48 research outputs found

    Separable mechanisms underlying global feature-based attention

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    Feature-based attention is known to operate in a spatially global manner, in that the selection of attended features is not bound to the spatial focus of attention. Here we used electromagnetic recordings in human observers to characterize the spatiotemporal signature of such global selection of an orientation feature. Observers performed a simple orientation-discrimination task while ignoring task-irrelevant orientation probes outside the focus of attention. We observed that global feature-based selection, indexed by the brain response to unattended orientation probes, is composed of separable functional components. One such component reflects global selection based on the similarity of the probe with task-relevant orientation values ("template matching"), which is followed by a component reflecting selection based on the similarity of the probe with the orientation value under discrimination in the focus of attention ("discrimination matching"). Importantly, template matching occurs at similar to 150 ms after stimulus onset, similar to 80 ms before the onset of discrimination matching. Moreover, source activity underlying template matching and discrimination matching was found to originate from ventral extrastriate cortex, with the former being generated in more anterolateral and the latter in more posteromedial parts, suggesting template matching to occur in visual cortex higher up in the visual processing hierarchy than discrimination matching. We take these observations to indicate that the population-level signature of global feature-based selection reflects a sequence of hierarchically ordered operations in extrastriate visual cortex, in which the selection based on task relevance has temporal priority over the selection based on the sensory similarity between input representations

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of feature-based attention spread: evidence from combined electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic recordings

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    Attentional selection on the basis of nonspatial stimulus features induces a sensory gain enhancement by increasing the firing-rate of individual neurons tuned to the attended feature, while responses of neurons tuned to opposite feature-values are suppressed. Here we recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) and magnetic fields (ERMFs) in human observers to investigate the underlying neural correlates of feature-based attention at the population level. During the task subjects attended to a moving transparent surface presented in the left visual field, while task-irrelevant probe stimuli executing brief movements into varying directions were presented in the opposite visual field. ERP and ERMF amplitudes elicited by the unattended task-irrelevant probes were modulated as a function of the similarity between their movement direction and the task-relevant movement direction in the attended visual field. These activity modulations reflecting globally enhanced processing of the attended feature were observed to start not before 200 ms poststimulus and were localized to the motion-sensitive area hMT. The current results indicate that feature-based attention operates in a global manner but needs time to spread and provide strong support for the feature-similarity gain model

    Task-load-dependent activation of dopaminergic midbrain areas in the absence of reward

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    Dopamine release in cortical and subcortical structures plays a central role in reward-related neural processes. Within this context, dopaminergic inputs are commonly assumed to play an activating role, facilitating behavioral and cognitive operations necessary to obtain a prospective reward. Here, we provide evidence from human fMRI that this activating role can also be mediated by task-demand-related processes and thus extendsbeyondsituationsthatonlyentailextrinsicmotivatingfactors. Using a visual discrimination task in which varying levels of task demands were precued, we found enhanced hemodynamic activity in the substantia nigra (SN) for high task demands in the absence of reward or similar extrinsic motivating factors. This observation thus indicates that the SN can also be activated in an endogenous fashion. In parallel to its role in reward-related processes, reward-independent activation likely serves to recruit the processing resources needed to meet enhanced task demands. Simultaneously, activity in a wide network of cortical and subcortical control regions was enhanced in response to high task demands, whereas areas of the default-mode network were deactivated more strongly. The present observations suggest that the SN represents a core node within a broader neural network that adjusts the amount of available neural and behavioral resources to changing situational opportunities and task requirements, which is often driven by extrinsic factors but can also be controlled endogenously

    Long-Term Stable Adhesion for Conducting Polymers in Biomedical Applications: IrOx and Nanostructured Platinum Solve the Chronic Challenge

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    Conducting polymers (CPs) have frequently been described as outstanding coating materials for neural microelectrodes, providing significantly reduced impedance or higher charge injection compared to pure metals. Usability has until now, however, been limited by poor adhesion of polymers like poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) to metallic substrates, ultimately precluding long-term applications. The aim of this study was to overcome this weakness of CPs by introducing two novel adhesion improvement strategies that can easily be integrated with standard microelectrode fabrication processes. Iridium Oxide (IrOx) demonstrated exceptional stability for PEDOT coatings, resulting in polymer survival over 10 000 redox cycles and 110 days under accelerated aging conditions at 60 °C. Nanostructured Pt was furthermore introduced as a purely mechanical adhesion promoter providing 10-fold adhesion improvement compared to smooth Pt substrates by simply altering the morphology of Pt. This layer can be realized in a very simple process that is compatible with any electrode design, turning nanostructured Pt into a universal adhesion layer for CP coatings. By the introduction of these adhesion-promoting strategies, the weakness of CP-based neural probes can ultimately be eliminated and true long-term stable use of PEDOT on neural probes will be possible in future electrode generations

    Wear and degradation on retrieved zirconia femoral heads

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    Zirconia femoral heads retrieved from patients after different implantation periods (up to 13 years) were analysed using vertical scanning interferometry, atomic force microscopy and Raman microspectroscopy. A range of topographical and compositional changes on the surface of the retrievals are reported in this work. The study revealed that changes in roughness are the result of a combination of factors, i.e. scratching, surface upheaval due to transformation to the monoclinic phase and grain pull-out. Clusters of transformed monoclinic grains were observed on heads implanted for more than 3 years. The phase composition of these clusters was confirmed by Raman microspectroscopy. Increased abrasive wear and a higher monoclinic phase content concentrated on the pole of the femoral heads, confirming that the tetragonal to monoclinic phase transformation was not only induced by the tetragonal phase metastability and environmental conditions but mechanical and tribological factors, also affected the transformation kinetics. Additionally, the head implanted for 13 years showed evidence of a self-polishing mechanism leading to a considerable smoothening of the surface. These observations provide an insight into the interrelated mechanisms underlying the wear and transformation process on zirconia ceramics during implantation

    Calpeptin is a potent cathepsin inhibitor and drug candidate for SARS-CoV-2 infections

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    Several drug screening campaigns identified Calpeptin as a drug candidate against SARS-CoV-2. Initially reported to target the viral main protease (Mpro), its moderate activity in Mpro inhibition assays hints at a second target. Indeed, we show that Calpeptin is an extremely potent cysteine cathepsin inhibitor, a finding additionally supported by X-ray crystallography. Cell infection assays proved Calpeptin’s efficacy against SARS-CoV-2. Treatment of SARS-CoV-2-infected Golden Syrian hamsters with sulfonated Calpeptin at a dose of 1 mg/kg body weight reduces the viral load in the trachea. Despite a higher risk of side effects, an intrinsic advantage in targeting host proteins is their mutational stability in contrast to highly mutable viral targets. Here we show that the inhibition of cathepsins, a protein family of the host organism, by calpeptin is a promising approach for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 and potentially other viral infections

    Cross-Selling in Business-to-Business-Industrien : Status Quo, Best Practices und Implikationen

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    Cross-Selling verbessert den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg, stärkt die Wettbewerbsposition und ist ein wichtiger Wachstumsfaktor. Unternehmen sollten Cross-Selling deshalb systematisch steuern

    Organizing for cross-selling: Do it right, or not at all

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    This study draws on the structural perspective of organization theory to investigate how firms can organize for cross-selling. Specifically, it analyzes how configurations of organizational structures and steering instruments are associated with cross-selling performance. Results show that mechanistic and organic organizational cross-selling structures should be closely aligned with financial and nonfinancial steering instruments: while the interactions between mechanistic cross-selling structures and non-financial steering instruments are likely to result in high levels of cross-selling performance, organic cross-selling structures should be combined with financial steering via cross-selling incentives. Findings also reveal a U-shaped relationship between cross-selling performance and firm EBITDA. These results suggest that to enhance profits, firms should either organize for very high levels of cross-selling performance or refrain entirely from investing in cross-selling structures or steering instruments

    Webbasiertes Lernen in Unternehmen. Entscheider/innen, Zielgruppen, Lernformen und Erfolgsfaktoren

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    Dieses Kapitel geht auf die Rahmenbedingungen des technologiegestützten Lernens und Lehrens ein, die für den Einsatz im Unternehmenskontext prägend sind. Es werden die wichtigsten Gründe und Motive des Technologieeinsatzes erläutert und die an Einführung und Einsatz beteiligten Unternehmensbereiche vorgestellt. Danach wird dargelegt, für welche Zielgruppen im Unternehmen sich technologiegestützte Lernangebote anbieten. Dazu werden die - mit Blick auf aktuelle Umfragen - am häufigsten eingesetzten Formen und Themen des technologiegestützten Lernens und Lehrens beschrieben. Auch werden die Erfolgsfaktoren genannt, die bei der Einführung entsprechender Lernformen und -technologien in Unternehmen zu beachten sind. Da bei diesem Themenfeld der Einsatz von webbasiertem Lernen am besten dokumentiert ist, liegt hier ein Schwerpunkt der Darstellung. Betrachtet wird außerdem vor allem die Weiterbildungspraxis in Großunternehmen. Mit einem Ausblick und weiterführenden Literaturhinweisen schließt das Kapitel. (DIPF/Orig.

    Error-Bounded Probabilistic Computations Between MA and AM

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    We introduce the probabilistic class SBP which is defined in a BPP-like manner. This class emerges from BPP by keeping the promise of a probability gap but decreasing the probability limit from 1/2 to exponentially small values. We sho