215 research outputs found

    Peranan Dinas Bina Marga dan Sumber Daya Air dalam Menangani Masalah Banjir Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus Perumahan Graha Fauzan Asri)

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    Pekanbaru is the capital of Riau province who have serious problems with waterlogging and flooding at any time of the rainy season. Puddles usually occurs in areas of the drainage system is not functioning properly. While flooding is generally found in the area adjacent to the river flow. One of the flooded areas are quite alarming in the district of Bukit Raya from 2012 s / d 2013 there were at Graha Asri Village Fauzan Tangkerang Labuai. In carrying out the functions of government, one of the ways the City of dealing with the problem is to provide assistance in the form of long-term flood management, dredging the river. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the Department of Highways and Water Resources as the City Government agencies Addressing Flood In 2014 at Graha Asri Fauzan and examines the factors supporting and inhibiting the realization of handling.In this paper the authors study using qualitative analysis. While data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis of spoken words or behavior that can be observed from those studied. Based on the results of research conducted and followed by analyzing the data obtained by direct interviews with informants to produce 3 role in carrying out the implementation of government functions: (1) The role as a provider of public services, general services performed for the public who made the Department of Highways and Resources Air power in the form of the provision of administrative services. (2) The role as Executive Function Regulation, ie all flood mitigation work done by Regional Regulation No. 10 Year 2006 Pekanbaru on Water Resources and Infiltration Wells. (3) The role as Executive Planning and Coordination, the general handling of the flood which carried out the dredging of the River Sail which of the planning and the implementation is done by the Department of Highways and Water Resources in coordination with the village and sub-district. And in the implementation of the process there are factors that affect the supporting and workmanship.Judging from these three roles, some disadvantages and advantages that made the Department of Highways and Water Resources Pekanbaru in addressing the problem of flooding in Fauzan Graha Asri housing in the district of Bukit Raya namely the lack, not the passage of cooperation between donor agencies and the advantages of building permits is fast responsiveness of Highways and Water Resources in dealing with the flooding problem Sail River dredging solutions.Keywords: Role, Flood, Governmen


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) Perbedaan pengaruh antara metode Up hill sprint dan down hill sprint terhadap peningkatan prestasi lari sprint 100 meter.(2). Perbedaan peningkatan prestosi lari sprint 100 meter antara siswa yang memiliki rasio panjang tungkai dan tinggi badan tinggi, dengan siswa yang memililiki panjang tungkai dan tinggi badan yang rendah. (3). Pengaruh interaksi antara metode latihan dan rasio panjang tungkai dan tinggi badan terhadap peningkatan prestasi laris print 100 meter. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan rancangan faktorial 2 x 2.dengan subyek penelitian siswa putra ekstrakurikuler SMP N 1 Cepu. Seluruh data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini seperti yang tersebut di atas, diperoleh melalui tes dan pengukuran terhadap panjang tungkai dan tinggi badan dengan menggunakan stadiometer Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah : (1) Ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara latihan lari UP Hill Sprint dan latihan lari Down Hill Sprint dalam meningkatkan hasil lari 100 meter, dengan rata-rata peningkatan kecepatan masing-masing yaitu 0,703 dan 0,831. (2) Ada perbedaan hasil latihan lari 100 meter yang signifikan antara siswa yang memiliki rasio panjang tungkai : tinggi badan tinggi dan rendah. Peningkatan hasil latihan prestasi lari 100 meter pada siswa yang memiliki rasio panjang tungkai : tinggi badan kategori tinggi lebih baik dari pada siswa yang memiliki rasio panjang tungkai : tinggi badan kategori rendah, dengan rata-rata peningkatan masing-masing yaitu 0,857 dan 0,677. (3) Tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi yang signifikan antara metode latihan lari 100 meter dan rasio panjang tungkai : tinggi badan terhadap hasil latihan prestasi lari 100 meter, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan Fh= 0,385>Ft=1,74 (4) siswa yang memiliki panjang tungkai dan tinggi badan yang tinggi lebih cocok jika diberikan metode latihan Down Hill Sprint. (5) siswa yang memiliki panjang tungkai dan tinggi badan rendah lebih cocok jika diberikan metode latihan Up Hill Sprint. Kata Kunci : Sprint 100 Meter, latihan Up Hill Sprint, Down Hill Sprin

    Anaesthesia of the Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) using tiletamine-zolazepam-xylazine combination

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    Eight Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) were immobilised with Zoletil® (x = 3.44 mg/kg) and xylazine (x = 0.65 mg/kg). The sun bears were darted intramuscularly by using a blow pipe at muscular areas such as the rump and shoulder regions. Psychological data were recorded every 10 min throughout the immobilisation period. No antagonist drug was used. The drug combination was able to induced smooth, rapid and good anaesthesia with analgesia within 11-30 minutes (mean ± S. D. = 21.1 ± 6.44 min). Time from complete immobilisation to recovery (walking) range from 157 ± 25.6 min (range = 124 – 186 min). No pedal pinch reflex was observed in all animals. The anesthetic depth and analgesia were reasonably adequate to conduct a physical examination and perform minor clinical procedures. There were no significant clinical adverse effects observed except for hypersalivation and frothing during the reversible period

    Hematological profiles of the Malayan sun bear (Heiarctos Malayanus) kept in captivity

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    Nineteen haematological parameters for the Malayan sun bear which include PCV, RBC count, differential counts for leucocytes, plasma protein, PT and APTT were evaluated. Twenty-six biochemical parameters were analysed namely sodium, potassium, chloride, inorganic phosphate, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, cholesterol, total bilirubin, total protein, alanine transferase, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, craetine kinase, globulin, albumin, globulin-albumin ratio, amylase, lactate dehydrogenase, lipase, lactate, uric acid, triglyceride and gammaglutamyl transferase. Comparing males and females, males showed a significantly higher value for haemaglobin. Leucocytes and segmented neutrophils were significantly higher in sub-adults. Current values showed low haemoglobin and leucocytes compared to previous data. Preliminary data on anticoagulation factors namely PT and APTT were recorded. Biochemistry showed ALT, GGT and CK were significantly higher in males. The sub-adult group showed higher values of ALT, GGT, CK, LDH and albumin. Compared to previous reports, current data showed lower values of calcium, inorganic phosphate, BUN and AST. Additional preliminary data on GGT, amylase, CK, total triglyceride, lipase and lactate were recorded

    Optical performance of neodymium nanoparticles doped tellurite glasses

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    A series of neodymium NPs doped tellurite glass with composition of (TeO2)0.7(B2O3)0.3]0.7 (ZnO)0.3}1- x (Nd2O3 NPs) x (x = 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 mol%) was fabricated via melt-quenching method. Density and molar volume were measured and analyzed for the glass series. The optical properties of neodymium NPs doped tellurite glass were measured by UV–Vis spectrometer, photoluminescence and Z-scan technique. The optical band gap energy of the glass network was in the range of 3.178–3.209 eV. The upconversion emission of the laser glass excited at 800 nm was found in the ultraviolet region. Electronic polarizability, oxide ion polarizability, optical basicity and metallization criterion were calculated. Moreover, linear absorption coefficient, α, nonlinear refractive index ƞ (cm2/W), nonlinear absorption, β (x 10−3) and third order susceptibilities, χ (x 10−6) were measured. The optical efficiency of neodymium NPs doped tellurite glass exhibited excellent properties for its application in laser glass

    Plastron osteotomy in the management of fishing hook ingestion in a Malayan box turtle (Cuora amboinensis)

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    An adult male Malayan box turtle was diagnosed with foreign body obstruction of fishing hook. Upon presentation, the animal had pale mucous membrane and fishing line protruding out from the oral cavity. Diagnosis of foreign body ingestion was based on plain radiograph where the fishing hook was evidenced on the lateral and ventrodorsal radiographic view. Plastron osteotomy surgical removal was performed after endoscopy guided forcep removal failed. Procedures were carried out under the injectable anesthesia using a combination of ketamine and xylazine hydrochloride. Antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and parenteral fluid therapy was given pre and post-surgically as medical treatment and stabilisation

    An Upgraded Transverse Electromagnetic Parallel Plates for Dielectric Measurement

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    A new version of transverse electromagnetic parallel plates with irregular plates’ width and plate separation has been developed for dielectric measurement. The separations between the plates are supported by four rectangular Teflon block and 1 mm of groove is proposed at the center of the upper plate to maintain the measurement repeatability. The groove enables the samples which are slightly higher than 2 cm to be fitted well between the plates without introducing extra force to the plates. Theperformance of both parallel plates has been compared in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 1.1 GHz. It is found that the upgraded parallel plate offers better return loss and insertion loss above 500 MHz compared to the previous parallel plate. It is reported from this work that the return loss of the parallel plate must be lower than -15 dB in order to achieve accurate dielectric constant. However, the insertion loss of the parallel plates does not influence the real permeability significantly. The upgraded TEM parallel plateproduces a consistent reading with a standard deviation of less than 0.05 above frequency 200 MHz. The dielectric measurement of Polypropylene (PP) has proven the capability of this upgraded TEM parallelplate

    Occupational risk to tuberculosis disease among health care workers in an emergency department hospital

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    Tuberculosis is known as an occupational hazard for healthcare workers especially in countries with high cases of tuberculosis (TB). There is an increase incidence of tuberculosis among Ministry of Health Workers in Malaysia. The objective of this study is to identify the main risk factor to tuberculosis among health care workers in an Emergency Department of Hospital XYZ. Currently there is no specific tuberculosis prevention program in this health care facility. Employees are usually given a longer sick leave and it will have a huge impact on the department operations. It will also involve an increase in morbidity and mortality cases. This is quantitative and qualitative study where the data is obtained through observation, questionnaires and interviews. The result findings was based on the observation, questionnaires and interviews and was analysed using Risk Assessment Matrix (HIRARC) to find out what are the main factor that caused tuberculosis infection among health care workers. Through the data obtained the main risk factor is the failure to wear PPE while working followed by other factors such as environmental control and administrative control as there is currently no screening done against all health care workers. It has been proven in this study that the main risk factors are PPE usage and followed by other risk factors such as environmental control and administrative control which causes them to tend to get tuberculosis infection

    Heavy metal biomarker: Fish behavior, cellular alteration, enzymatic reaction and proteomics approaches

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    Due to the latest industrial development, many dangerous chemicals have been released directly or indirectly which resulted in the polluted water bodies. Water rehabilitation is an alternative way to restore the quality of water, followed by the environmental management to control the waste discharge to ensure the balance of the degradation rates or detoxifying by environmental factors. However, this process consumed a lot of time and cost. Besides, most of the metal ions, especially copper which is capable to bio accumulate in aquatic organism and at the elevated level may cause physiological and biochemical alteration which leads to mortality. Environmental monitoring is the initial step presupposed evaluating the potential toxicity of effluent gushing at its purpose to discharge, avoiding the determining effects of contaminant in water bodies. Due to the high sensitivity of the aquatic life towards dissolving toxicant, the fish has been utilized as the biological measurement (Biomarker) to indicate the existence of toxicant exposure and/or the impact towards the evaluation of molecular, cellular to physiological level. Thus, this paper gives an overview of the manipulation of fish as a biomarker of heavy metals through behavior response, hepatocyte alteration, enzymatic reaction and proteomic studies which have proven to be very useful in the environmental pollution monitoring