2,768 research outputs found

    Microphase separation in polyelectrolytic diblock copolymer melt : weak segregation limit

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    We present a generalized theory of microphase separation for charged-neutral diblock copolymer melt. Stability limit of the disordered phase for salt-free melt has been calculated using Random Phase Approximation (RPA) and self-consistent field theory (SCFT). Explicit analytical free energy expressions for different classical ordered microstructures (lamellar, cylinder and sphere) are presented. We demonstrate that chemical mismatch required for the onset of microphase separation (χN\chi^{\star} N) in charged-neutral diblock melt is higher and the period of ordered microstructures is lower than those for the corresponding neutral-neutral diblock system. Theoretical predictions on the period of ordered structures in terms of Coulomb electrostatic interaction strength, chain length, block length, and the chemical mismatch between blocks are presented. SCFT has been used to go beyond the stability limit, where electrostatic potential and charge distribution are calculated self-consistently. Stability limits calculated using RPA are in perfect agreement with the corresponding SCFT calculations. Limiting laws for stability limit and the period of ordered structures are presented and comparisons are made with an earlier theory. Also, transition boundaries between different morphologies have been investigated

    Constraining Relativistic Bow Shock Properties in Rotation-Powered Millisecond Pulsar Binaries

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    Multiwavelength followup of unidentified Fermi sources has vastly expanded the number of known galactic-field "black widow" and "redback" millisecond pulsar binaries. Focusing on their rotation-powered state, we interpret the radio to X-ray phenomenology in a consistent framework. We advocate the existence of two distinct modes differing in their intrabinary shock orientation, distinguished by the phase-centering of the double-peaked X-ray orbital modulation originating from mildly-relativistic Doppler boosting. By constructing a geometric model for radio eclipses, we constrain the shock geometry as functions of binary inclination and shock stand-off R0R_0. We develop synthetic X-ray synchrotron orbital light curves and explore the model parameter space allowed by radio eclipse constraints applied on archetypal systems B1957+20 and J1023+0038. For B1957+20, from radio eclipses the stand-off is R00.15R_0 \sim 0.15 -- 0.30.3 fraction of binary separation from the companion center, depending on the orbit inclination. Constructed X-ray light curves for B1957+20 using these values are qualitatively consistent with those observed, and we find occultation of the shock by the companion as a minor influence, demanding significant Doppler factors to yield double peaks. For J1023+0038, radio eclipses imply R00.4R_0 \lesssim 0.4 while X-ray light curves suggest 0.1R00.30.1\lesssim R_0 \lesssim 0.3 (from the pulsar). Degeneracies in the model parameter space encourage further development to include transport considerations. Generically, the spatial variation along the shock of the underlying electron power-law index should yield energy-dependence in the shape of light curves motivating future X-ray phase-resolved spectroscopic studies to probe the unknown physics of pulsar winds and relativistic shock acceleration therein.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 36 pages, 15 figures; comments welcom

    The synchrotron peak shift during high-energy flares of blazars

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    A prediction for the energy shift of the synchrotron spectrum of flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) during high-energy flares is presented. If the γ\gamma-ray emission of FSRQs is produced by Comptonization of external radiation, then the peak of the synchrotron spectrum is predicted to move to lower energies in the flare state. This is opposite to the well-known broadband spectral behavior of high-frequency peaked BL-Lac objects where the external radiation field is believed to be weak and synchrotron-self Compton scattering might be the dominant γ\gamma-ray radiation mechanism. The synchrotron peak shift, if observed in FSRQs, can thus be used as a diagnostic to determine the dominant radiation mechanism in these objects. I suggest a few FSRQs as promising candidates to test the prediction of the external-Comptonization model.Comment: 9 pages, including 2 figures; uses epsf.sty, rotate.sty; accepted for ApJ Letters; minor revision

    Modeling the Emission Processes in Blazars

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    Blazars are the most violent steady/recurrent sources of high-energy gamma-ray emission in the known Universe. They are prominent emitters of electromagnetic radiation throughout the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The observable radiation most likely originates in a relativistic jet oriented at a small angle with respect to the line of sight. This review starts out with a general overview of the phenomenology of blazars, including results from a recent multiwavelength observing campaign on 3C279. Subsequently, issues of modeling broadband spectra will be discussed. Spectral information alone is not sufficient to distinguish between competing models and to constrain essential parameters, in particular related to the primary particle acceleration and radiation mechanisms in the jet. Short-term spectral variability information may help to break such model degeneracies, which will require snap-shot spectral information on intraday time scales, which may soon be achievable for many blazars even in the gamma-ray regime with the upcoming GLAST mission and current advances in Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope technology. In addition to pure leptonic and hadronic models of gamma-ray emission from blazars, leptonic/hadronic hybrid models are reviewed, and the recently developed hadronic synchrotron mirror model for TeV gamma-ray flares which are not accompanied by simultaneous X-ray flares (``orphan TeV flares'') is revisited.Comment: Invited Review at "The Multimessenger Approach to Gamma-Ray Sources", Barcelona, Spain, July 2006; submitted to Astrophysics and Space Science. 10 pages, including 6 eps figures. Uses Springer's ApSS macro

    Evidence of growing spatial correlations at the glass transition from nonlinear response experiments

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    The ac nonlinear dielectric response χ3(ω,T)\chi_3(\omega,T) of glycerol was measured close to its glass transition temperature TgT_g to investigate the prediction that supercooled liquids respond in an increasingly non-linear way as the dynamics slows down (as spin-glasses do). We find that χ3(ω,T)\chi_3(\omega,T) indeed displays several non trivial features. It is peaked as a function of the frequency ω\omega and obeys scaling as a function of ωτ(T)\omega \tau(T), with τ(T)\tau(T) the relaxation time of the liquid. The height of the peak, proportional to the number of dynamically correlated molecules Ncorr(T)N_{corr}(T), increases as the system becomes glassy, and χ3\chi_3 decays as a power-law of ω\omega over several decades beyond the peak. These findings confirm the collective nature of the glassy dynamics and provide the first direct estimate of the TT dependence of NcorrN_{corr}.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. With respect to v1, a few new sentences were added in the introduction and conclusion, references were updated, some typos corrected

    Composition, structure and stability of RuO_2(110) as a function of oxygen pressure

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    Using density-functional theory (DFT) we calculate the Gibbs free energy to determine the lowest-energy structure of a RuO_2(110) surface in thermodynamic equilibrium with an oxygen-rich environment. The traditionally assumed stoichiometric termination is only found to be favorable at low oxygen chemical potentials, i.e. low pressures and/or high temperatures. At realistic O pressure, the surface is predicted to contain additional terminal O atoms. Although this O excess defines a so-called polar surface, we show that the prevalent ionic model, that dismisses such terminations on electrostatic grounds, is of little validity for RuO_2(110). Together with analogous results obtained previously at the (0001) surface of corundum-structured oxides, these findings on (110) rutile indicate that the stability of non-stoichiometric terminations is a more general phenomenon on transition metal oxide surfaces.Comment: 12 pages including 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    One-dimensional pair cascade emission in gamma-ray binaries

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    In gamma-ray binaries such as LS 5039 a large number of electron-positron pairs are created by the annihilation of primary very high energy (VHE) gamma-rays with photons from the massive star. The radiation from these particles contributes to the total high energy gamma-ray flux and can initiate a cascade, decreasing the effective gamma-ray opacity in the system. The aim of this paper is to model the cascade emission and investigate if it can account for the VHE gamma-ray flux detected by HESS from LS 5039 at superior conjunction, where the primary gamma-rays are expected to be fully absorbed. A one-dimensional cascade develops along the line-of-sight if the deflections of pairs induced by the surrounding magnetic field can be neglected. A semi-analytical approach can then be adopted, including the effects of the anisotropic seed radiation field from the companion star. Cascade equations are numerically solved, yielding the density of pairs and photons. In LS 5039, the cascade contribution to the total flux is large and anti-correlated with the orbital modulation of the primary VHE gamma-rays. The cascade emission dominates close to superior conjunction but is too strong to be compatible with HESS measurements. Positron annihilation does not produce detectable 511 keV emission. This study provides an upper limit to cascade emission in gamma-ray binaries at orbital phases where absorption is strong. The pairs are likely to be deflected or isotropized by the ambient magnetic field, which will reduce the resulting emission seen by the observer. Cascade emission remains a viable explanation for the detected gamma-rays at superior conjunction in LS 5039.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    New nonlinear dielectric materials: Linear electrorheological fluids under the influence of electrostriction

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    The usual approach to the development of new nonlinear dielectric materials focuses on the search for materials in which the components possess an inherently large nonlinear dielectric response. In contrast, based on thermodynamics, we have presented a first-principles approach to obtain the electrostriction-induced effective third-order nonlinear susceptibility for the electrorheological (ER) fluids in which the components have inherent linear, rather than nonlinear, responses. In detail, this kind of nonlinear susceptibility is in general of about the same order of magnitude as the compressibility of the linear ER fluid at constant pressure. Moreover, our approach has been demonstrated in excellent agreement with a different statistical method. Thus, such linear ER fluids can serve as a new nonlinear dielectric material.Comment: 11 page

    On the proper reconstruction of complex dynamical systems spoilt by strong measurement noise

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    This article reports on a new approach to properly analyze time series of dynamical systems which are spoilt by the simultaneous presence of dynamical noise and measurement noise. It is shown that even strong external measurement noise as well as dynamical noise which is an intrinsic part of the dynamical process can be quantified correctly, solely on the basis of measured times series and proper data analysis. Finally real world data sets are presented pointing out the relevance of the new approach

    Dirac-screening stabilized surface-state transport in a topological insulator

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    We report magnetotransport studies on a gated strained HgTe device. This material is a threedimensional topological insulator and exclusively shows surface state transport. Remarkably, the Landau level dispersion and the accuracy of the Hall quantization remain unchanged over a wide density range (3×1011cm2<n<1×1012cm23 \times 10^{11} cm^{-2} < n < 1 \times 10^{12} cm^{-2}). This implies that even at large carrier densities the transport is surface state dominated, where bulk transport would have been expected to coexist already. Moreover, the density dependence of the Dirac-type quantum Hall effect allows to identify the contributions from the individual surfaces. A kpk \cdot p model can describe the experiments, but only when assuming a steep band bending across the regions where the topological surface states are contained. This steep potential originates from the specific screening properties of Dirac systems and causes the gate voltage to influence the position of the Dirac points rather than that of the Fermi level.Comment: 12 pages 4 figure