45 research outputs found

    The effect of physical training on locomotive apparatus in elderly people

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    Alterações fisiológicas que ocorrem no aparellho locomotor devido ao envelhecimento como perda de massa muscular, perda do equilíbrio corporal, diminuição da massa óssea e osteoartrose causam limitações às atividade da vida diária do idoso, comprometendo sua qualidade de vida e o tornando mais frágil e dependente. Idosos que realizam atividade física periodicamente tem melhor independência funcional e melhor qualidade de vida do que aquele sedentário. Esse artigo aborda as principais alterações fisiológica do processo de envelhecimento e realiza uma revisão da literatura atual sobre os efeitos que o exercício físico causa no aparelho locomotor do idoso, especificando qual a melhor forma de prescrever atividade física nessa faixa etária.Physiological changes taking place on the locomotive apparatus as a result of aging, such as muscular mass loss, body balance loss, reduced bone mass and osteoarthrosis cause limitations to the daily activities of elderly people, compromising their quality of life and making them weaker and dependent. Aged people who regularly practice physical activities have a higher level of functional independence and a better quality of life than the sedentary ones. This article addresses the key physiological changes with aging and provides a review of current literature about the effects of physical exercises on the locomotive apparatus of elderly individuals, specifying the best ways to prescribe physical exercises to this age group

    Hipertensão arterial sistêmica e depressão

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    Despite the high prevalence of depression and hypertension, the relationship between the two diseases has received little attention. This paper reviews the epidemiological, pathophysiological, and prognostic aspects of this association, as well as its implications for treatment. A Medline search was conducted using the following key words: depression, blood pressure, blood pressure variability, physical morbidity, hypertension, mood, stress, hypertension, antidepressive agents, and genetics, from 1980 to 2004. We found descriptions of increased prevalence of hypertension in depressed patients, increased prevalence of depression in hypertensive patients, association between depressive symptomatology and hypotension, and alteration of the circadian variation of blood pressure in depressed patients. There is considerable evidence suggesting that hyperreactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and genetic influences are the underlying mechanisms in the relationship between depression and hypertension. Depression can negatively affect the course of hypertensive illness. Additionally, the use of antidepressive agents can interfere with blood pressure control of patients with hypertension by inducing changes in blood pressure and orthostatic hypotension.Apesar das altas prevalências de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e de depressão, o estudo da relação entre depressão e pressão arterial tem recebido pouca atenção da literatura. Nesse artigo são revisados os aspectos epidemiológicos, patofisiológicos, prognósticos e implicações no tratamento, relacionados à associação entre depressão e hipertensão arterial sistêmica. O método utilizado foi consulta ao banco de dados bibliográficos Medline, utilizando-se as palavras chave depression, blood pressure, blood pressure variability, physical morbidity, hypertension, mood, stress, hypertension, antidepressive agents e genetics, no período de 1980 a 2004. Encontramos descrições de prevalência aumentada de hipertensão em pacientes deprimidos, prevalência aumentada de depressão em pacientes hipertensos, associação entre sintomatologia depressiva e hipotensão e alteração da variação circadiana da pressão arterial de pacientes deprimidos. Acredita-se que mecanismos envolvendo hiperatividade de sistema nervoso simpático e influências genéticas possam ser a base fisiopatológica da relação entre depressão e hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Além disso, a presença de depressão pode piorar o curso da doença hipertensiva, e o uso medicações antidepressivas pode induzir aumento de pressão arterial, diminuição de pressão arterial e hipotensão ortostática, dificultando o manejo de pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica

    Técnicas de construcción o edificación en vivienda: una revisión de la literatura

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    This study aims to identify the recurring construction techniques used in buildings for residential use. The methodological procedure adopted was the systematic literature review based on the Prisma 2020 flow diagram. The searches were carried out on the following data base platforms: Google Scholar, Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science. The results showed a map of the most used processes and materials, such as masonry with different kinds of blocks, timber, and metallic structures. The results presented herein provide bibliographical references to help researchers and professionals.Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar las técnicas constructivas recurrentes utilizadas en los edificios de uso residencial. El procedimiento metodológico adoptado fue la revisión sistemática de la literatura con base en el diagrama de flujo Prisma 2020. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las siguientes plataformas de bases de datos: Google Scholar, Science Direct, Scopus y Web of Science. Los resultados mostraron un mapa de los procesos y materiales más utilizados, como albañilería con diferentes tipos de bloques, madera y estructuras metálicas. Los resultados presentados aquí proporcionan referencias bibliográficas para ayudar a investigadores y profesionales.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Predictors of the risk of falls among elderly with chronic atrial fibrillation

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    OBJECTIVES: Though elderly persons with chronic atrial fibrillation have more comorbidities that could limit indications for the chronic use of anticoagulants, few studies have focused on the risk of falls within this particular group. To evaluate the predictors of the risk of falls among elderly with chronic atrial fibrillation, a cross-sectional, observational study was performed. METHODS: From 295 consecutive patients aged 60 years or older with a history of atrial fibrillation who were enrolled within the last 2 years in the cardiogeriatrics outpatient clinic of the Instituto do Coracao do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 107 took part in this study. Their age was 77.9 +/- 6.4 years, and 62 were female. They were divided into two groups: a) no history of falls in the previous year and b) a history of one or more falls in the previous year. Data regarding the history of falls and social, demographic, anthropometric, and clinical information were collected. Multidimensional assessment instruments and questionnaires were applied. RESULTS: At least one fall was reported in 55 patients (51.4%). Among them, 27 (49.1%) presented recurrent falls, with body lesions in 90.4% and fractures in 9.1% of the cases. Multivariate logistic regression showed that self-reported difficulty maintaining balance, use of amiodarone, and diabetes were independent variables associated with the risk of falls, with a sensitivity of 92.9% and a specificity of 44.9%. CONCLUSION: In a group of elderly patients with chronic atrial fibrillation who were relatively independent and able to attend an outpatient clinic, the occurrence of falls with recurrence and clinical consequences was high. Difficulty maintaining balance, the use of amiodarone and a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus were independent predictors of the risk for falls. Thus, simple clinical data predicted falls better than objective functional tests

    Inflammatory and Immunological parameters in adults with Down syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The increase in life expectancy within the general population has resulted in an increasing number of elderly adults, including patients with Down syndrome (DS), with a current life expectancy of about 50 years. We evaluate the parameters of humoral and cellular immune response, the quantitative expression of the regulator of calcineurin1 gene (RCAN1) and the production of cytokines. The study group consisted of adults DS (n = 24) and a control group with intellectual disability without Down syndrome (ID) (n = 21) and living in a similar environmental background. It was evaluated serology, immunophenotyping, the quantitative gene expression of RCAN1 and the production of cytokines.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the DS group, the results showed an increase in NK cells, CD8, decreased CD19 (p < 0.05) and an increase spontaneous production of IFNgamma, TNFalpha and IL-10 (p < 0.05). There was not any difference in RCAN1 gene expression between the groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data suggest a similar humoral response in the two groups. The immunophenotyping suggests sign of premature aging of the immune system and the cytokine production show a proinflammatory profile.</p

    I Diretrizes do Grupo de Estudos em Cardiogeriatria da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia

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    O idoso apresenta características próprias na manifestação das doenças, na resposta à terapêutica e no efeito colateral dos medicamentos. Constitui um grupo de maior risco para o aparecimento das doenças degenerativas, em geral, e cardiovasculares, em particular, além de apresentar maior número de comorbidades

    Sistemas construtivos pré-fabricados de concreto armado:habitações contemporâneas no Brasil

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    Nesta pesquisa foram adotadas as definições da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT, NBR 9062:2017, 2017) para identificar os sistemas construtivos pré-fabricados de concreto armado como aqueles que são produzidos industrialmente, processo caracterizado pela organização e repetição. O objetivo desta pesquisa é contribuir para a compreensão dos parâmetros contemporâneos de projeto para habitação com sistemas construtivos pré-fabricados de concreto armado no Brasil. O método empregado consiste no levantamento de dados secundários, coleta de dados primários em levantamentos em campo e entrevistas com profissionais da área, elaboração de uma linha do tempo ilustrada com o panorama histórico da pré-fabricação de concreto armado e realização de estudos de caso com as experiências isoladas de edifícios habitacionais pré-fabricados do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV). Entre as características e limitações da pré-fabricação destacam-se o menor desperdício de materiais, a maior qualidade construtiva dos edifícios, mais agilidade na execução de obras e a exigência de um planejamento prévio para viabilizar a sua execução. As técnicas construtivas industrializadas são mais produtivas do que as artesanais e mesmo assim, a préfabricação nunca fora utilizada em grande escala para edifícios habitacionais no Brasil devido a uma falta de apoio político e um estigma cultural atribuído a essa tecnologia.In this research, the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas’s definition (ABNT, NBR 9062: 2017, 2017) were adopted to identify the prefabricated systems of reinforced concrete as those that are produced industrially, a process characterized by organization and repetition. The objective of this research is to contribute to the knowledge of the contemporary design parameters for housing with prefabricated reinforced concrete systems in Brazil. The method used consists of secondary data collection, primary data collection, such as field surveys and interviews with professionals of the area, elaboration of an illustrated time line with the precast reinforced concrete historical panorama and the accomplishment of case studies with the isolated experiences of prefabricated housing buildings from Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV). Among the characteristics and limitations of prefabrication are the less waste of materials, the higher constructive quality of the buildings, the more agile execution of works and the requirement of a prior planning to enable its execution. Industrialized constructional techniques are more productive than crafts one, and even so, prefabrication has never been used in large scale for residential buildings in Brazil due to a lack of political support and a cultural stigma attributed to this technology.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio