26 research outputs found


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    The implementation of 2013 Curriculum revealed discrapencies between the curriculum program and their actual realization in the field. the approach adopted in implementing the 2013 Curriculum covered student active learning as well as process oriented approach. The objective of the research is to describe and gathering information related to the implementation of 2013 curriculum and the obstacles. The population and sample of the research is MI Pembangunan UIN Jakarta and MIN Cempaka Putih Tangerang Selatan. The design of the research is qualitative case study. The data is obtained by observing, interviewing, and analyzing the document. The result of the study shows that MI Pembangunan and MIN Cempaka Putih has implemented 2013 curriculum well based on the indicator criteria. It showed that the role of the teacher is dominated in the classroom activity.DOI: 10.15408/a.v2i2.212


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    This research aims to obtain an overview of the profiles of lecturers based on webometrics, a general description of webometrics-based facilities at UIN Jakarta, and the profiles of the lecturers on Google Scholar. The method used in this study is a survey method, especially in taking the respondents as a data source. In presenting the data, this study uses descriptive analysis method which illustrates the results obtained from the survey of the profiles of FITK (Faculty of Education and Teachers Training) lecturers on Google Scholar. The study was conducted within a period of 6 months (April 1st to September 31st, 2015). List of Ranks shows the number of permanent lecturers (civil servants) of FITK UIN Jakarta is 163 lecturers. Nevertheless, after conducting a tracking study, there are 35 lecturers only who already have a profile account on Google Scholar. Out of 35 lecturers, only 19 lecturers have values in citations, h-index, and h10-index. Prof. Dr. Abuddin Nata, M.A. is the most prolific and most widely cited lecturer on Google Scholar in the Faculty of Education and Teachers Training (FITK) of UIN Jakarta. His scientific works have been cited 1600 times in other works. He has also the highest h-index value, 17 (seventeen), and the highest i10-index, 21 (twenty one)

    Mobile Devices for Arabic Learning in Junior High Schools: The Teachers’ Perspective

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    The present study aims to identify teachers' perceptions of mobile devices use in Arabic learning at junior high schools. Employed a qualitative method with a case study, 24 Arabic language teachers from various junior high schools in the South Tangerang City involved in this study selected by using a random sampling method. Based on the teacher perspectives, the results of the study reveal that the use of mobile devices facilitates students in understanding Arabic lessons and increase their motivation for learning. Time limitations and large classroom sizes were obstacles that decrease teachers’ interest to integrate mobile devices into classroom activities. Reading is by far the main language skill taught by teachers and there is a less focus on productive skills such as speaking and writing. The students have less attention and motivation for learning Arabic while the teachers have attempted to deal with this problem by several measures.The characteristic of Arabic language differs from each context. However, whether for inside or outside classroom activities, active methods are of particular importance for Arabic learning. Arabic teaching and learning practices facilitated by mobile devices require careful planning for a successful implementation lead to more active and effective learning of Arabic

    Musyahadat Al Fidyu: Youtube-Based Teaching and Learning of Arabic as Foreign Language (AFL)

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    Today, it is not surprising to say that there is a swiftly rising use of internet in education. Internet with the enormous features has provided up prospects for rich and ground-breaking approaches to deal with educational issues and present solutions to the escalating needs for learning resources. Despite this fact, it is still found few studies and practices of utilizing the internet as the media in the field of teaching Arabic as foreign language. This paper specifically focuses on elaborating the use of YouTube in Arabic language classroom. It is attempting to give the answer for some following questions: why using YouTube as Arabic language learning media? How to search for learning resources on YouTube? What Arabic skills and competencies can be trained? How to effectively integrate these resources in the Arabic language classroom? How to do the internet source evaluation? How to find out which the students prefer? What are the strengths and weaknesses of YouTube as learning media? This paper ends its conclusion by recommending the Arabic language teachers to use sources available on YouTube but they must selectively give to the students


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    In this modern day, the number of different ways of learning in addition to being in the classroom, one of them is learning through Google Classroom. This type of research was a qualitative research in the form of field research. Arabic lectures were conducted by using Google Classroom media and administrated by six different classes in non-language study program environments. This study showed that this application can help and facilitate the lecturers and students in carrying out the learning process in depth. This was because both students and lecturers can collect the assignments, distribute the assignments, and assess the assignments at home or anywhere without being bound by time limits or hours of study


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    Pesantren in Banten have different characteristics compare to other pesantren in Indonesia. Discussing about this Province, most people believe that Banten is of a Province in Indonesia which is famous with its Ulama, Kyai, Santri and Pesantren. This research discusses about practices of magical culture in Pesantren around Banten. The research model used in this study is qualitative-descriptive. Historical studies are used to present a narrative and chronological presentation of the storyline of a discussion. Results showed that stereotypes and beliefs arise because Islamic values have traditionally been rooted in most Banten citizens, culturally and ritually. One of the characteristic of Pesantren in Banten is that every santri are taught with magic, silat and tasawuf knowledge. Those are characteristics that have always been a matter of discussion, people believe that there are practices of magic in every pesantren in Banten. Some sources call Banten a center for the occult sciences, as well as being known as a religious area. Magical practice is still considered important for the people of Banten, especially those living in rural areas to solve practical problems in their social life. In addition, the existence of jawara and pesantren has created its own cult which is somewhat different from the dominant culture of Banten societ

    Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) level instructional book of Arabic language at senior high school

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    Textbooks are written with a focus on various aspects in order to keep up with developments and times and can implement the curriculum. HOTS is a high-level thinking skill teachers and students must possess in the 21st century. HOTS is an essential part of a textbook because textbooks are a learning medium. This study aims to determine the implementation of HOTS in textbooks and describe the instructions in the eleventh-grade Arabic textbook by Dariyadi and Feriandika. Various levels of instruction in a textbook are needed to determine student abilities, strengthen understanding, and evaluate and measure the goals achieved from a lesson. This research is literature research with a content analysis technique. The type of research data is primary data in the form of textbooks, data collection through documentation, verification, selection, focus, data, and then conclusion. The results showed that the Arabic textbook for class XI SMA had reflected HOTS with as much as 75% of HOTS-based exercises. The instructional level is at levels C4-C6 in analyzing, discovering, and creating

    Pembelajaran bahasa arab di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta teori dan praktik

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    XII, 310 hlm, 22 c