11,320 research outputs found

    Insights into the quark-gluon vertex from lattice QCD and meson spectroscopy

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    By comparing successful quark-gluon vertex interaction models with the corresponding interaction extracted from lattice-QCD data on the quark's propagator, we identify common qualitative features which could be important to tune future interaction models beyond the rainbow ladder approximation. Clearly, a quantitative comparison is conceptually not simple, but qualitatively the results suggest that a realistic interaction should be relatively broad with a strong support at about and infrared-finite


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    Objectives:      To determine the iron status of first-year medical students at Gezira University and identify influence of ethnic group and gender on the iron status.  Materials and Methods:  Cross-sectional community based study. The sample consisted of 160 students aged 16-20 years with a mean (+ SD) age 18.56 + 0.94 of both sexes (70 = males, 90 = females). Blood samples were collected from each student and questionnaire was completed. Haemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), serum iron and total iron binding capacity were determined by cyanomethaemoglobin method, microhaematocrit centrifuge and colourmetric methods respectively. Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and transferrin saturation were calculated.  Results: The mean (+ SD) concentration of Hb, serum iron and transferrin saturation of all male students was 14.86 + 1.29 g/dL, 102.46 + 30.5 ^g/dL and 39.72 + 11.23% respectively. The mean (+ SD) concentrations of Hb, serum-iron and transferrin saturation of all female students was 12.57 + 0.92 g/dL, 57.51 + 11.8 ^g/dL and 21.12 + 5.4% respectively.  Haemoglobin level, serum-iron and transferrin saturation were within normal levels according to WHO criteria. There were significant differences between mean values of biochemical parameters and sex of students and father income P < 0.05. There was no significant association between iron status parameters and family size and ethnic groups. There was positive correlation between subject iron status and diet (meat, liver, fruits and hilba).  Conclusion:    Iron status of first-year medical students at Gezira University is within normal reference values. This is in line with the health status of the students.&nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data mengenai 1. Pembinaan karakter kewirausahaan pada pembelajaran kewirausahaan pokok pembahasan produksi ikan konsumsi peserta didik kelas XI SMA YPI Bandung, 2. Pembinaan karakter kewirausahaan di Gugus depan 03021-03022 pangkalan SMA YPI Bandung, 3. Karakter kewirausahaan peserta didik kelas XI SMA YPI Bandung, 4. Pengaruh pembinaan karakter kewirausahaan melalui pembelajaran kewirausahaan pokok bahasan produksi ikan konsumsi peserta didik kelas XI SMA YPI Bandung, 5. Pengaruh pembinaan karakter kewirausahaan dalam ekstrakurikuler wajib kepramukaan di Gugus depan 03021-03022 pangkalan SMA YPI Bandung. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan metode survei tingkat eksplanasi asosiatif kausal. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara studi pustaka, kuesioner, dan observasi. Populasi pada penelitian ini, yaitu peserta didik kelas XI SMA YPI Bandung semester I yang berjumlah 22 orang. Hipotesis pada penelitian ini, yaitu 1. Terdapat pengaruh pembelajaran kewirausahaan terhadap karakter kewirausahaan peserta didik kelas XI SMA YPI Bandung, 2 Terdapat pengaruh ekstrakurikuler kepramukaan terhadap karakter kewirausahaan peserta didik kelas XI SMA YPI Bandung. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas data, analisis regresi linier sederhana, dan koefisien determinasi dengan menggunakan program SPSS 20.0 for windows. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa, 1. Pembinaan karakter kewirausahaan pada pembelajaran kewirausahaan peserta didik kelas XI SMA YPI menunjukkan kategori Baik dengan rata-rata 3,85, 2. Pembinaan karakter kewirausahaan di Gugus depan 03021-03022 pangkalan SMA YPI Bandung menunjukkan kategori Baik dengan rata-rata 3,78, 3. Karakter kewirausahaan peserta didik kelas XI SMA YPI Bandung menujukkan kategori Sangat Baik dengan rata-rata 4,04, 4. T¬erdapat pengaruh pembelajaran kewirausahaan terhadap karakter kewirausahaan peserta didik senilai 4,7 % itu berarti Y sebagian kecil dipengaruhi oleh X1, arti Ha1 dapat diterima dan Ho1 ditolak, 5. Terdapat pengaruh ekstrakurikuler kepramukaan terhadap karakter kewirausahaan peserta didik senilai 27,6 % itu berarti Y hampir setengahnya dipengaruhi oleh X2, arti Ha2 dapat diterima dan Ho2 ditolak. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu secara parsial terdapat pengaruh positif pembelajaran kewirausahaan dan ekstrakurikuler kepramukaan terhadap karakter kewirausahaan peserta didik kelas XI SMA YPI Bandung. Sebagai akhir penelitian penulis menyampaikan saran kepada sekolah, guru, dan pembina Pramuka agar pembelajaran dan pelatihan dioptimalkan sebagai salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan karakter kewirausahaan peserta didik. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan, Ekstrakurikuler Kepramukaan, Karakter Kewirausahaan

    Antibacterial activity of guava (Psidium guajava l.) extracts on Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients with urinary tract infections attending a tertiary-care hospital

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    The uses of herbal treatment are one of the possible ways to treat diseases caused by multi drug resistant bacteria. In this study, the phytochemical and antimicrobial effect of Psidium guajava (l.) leaf and stem extracts were investigated using well diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus isolates recovered from urine sample of patients with urinary tract infection (UTI) attending Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital, Kano. The results revealed that the plant contained some bioactive compounds which includes; Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Anthraquinones, Amino acid, Saponins, Tannins, Reducing sugar, Glycoside and Phenolic compound. The antimicrobial activity of the plant showed that the plant leaf and stem extracts (Ethanolic and Aqueous) had an antibacterial activity against the test isolates with varying mean zones of inhibitions ranging from 10mm to 24mm. However, the organic solvent extract showed more effect compared to the aqueous extract. The present study therefore, suggested that the plant (Psidium guajava L.) can be used as an alternative to chemotherapeutic agents

    Dacryoadenite tuberculeuse bilatérale: à propos d’un cas

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    La dacryoadénite tuberculeuse est une inflammation rare de la glande  lacrymale causé par le bacille Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Elle pose unproblème étiopathogénique et diagnostique. Nous rapportons dans cette observation le cas d'une dacryoadénite tuberculeuse bilatérale chez unjeune homme Marocain de 34 ans ayant présenté une tuberculose  ganglionnaire et du cavum il y à 14 ans, ayant été confirmé par l'examenanatomopathologique. La tuberculose reste un diagnostic qui doit être  toujours évoqué même dans les atteinte bilatérale surtout si il y a unantécédent personnel ou familiale positif de tuberculose. Le pronostic de cette affection est devenu favorable grâce au traitement antibacillaire précoce

    Potential Models for Radiative Rare B Decays

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    We compute the branching ratios for the radiative rare decays of B into K-Meson states and compare them to the experimentally determined branching ratio for inclusive decay b -> s gamma using non relativistic quark model, and form factor definitions consistent with HQET covariant trace formalism. Such calculations necessarily involve a potential model. In order to test the sensitivity of calculations to potential models we have used three different potentials, namely linear potential, screening confining potential and heavy quark potential as it stands in QCD.We find the branching ratios relative to the inclusive b ->s gamma decay to be (16.07\pm 5.2)% for B -> K^* (892)gamma and (7.25\pm 3.2)% for B -> K_2^* (1430)gamma for linear potential. In the case of the screening confining potential these values are (19.75\pm 5.3)% and (4.74\pm 1.2)% while those for the heavy quark potential are (11.18\pm 4.6)% and (5.09\pm 2.7)% respectively. All these values are consistent with the corresponding present CLEO experimental values: (16.25\pm 1.21)% and (5.93\pm 0.46)%.Comment: RevTeX, 6 pages, 1 eps figur

    Pd-Fe3O4/RGO: a Highly Active and Magnetically Recyclable Catalyst for Suzuki Cross Coupling Reaction using a Microfluidic Flow Reactor

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    There are several crucial issues that need to be addressed in the field of applied catalysis. These issues are not only related to harmful environmental impact but also include process safety concerns, mass and heat transfer limitations, selectivity, high pressure, optimizing reaction conditions, scale-up issues, reproducibility, process reliability, and catalyst deactivation and recovery. Many of these issues could be solved by adopting the concept of micro-reaction technology and flow chemistry in the applied catalysis field. A microwave assisted reduction technique has been used to prepare well dispersed, highly active Pd/Fe3O4 nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets (Pd-Fe3O4/RGO), which act as a unique catalyst for Suzuki cross coupling reactions due to the uniform dispersion of palladium nanoparticles throughout the surface of the magnetite - RGO support. The Pd-Fe3O4/RGO nanoparticles have been shown to exhibit extremely high catalytic activity for Suzuki cross coupling reactions under both batch and continuous reaction conditions. This paper reported a reliable method for Suzuki cross-coupling reaction of 4-bromobenzaldehyde using magnetically recyclable Pd/Fe3O4 nanoparticles supported on RGO nanosheets in a microfluidic-based high throughput flow reactor. Organic synthesis can be performed under high pressure and temperature by using a stainless steel micro tubular flow reactor under continuous flow reaction conditions. Optimizing the reaction conditions was performed via changing several parameters including temperature, pressure, and flow rate. Generally, a scalable flow technique by optimizing the reaction parameters under high-temperature and continuous reaction conditions could be successfully developed

    B and D Meson Decay Constants in Lattice QCD

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    We have calculated the decay constants of B and DD mesons with lattice QCD. We use an O(a)O(a) improved action that takes light quark actions as a starting point, tuned so that it can be directly applied at the physical masses of the bb and cc quarks. Our results are f_B = 164 \err{+14}{-11} \pm 8 MeV, f_{B_s} = 185 \err{+13}{-8} \pm 9 MeV, f_D = 194 \err{+14}{-10} \pm 10 MeV, and f_{D_s} = 213 \err{+14}{-11} \pm 11 MeV in the quenched approximation. The first error in each case is statistical, and the second is from perturbation theory. We show that discretization errors are under control in our approach, and smaller than our statistical errors. The effects of the quenched approximation may raise our quenched result by up to 10%.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure