334 research outputs found

    Non-abelian plasma instabilities for strong anisotropy

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    We numerically investigate gauge field instabilities in anisotropic SU(2) plasmas using weak field initial conditions. The growth of unstable modes is stopped by non-abelian effects for moderate anisotropy. If we increase the anisotropy the growth continues beyond the non-abelian saturation bound. We find strong indications that the continued growth is not due to over-saturation of infrared field modes, but instead due to very rapid growth of high momentum modes which are not unstable in the weak field limit. The saturation amplitude strongly depends on the initial conditions. For strong initial fields we do not observe the sustained growth.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure

    Moduli decay in the hot early Universe

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    We consider moduli fields interacting with thermalized relativistic matter. We determine the temperature dependence of their damping rate and find it is dominated by thermal effects in the high temperature regime, i.e. for temperatures larger than their mass. For a simple scalar model the damping rate is expressed through the known matter bulk viscosity. The high temperature damping rate is always smaller than the Hubble rate, so that thermal effects are not sufficient for solving the cosmological moduli problem.Comment: Numerical error in the final result for the damping rate corrected, conclusions of the paper are not affecte

    Fluctuations from dissipation in a hot non-Abelian plasma

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    We consider a transport equation of the Boltzmann-Langevin type for non-Abelian plasmas close to equilibrium to derive the spectral functions of the underlying microscopic fluctuations from the entropy. The correlator of the stochastic source is obtained from the dissipative processes in the plasma. This approach, based on classical transport theory, exploits the well-known link between a linearized collision integral, the entropy and the spectral functions. Applied to the ultra-soft modes of a hot non-Abelian (classical or quantum) plasma, the resulting spectral functions agree with earlier findings obtained from the microscopic theory. As a by-product, it follows that B\"odeker's effective theory is consistent with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, no figures, identical to published versio

    Hard thermal loops for soft or collinear external momenta

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    We consider finite temperature 1-loop diagrams with hard loop momenta and an arbitrary number of external gauge fields when the external momenta are either soft, or near the light cone and nearly collinear with the loop momentum. We obtain a recursion relation for these diagrams which we translate into an equation for their generating functional. By integrating out the soft fields while keeping two collinear ones we find an integral equation, originally due to Arnold, Moore, and Yaffe, which sums the bremsstrahlung and pair annihilation contribution to the thermal photon production rate.Comment: 17 pages, title corrected, clarifying paragraph added to the appendix, version to appear in JHE

    A remark on non-Abelian classical kinetic theory

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    It is known that non-Abelian classical kinetic theory reproduces the Hard Thermal/Dense Loop (HTL/HDL) effective action of QCD, obtained after integrating out the hardest momentum scales from the system, as well as the first higher dimensional operator beyond the HTL/HDL level. We discuss here its applicability at still higher orders, by comparing the exact classical effective action obtained in the static limit, with the 1-loop quantum effective potential. We remark that while correct types of operators arise, the classical colour algebra reproduces correctly the prefactor of the 4-point function trA04tr A_0^4 only for matter in asymptotically high dimensional colour representations.Comment: 6 page

    Bubble wall velocities in the Standard Model and beyond

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    We present results for the bubble wall velocity and bubble wall thickness during a cosmological first-order phase transition in a condensed form. Our results are for minimal extensions of the Standard Model but in principle are applicable to a much broader class of settings. Our first assumption about the model is that only the electroweak Higgs is obtaining a vacuum expectation value during the phase transition. The second is that most of the friction is produced by electroweak gauge bosons and top quarks. Under these assumptions the bubble wall velocity and thickness can be deduced as a function of two equilibrium properties of the plasma: the strength of the phase transition and the pressure difference along the bubble wall

    Purely perturbative Boltzmann equation for hot non-Abelian gauge theories

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    In the perturbation theory, trasnport phenomena in hot non-Abelian gauge theories like QCD are often plagued with infrared singularities or nonperturbative effects. We show, in the context of the Kadanoff & Baym formalism, that there are certain nonequilibrium processes which are free from such difficulties. For these processes, due to an interplay between the macroscopic and microscopic physics, characteristic time scale (the mesoscale) naturally enters as an infrared cutoff and purely perturbative description by the Boltzmann equation is valid.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, to appear in Physical Review

    High temperature color conductivity at next-to-leading log order

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    The non-Abelian analog of electrical conductivity at high temperature has previously been known only at leading logarithmic order: that is, neglecting effects suppressed only by an inverse logarithm of the gauge coupling. We calculate the first sub-leading correction. This has immediate application to improving, to next-to-leading log order, both effective theories of non-perturbative color dynamics, and calculations of the hot electroweak baryon number violation rate.Comment: 47 pages, 6+2 figure

    The finite temperature real time \hbar^2 corrections in quantum mechanics

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    We study non-perturbative real time correlation functions at finite temperature. In order to see whether the classical term gives a good approximation in the high temperature limit T >> \hbar\omega, we consider the first \hbar^2 quantum corrections. We find that for the simplest non-trivial case, the quantum mechanical anharmonic oscillator, the classical result is reliable only for moderately large times: after some time t_* the classical approximation breaks down even at high temperatures. Moreover, the result for the first quantum corrections cannot, in general, be reproduced by modifying the parameters of the classical theory.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Problem of the noise-noise correlation function in hot non-Abelian plasma

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    In this work on the basis of Kadomtsev's kinetic fluctuation theory we present the more general expression for noise-noise correlation function in effective theory for ultrasoft field modes.Comment: 3 pages, REVTeX
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