276 research outputs found

    Sizing and Economic Analysis of Standalone PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Residential Utilization

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    This study discusses the economic utilization of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) based on cost of energy (COE) to supply residential electrical and thermal loads. The fuel cell system is sized using simplified mathematical expressions considering the stack degradation and the system salvage value at the end of its life time. The study is based on a 5 kWh/day residential loads with a peak load power of 1300W. Two scenarios for economic survey are studied. The first scenario is to find the commercial price for each FC component considering that the supply fuel is hydrogen. The other scenario is for a complete FC system commercial price considering that the supply fuel is natural gas. The economic analyses are based on the actual sale prices in the market. The COE of the fuel cell system is compared with previous work by the authors for the same residential ratings but supplied from a stand-alone photo voltaic system (SAPV). The analysis results show that the COE relies heavily on the capital cost of the system

    Analysis of Increasing Women's Participation in 2018 Governor Election in Maleer Village, Bandung, West Java

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    ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa partisipasi dan perilaku pemilih perempuan pada Pemilihan Gubernur (Pilgub) Jawa Barat 2018 di Kelurahan Maleer, Kota Bandung. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan didukung oleh data primer berupa observasi dan wawancara sejumlah narasumber. Data sekunder diperoleh dari pencarian sejumlah referensi, baik melalui buku, jurnal dan data pendukung lainnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa meski persentase perempuan dalam ruang publik masih tertinggal dari laki-laki, namun perempuan mulai menunjukkan keaktifannya, dalam hal menempuh pendidikan tinggi, kemasyarakatan maupun kegiatan politik. Ketiganya menjadi faktor utama perempuan dalam berpartisipasi secara politik. Meski tidak menjadi hal dominan, namun konflik antar kelompok pemimpin politik berpengaruh pada partisipasi politik perempuan dalam Pilgub. Dalam hal prilaku pemilih, perempuan di Kelurahan Maleer memilih figur berdasarkan pilihan psikologis dan pilihan rasional. Pilihan psikologis pemilih perempuan pada calon figur didasarkan dari penggunaan media sosial calon gubernur sebagai alat interaksi ke masyarakat. Sedangkan pilihan rasional pemilih perempuan atas dasar melihat pada program/hasil kerja calon gubernur yang merupakan sosok incumbent (sebelumnya sudah pernah menjabat). Perempuan menilai dampak apa yang dia peroleh selama calon gubernur (yang merupakan incumbent) menjabat, dan melihat program-program sebelumnya yang bermanfaat atau tidak untuk dirinya sebagai kaum perempuan.   This article aims at analyzing the participation and behavior of women voters in the 2018 West Java Governor Election in Maleer Village, Bandung City. The study was conducted qualitatively, supported by primary data in the form of observations and interviews with a number of sources. Secondary data was obtained from the search for a number of references, either through books, journals and other supporting data. The results of this study showed that the participation of women in the 2018 West Java governor election was 79.16%, higher than the participation of men at 74.26%. There were several factors that encouraged women to be more active in exercising their right to vote in the 2018 West Java governor election in Maleer Village, Bandung City, referring to Myron Weiner's theory, namely modernization, modern mass communication, and conflicts between groups of political leaders. Modernization was followed by more active involvement of women in public spaces, modern mass communication, that female voters used mass media technology as a preference in voting and there has been an increase in identity politics that has occurred since the 2017 DKI Jakarta Regional Head Election and it has an impact on the 2018 Governor Election. There was polarization in society. In terms of voting behavior, women in Maleer Village chose figures based on psychological choices and rational choices. The psychological choice of female voters on candidate figures was based on the use of social media for governor candidates as a means of interaction with the community. Meanwhile, the rational choice of female voters was based on looking at the program or work of a candidate for governor who was an incumbent figure (previously serving). Women assess what impact they have had while the candidate for governor (who was the incumbent) was in office, and find out whether previous programs have been beneficial or not for them as a women

    Pengaruh Harga Tembakau Internasional, Jumlah Produksi Domestik Dan Nilai Tukar Terhadap Nilai Ekspor Tembakau Indonesia (Studi Ekspor Tembakau Indonesia Tahun 1985-2014)

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    The main objective of this study is to understand and to explain the influence of International tobacco prices, number of domestic production and exchange rate against Indonesian tobacco export value. This type of research study is explanatory research with quantitative approach. This study used secondary data time series from the years from 1985 to 2014. Data was analyzed further by multiple linear regression analysis with the support of IBM SPSS Statistics program 20. The results of this study Is, International tobacco prices, number of domestic production and exchange rate simultaneous affected the value of Indonesia's tobacco exports significantly. Partial test in this research study showed that the International tobacco prices, number of domestic production and the exchange rate significantly affected of Indonesia tobacco exports value. Based on the results, it is recommended for Indonesia to sign and participate in FCTC Treaty in order to protect the tobacco industry in the country and improve the competitiveness of Indonesia tobacco in in the global market


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    The Implementation of Maintenance System in Malaysia’s Public Housing at Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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    Establishing an effective maintenance system in public housing buildings is essential in ensuring the building operates optimally and enhances residents' satisfaction. However, the maintenance management in Malaysian public housing is considered low, particularly on leaky roofs, dysfunctional elevators and obstructed pipes. Consequently, the deterioration of facilities and services makes the residents dissatisfied. Consequently, the study aims to determine the current implementation and effectiveness of the maintenance system for public housing by focusing on the residents' satisfaction level and the practice of the maintenance personnel. Surveys were conducted with residents and maintenance personnel from the Projek Perumahan Rakyat Kota Bharu's public housing. A total of 230 questionnaires were considered valid and analyzed to rank the residents' satisfaction level towards public housing maintenance and the practice of the maintenance personnel in public residential buildings. The data was analyzed using the Mean Analysis in the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The result revealed that the residents are satisfied with the maintenance system's performance, with an electrical system as the most satisfying maintenance performance rated by the residents, compared with other aspects of the maintenance performance factors, with a mean score of 3.94. However, several aspects of the maintenance system, namely cleaning services, security system, and time for repairing the defects, still need improvement to enhance the maintenance quality of public housing in Malaysia

    The Implementation of Maintenance System in Malaysia’s Public Housing at Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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    Establishing an effective maintenance system in public housing buildings is essential in ensuring the building operates optimally and enhances residents' satisfaction. However, the maintenance management in Malaysian public housing is considered low, particularly on leaky roofs, dysfunctional elevators and obstructed pipes. Consequently, the deterioration of facilities and services makes the residents dissatisfied. Consequently, the study aims to determine the current implementation and effectiveness of the maintenance system for public housing by focusing on the residents' satisfaction level and the practice of the maintenance personnel. Surveys were conducted with residents and maintenance personnel from the Projek Perumahan Rakyat Kota Bharu's public housing. A total of 230 questionnaires were considered valid and analyzed to rank the residents' satisfaction level towards public housing maintenance and the practice of the maintenance personnel in public residential buildings. The data was analyzed using the Mean Analysis in the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The result revealed that the residents are satisfied with the maintenance system's performance, with an electrical system as the most satisfying maintenance performance rated by the residents, compared with other aspects of the maintenance performance factors, with a mean score of 3.94. However, several aspects of the maintenance system, namely cleaning services, security system, and time for repairing the defects, still need improvement to enhance the maintenance quality of public housing in Malaysia

    Satellite-based characterization of climatic conditions before large-scale general flowering events in Peninsular Malaysia

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    General flowering (GF) is a unique phenomenon wherein, at irregular intervals, taxonomically diverse trees in Southeast Asian dipterocarp forests synchronize their reproduction at the community level. Triggers of GF, including drought and low minimum temperatures a few months previously has been limitedly observed across large regional scales due to lack of meteorological stations. Here, we aim to identify the climatic conditions that trigger large-scale GF in Peninsular Malaysia using satellite sensors, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), to evaluate the climatic conditions of focal forests. We observed antecedent drought, low temperature and high photosynthetic radiation conditions before large-scale GF events, suggesting that large-scale GF events could be triggered by these factors. In contrast, we found higher-magnitude GF in forests where lower precipitation preceded large-scale GF events. GF magnitude was also negatively influenced by land surface temperature (LST) for a large-scale GF event. Therefore, we suggest that spatial extent of drought may be related to that of GF forests, and that the spatial pattern of LST may be related to that of GF occurrence. With significant new findings and other results that were consistent with previous research we clarified complicated environmental correlates with the GF phenomenon

    The Shading Coefficient and the U-value of a Naturally Ventilated Double-skin Fa??ade Wall in Hot and Humid Climate

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    Article in Proceeding Book of International Seminar on Architecture in Urbanized Maritime Culture 2013, and the 3rd International Conference on Environment, Engineering, Economic, Safety, and Health (3rd CONVEEESH) at Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia, 6-7 September 2013.The overall heat transfer coefficient (U-value) and the shading coefficient (SC-value) are\ud substantial properties of double-skin fa??ade. They are importantly required for energy-use estimation, particularly for heat load calculation of the air-conditioning system. The\ud determination of the U-value and the SC-value of double-skin fa??ade was done by numerical simulation employing FORTRAN for the one-year duration. By utilizing the least square method, the equation of U-value and SC-value can be determined to define the Uperiod and SCperiod of double-skin fa??ade. The SC-value of the cases varied from 0.16 to 0.20 [-], and the U-value varied from 3.37 to 3.66 [W/m2.k