52 research outputs found

    Az intracelluláris XIII-as faktor lehetséges szerepe a monocita/makrofág sejtvonalban = The possible role of Factor XIII in monocytes/macrophages

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    Ismert tény, hogy a véralvadás XIII-as faktorának A alegysége (FXIII-A) a monocita/makrofág sejtvonalban is szintetizálódik, de a sejtekből nem szekretálódik. A FXIII-A intracelluláris lokalizációja és szubsztrát profilja alapján feltehetően szerepet játszik intracelluláris folyamatokban is. Humán monocita kultúrákon, különböző aktiváló ágensek (interleukin 4, interferon gamma, Mycobacterium bovis) jelenlétében elvégzett vizsgálataink igazolták, hogy klaszikus és alternatív aktiváció során a FXIII-A gén expressziója (mRNS és fehérje szinten egyaránt) ellentétesen szabályozódik. A FXIII-A gén expressziójának jellemzése érdekében FXIII-A deficiens és egészséges egyének alternatív úton aktivált monocita-eredetű makrofágjainak expressziós profilját hasonlítottuk össze microarray vizsgálatokkal. Cytoscape/BiNGO and Ingenuity Pathways Analysis programokkal elvégeztük az eltérően expresszálódó gének funkcionális csoportosítását. Eredményeink igazolták, hogy a FXIII-A fontos szerepet játszik a makrofágok alternatív aktivációja során lejátszódó génexpressziós változásokban. A FXIII-A hiányában a legmarkánsabb génexpressziós eltérések az immunfunkciókban és a sebgyógyulásban szerepet játszó gének körében jelentkeznek. | It is known that Factor XIII subunit A of blood coagulation (FXIII-A) is synthesized but not secreted by the monocyte/macrophage cell line. On the basis of its intracellular localization and substrate-profile FXIII-A is thought to be involved in certain intracellular processes. Our study in long term culture of human monocytes during their differentiation into macrophages in the presence of activating agents (interleukin 4, interferon gamma, Mycobacterium bovis) inducing the classical and alternative activation pathways clearly showed that the expression of FXIII-A both at the mRNA as well as the protein level is inversely regulated during the two activation programmes. To characterize the effect of FXIII-A on gene expression microarray profiles of alternatively activated monocyte-derived macrophages of FXIII-A deficient patients and healthy controls were compared and functional clustering of the differently expressed genes was carried out by using Cytoscape/BiNGO and Ingenuity Pathways Analysis programs. Our results revealed that FXIII-A has important role(s) in mediating gene expression changes in macrophages during alternative activation. In the absence of FXIII-A, the most prominent differences are related to immune functions and to wound response

    The reassessment of personal competencies in human resources management and in business-oriented higher education

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    The timeliness of our topic is proved by the fact that nowadays human resources play an indispensable part in the resource system of economic organizations. Our paper examines the personal competencies that play a vital role in corporate efficiency, competitiveness and success. Moreover, we also illustrate how this role has been changing in time. One of the objectives was to create and test a competency structure tailored to the Hungarian labour market situation.</jats:p

    A Szomatoszenzoros Amplifikáció Skála (SSAS) magyar változatának validálása = Validation of the Hungarian version of the Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS)

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    A Szomatoszenzoros Amplifikáció Skála (SSAS) magyar verziójának pszichometriai értékelését és kérdőíves validálását egyetemi hallgatók (N = 184; átlag életkor = 21,43 év, SD = 4,124; 38,1% férfi) és háziorvosi rendelőben várakozó betegek (N = 562; átlag életkor = 46,54 év, SD = 17,248; 40,4% férfi) mintáján végeztük el. A skála jó belső konzisztenciát mutatott (Cronbach-alfa = 0,70 és 0,77 az egyetemista és a betegmintán), és a konfirmátoros faktoroanalízis eredményei alapján kifejezetten jól illeszkedett az elméletileg feltételezett egydimenziós struktúrához (CMIN/df = 3,088; CFI = 0,989; NFI = 0,984; RMSEA = 0,053). A kérdőíves validáláshoz négy pszichológiai skálát (Életszemlélet Teszt átdolgozott verzió - LOT-R; Beck Depresszió Kérdőív rövidített változat - BDI-R; Spielberger Vonásszorongás Kérdőív - STAI-T; Szubjektív Testi Tünet Skála - PHQ-15) használtunk. Az egyetemista mintán az SSAS pontszámok szignifikánsan korreláltak a nemmel, valamint a PHQ-15, a STAI-T és a BDI-R pontszámokkal. A többváltozós regressziós elemzés során a nem (p = 0,044) és a STAI-T pontszám (p = 0,053) bizonyult jó prediktornak. A betegmintán szignifikáns együttjárást találtunk a nemmel, az iskolai végzettséggel és mind a négy validáló skálával (az együttjárás az iskolai végzettség és a LOT-R esetében negatív irányú volt). A regressziós elemzésben az SSAS pontszámot a PHQ-15 és a STAI-T pontszám jelezte előre (mindkét esetben p < 0,001). Az eredmények alapján elmondható az, hogy a magyar verzió jó pszichometriai jellemzőkkel bír, és jól megőrizte az eredeti skála által megragadott pszichológiai konstruktumot. | The Hungarian version of the Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS) has been psychometrically evaluated and validated with questionnaires on the samples of university students (N = 184; mean age = 21.43 yrs, SD = 4.124; 38.1% male) and patients visiting their GPs (N = 562; mean age = 46.54 yrs, SD = 17.248; 40.4% male). The scale showed good internal consistency (Cronbach-alfa = 0.70 and 0.77 in the student and the patient samples, respectively). According to the results of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), data from the two samples fitted very well to the hypothesized one-dimensional structure of the scale (CMIN/df = 3.088; CFI = 0.989; NFI = 0.984; RMSEA = 0.053). Four psychological scales (Life Orientation Test revisited — LOT-R; Beck Depression Inventory short version — BDI-R; State-Trait Anxiety Inventory — STAI-T; Subjective Somatic Symptoms — PHQ-15) were used for the validation. On the student sample, SSAS scores significantly correlated with gender, PHQ-15, STAI-T and BDI-R scores. In the multiple linear regression analysis, good predictors of the SSAS scores were gender (p = 0.044) and STAI scores (p = 0.053). On the patient sample, significant correlations with gender, education level, and all four validating scales were found (the correlations were negative in the cases of education level and LOT-R). Significant predictors in the regression equation were PHQ-15 and STAI-T scores (p < 0.001 in both cases). According to the results, the Hungarian version of the SSAS is psychometrically sound and it seems to assess the same psychological construct as the original scale

    Cellular FXIII in Human Macrophage-Derived Foam Cells

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    Funding Information: The research was funded by grants from the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (NKFIH) (K129287), by the GINOP 2.3.2-15-2016-00050 project co-financed by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund, and by the Hungarian Academy of Science (11014 project). J.B. and D.P. were supported by Eötvös Loránd Research Network (11003). The work was also supported by the University of Aberdeen Development Trust and by project grants from Friend of Anchor (RS2015 006), the British Heart Foundation (PG/15/82/31721), and a British Heart Foundation Fellowship (FS/11/2/28579) awarded to N.J.M. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Activation mechanism dependent surface exposure of cellular factor XIII on activated platelets and platelet microparticles

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are indebted to Prof. Edit Buzás MD, PhD (Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary) for the expert discussion on extracellular vesicles. We also thank Ms. Ágnes Bana (Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary) for the expert assistance in immunofluorescence studies and to Ms. Fanni Puter (Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary) for her technical help. The research was funded by a grant from the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH) (K129287), by the GINOP 2.3.2-15-2016-00050 project co-financed by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund and by the Hungarian Academy of Science (11014 project). M.C. is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) fellow (grant Agreement number: 813834 - pHioniC - H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018). N.J.M was funded by the British Heart Foundation PG/15/82/31721, Friends of Anchor and the Aberdeen Development Trust.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Exploring the mediating role of energy balance-related behaviours in the association between sleep duration and obesity in European adults. The SPOTLIGHT project.

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    Sleep restriction is a risk factor for weight gain and obesity. Few studies have formally investigated the mediating role of energy balance-related behaviours in the sleep - obesity association. The aim of this study was to explore the mediating role of physical activity, sedentary behaviours and dietary habits in the association of sleep duration with obesity in adults in five European urban regions. Data on self-reported sleep duration, energy balance-related behaviours, height and weight and other covariates were collected between February and September 2014 from participants to the SPOTLIGHT survey (N=5900, mean age 52years). Participants were recruited from 60 urban neighbourhoods in Belgium, France, Hungary, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Multilevel logistic regression analyses were used to assess the associations of sleep duration, energy balance-related behaviours and obesity and mediating effects were calculated using MacKinnon's product-of-coefficients method. Results indicated that a 1h increase in sleeping time was associated with a 14% lower likelihood of being obese (OR=0.86, 95%CI=0.80; 0.93). Only work-related sedentary behaviour was identified as a statistically significant mediator in the association between sleep duration and obesity for the total sample, and youngest and oldest age group. We did not find evidence for a mediating role of dietary habits and physical activities

    The SPOTLIGHT virtual audit tool: a valid and reliable tool to assess obesogenic characteristics of the built environment.

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    BACKGROUND: A lack of physical activity and overconsumption of energy dense food is associated with overweight and obesity. The neighbourhood environment may stimulate or hinder the development and/or maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. To improve research on the obesogenicity of neighbourhood environments, reliable, valid and convenient assessment methods of potential obesogenic characteristics of neighbourhood environments are needed. This study examines the reliability and validity of the SPOTLIGHT-Virtual Audit Tool (S-VAT), which uses remote sensing techniques (Street View feature in Google Earth) for desk-based assessment of environmental obesogenicity. METHODS: A total of 128 street segments in four Dutch urban neighbourhoods - heterogeneous in socio-economic status and residential density - were assessed using the S-VAT. Environmental characteristics were categorised as walking related items, cycling related items, public transport, aesthetics, land use-mix, grocery stores, food outlets and physical activity facilities. To assess concordance of inter- and intra-observer reliability of the Street View feature in Google Earth, and validity scores with real life audits, percentage agreement and Cohen's Kappa (k) were calculated. RESULTS: Intra-observer reliability was high and ranged from 91.7% agreement (k = 0.654) to 100% agreement (k = 1.000) with an overall agreement of 96.4% (k = 0.848). Inter-observer reliability results ranged from substantial agreement 78.6% (k = 0.440) to high agreement, 99.2% (k = 0.579), with an overall agreement of 91.5% (k = 0.595). Criterion validity was substantial to high for most of the categories ranging from 87.3% agreement (k = 0.539) to 99.9% agreement (k = 0.887) with an overall score of 95.6% agreement (k = 0.747). CONCLUSION: These study results suggest that the S-VAT is a highly reliable and valid remote sensing tool to assess potential obesogenic environmental characteristics