536 research outputs found

    Hédi Bouraoui. Les Jumelles de l’oncle Sam.

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    Une étude statistique des données météorologiques de Trappes conduit à un modèle de prévision de l'irradiation solaire globale de ce site au pas de temps de l'heure et montre la stabilité du modèle au cours de l'année. On étudie ensuite l'évolution de cette irradiation conditionnellement à celle de la nébulosité mesurée toutes les trois heures. On aboutit ainsi à une simulation simple de l'irradiation à partir d'une pré-simulation des nébulosités par un modèle semi-markovien

    Transition between Two Oscillation Modes

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    A model for the symmetric coupling of two self-oscillators is presented. The nonlinearities cause the system to vibrate in two modes of different symmetries. The transition between these two regimes of oscillation can occur by two different scenarios. This might model the release of vortices behind circular cylinders with a possible transition from a symmetric to an antisymmetric Benard-von Karman vortex street.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figure

    Phase instabilities in hexagonal patterns

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    The general form of the amplitude equations for a hexagonal pattern including spatial terms is discussed. At the lowest order we obtain the phase equation for such patterns. The general expression of the diffusion coefficients is given and the contributions of the new spatial terms are analysed in this paper. From these coefficients the phase stability regions in a hexagonal pattern are determined. In the case of Benard-Marangoni instability our results agree qualitatively with numerical simulations performed recently.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Resonant interactions in B\'{e}nard-Marangoni convection in cylindrical containers

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    Convection in a cylindrical container of small aspect ratio is studied. It is known that when, in addition to buoyancy forces, thermocapillarity effects are taken into account, resonant interactions of two modes may appear. In the case of 1:2 resonance amplitude equations are derived, showing the existence of a stable heteroclinic orbit and rotating waves, until now not observed experimentally.Comment: 33 pages, latex, 14 figures, epsfig macro included. To appear in Physica

    Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection in a homeotropically aligned nematic liquid crystal

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    We report experimental results for convection near onset in a thin layer of a homeotropically aligned nematic liquid crystal heated from below as a function of the temperature difference ΔT\Delta T and the applied vertical magnetic field HH and compare them with theoretical calculations. The experiments cover the field range 8 \alt h \equiv H/ H_{F} \alt 80 (HF=H_F = is the Fr\'eedericksz field). For hh less than a codimension-two field hct46h_{ct} \simeq 46 the bifurcation is subcritical and oscillatory, with travelling- and standing-wave transients. Beyond hcth_{ct} the bifurcation is stationary and subcritical until a tricritical field ht=57.2h_t= 57.2 is reached, beyond which it is supercritical. The bifurcation sequence as a function of hh found in the experiment confirms the qualitative aspects of the theoretical predictions. However, the value of hcth_{ct} is about 10% higher than the predicted value and the results for kck_c are systematically below the theory by about 2% at small hh and by as much as 7% near hcth_{ct}. At hcth_{ct}, kck_c is continuous within the experimental resolution whereas the theory indicates a 7% discontinuity. The theoretical tricritical field htth=51h_t^{th} = 51 is somewhat below the experimental one. The fully developed flow above RcR_c for h<hcth < h_{ct} is chaotic. For hct<h<hth_{ct} < h < h_t the subcritical stationary bifurcation also leads to a chaotic state. The chaotic states persist upon reducing the Rayleigh number below RcR_c, i.e. the bifurcation is hysteretic. Above the tricritical field hth_t, we find a bifurcation to a time independent pattern which within our resolution is non-hysteretic.Comment: 15 pages incl. 23 eps figure

    Spinel Harzburgite-Derived Silicate Melts Forming Sulfide-Bearing Orthopyroxenite in the Lithosphere. Part 1: Partition Coefficients and Volatile Evolution Accompanying Fluid- and Redox-Induced Sulfide Formation

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    We report abundances of major trace and volatile elements in an orthopyroxenite vein cutting a sub-arc, mantle-derived, spinel harzburgite xenolith from Kamchatka. The orthopyroxenite contains abundant sulfides and is characterized by the presence of glass (formerly melt) both interstitially and as inclusions in minerals, comparable with similar veins from the West Bismarck arc. The glass formed by quenching of residual melts following crystallization of abundant orthopyroxene, amphibole, and minor olivine and spinel. The interstitial glass has a low-Ti, high-Mg# andesite composition, with a wide range of H2O and S contents but more limited F and Cl variations. We calculate trace element partition coefficients using mineral and glass data, including those for halogens in amphibole, which agree with experimental results from the literature. Despite having a similar, high-Mg# andesite composition, the orthopyroxene-hosted glass inclusions usually contain much more H2O and S than the interstitial glass (4–7 wt% and ∼2,600 ppm, respectively). The initial vein-forming melts were oxidized, recording oxygen fugacity conditions up to ∼1.5 log units above the fayalite–magnetite–quartz oxygen buffer. They intruded the sub-arc mantle lithosphere at ≥1,300°C, where they partially crystallized to form high-Mg# andesitic derivative melts at ca. 1,050–1,100°C. Comparison with literature data on glass-free orthopyroxenite veins from Kamchatka and the glass-bearing ones from West Bismarck reveals fundamental similarities indicating common parental melts, which were originally produced by low-degree melting (≤5%) of spinel harzburgite at ≥1,360°C and ≤1.5 GPa. This harzburgite source likely contained ≤0.05 wt% H2O and a few ppm of halogens. Volatile evolution inferred from glass compositions shows that (i) redox exchange between S6+ in the original melt and Fe2+ in the host mantle minerals, together with (ii) the formation of an S-bearing, (H2O, Cl)-rich hydrothermal fluid from the original melt, provides the conditions for the formation of abundant sulfides in the orthopyroxenites during cooling. During this process, up to 85% of the original melt S content (∼2,600 ppm) is locally precipitated as magmatic and hydrothermal sulfides. As such, melts derived from spinel harzburgite sources can concentrate chalcophile and highly siderophile metals in orthopyroxenite dykes and sills in the lithosphere

    Potential population-level effectiveness of one-dose HPV vaccination in low-income and middle-income countries: a mathematical modelling analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Given the accumulating evidence that one-dose vaccination could provide high and sustained protection against human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and related diseases, we examined the population-level effectiveness and efficiency of one-dose HPV vaccination of girls compared with two-dose vaccination, using mathematical modelling. METHODS: In this mathematical modelling study, we used HPV-ADVISE LMIC, an individual-based transmission-dynamic model independently calibrated to four epidemiologically diverse low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs; India, Nigeria, Uganda, and Viet Nam). We parameterised and calibrated the model using sexual behaviour and epidemiological data identified from international population-based datasets and the literature. All base-case vaccination scenarios start in 2023 with the nonavalent vaccine and assumed 80% vaccination coverage with one or two doses. We assumed that two doses of vaccine provide 100% efficacy against vaccine-type infections and a lifelong duration of protection. We examined a non-inferior vaccination scenario for one dose compared with two doses, pessimistic scenarios of lower one-dose vaccine efficacy (85%) or a shorter duration of protection (ie, 20 or 30 years), and the effectiveness of a mitigation scenario in which schedules would switch from one dose to two doses. We also did sensitivity analyses by varying vaccination coverage. We used three outcomes: the relative reduction in cervical cancer incidence, the number of cervical cancers averted, and the number of vaccine doses needed to prevent one cervical cancer. FINDINGS: Assuming non-inferior vaccine characteristics for one dose compared with two doses, the model projections show that two-dose or one-dose routine vaccination of girls aged 9 years (with a multi-age cohort vaccination of girls aged 10-14 years) would avert 12·0 million (80% UI 9·5-14·5) cervical cancers in India, 4·7 million (3·4-5·8) in Nigeria, 2·3 million (1·9-2·6) in Uganda, and 0·4 million (0·2-0·5) in Viet Nam over 100 years. Under pessimistic assumptions of lower one-dose efficacy (85%) or a shorter duration of protection (ie, 30 years), one-dose routine vaccination would avert 69% (61-80) to 94% (92-96) of the cervical cancers averted with two-dose routine vaccination. However, when assuming a duration of protection of 20 years, one-dose routine vaccination would avert substantially fewer cervical cancers (ie, 35% [26-44] to 69% [65-71] of the cervical cancers averted with two-dose routine vaccination). A switch from one-dose to two-dose routine vaccination of girls aged 9 years, with a one-dose catch-up of girls aged 10-14 years, 5 years after the start of the vaccination programme, could mitigate potential losses in cervical cancer prevention from a short one-dose duration of protection (averting 92% [83-98] to 99% [97-100]) of the cervical cancers averted with two-dose routine vaccination). One-dose routine vaccination would result in fewer doses needed to prevent one cervical cancer than two-dose routine vaccination, even if the duration of protection is as low as 20 years. Finally, for countries with two-dose routine vaccination, adding one-dose multi-age cohort vaccination in the first year would provide similar benefits as a two-dose multi-age cohort vaccination, and would be more efficient even under the pessimistic assumptions of lower one-dose vaccine efficacy or duration of protection. INTERPRETATION: One-dose routine vaccination could avert most of the cervical cancers averted with two-dose vaccination while being more efficient, provided the duration of one-dose protection is greater than 20-30 years (depending on the LMIC). The doses saved by introducing one-dose routine vaccination could offer the opportunity to vaccinate girls before they age out of the vaccination window of 9-14 years and, potentially, to vaccinate boys or older age groups. FUNDING: Fonds de recherche du Québec-Santé, Digital Research Alliance of Canada, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    The DDX6-4E-T interaction mediates translational repression and P-body assembly

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.4E-Transporter binds eIF4E via its consensus sequence YXXXXLΦ, shared with eIF4G, and is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein found enriched in P-(rocessing) bodies. 4E-T inhibits general protein synthesis by reducing available eIF4E levels. Recently, we showed that 4E-T bound to mRNA however represses its translation in an eIF4E-independent manner, and contributes to silencing of mRNAs targeted by miRNAs. Here, we address further the mechanism of translational repression by 4E-T by first identifying and delineating the interacting sites of its major partners by mass spectrometry and western blotting, including DDX6, UNR, unrip, PAT1B, LSM14A and CNOT4. Furthermore, we document novel binding between 4E-T partners including UNR-CNOT4 and unrip-LSM14A, altogether suggesting 4E-T nucleates a complex network of RNA-binding protein interactions. In functional assays, we demonstrate that joint deletion of two short conserved motifs that bind UNR and DDX6 relieves repression of 4E-T-bound mRNA, in part reliant on the 4E-T-DDX6-CNOT1 axis. We also show that the DDX6-4E-T interaction mediates miRNA-dependent translational repression and de novo P-body assembly, implying that translational repression and formation of new P-bodies are coupled processes. Altogether these findings considerably extend our understanding of the role of 4E-T in gene regulation, important in development and neurogenesis.BBSRC [BB/J00779X/1 to N.S.]; CNRS PICS (to D.W.); Agence Nationale pour la Recherche [ANR-14-CE09-0013-01ANR to D.W.]; Gates Cambridge Foundation (to A.K.); Fondation Wiener – Anspach of the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Cambridge Newton Trust (C.V.). Funding for open access charge: BBSRC

    Spontaneous Cardiomyocyte Differentiation From Adipose Tissue Stroma Cells

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    Cardiomyocyte regeneration is limited in adult life. Thus, the identification of a putative source of cardiomyocyte progenitors is of great interest to provide a usable model in vitro and new perspective in regenerative therapy. As adipose tissues were recently demonstrated to contain pluripotent stem cells, the emergence of cardiomyocyte phenotype from adipose-derived cells was investigated. We demonstrated that rare beating cells with cardiomyocyte features could be identified after culture of adipose stroma cells without addition of 5-azacytidine. The cardiomyocyte phenotype was first identified by morphological observation, confirmed with expression of specific cardiac markers, immunocytochemistry staining, and ultrastructural analysis, revealing the presence of ventricle- and atrial-like cells. Electrophysiological studies performed on early culture revealed a pacemaker activity of the cells. Finally, functional studies showed that adrenergic agonist stimulated the beating rate whereas cholinergic agonist decreased it. Taken together, this study demonstrated that functional cardiomyocyte- like cells could be directly obtained from adipose tissue. According to the large amount of this tissue in adult mammal, it could represent a useful source of cardiomyocyte progenitors.Garcia Verdugo, Jose Manuel, [email protected]