179 research outputs found

    The young stellar population of NGC 4214 as observed with HST. I. Data and methods

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    We present the data and methods that we have used to perform a detailed UV-optical study of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 4214 using multifilter HST/WFPC2+STIS photometry. We explain the process followed to obtain high-quality photometry and astrometry of the stellar and cluster populations of this galaxy. We describe the procedure used to transform magnitudes and colors into physical parameters using spectral energy distributions. The data show the existence of both young and old stellar populations that can be resolved at the distance of NGC 4214 (2.94 Mpc) and we perform a general description of those populations.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, and 8 table

    Carrying capacity and goat botanical diet composition in an arid ecosystem, Lavalle, Argentina

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    8 págs, 1 tabla.-- Comunicación presentada a la XLV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos: "Producciones agroganaderas: gestión eficiente y conservación del medio natural" (Gijón, 28 de mayo al 3 de junio de 2005).[ES] El trabajo se llevó a cabo en el departamento de Lavalle, Mendoza, Argentina. Las unidades de pastos, más importantes desde el punto de vista forrajero son: Algarrobal de Prosopis flexuosa; Matorral con Atriplex lampa (zampal); Matorral con Tricomaria usillo (usillar); Matorral degradado con Larrea cuneifolia (jarillal) y Medanal. Los objetivos del estudio fueron estimar la capacidad sustentadora de las diferentes unidades y la composición botánica de la ingesta de los caprinos. La estimación de dicha capacidad, expresada en hectáreas por Unidades Ganadera Caprinas (ha UGC–1), se realizó mediante el método de Point Quadrat modificado para el Monte. Y por medio del análisis microhistológico de heces se determinó la composición estacional de la ingesta.Los valores medios anuales de capacidad sustentadora fueron: Algarrobal, 1,2; Zampal, 1,7; Usillar, 3,5; Jarillal, 5,8 y Médanos, 4,3 ha UGC-1. La composición de la ingesta varió durante las estaciones, observándose una predominancia de las especies arbustivas, las gramíneas perennes aparecieron en muy baja frecuencia en todas las estaciones. El Algarrobal y el Zampal son las unidades de mayor importancia forrajera, presentando receptividades ganaderas más altas y una oferta forrajera más estable a lo largo del año, respecto del resto de las unidades de pastos analizadas.[EN] The work was carried out in the department of Lavalle, Mendoza, Argentina. The units of pastures, more important from the forage matter are: Algarrobal of Prosopis flexuosa; Shrubland with Atriplex lampa (zampal); Shrubland with Tricomaria usillo (usillar); Shrubland degraded with Larrea cuneifolia (jarillal) and Dunes. The aims of the study were to estimate the carrying capacity of the different units and the botanical composition of goat diets. The carrying capacity, expressed in hectares by Units Goat (ha UG-1), was measured by the method of Point Quadrat modified for Monte and the seasonal botanical composition of goat diets, was determined by microhistological analysis of faeces. The annual average values of carrying capacity were: Algarrobal, 1.2; Zampal, 1.7; Usillar, 3.5; Jarillal, 5.8 and Dunes, 4.3 ha UG-1. The composition of the diet varied during the seasons, the predominance of the shrubs species were observed, the perennial grass appeared in low frequency in all the seasons. The Algarrobal and the Zampal are the units of greater forage importance, where forage receptivity are higher and with more stable production throughout the year, respect to the others units of pastures analyzed.Peer reviewe

    El fenómeno blog. Los blogs y su importancia en la comunicación institucional

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    Un blog es un sitio web fácil de usar en el cual puede, entre otras muchas cosas, expresar rápidamente sus opiniones e interactuar con otros usuarios. Todo ello gratis. Los weblogs, sitios web compuestos por entradas individuales dispuestas en la página en orden cronológico inverso, estructurados originalmente como diarios personales, basados en enlaces, noticias y opiniones que se actualizan de modo regular, escritos con un estilo informal y subjetivo, han sido muchas cosas a lo largo de estos 10 años, han ido cambiando con la propia Red del mismo modo que ha ido cambiado su percepción social y su impacto cultural, económico, político y mediático

    The young stellar population of NGC 4214 as observed with HST. II. Results

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    We present the results of a detailed UV-optical study of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 4214 using multifilter HST/WFPC2+STIS photometry. The stellar extinction is found to be quite patchy, with some areas having values of E(4405-5495)< 0.1 mag and others, associated with star forming regions, much more heavily obscured, a result which is consistent with previous studies of the nebular extinction. We determined the ratio of blue-to-red supergiants and found it to be consistent with theoretical models for the metallicity of the SMC. The stellar IMF of the field in the range 20-100 solar masses is found to be steeper than Salpeter. A number of massive clusters and associations with ages between a few and 200 million years are detected and their properties are discussed.Comment: 49 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    The C-terminal region of OVGP1 remodels the zona pellucida and modifies fertility parameters

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    [EN] OVGP1 is the major non-serum glycoprotein in the oviduct fluid at the time of fertilization and early embryo development. Its activity differs among species. Here, we show that the C-terminal region of recombinant OVGP1 regulates its binding to the extracellular zona pellucida and affects its activity during fertilization. While porcine OVGP1 penetrates two-thirds of the thickness of the zona pellucida, shorter OVGP1 glycoproteins, including rabbit OVGP1, are restricted to the outer one-third of the zona matrix. Deletion of the C-terminal region reduces the ability of the glycoprotein to penetrate through the zona pellucida and prevents OVGP1 endocytosis. This affects the structure of the zona matrix and increases its resistance to protease digestion. However, only full-length porcine OVGP1 is able to increase the efficiency rate of in vitro fertilization. Thus, our findings document that the presence or absence of conserved regions in the C-terminus of OVGP1 modify its association with the zona pellucida that affects matrix structure and renders the zona matrix permissive to sperm penetration and OVGP1 endocytosis into the eggSIThe research was supported by the Spanish MINECO (Spain) and FEDER (AGL2012-40180-C03-01-02 and AGL2015-70159-P) and the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement 260759 [L.J.]. We thank the Electron Microscopy Service, Image Analysis and Molecular Biology Sections of University of Murcia for their technical assistanc

    Uso de los probióticos desde la farmacia comunitaria

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    Los probióticos son microorganismos vivos que ejercen una acción beneficiosa sobre el hospedador al administrarse en las cantidades adecuadas. Además, han de cumplir los criterios de la FAO para ser considerados como tal. En este trabajo se va a realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre los estudios encontrados del uso de probióticos en diferentes patologías, con una antigüedad máxima de diez años. Se desarrollarán más las patologías en las que hay más estudios, por ser más conocidas; así como aquellas en las que su uso es más novedoso. Se tratará el uso de probióticos en diarrea, erradicación de Helicobacter pylori, síndrome de intestino irritable, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, enterocolitis necrotizante, cáncer de colon, intolerancia a la lactosa, alergias - enfermedades atópicas - respuesta inmune, mastitis, enfermedades urogenitales y salud bucodental

    Effect of Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) maternally derived antibodies on performance and PCV-2 viremia in vaccinated piglets under field conditions

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    Background: Nowadays, the most common presentation of PCV-2 is the subclinical infection in piglets after weaning. The success of PCV-2 vaccination is associated with the control of the clinical disease as well as the improvement of production parameters. In consequence, the objective of the present study was to analyse the effect of PCV-2 maternally derived antibody (MDA) levels on vaccine efficacy in piglets vaccinated at three weeks of age with a commercial PCV-2 subunit vaccine. The study was performed analysing a database with 6112 wean-to-slaughter piglets from 4 different European regions. Results: Results showed that the use of the vaccine was able to decrease the PCV-2 viremia calculated as area under the curve (AUC = 60.29 ± 3.73), increase average daily weight gain (ADWG = 0.65 ± 0.01 kg/day) and reduce mortality (7%) in vaccinated piglets compared to non-vaccinated ones (AUC of 198.27 ± 6.14, 0.62 ± 0.01 kg/day and 11% respectively). The overall difference of ADWG between both groups was close to 30 g per day (p < 0.05), also when they were split for low and high levels of MDA titres. Moreover, the animals with the highest ADWG were observed in the group of piglets vaccinated with high or extremely high antibody titres (0.66 and 0.65 kg/day respectively). Considering only animals with extremely high antibody titres, both study groups performed similar, however there was a numerical difference of 10 g/day in favour of vaccinated piglets. Likewise, lack of correlation between ADWG and MDA was observed suggesting that no maternal antibody interference was present with the tested vaccine because the vaccinated animals grew faster compared to unvaccinated control animals, regardless of the level of maternal antibodies present at the time of vaccination. Conclusions: The results of the present study demonstrated that the MDA against PCV-2 transferred through the colostrum intake has a protective effect against this viral infection. The vaccine used in the present study (Ingelvac CircoFLEX®) was effective when applied at three weeks of age and was not affected by the level of MDA at the time of vaccination