158 research outputs found

    Application of Optimal Control to CPMG Refocusing Pulse Design

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    We apply optimal control theory (OCT) to the design of refocusing pulses suitable for the CPMG sequence that are robust over a wide range of B0 and B1 offsets. We also introduce a model, based on recent progress in the analysis of unitary dynamics in the field of quantum information processing (QIP), that describes the multiple refocusing dynamics of the CPMG sequence as a dephasing Pauli channel. This model provides a compact characterization of the consequences and severity of residual pulse errors. We illustrate the methods by considering a specific example of designing and analyzing broadband OCT refocusing pulses of length 10 t180 that are constrained by the maximum instantaneous pulse power. We show that with this refocusing pulse, the CPMG sequence can refocus over 98% of magnetization for resonance offsets up to 3.2 times the maximum RF amplitude, even in the presence of +/- 10% RF inhomogeneity.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures; Revised and reformatted version with new title and significant changes to Introduction and Conclusions section

    A joint physics and radiobiology DREAM team vision - Towards better response prediction models to advance radiotherapy.

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    Radiotherapy developed empirically through experience balancing tumour control and normal tissue toxicities. Early simple mathematical models formalized this practical knowledge and enabled effective cancer treatment to date. Remarkable advances in technology, computing, and experimental biology now create opportunities to incorporate this knowledge into enhanced computational models. The ESTRO DREAM (Dose Response, Experiment, Analysis, Modelling) workshop brought together experts across disciplines to pursue the vision of personalized radiotherapy for optimal outcomes through advanced modelling. The ultimate vision is leveraging quantitative models dynamically during therapy to ultimately achieve truly adaptive and biologically guided radiotherapy at the population as well as individual patient-based levels. This requires the generation of models that inform response-based adaptations, individually optimized delivery and enable biological monitoring to provide decision support to clinicians. The goal is expanding to models that can drive the realization of personalized therapy for optimal outcomes. This position paper provides their propositions that describe how innovations in biology, physics, mathematics, and data science including AI could inform models and improve predictions. It consolidates the DREAM team's consensus on scientific priorities and organizational requirements. Scientifically, it stresses the need for rigorous, multifaceted model development, comprehensive validation and clinical applicability and significance. Organizationally, it reinforces the prerequisites of interdisciplinary research and collaboration between physicians, medical physicists, radiobiologists, and computational scientists throughout model development. Solely by a shared understanding of clinical needs, biological mechanisms, and computational methods, more informed models can be created. Future research environment and support must facilitate this integrative method of operation across multiple disciplines

    Nuclear model developments in FLUKA for present and future applications

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    The FLUKAS code [1–3] is used in research laboratories all around the world for challenging applications spanning a very wide range of energies, projectiles and targets. FLUKAS is also extensively used for in hadrontherapy research studies and clinical planning systems. In this paper some of the recent developments in the FLUKAS nuclear physics models of relevance for very different application fields including medical physics are presented. A few examples are shown demonstrating the effectiveness of the upgraded code

    A joint physics and radiobiology DREAM team vision - towards better response prediction models to advance radiotherapy

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    Radiotherapy developed empirically through experience balancing tumour control and normal tissue toxicities. Early simple mathematical models formalized this practical knowledge and enabled effective cancer treatment to date. Remarkable advances in technology, computing, and experimental biology now create opportunities to incorporate this knowledge into enhanced computational models. The ESTRO DREAM (Dose Response, Experiment, Analysis, Modelling) workshop brought together experts across disciplines to pursue the vision of personalized radiotherapy for optimal outcomes through advanced modelling. The ultimate vision is leveraging quantitative models dynamically during therapy to ultimately achieve truly adaptive and biologically guided radiotherapy at the population as well as individual patient-based levels. This requires the generation of models that inform response-based adaptations, individually optimized delivery and enable biological monitoring to provide decision support to clinicians. The goal is expanding to models that can drive the realization of personalized therapy for optimal outcomes. This position paper provides their propositions that describe how innovations in biology, physics, mathematics, and data science including AI could inform models and improve predictions. It consolidates the DREAM team's consensus on scientific priorities and organizational requirements. Scientifically, it stresses the need for rigorous, multifaceted model development, comprehensive validation and clinical applicability and significance. Organizationally, it reinforces the prerequisites of interdisciplinary research and collaboration between physicians, medical physicists, radiobiologists, and computational scientists throughout model development. Solely by a shared understanding of clinical needs, biological mechanisms, and computational methods, more informed models can be created. Future research environment and support must facilitate this integrative method of operation across multiple disciplines. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Induction of effective and antigen-specific antitumour immunity by a liposomal ErbB2/HER2 peptide-based vaccination construct

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    Efficient delivery of tumour-associated antigens to appropriate cellular compartments of antigen-presenting cells is of prime importance for the induction of potent, cell-mediated antitumour immune responses. We have designed novel multivalent liposomal constructs that co-deliver the p63–71 cytotoxic T Lymphocyte epitope derived from human ErbB2 (HER2), and HA307–319, a T-helper (Th) epitope derived from influenza haemagglutinin. Both peptides were conjugated to the surface of liposomes via a Pam3CSS anchor, a synthetic lipopeptide with potent adjuvant activity. In a murine model system, vaccination with these constructs completely protected BALB/c mice from subsequent s.c. challenge with ErbB2-expressing, but not ErbB2-negative, murine renal carcinoma (Renca) cells, indicating the induction of potent, antigen-specific immune responses. I.v. re-challenge of tumour-free animals 2 months after the first tumour cell inoculation did not result in the formation of lung tumour nodules, suggesting that long-lasting, systemic immunity had been induced. While still protecting the majority of vaccinated mice, a liposomal construct lacking the Th epitope was less effective than the diepitope construct, also correlating with a lower number of CD8+ IFN-γ+ T-cells identified upon ex vivo peptide restimulation of splenocytes from vaccinated animals. Importantly, in a therapeutic setting treatment with the liposomal vaccines resulted in cures in the majority of tumour-bearing mice and delayed tumour growth in the remaining ones. Our results demonstrate that liposomal constructs which combine Tc and Th peptide antigens and lipopeptide adjuvants can induce efficient, antigen-specific antitumour immunity, and represent promising synthetic delivery systems for the design of specific antitumour vaccines

    A joint physics and radiobiology DREAM team vision - towards better response prediction models to advance radiotherapy

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    Radiotherapy developed empirically through experience balancing tumour control and normal tissue toxicities. Early simple mathematical models formalized this practical knowledge and enabled effective cancer treatment to date. Remarkable advances in technology, computing, and experimental biology now create opportunities to incorporate this knowledge into enhanced computational models. The ESTRO DREAM (Dose Response, Experiment, Analysis, Modelling) workshop brought together experts across disciplines to pursue the vision of personalized radiotherapy for optimal outcomes through advanced modelling. The ultimate vision is leveraging quantitative models dynamically during therapy to ultimately achieve truly adaptive and biologically guided radiotherapy at the population as well as individual patient-based levels. This requires the generation of models that inform response-based adaptations, individually optimized delivery and enable biological monitoring to provide decision support to clinicians. The goal is expanding to models that can drive the realization of personalized therapy for optimal outcomes. This position paper provides their propositions that describe how innovations in biology, physics, mathematics, and data science including AI could inform models and improve predictions. It consolidates the DREAM team’s consensus on scientific priorities and organizational requirements. Scientifically, it stresses the need for rigorous, multifaceted model development, comprehensive validation and clinical applicability and significance. Organizationally, it reinforces the prerequisites of interdisciplinary research and collaboration between physicians, medical physicists, radiobiologists, and computational scientists throughout model development. Solely by a shared understanding of clinical needs, biological mechanisms, and computational methods, more informed models can be created. Future research environment and support must facilitate this integrative method of operation across multiple disciplines

    Biofluid Biomarkers in Huntington's Disease

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative condition where new markers of disease progression are needed. So far no disease-modifying interventions have been found, and few interventions have been proven to alleviate symptoms. This may be partially explained by the lack of reliable indicators of disease severity, progression, and phenotype.Biofluid biomarkers may bring advantages in addition to clinical measures, such as reliability, reproducibility, price, accuracy, and direct quantification of pathobiological processes at the molecular level; and in addition to empowering clinical trials, they have the potential to generate useful hypotheses for new drug development.In this chapter we review biofluid biomarker reports in HD, emphasizing those we feel are likely to be closest to clinical applicability

    A determination of electroweak parameters from Z0→μ+μ- (γ)

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    Virologie / Bakteriologie / Mykologie

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    141 - Effizienz von Kaliumhypochlorit zur Inaktivierung ausgewählter pilzlicher, bakterieller und viraler PflanzenkrankheitserregerEfficancy of Potassium Hypochlorite (KClO) to inactivate selected plant pathogenic fungi, bacteria and virusesMarlon-Hans Rodríguez, Martina Bandte, Gerhard Fischer, Carmen Büttner142 - Eignung von elektrolytisch generiertem Kaliumhypochlorit zur Inaktivierung von Pflanzenviren in rezirkulierender Nährlösungen im Gewächshausanbau von TomatenAbility of electrolysed produced Potassium Hypochlorite (KClO) to inactivate plant viruses in recirculating nutrient solutions in greenhouse production of tomatosJanine Paulke, Martina Bandte, Carmen Büttner143 - Ultrafiltration und Ultrazentrifugation zur Konzentrierung von Pflanzenviren in NährlösungUltrafiltration and ultracentrifugation as tools to concentrate plant viruses in nutrient solutionJanina Vincenz, Martina Bandte, Carmen Büttner144 - Reinigung doppelsträngiger RNA in Verbindung mit Hochdurchsatzsequenzierung als Werkzeug zum Nachweis von RNA Viren in PflanzenThe combination of double-stranded RNA isolation and deep sequencing as an unspecific diagnostic tool to assess the presence of RNA viruses in plantsTill Lesker, Paul Rentz, Edgar Maiss145 - Impact of silica supplementation on virus infected cucumber culturesRolle der Kieselsäureapplikation Virus infizierter GurkenkulturenSabine Holz, Grzegorz Bartoszewski , Michael Kube, Carmen Büttner146 - Untersuchungen zum Auftreten des Arabis mosaic virus in Birken aus Rovaniemi (Finnland) mit Virus-spezifischen SymptomenInvestigations on the occurence of Arabis mosaic virus in birches from Rovaniemi (Finland) with virus-specific symptomsRichard Pauwels, Markus Rott, Susanne von Bargen, Carmen Büttner147 - Cherry leaf roll virus in Betula spp. in Finland: what do we know about its population diversity?Cherry leaf roll virus in Birken-Arten in Finnland: Was wissen wir über die Populationsdiversität?A. Rumbou, S. von Bargen, M. Rott, R. Jalkanen, C. Büttner148 - Viruserkrankungen im WeinbauViroses in viticultureHenriette Gruber, Patricia Bohnert, Christiane Rieger149 - Molecular analysis of Tobacco rattle virus isolates from potatoes in various parts of GermanyKerstin Lindner, Renate Koenig150 - Detektion und Diversität des European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARaV) in Ebereschen (Sorbus aucuparia L.) in NorwegenDetection and variability of European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARaV) in Sorbus aucuparia L. in NorwayTheresa Büttner, Jenny Robel, Hans-Peter Mühlbach, Susanne von Bargen, Carmen Büttner151 - Charakterisierung des European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARaV) in Mehlbeerenarten (Sorbus spp.)Characterization of the European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARaV) in whitebeam species (Sorbus spp.)Luisa Dieckmann, Jenny Robel, Susanne von Bargen, Carmen Büttner152 - Vollständige Genomsequenz eines Carrot virus S Isolates aus Meerfenchel aus SpanienW. Menzel, P. Menzel, S. Winter153 - Nachweis und vollständige Sequenzierung eines Carla- und eines Potex-virus aus Epiphyullum spec.Detection and complete sequence of a Carla- and Potexvirus in Epiphyllum spec.Edgar Maiss, Paul Rentz, Annette Hohe, Rosa Herbst154 - Analysis of mixed populations of latent viruses of apple and rubbery wood disease of apple using new generation sequencingAnalyse von Mischpopulationen latenter Apfelviren und der Gummiholzkrankheit an Apfel mittels HochdurchsatzsequenzierungVladimir Jakovljevic, Patricia Otten, Jonathon Blake, Wilhelm Jelkmann155 - Experiments on transmission of viroids under glass and longevity of viroid RNA in detached leaves under different storage conditionsThi Thu Vo, Heinz-Wilhelm Dehne, Stephan Winter, Joachim Hamacher156 - Phytoplasmen in Schleswig-HolsteinPhytoplasmas in the state of Schleswig-HolsteinG. Henkel, C. Willmer, M. Wunderlich, B. Golecki157 . Phytoplasmen verändern das Dufststoffbouquet ihres pflanzlichen LebensraumsPlant volatile emission is affected by phytoplasma infectionMargit Rid, Kai Lukat, Svenja Hoferer, Jürgen Gross159 - Ist das Wurzelbild ein Sortierungsmerkmal für durch Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri verursachten Birnenverfall?Is the root file a sorting feature for Pear decline caused by Canditatus Phytoplama pyri?Georg Henkel, Claudia Willmer, Bernd Kaland, Bettina Golecki160 - Die Bedeutung von β-Caryophyllen als Lockstoff für die Apfeltriebsucht übertragende Blattsaugerart Cacopsylla pictaThe impact of β-caryophyllene as attractant for the Apple Proliferation transmitting insect Cacopsylla pictaConstanze Mesca, Svenja Hoferer, Jürgen Gross161 - Echte Mehltauarten an Beet- und BalkonpflanzenSpecies of powdery mildews on bedding plantsUlrike Brielmaier-Liebetanz162 - Echter Mehltau an Petersilie – Untersuchungen zum WirtspflanzenspektrumPowdery Mildew of Parsley – studies on the host rangePeggy Marx, Ute Gärber163 - Falscher Mehltau an Petersilie – Untersuchungen zum Wirtspflanzenspektrum und molekularbiologische CharakterisierungDowny mildew of parsley – studies on the host range and molecular characterizationGabriele Leinhos, Hermann-Josef Krauthausen, Frank Brändle164 - Welkekrankheit an Euonymus japonicaWilt disease on Euonymus japonicaUlrike Brielmaier-Liebetanz, Roswitha Ulrich, Stefan Wagner, Sabine Werres165 - Taxonomische Analyse der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft von Zuckerrüben unter unterschiedlichen Lagerbedingungen mittels Hochdurchsatz-Amplikonsequenzierung von unterschiedlichen MarkergenenTaxonomic analysis of the microbial community in stored sugar beets using highthroughput sequencing of different marker genesSebastian Liebe, Daniel Wibberg, Anika Winkler, Alfred Pühler, Andreas Schlüter, Mark Varrelmann166 - Molecular characterization of a novel mycovirus found in Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2IIIBMolekulare Charakterisierung eines neuen Mycovirus aus Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 IIIBAnika Bartholomäus, Mark Varrelman