2,278 research outputs found

    Underlying events in Herwig++

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    In this contribution we describe the new model of multiple partonic interactions (MPI) that has been implemented in Herwig++. Tuning its two free parameters is enough to find a good description of CDF underlying event data. We show extrapolations to the LHC and compare them to results from other models.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the "HERA and the LHC" worksho

    Multiple Interactions in Herwig++

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    In this contribution we describe a new model of multiple partonic interactions that has been implemented in Herwig++. Tuning its two free parameters we find a good description of CDF underlying event data. We show extrapolations to the LHC and discuss intrinsic PDF uncertainties.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the DIS 2008 workshop, 7-11 April 2008, University College Londo

    Alrededor de la mitologĂ­a vasca

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    Cuando se introdujo el cristianismo se intentĂł que la religiĂłn asimilarĂĄ las creencias de los pueblos para no ofenderlos. De esta manera muchos dioses de la antigĂŒedad ahora son diablos, duendes, espĂ­ritus malignos, etc. El estudio del folklore puede por tanto aportar interesante datos acerca de la mitologĂ­aWhen Christianity was introduced, religion was seriously intended to assimilate the beliefs of the peoples so as not to offend them. In this way many of the gods of the antiquity were converted into devils, goblins, malicious spirits, etc. The study of the folklore can therefore provide interesting data about mytholog

    Nombres de animales en vascuence: (etimologĂ­a y folklore)

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    Basadas en las observaciones que realizĂł entre 1923 y 1926 se presentan las etimologĂ­as de algunos nombres de animales en euskera. Se presenta la lista de libros consultados. Se dan las etimologĂ­as de abeja, avispa, abejorro, escarabajo, ratĂłn, etc. y algunas melodĂ­as y canciones populares relacionadas con estos animalesBased on the observations accomplished between 1923 and 1926. The author introduces the etymologies of some animal names in Basque. The author also lists the books he consulted. He provides etymologies for the bee, the wasp, the bumblebee, the beetle, the mouse, etc. and some melodies and popular songs related to these animal

    Quasifree Knockout Of Deuterons In The ⁶Li(α,αd)⁎He Reaction At 23.6 MeV

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    α−d correlations in quasi-elastic scattering of 23.6-MeV α particles on the deuteron cluster of the ⁶Li target were measured in and off the principal reaction plane. Despite the low c.m. energy of 14.2 MeV, the impulse approximation provides a reasonable description of the quasifree process. Computations were based on the asymptotic α−d S-state wave function and on the cluster-model wave function of ⁶Li. Insensitivity of the fits to the details of the ⁶Li cluster-model wave function indicates an extreme surface reaction mechanism. The full width at half-maximum of the spectator momentum distribution was found to be 48±6 MeV/c. By comparing the experimental cross section for the quasifree process at the maximum of the angular correlation ((d2σ/dΩddΩ)=68±9 mb/srÂČ at Ξ=25°,Ξ(d)=45°) with the corresponding cross section for the free process, the probability of finding ⁶Li as an α−d cluster was evaluated

    Extracting sigma_effective from the CDF gamma+3jets measurement

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    In their 1997 paper, CDF measured sigma_effective, the normalization factor that relates the cross section for double parton scattering to the product of the inclusive cross sections of the two individual scatters, in a model in which they are assumed to be independent. In his 2007 paper, Treleani pointed out that CDF used a non-standard definition, in which the double parton scattering cross section corresponds to exactly two scatters, rather than the more conventional one in which it is the inclusive two-scatter cross section. He also estimated the correction from one definition to the other, to give a corrected value of sigma_effective. Treleani's form would be correct under the assumption that CDF were able to uniquely identify and count the number of scatters in an event, which is certainly not the case. In this publication we consider CDF's event definition in more detail to provide an improved correction.Comment: 19 page

    Orbital Effects in Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry

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    This book reviews and investigates orbit-related effects in synthetic aperture Radar interferometry (InSAR). The translation of orbit inaccuracies to error signals in the interferometric phase is concisely described; estimation and correction approaches are discussed and evaluated with special focus on network adjustment of redundantly estimated baseline errors. Moreover, the effect of relative motion of the orbit reference frame is addressed

    Real-Time Trigger and online Data Reduction based on Machine Learning Methods for Particle Detector Technology

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    Moderne Teilchenbeschleuniger-Experimente generieren wĂ€hrend zur Laufzeit immense Datenmengen. Die gesamte erzeugte Datenmenge abzuspeichern, ĂŒberschreitet hierbei schnell das verfĂŒgbare Budget fĂŒr die Infrastruktur zur Datenauslese. Dieses Problem wird ĂŒblicherweise durch eine Kombination von Trigger- und Datenreduktionsmechanismen adressiert. Beide Mechanismen werden dabei so nahe wie möglich an den Detektoren platziert um die gewĂŒnschte Reduktion der ausgehenden Datenraten so frĂŒhzeitig wie möglich zu ermöglichen. In solchen Systeme traditionell genutzte Verfahren haben wĂ€hrenddessen ihre MĂŒhe damit eine effiziente Reduktion in modernen Experimenten zu erzielen. Die GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr liegen zum Teil in den komplexen Verteilungen der auftretenden Untergrund Ereignissen. Diese Situation wird bei der Entwicklung der Detektorauslese durch die vorab unbekannten Eigenschaften des Beschleunigers und Detektors wĂ€hrend des Betriebs unter hoher LuminositĂ€t verstĂ€rkt. Aus diesem Grund wird eine robuste und flexible algorithmische Alternative benötigt, welche von Verfahren aus dem maschinellen Lernen bereitgestellt werden kann. Da solche Trigger- und Datenreduktion-Systeme unter erschwerten Bedingungen wie engem Latenz-Budget, einer großen Anzahl zu nutzender Verbindungen zur DatenĂŒbertragung und allgemeinen Echtzeitanforderungen betrieben werden mĂŒssen, werden oft FPGAs als technologische Basis fĂŒr die Umsetzung genutzt. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurden mehrere AnsĂ€tze auf Basis von FPGAs entwickelt und umgesetzt, welche die vorherrschenden Problemstellungen fĂŒr das Belle II Experiment adressieren. Diese AnsĂ€tze werden ĂŒber diese Arbeit hinweg vorgestellt und diskutiert werden
