140 research outputs found

    Proper actions, nonlinearity and homotopy theory

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    In dieser Arbeit wird die Erweiterung der Methoden der äquivarianten stabilen Homotopietheorie zu breiteren Kontexten untersucht. Die klassische Theorie voraussetzt Kompaktheit oder sogar Endlichkeit an der wirkenden Gruppe. Äquivariante Homotopie und Kohomotopie werden durch Spektren und analytische Methoden für eigentliche G-CW Komplexe konstruiert. Die Übereinstimmung mit der klassischen Definition, sowie zu einer von Lück 2005 veröffentlichten Konstruktion mittels Vektorraumbündeln wird bewiesen. Die Segal Vermutung wird in zwei Versionen verallgemeinert (für familien endlicher Untergruppen in diskreten Gruppen, bzw. für halb-einfache Liegruppen deren maximale kompakte Untergruppe keine Fundamentaldarstellung quaternionischen Typs aufweist). Eine bivariante , äquivariante homotopietheorie für C*-Algebren wird auch definiert

    Guadalfeo and Adra submarine deltas evolution in response to sediment supply variations

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    The Guadalfeo and the Adra submarine deltas off the northern coast of the Alboran Sea have been built up under the direct influence of short and mountainous rivers. The area is subjected to strong climatic seasonality, with sporadic winter torrential floods and high summer aridity. In addition numerous anthropogenic activities have affected these systems, mostly during the last two centuries. In order to decode the influence of climatic variability and anthropogenic impacts on sediment supplies during the recent past, five sediment cores were collected from the Guadalfeo and Adra submarine deltas. Benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological analyses, combined with radiocarbon dating, were performed. The impact of torrential floods alternating with periods of low rainfall or dry periods were recorded in the Adra and Guadalfeo prodeltas. Periods with low abundance of benthic foraminifera and high amounts of coarse-grained sediments, were interpreted as the result of enhanced sediment supply to the shelf triggered by major flood events. On the other hand, periods with high amounts of fine-grained sediments and high abundances of colonizers and opportunistic foraminiferal species indicate the establishment of new environments with distinct ecological constraints. These environments were driven by lower sediment supplies during low rainfall or dry periods. The most recent sedimentation seems to reflect the human interventions in the rivers basins, such as deviation of the main river courses and dams construction, which reduced the sediment input and promoted the deposition of shallow-water submarine deltas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Graphene Synthesis Using a CVD Reactor and a Discontinuous Feed of Gas Precursor at Atmospheric Pressure

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    The present work shows a new method in order to cost-effectively achieve the synthesis of graphene by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Unlike most usual processes, where precursors such as argon, H2, CH4, and high purity copper foil are used, the proposed method has replaced the previous ones by N2, N2 (90%) : H2 (10%), C2H2, and electrolytic copper (technical grade) since the use of industrialized precursors helps reduce production costs. On the other hand, the process was modified from a continuous flow system with vacuum to a discontinuous one at atmospheric pressure, eliminating the use of vacuum pump. In addition, this modification optimized the consumption of gases, which reduced the waste and the emission of pollutant gases into the atmosphere. Graphene films were grown under different gas flowrates and temperatures. Then, the obtained material was characterized by TEM, Raman spectroscopy, and AFM, confirming the presence of few graphene layers. In brief, the growth time was reduced to six minutes with acetylene as a carbon precursor at 1000°C and at atmospheric pressure, with a flow rate of 30 sccm. Finally, the reported conditions can be used for the synthesis of good quality graphene films in industrial applications

    Short-term microbial response after laboratory heating and ground mulching adition.

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    Fire alters soil organic matter inducing quantitative and qualitative changes that presumably will affect post-fire soil microbial recolonisation. Several studies have evidenced marked soil organic carbon reduction after moderate and high intensity fire, which limit the total recovery of microbial biomass during years. In order to evaluate the role of soil organic matter alteration in short-term microbial colonization process, we perform a preliminary experiment where unaltered soil from Sierra Nevada Natural Park was heated at 300 ÂşC during 20 minutes in a muffle furnace (H300) to simulate a medium-high intensity fire. After heating, soil samples were inoculated with unaltered fresh soil, rewetted at 55-65% of water holding capacity and incubated during 3 weeks. At the same time, unheated soil samples were incubated under the same conditions as control (UH). In addition, trying to partially alleviate soil organic matter fire-induced alterations effects on microbial colonization, we include an organic amendment treatment (M+). So, part of heated and unheated samples were amended with a mix of ground alfalfa:straw (1:1) and soil microbial abundance and activity were monitored together with soil organic matter changes. Heating process reduces total organic carbon content. After one week of incubation carbon content in heated samples was lower than the control one, in both, amended and un-amended samples. Microbial biomass and respiration were negatively affected by heating. Ground mulching addition increase microbial biomass and respiration but was not enough to reach control values during the whole study. Nevertheless, viable and cultivable fungi and bacteria showed different pattern. After two weeks of incubation both, fungi and bacteria were higher in heated samples. Ground mulching addition appears to stimulate fungal response in both, heated and unheated samples. Preliminary results of this experiment evidence the transcendence of soil organic matter fire-induced changes on microbial colonization process and the importance to determine several microbial parameters to obtain a more faithful conclusion about microbial response. The organic amendment appears to alleviate partially heated-induced damage, highlighting the positive stimulation on fungal abundance in both, heated and unheated samples.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through research projects POSTFIRE (CGL2013-47862-C2-1-R) and GEOFIRE (CGL2012-38655-C04-01)Peer Reviewe

    EvoluciĂłn de los deltas submarinos de los rĂ­os Guadalfeo y Adra en respuesta a las variaciones de los aportes sedimentarios

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    The Guadalfeo and the Adra submarine deltas off the northern coast of the Alboran Sea have been built up under the direct influence of short and mountainous rivers. The area is subjected to strong climatic seasonality, with sporadic winter torrential floods and high summer aridity. In addition numerous anthropogenic activities have affected these systems, mostly during the last two centuries. In order to decode the influence of climatic variability and anthropogenic impacts on sediment supplies during the recent past, five sediment cores were collected from the Guadalfeo and Adra submarine deltas. Benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological analyses, combined with radiocarbon dating, were performed. The impact of torrential floods alternating with periods of low rainfall or dry periods were recorded in the Adra and Guadalfeo prodeltas. Periods with low abundance of benthic foraminifera and high amounts of coarse-grained sediments, were interpreted as the result of enhanced sediment supply to the shelf triggered by major flood events. On the other hand, periods with high amounts of fine-grained sediments and high abundances of colonizers and opportunistic foraminiferal species indicate the establishment of new environments with distinct ecological constraints. These environments were driven by lower sediment supplies during low rainfall or dry periods. The most recent sedimentation seems to reflect the human interventions in the rivers basins, such as deviation of the main river courses and dams construction, which reduced the sediment input and promoted the deposition of shallow-water submarine deltas.VersiĂłn del edito

    The evolution of the Guadalfeo submarine delta (northern Alboran Sea) during the last ca. 200 years

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    The Guadalfeo submarine delta is located on the northern Alboran Sea shelf in the western Mediterranean Sea. The sedimentary dynamics of the deltaic system is governed by the discharge of one of the major rivers in this area draining the western sector of the near-coastal Sierra Nevada Mountains. The area is under the influence of a Mediterranean climate, with high spatial and temporal (i.e., inter- and intra-annual) rain variability. Major anthropogenic forcing affected the river system during the 1930’s, with the deviation of the main river channel 2.5 km to the west, to its present position. More recently, the construction of Béznar (1977-1985) and Rules (1993-2003) dams have also contributed to limit the amount of sediments exported to the deltaic system. In order to understand the interaction between river discharges and the evolution of the submarine delta at different timescales, sediment cores were collected off the ancient (core 13) and present-day (cores12 and 15) river courses. A chronological framework was performed and combined with sedimentological and benthic foraminiferal analyses. Radiocarbon dating of plant debris from the base of the cores indicates that the sedimentary record goes back 200 years. In core 13, the variations between coarse and fine fractions along the core and the upward increase of benthic foraminiferal population density, would indicate that deposition possibly occurred until the deviation of the main river course to its present position. In the lower part of core 12, the strong alternation between coarse and fine sediment textures and the variable amounts of benthic foraminiferal species are interpreted as the result of an active fluvial regime. The upper part, with high percentages of fine sediments and high values of population density, could be attributed to the stabilization of the river course in its present-day location. Core 15, located at 11 m water depth, showed the highest content of gravel in the lower part of the core, high contents of silt at two core depths and increased percentages of sand to the top, indicating the strong influence of human interventions in the river basin and consequent changes in the sediment supply to the Guadalfeo submarine delta.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multi-proxy evidence of rainfall variability recorded in subaqueous deltaic deposits off the Adra River, southeast Iberian Peninsula

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    The Adra River deltaic system, southeast Iberian Peninsula, shows a steep topography and is subjected to strong climatic seasonality. This system has been affected by alternating wet and dry periods, and it has also undergone numerous anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, mining activities, river channel deviations and dam construction, particularly during the last two centuries. Two sediment cores were retrieved off the Adra River, from the western (MS_V9) and eastern (MS_V4) lobes of the subaqueous deltaic deposit. A multi-proxy study was carried out, including grain size, benthic foraminiferal assemblages, magnetic susceptibility and geochemical element analyses, in order to understand the sedimentary expression of recent climatic cycles and anthropogenic interventions in the river basin. Periods of increased deposition of coarse-grained sediments, low absolute abundance of benthic foraminifera and high elemental ratios indicative of terrigenous contributions, were interpreted as periods of increased sediment supply to the shelf. Four flooding events were recorded in core MS_V9 and three events on core MS_V4, of which two were observed in both cores. They were related to periods with major floods that were documented on the southern Iberian Peninsula around 1770e1810 and 1860 e1870 AD. On the other hand, sediment core intervals exhibiting increasing proportion of fine-grained sediments and higher abundances of foraminiferal species assigned as successful colonizers (Textularia earlandi) and opportunistic species that feed on bacteria or terrestrial organic matter (Bolivina ordinaria, Bulimina elongata, Eggerelloides scaber and Ammonia beccarii or tepida), indicate the establishment of new environments with new ecological constraints. They were related to significant decreases of terrigenous sediment input during low rainfall or dry periods. The increase of opportunistic species feeding on fresh phytodetritus (Nonionella iridea, Nonionella stella, Nonionella sp., Brizalina dilatata, Epistominella vitrea and Bolivinellina pseudopuntata), under more stable environmental conditions, also point to a stronger marine influence on the prodeltaic environments during these periods. The human interventions on the river basin after 1872 AD, with the deviation of the main river channel to the east, led to a drastic reduction of the sediment exported to the western delta lobe. This study showed that the sedimentation on the Adra subaqueous deltaic deposit was mainly controlled by rainfall variability from 1663 to 1872 AD, and afterwards by anthropogenic interventions.En prensa2,247
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