plenty of counterexamples in the quadratic case

    Genetic Parameters of Common Wheat in Nepal

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    Knowledge on variation within traits and their genetics are prerequisites in crop improvement program. Thus, in present paper we aimed to estimate genetic and environmental indices of common wheat genotypes. For the purpose, eight quantitative traits were measured from 30 wheat genotypes, which were in randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. Components of variance and covariance were estimated along with heritability, genetic gain, realized heritability, coheritability and correlated response. Differences between phenotypic and genotypic variances in heading days, maturity days and plant height were not large. Grain yield and plant height showed the highest phenotypic (18.189%) and genotypic (12.06%) coefficient of variances, respectively. Phenotypic covariance was higher than genotypic and environmental covariance in most of the traits. The highest heritability and realized heritability were of heading days followed by maturity days. Genetic gain for plant height was the highest. Co-heritability of 1000-grain weight with tillers number was the highest. The highest correlated response was expressed by grain yield with tillers number. This study indicates the possibility of improving wheat genotypes through selection utilizing existing variation in these traits.Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council Vol.1 2015 pp.9-1

    Signatures of the disk-jet coupling in the Broad-line Radio Quasar 4C+74.26

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    Here we explore the disk-jet connection in the broad-line radio quasar 4C+74.26, utilizing the results of the multiwavelength monitoring of the source. The target is unique in that its radiative output at radio wavelengths is dominated by a moderately-beamed nuclear jet, at optical frequencies by the accretion disk, and in the hard X-ray range by the disk corona. Our analysis reveals a correlation (local and global significance of 96\% and 98\%, respectively) between the optical and radio bands, with the disk lagging behind the jet by 250±42250 \pm 42 days. We discuss the possible explanation for this, speculating that the observed disk and the jet flux changes are generated by magnetic fluctuations originating within the innermost parts of a truncated disk, and that the lag is related to a delayed radiative response of the disk when compared with the propagation timescale of magnetic perturbations along relativistic outflow. This scenario is supported by the re-analysis of the NuSTAR data, modelled in terms of a relativistic reflection from the disk illuminated by the coronal emission, which returns the inner disk radius Rin/RISCO=3516+40R_{\rm in}/R_{\rm ISCO} =35^{+40}_{-16}. We discuss the global energetics in the system, arguing that while the accretion proceeds at the Eddington rate, with the accretion-related bolometric luminosity Lbol9×1046L_{\rm bol} \sim 9 \times 10^{46} erg s1^{-1} 0.2LEdd\sim 0.2 L_{\rm Edd}, the jet total kinetic energy Lj4×1044L_\textrm{j} \sim 4 \times 10^{44} erg s1^{-1}, inferred from the dynamical modelling of the giant radio lobes in the source, constitutes only a small fraction of the available accretion power.Comment: 9 pages and 6 figures, ApJ accepte

    Effect of halogen addition to monolayer protected gold nanoparticles

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    The effects of N-halosuccinimide and halogen addition to monolayer protected gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) dispersed in organic media are described. Contrary to the expectation that nanoparticles dispersed in organic media are stable against aggregation, N-iodosuccinimide addition induced aggregation of octadecylamine capped gold nanoparticles in chloroform or toluene. It was observed that even KI and CuI addition could bring about the aggregation though they are very sparingly soluble in organic solvents. It was also found that even molecular iodine could bring about the above mentioned aggregation. Interestingly, when CuI is used the aggregated structures readily convert to very thin flat nanostructures upon exposure to an electron beam or UV irradiation. In fact when the aggregation is induced by the addition of KI or N-iodosuccinamide we do not see the flattening of the aggregated structures exemplifying the important role of Cu ions in making these flat structures

    Livestock as Sources of Greenhouse Gases and Its Significance to Climate Change

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    This chapter outlines the role of livestock in the production of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that contributes to climate change. Livestock contribute both directly and indirectly to climate change through the emissions of GHGs such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). As animal production systems are vulnerable to climate change and are large contributors to potential global warming, it is vital to understand in detail enteric CH4 emission and manure management in different livestock species. Methane emissions from livestock are estimated to be approximately 2.2 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalents, accounting for about 80% of agricultural CH4 and 35% of the total anthropogenic CH4 emissions. Furthermore, the global livestock sector contributes about 75% of the agricultural N2O emissions. Other sources of GHG emission from livestock and related activities are fossil fuels used for associated farm activities, N2O emissions from fertilizer use, CH4 release from the breakdown of fertilizers and from animal manure, and land-use changes for feed production. There are several techniques available to quantify CH4 emission, and simulation models offer a scope to predict accurately the GHG emission from a livestock enterprise as a whole. Quantifying GHG emission from livestock may pave the way for understanding the role of livestock to climate change and this will help in designing appropriate mitigation strategies to reduce livestock-related GHGs

    Assessment of Adenosine Deaminase Level and the Utility of Polymerase Chain Reaction in Diagnosis of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion

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    Background: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is one of the major causes of exudative pleural effusion. The paucibacillary nature of effusion suggests the need of markers and methodologies for accurate diagnosis and prognosis of tuberculosis as well as to differentiate it from other non-tubercular causes of pleural effusion. Objectives: This study was focused to evaluate the utility of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in detection of tuberculosis antigen and to assess the level of Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) in tubercular pleural effusion (TPE) and contrast it with other causes. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study where 100 samples of pleural effusion suspected to be tuberculosis were analyzed by PCR for the detection of IS6110 segment of DNA. The level of ADA was then determined and compared in both PCR positive and negative samples. The cut-off value of ADA was >40 U/L for TPE. Student t test was applied to compare the means with statistical significance set at p<0.05. Results: Out of 100 samples analyzed, 45% were positive for TPE and remaining 55% were non-tuberculosis pleural effusion as detected by PCR. The level of ADA was above cut-off (>40 U/L) in 43% TPE samples whereas all the non-tuberculosis effusion had ADA <40 U/L (p<0.001). Conclusion: The ADA level was significantly higher in TPE than in non-tuberculosis cases, and PCR was able to detect suspected cases of tuberculosis effusion in almost half of the cases. This finding suggests the diagnostic utility of combined use of ADA and PCR in diagnosis of TPE.  J-GMC-N | Volume 11 | Issue 01 | January-June 2018, Page: 5-

    Association of Panton Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) genes with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Western Nepal: a matter of concern for community infections (a hospital based prospective study)

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    BACKGROUND: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a major human pathogen associated with nosocomial and community infections. Panton Valentine leukocidin (PVL) is considered one of the important virulence factors of S. aureus responsible for destruction of white blood cells, necrosis and apoptosis and as a marker of community acquired MRSA. This study was aimed to determine the prevalence of PVL genes among MRSA isolates and to check the reliability of PVL as marker of community acquired MRSA isolates from Western Nepal. METHODS: A total of 400 strains of S. aureus were collected from clinical specimens and various units (Operation Theater, Intensive Care Units) of the hospital and 139 of these had been confirmed as MRSA by previous study. Multiplex PCR was used to detect mecA and PVL genes. Clinical data as well as antimicrobial susceptibility data was analyzed and compared among PVL positive and negative MRSA isolates. RESULTS: Out of 139 MRSA isolates, 79 (56.8 %) were PVL positive. The majority of the community acquired MRSA (90.4 %) were PVL positive (Positive predictive value: 94.9 % and negative predictive value: 86.6 %), while PVL was detected only in 4 (7.1 %) hospital associated MRSA strains. None of the MRSA isolates from hospital environment was found positive for the PVL genes. The majority of the PVL positive strains (75.5 %) were isolated from pus samples. Antibiotic resistance among PVL negative MRSA isolates was found higher as compared to PVL positive MRSA. CONCLUSION: Our study showed high prevalence of PVL among community acquired MRSA isolates. Absence of PVL among MRSA isolates from hospital environment indicates its poor association with hospital acquired MRSA and therefore, PVL may be used a marker for community acquired MRSA. This is first study from Nepal, to test PVL among MRSA isolates from hospital environment. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12879-016-1531-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Comparison of Two Azithromycin Distribution Strategies for Controlling Trachoma in Nepal

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    OBJECTIVE: The study compares the effectiveness of two strategies for distributing azithromycin in an area with mild-to-moderate active trachoma in Nepal. METHODS: The two strategies investigated were the use of azithromycin for 1) mass treatment of all children, or 2) targeted treatment of only those children who were found to be clinically active, as well as all members of their household. FINDINGS: Mass treatment of children was slightly more effective in terms of decreasing the prevalence of clinically active trachoma (estimated by clinical examination) and of chlamydial infection (estimated by DNA amplification tests), although neither result was statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Both strategies appeared to be effective in reducing the prevalence of clinically active trachoma and infection six months after the treatment. Antibiotic treatment reduced the prevalence of chlamydial infection more than it did the level of clinically active trachoma

    The 72-Hour WEBT Microvariability Observation of Blazar S5 0716+714 in 2009

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    Context. The international whole earth blazar telescope (WEBT) consortium planned and carried out three days of intensive micro-variability observations of S5 0716+714 from February 22, 2009 to February 25, 2009. This object was chosen due to its bright apparent magnitude range, its high declination, and its very large duty cycle for micro-variations. Aims. We report here on the long continuous optical micro-variability light curve of 0716+714 obtained during the multi-site observing campaign during which the Blazar showed almost constant variability over a 0.5 magnitude range. The resulting light curve is presented here for the first time. Observations from participating observatories were corrected for instrumental differences and combined to construct the overall smoothed light curve. Methods. Thirty-six observatories in sixteen countries participated in this continuous monitoring program and twenty of them submitted data for compilation into a continuous light curve. The light curve was analyzed using several techniques including Fourier transform, Wavelet and noise analysis techniques. Those results led us to model the light curve by attributing the variations to a series of synchrotron pulses. Results. We have interpreted the observed microvariations in this extended light curve in terms of a new model consisting of individual stochastic pulses due to cells in a turbulent jet which are energized by a passing shock and cool by means of synchrotron emission. We obtained an excellent fit to the 72-hour light curve with the synchrotron pulse model