28 research outputs found

    El proceso proyectual del taller de productos en Ingeniería en Diseño de Productos; consideraciones para un aprendizaje significativo y visible. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. 2009 - 2016

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    El presente trabajo asume que la carrera de Ingeniería en Diseño de Productos del Departamento de Ingeniería en Diseño de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile), forma parte de las disciplinas proyectuales y que la condición de la proyectualidad está avalada, en tanto que conforma el modo de actuación más significativo de este ingeniero en diseño; proyectar.&nbsp

    Diseño de un modelo metodológico para la validación del perfil de egreso de la Carrera de Ingeniería en Diseño de Productos

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    Concebir y elaborar un modelo metodológico para la definición de un perfil de egreso, constituye un esfuerzo determinante para el proceso de análisis y toma de decisiones en el seno de los equipos docente de una carrera. Para ello, la capacidad de diseñar y formular una estructura de trabajo adecuada a la idiosincrasia de dicho conglomerado de personas, visiones e intereses presentes en un área del conocimiento profesional, requieren de la observación, recursividad y capacidad de articular la complejidad. Características todas presentes en la formación del diseño, que constituyen un hito fundamental para el éxito de la tarea

    Metabolic transcription analysis of engineered Escherichia coli strains that overproduce L-phenylalanine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The rational design of L-phenylalanine (L-Phe) overproducing microorganisms has been successfully achieved by combining different genetic strategies such as inactivation of the phosphoenolpyruvate: phosphotransferase transport system (PTS) and overexpression of key genes (DAHP synthase, transketolase and chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydratase), reaching yields of 0.33 (g-Phe/g-Glc), which correspond to 60% of theoretical maximum. Although genetic modifications introduced into the cell for the generation of overproducing organisms are specifically targeted to a particular pathway, these can trigger unexpected transcriptional responses of several genes. In the current work, metabolic transcription analysis (MTA) of both L-Phe overproducing and non-engineered strains using Real-Time PCR was performed, allowing the detection of transcriptional responses to PTS deletion and plasmid presence of genes related to central carbon metabolism. This MTA included 86 genes encoding enzymes of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, pentoses phosphate, tricarboxylic acid cycle, fermentative and aromatic amino acid pathways. In addition, 30 genes encoding regulatory proteins and transporters for aromatic compounds and carbohydrates were also analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MTA revealed that a set of genes encoding carbohydrate transporters (<it>galP</it>, <it>mglB</it>), gluconeogenic (<it>ppsA</it>, <it>pckA</it>) and fermentative enzymes (<it>ldhA</it>) were significantly induced, while some others were down-regulated such as <it>ppc</it>, <it>pflB</it>, <it>pta </it>and <it>ackA</it>, as a consequence of PTS inactivation. One of the most relevant findings was the coordinated up-regulation of several genes that are exclusively gluconeogenic (<it>fbp</it>, <it>ppsA</it>, <it>pckA</it>, <it>maeB</it>, <it>sfcA</it>, and glyoxylate shunt) in the best PTS<sup>- </sup>L-Phe overproducing strain (PB12-ev2). Furthermore, it was noticeable that most of the TCA genes showed a strong up-regulation in the presence of multicopy plasmids by an unknown mechanism. A group of genes exhibited transcriptional responses to both PTS inactivation and the presence of plasmids. For instance, <it>acs-ackA</it>, <it>sucABCD</it>, and <it>sdhABCD </it>operons were up-regulated in PB12 (PTS mutant that carries an <it>arcB</it><sup>- </sup>mutation). The induction of these operons was further increased by the presence of plasmids in PB12-ev2. Some genes involved in the shikimate and specific aromatic amino acid pathways showed down-regulation in the L-Phe overproducing strains, might cause possible metabolic limitations in the shikimate pathway.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The identification of potential rate-limiting steps and the detection of transcriptional responses in overproducing microorganisms may suggest "reverse engineering" strategies for the further improvement of L-Phe production strains.</p

    Constitutive expression of selected genes from the pentose phosphate and aromatic pathways increases the shikimic acid yield in high-glucose batch cultures of an Escherichia coli strain lacking PTS and pykF

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    BACKGROUND: During the last two decades many efforts have been directed towards obtaining efficient microbial processes for the production of shikimic acid (SA); however, feeding high amounts of substrate to increase the titer of this compound has invariably rendered low conversion yields, leaving room for improvement of the producing strains. In this work we report an alternative platform to overproduce SA in a laboratory-evolved Escherichia coli strain, based on plasmid-driven constitutive expression of six genes selected from the pentose phosphate and aromatic amino acid pathways, artificially arranged as an operon. Production strains also carried inactivated genes coding for phosphotransferase system components (ptsHIcrr), shikimate kinases I and II (aroK and aroL), pyruvate kinase I (pykF) and the lactose operon repressor (lacI). RESULTS: The strong and constitutive expression of the constructed operon permitted SA production from the beginning of the cultures, as evidenced in 1 L batch-mode fermentors starting with high concentrations of glucose and yeast extract. Inactivation of the pykF gene improved SA production under the evaluated conditions by increasing the titer, yield and productivity of this metabolite compared to the isogenic pykF(+) strain. The best producing strain accumulated up to 43 g/L of SA in 30 h and relatively low concentrations of acetate and aromatic byproducts were detected, with SA accounting for 80% of the produced aromatic compounds. These results were consistent with high expression levels of the glycolytic pathway and synthetic operon genes from the beginning of fermentations, as revealed by transcriptomic analysis. Despite the consumption of 100 g/L of glucose, the yields on glucose of SA and of total aromatic compounds were about 50% and 60% of the theoretical maximum, respectively. The obtained yields and specific production and consumption rates proved to be constant with three different substrate concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The developed production system allowed continuous SA accumulation until glucose exhaustion and eliminated the requirement for culture inducers. The obtained SA titers and yields represent the highest reported values for a high-substrate batch process, postulating the strategy described in this report as an interesting alternative to the traditionally employed fed-batch processes for SA production

    Advances in Pathway Engineering for Natural Product Biosynthesis

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    Biocatalysts provide an efficient, inexpensive and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional organic synthesis, especially for compounds with complex stereochemistries. The past decade has seen a significant rise in the use of biocatalysts for the synthesis of compounds in an industrial setting; however, the incorporation of single enzymatically catalysed steps into organic synthesis schemes can be problematic. The emerging field of synthetic biology has sparked interest in the development of whole-cell factories that can convert simple, common metabolites into complex, high-value molecules with a range of applications such as pharmaceuticals and biofuels. This Review summarises conventional methods and recent advances in metabolic engineering of pathways in microorganisms for the synthesis of natural products

    Saberes, Culturas y Derechos Sexuales en Colombia

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    Este libro reúne artículos de gran pertinencia académica en el tema, ponencias y discusiones que realizaron distintos grupos de trabajo en el marco del seminario Hacia una Agenda sobre Sexualidad y Derechos Humanos en Colombia, realizado en Bogotá durante los días 18, 19 y 20 de marzo de 2004. Este texto acerca a un público más amplio el debate que vienen desarrollando en Colombia investigadores, militantes, responsables y ejecutores de políticas públicas en materia de sexualidad y de derechos sexuales y reproductivos. La divulgación de los trabajos presentados en este libro permitirá a los lectores identificar las líneas de debate que orientan la investigación, las políticas públicas, los programas de intervención social y el derecho en este ámbito. El texto presenta hallazgos en torno a estos temas, con el objetivo de construir un referente común sobre la sexualidad como una construcción sociocultural e histórica objeto de una regulación pública. Igualmente, pretende inscribir la sexualidad en el ámbito de la construcción de ciudadanía y de la reivindicación de los derechos humanos

    Propuesta metodológica de evaluación del taller de productos de la carrera de Ingeniería en Diseño de Productos de la UTFSM

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    Tesis (Magíster en Docencia para la Educación Superior)Este trabajo pretende, como objetivo, proponer una herramienta evaluativa del proyecto de diseño desarrollado en la asignatura Taller de Productos, del segundo año, de la carrera de Ingeniería en Diseño de Productos de la Universidad Santa Maria. Para ello se muestran los conceptos básicos de evaluación y las herramientas más convencionales utilizadas en educación. De estas herramientas se desprende la Matriz de Valoración como la herramienta mas adecuada para el fin de este trabajo. Posteriormente se diseñan las matrices de valoración para cada etapa del proceso del Taller, que se transforman en la herramienta a utilizar por el equipo docente de la asignatura. Finalmente el diseño de este instrumento permitió en definitiva, establecer una herramienta evaluativa para el desarrollo del proyecto en aula, identificar y precisar las variables inherentes al proceso determinado para la asignatura, precisar los niveles de logros del alumno. Por otra parte, la aplicación de esta herramienta permitió al alumno conocer en detalle los fundamentos de su evaluación

    Proyecto de exportación de sacos de polipropileno a Miami, Florida

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    Proyecto de exportación presentado a la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Veracruzana. Región Xalap