3,600 research outputs found

    Setting targets with interval data envelopment analysis models via wang method

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    Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a mathematical programming for evaluating the relative efficiency of decision making units (DMUs). The first DEA model (CCR model) assumed for exact data, later some authors introduced the applications of DEA which the data was imprecise. In imprecise data envelopment analysis (IDEA) the data can be ordinal, interval and fuzzy. Data envelopment analysis also can be used for the future programming of organizations and the response of the different policies, which is related to the target setting and resource allocation. The existing target model that conveys performance based targets in line with the policy making scenarios was defined for exact data. In this paper we improved the model for imprecise data such as fuzzy, ordinal and interval data. To deal with imprecise data we first established an interval DEA model. We used one of the methods to convert fuzzy and ordinal data into the interval data. A numerical experiment is used to illustrate the application to our interval model

    Keberadaan Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Paud) Bagi Keluarga Miskin Perkotaan(studi Paud Mutiara Bunda Kecamatan Pekanbaru Kota)

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    This study titled Existence Institute of Early Childhood Education (ECD) For poorfamilies in the city of Pekanbaru (ECD studies Mother of Pearl District of Pekanbaru City).Researchers interested in this theme because in Pekanbaru City Early Childhood Education(ECD) is growing. In early childhood education is synonymous with expensive andmiddleclass family owned, but now children - children from poor families also attended aneducation at an early age through the Institute of Early Childhood Education (ECD). Withthe formulation of the problem factors - factors that encourage parents put their children inearly childhood institutions, and How to view (perception) of parents of the existence of earlychildhood institutions.The theory used in this study is the Theory of Education, Theory of the Family, Theoryof view (Perception), Theory of the Poor, Structural and Functional Theory. The researchmethod used is descriptive qualitative. The respondents were 10 people, 2 men - men and 8women, in which respondents were selected based on criteria that parents who came frommiddle-class economy.The results showedthat the factors – factors of parents who are in an environment ofpoor families put their childrenat the Institute for Early Childhood Education (ECD) Motherof Pearlis afactor of importance of education, educational cost factor, the factor of socialrelationships, and infrastructure factors. View (perception) parents are institutions (ECD) isimportant forchildren – children at an early age, as well as givinga lot of progress andnegative child development lies in the child quickly performimitation (impersonation).Teacher steaching professional and social relationships already established throughmeetings, recreation with teachers and parents as well asin the event ofa disaster

    Can metal organic frameworks outperform adsorptive removal of harmful phenolic compound 2-chlorophenol by activated carbon?

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    Removal of persistent organic compounds from aqueous solutions is generally achieved using adsorbent like activated carbon (AC) but it suffers from limited adsorption capacity due to low surface area. This paper describes a pioneering work on the adsorption of an organic pollutant, 2-chlorophenol (2-CP) by two MOFs with high surface area and water stability; MIL-101 and its amino-derivative, MIL-101-NH2. Although MOFs have higher surface area than AC, the latter was proven better having the highest equilibrium 2-CP uptake (345 mg g−1), followed by MIL-101 (121 mg g−1) and MIL-101-NH2 (84 mg g−1). Used MIL-101 could be easily regenerated multiple times by washing with ethanol and even showed improved adsorption capacity after each washing cycle. These results can open the doors to meticulous adsorbent selection for treating 2-CP-contaminated water

    Views of Instructors Towards Students Learning English Public Speaking at a Malaysian University

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    Public speaking was one of the most feared situations faced by many people, including public speaking in the English language. Speaking English in front of the public was really a daunting task for many people, including students of universities. This study addressed issues related to English public speaking at the university from the views of instructors who taught the English public speaking course. Some topics discussed were the common weaknesses of university students in delivering English public speaking, the causes of the weaknesses and some recommendations for students to improve their English public speaking. This was a qualitative research design where eleven instructors teaching English public speaking were interviewed and the gathered data were analyzed using thematic analysis and presented using Atlas. ti version 7. One of the theories employed in the study was the Uncertainty Reduction Theory that made their anxiety level increase. The study revealed that some common weaknesses of students were lack of confidence, limited vocabulary and grammar. Some contributing causes of the weaknesses were lack of reading, lack of ideas, and lack of self-esteem. Some recommendations were then forwarded to solve the problems such as giving the motivation to the students to speak, read and think in the English language and make a lot of practices.     Keywords: English public speaking, university, students, Instructors, UniSZA, Malaysi

    Perancangan Codec Berbasis Algoritma Kompresi H.264 untuk Aplikasi Konferensi Video

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    Dewasa ini, banyak aplikasi yang dibuat dengan melibatkan fitur multimedia. Salah satu aplikasi tersebut adalah aplikasi konferensi, yaitu komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh suatu group yang terhubung pada suatu jaringan dengan setiap anggota group dapat saling melihat anggota yang lain melalui fasilitas video yang direkam menggunakan sebuah piranti webcam. Dalam komunikasi video, dibutuhkan bandwidth yang cukup besar karena ukuran data video yang jauh lebih besar dibandingkan data suara. Untuk menyiasati hal tersebut, maka dilakukan kompresi pada video sebelum ditransmisikan. Dengan adanya kompresi, maka ukuran data video yang akan ditransmisikan menjadi lebih kecil sehingga dapat menghemat bandwidth saat transmisi data berlangsung. Dalam penelitian ini dirancang codec yang mengadopsi standar kompresi video H.264. Selanjutnya dianalisis kualitas video hasil kompresi meliputi : rasio kompresi, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), dan Mean Opinion Score (MOS). Selain itu, juga dianalisis pengaruh kompresi video terhadap kinerja aplikasi konferensi video. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil bahwa dengan adanya kompresi H.264 menghasilkan bitrate video yang rendah dengan penurunan mencapai 98.7% (1:77) hingga 99.52% (1:208) dengan sedikit pengurangan kualitas yang masih dapat ditoleransi

    Modeling Traffic Impact of Flyover at an Urban Intersection Under Mixed Traffic Environment

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    In order to ease transportation problems, many urban authorities in India have taken up initiative for construction of flyovers at major intersections. However, in most of the cases a comprehensive planning approach has not been adopted, either due to lack of fund or ignorance about the planning perspective of such proposals. The locations for flyovers have been decided based on present day operating conditions and the traffic impacts of such flyovers at adjacent intersections have not been analysed. In the present paper, the traffic impact of a flyover along with its adjacent intersection has been analysed, using a simulation model developed for mixed traffic operations and poor lane discipline prevailing in India. Through the case study presented in the paper, it has been demonstrated that an ill planned flyover only shifts the location of the problem without bringing any benefit to traffic. The potential use of simulation model for analyzing traffic impacts has been shown; and the need for such analysis for the planning of flyovers has been highlighted

    Corrosion behaviour of Al 2009 reinforced with silicon carbide whiskers.

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    Objective of this research project is to study the corrosion behaviour of aluminium 2009 matrix composite reinforced with silicon carbide whiskers.The composite is produced by powder metallurgy process