105 research outputs found

    The origins of liberalism in Spain: A biographical dictionary

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    Reseña de: Gil Novales, Alberto, Diccionario biográfico de España (1808-1833). De los orígenes del liberalismo a la reacción absolutista, 3 vols., Madrid, Fundación MAPFRE-Instituto de Cultura, 2010, 3406 p

    Aging in a methadone maintenance program: A perspective from the framework of social determinants of health

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    Fundamentos: Las personas en tratamiento con metadona han aumentado su esperanza de vida, envejeciendo de una forma prematura con comorbilidades. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el perfil sociodemográfico y clínico de estas personas en el Centro de Atención a las Adicciones del distrito de Latina (perteneciente a Madrid Salud), así como la percepción de la influencia del tratamiento en su envejecimiento. Se tuvo como marco el Modelo de los Determinantes Sociales de Salud. Métodos: Se utilizó una metodología mixta en dos fases: una cuantitativa, para describir las características sociodemográficas y clínicas de la población de estudio; y otra cualitativa, mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a una muestra intencional, para explorar el historial de vida y la percepción de necesidades futuras respecto de la salud de los participantes. Resultados: En los resultados destacó que la edad media de la muestra era de 48,28 años, que eran en su mayoría hombres (81,25%), de origen español, con un nivel de estudios y económico bajos y con una estancia media en tratamiento con metadona de ±13 años. Se encontró un aumento de patologías mentales cuantos más años llevaban en el programa, así como que, a menor edad de inicio en el consumo, aumentaba la presencia de VIH y virus de la Hepatitis C. En sus discursos se halló que los determinantes sociales de la salud han condicionado su historia vital. Conclusiones: Tanto el consumo como la metadona contribuyen a su estigmatización, no favoreciendo su inclusión normalizada en la sociedad y determinando un estado elevado de vulnerabilidad. Ésta aumenta a medida que lo hace su edad, no recibiendo los recursos adecuados para atender a sus futuras necesidadesBackground: People on methadone treatment have increased their life expectancy, aging prematurely with comorbidities. The objective of this study was to know the sociodemographic and clinical profile of these people in the Center for Addiction Care in the district of Latina (belonging to Madrid Salud), as well as the perception of the influence of the treatment on their aging. The Social Determinants of Health Model was used as a framework. Methods: A mixed methodology was used in two phases: a quantitative one, to describe the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the study population; and another qualitative one, through semi-structured interviews to an intentional sample, to explore the history of life and the perception of future needs regarding the health of the participants.Results: The results highlighted that the average age of the sample was 48.28 years, that they were mostly men (81.25%), of Spanish origin, with a low level of education and economics and with a medium stay in treatment with methadone of ± 13 years. An increase in mental pathologies was found the more years they had been in the program, as well as, at a lower age of onset in consumption, the presence of HIV and Hepatitis C virus increased. In their speeches it was found that the social determinants of Health have conditioned its vital history. Conclusions: Both consumption and methadone contribute to its stigmatization, not favoring its normalized inclusion in society and determining a high state of vulnerability. This increases as age does, not receive adequate resources to meet their future need

    Nursing care in behavioral problems during adolescent transition

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    Objetivos: Analizar la opinión que tienen las enfermeras que trabajan con población infanto-juvenil sobre los problemas de conducta del niño y adolescente, los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de estos problemas y los cuidados enfermeros que precisan. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo descriptivo fenomenológico, en el marco de la Teoría de las Transiciones de Meleis. La estrategia de recogida de datos es el grupo de discusión y la entrevista en profundidad. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados indican que el aumento de problemas de conducta relacionados con la auto y heteroagresividad preocupa a las enfermeras, que detectan múltiples y complejos factores de riesgo familiares, personales y cognitivos y socio-culturales, sobre los que intervenir, que favorecen estos problemas de conducta. Conclusión: Se apunta a la necesidad de mejorar la coordinación entre enfermeras y la necesidad de contar con la enfermera escolar al ser la escuela un contexto de socialización determinante en el desarrollo del niño y del adolescente.Objective: to analyze the opinion that nurses working with children and adolescents have about their behavioral problems, the risk factors for the development of these problems and the nursing care they need. Methodology: this is a qualitative descriptive phenomenological study, within the framework of Meleis' Theory of Transitions. The data collection strategy is the focus group and in-depth interview. Results and discussion: The results indicate that the increase in behavioral problems related to self - and heteroaggressiveness is of concern to nurses, who detect multiple and complex family, personal and cognitive and socio-cultural risk factors, on which to intervene, that favor these behavioral problems. Conclusion: it points to the need to improve coordination between nurses, and the need to have the school nurse as the school is a determining context of socialization for children and adolescents development

    Massive transfusion triggers in severe trauma: Scoping review

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    Objetivo: identificar as variáveis preditivas ou os desencadeantes de transfusão maciça em pacientes com trauma grave através das escalas existentes. Método: foi realizada uma revisão da literatura utilizando o método Scoping Review, nas bases de dados eletrônicas CINAHL, MEDLINE, LILACS, nas bibliotecas Cochrane e IBECS, e a ferramenta de busca do Google Scholar. Resultados: foram identificados 578 artigos na pesquisa no total, dos quais foram incluídos os 36 artigos publicados nos últimos dez anos, sendo 29 artigos originais e 7 artigos de revisão. A partir da análise, foram examinadas as escalas de transfusão maciça e seus desencadeantes preditivos. Conclusão: a falta de critérios universais com relação aos desencadeadores de transfusão em maciça em pacientes traumatizados levou à criação de diferentes escalas, sendo os estudos sobre sua validação considerados importantes para as estudos sobre quando iniciar essa estratégia.Objetivo: identificar las variables predictivas o los triggers de transfusión masiva en el paciente traumatizado grave a través de las escalas existentes. Método: se realizó una revisión de la literatura mediante el método Scoping Review, en las bases de datos electrónicas CINAHL, MEDLINE, LILACS, las bibliotecas Cochrane e IBECS, y el buscador Google Scholar. Resultados: un total de 578 artículos fueron identificados en la búsqueda, de los cuales, se incluyeron un total de 36 publicados en los últimos diez años, distribuidos en 29 originales y 7 de revisión. Del análisis, se examinaron las escalas de transfusión masiva y sus triggers predictivos. Conclusión: la inexistencia de criterios universales respecto a los triggers de transfusión masiva en el paciente traumatizado ha traído consigo la creación de diferentes escalas, donde los estudios de validación de las mismas se detectan como relevantes para la investigación sobre cuando iniciar esta estrategia.Objective: to identify the predictive variables or the massive transfusion triggers in severely traumatized patients through the existing scales. Method: a review of the literature was carried out using the Scoping Review method across the electronic databases CINAHL, MEDLINE, LILACS, the Cochrane and IBECS libraries, and the Google Scholar search tool. Results: in total, 578 articles were identified in the search and the 36 articles published in the last ten years were included, of which 29 were original articles and 7 review articles. From the analysis, scales for massive transfusion and their predictive triggers were examined. Conclusion: the absence of universal criteria regarding the massive transfusion triggers in traumatized patients has led to the development of different scales, and the studies on their validation are considered relevant for the studies about when to initiate this strategy

    As relações interpessoais dos enfermeiros na assistência hospitalar e o uso das capacidades comunicativas

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    A qualitative exploratory and descriptive study investigating how the work relationships of nursing professionals are affected by the organizational problems experienced in hospital units and their management. Participants consisted of 21 nurses who worked in a general hospital in the north of Spain, during the period between 2010 and 2012. The study was approved by an ethics research committee and participants signed an informed consent form. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and field records. Using thematic analysis, the results displayed that work disorganization affects interpersonal relationships, generating feelings of impotence and demotivation among participants. Thus, they considered it necessary for a work plan to be established, clearly defining the activities of each professional role and developing the necessary communication skills for expressing problems to managers and coworkers. We believe it would be of great benefit for managers to take into consideration the suggestions for improvement presented in this study.Estudio exploratorio-descriptivo, cualitativo, para conocer cómo afectan a las relaciones laborales de los profesionales de enfermería los problemas organizativos vividos en las unidades hospitalarias y la forma de gestionarlos. Los participantes fueron 21 enfermeros que trabajaban en un hospital general del norte de España, en el periodo de 2010-2012, con la aprobación del comité ético y de investigación y la firma del consentimiento informado. Los datos se recolectaron mediante entrevistas en profundidad y diario de campo. A partir del análisis temático, los resultados mostraron que la desorganización del trabajo afecta a las relaciones interpersonales, generando en los participantes sentimientos de impotencia y desmotivación. Por ello, consideran necesario realizar una planificación del trabajo, clarificar las actividades de cada rol profesional y desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas necesarias para transmitir los problemas a gestores y compañeros. Se estima conveniente que los gestores tuvieran en consideración las propuestas de mejora señaladas en el estudio.Estudo exploratório-descritivo, qualitativo, para conhecer os problemas organizativos que ocorreram nas unidades hospitalares e a maneira de os gerir nas relações laborais dos profissionais da enfermagem. Os participantes foram 21 enfermeiros que trabalhavam num hospital geral do Norte da Espanha, entre os anos 2010 e 2012. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas em profundidade e de diário de campo. A partir da análise temática, os resultados mostraram que a desorganização no trabalho afeta as relações interpessoais, criando nos participantes sentimento de impotência e desmotivação. Por este motivo, consideram necessário realizar uma planificação do trabalho, esclarecer as atividades de cada profissional e desenvolver as capacidades comunicativas necessárias para transmitir os problemas aos gestores e aos colegas de trabalho

    The information systems integration for a better caring and chronic patients´ empowerment

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    The technology innovation (TI) in the health system has been confirmed as the best format to share information and to facilitate the communication between all the actors involved in the chronic patients´ care

    Family care of people with severe mental disorders: An integrative review

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    Objective: to analyze the scientific literature on home-based family care of people with severe mental illness. Method: integrative review of 14 databases (CINALH, Cochrane Plus, Cuidatge, CUIDEN, Eric, IBECS, EMI, ISOC, JBI COnNECT, LILACS, PsycINFO, PubMed, SciELO, and Scopus) searched with the key words “family caregivers”, “severe mental illness”, and “home” between 2003 and 2013. Results: of 787 articles retrieved, only 85 met the inclusion criteria. The articles appeared in 61 journals from different areas and disciplines, mainly from nursing (36%). The countries producing the most scientific literature on nursing were Brazil, the UK, and the US, and authorship predominantly belonged to university centers. A total of 54.12% of the studies presented quantitative designs, with descriptive ones standing out. Work overload, subjective perspectives, and resources were the main topics of these papers. Conclusions: the international scientific literature on home-based, informal family care of people with severe mental disorder is limited. Nursing research stands out in this field. The prevalent topics coincide with the evolution of the mental health system. The expansion of the scientific approach to family care is promoted to create evidence-based guidelines for family caregivers and for the clinical practice of professional caregiver

    A mixed methods study using case studies prepared by nursing students as a clinical practice evaluation tool

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    Aim: To identify the presence of variability in the evaluation of case studies prepared by nursing students during their primary care rotations based on the existing evaluation rubric. To explore the difficulties experienced by link lecturers and students in preparing and evaluating case studies. Design: A mixed methods study. Methods: The scores for the rubric items and the final grades for the case studies were collected from a sample of 132 cases. Qualitative information was collected by conducting open-ended interviews with lecturers and a focus group session with students. Results: Statistically significant differences were identified between the lecturers' mean final grades [F(5.136) = 3.984, p = 0.002] and a variety of items in the evaluation rubric (p < 0.05). In addition, effect sizes [η2 (≈0.14)] of considerable magnitude were found. Two themes emerged from the qualitative data: (1). the challenge of preparing the case studies and (2). the variable nature of the evaluations.This study is part of a teaching innovation project entitled ‘Strategies for harmonising clinical practice evaluation standards’, approved by the Autonomous University of Madrid Teaching Innovation Ethical Committee, involving internal and external evaluators, with reference number M_015.18_INN. We would like to thank the students and link lecturers for their collaboration in the study.S

    Interpersonal relations and nurses' job satisfaction through knowledge and usage of relational skills

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    Background/rationale: Many interpersonal labor disputes stem from the lack of communication skills and the relational problems in the interactions between health professionals. Aims/methods: A qualitative study was conducted in a Spanish hospital in order to get to know how the communicative interaction between hospital nurses is like in relation to the nurses' interpersonal interaction and communication skills developed in their working relationships. Twenty-one hospital nurses between 29 and 55 years old, working in different wards, were interviewed. Open-ended interview discourses were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The following four key themes were analyzed: communication and sender; communication and awareness of who has the problem; non-verbal communication; communication and recipient. Conclusion: The results of this study highlight the need to broaden nurses' relational–communication skills in order to increase job satisfaction

    A mixed methods study using case studies prepared by nursing students as a clinical practice evaluation tool

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    To identify the presence of variability in the evaluation of case studies prepared by nursing students during their primary care rotations based on the existing evaluation rubric. To explore the difficulties experienced by link lecturers and students in preparing and evaluating case studies. A mixed methods study. The scores for the rubric items and the final grades for the case studies were collected from a sample of 132 cases. Qualitative information was collected by conducting open-ended interviews with lecturers and a focus group session with students. Statistically significant differences were identified between the lecturers' mean final grades [F(5.136) = 3.984, p= 0.002] and a variety of items in the evaluation rubric (p< 0.05). In addition, effect sizes [η2 (≈0.14)] of considerable magnitude were found. Two themes emerged from the qualitative data: (1). the challenge of preparing the case studies and (2). the variable nature of the evaluation