21 research outputs found

    EFEK POLIMORFISME GENA GSTP-1 TERHADAP AKTIVITAS GLUTATION S-TRANSFERASE (GST) PADA INDIVIDU TERPAPAR LOGAM BERAT TIMBAL (Effect of GSTP-1 Gene Polymorphismson Glutation S- Transferase (GST) Activity in Heavy Metals Lead-Exposed Individual)

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    ABSTRAKGena GSTP-1 merupakan penghasil enzim glutation S- transferase (GST), yang berfungsi dalam proses detoksifikasi senyawa toksik di hati. Faktor keberadaan polimorfisme gena GSTP-1 akan menyebabkan penurunan ekspresi GST, sehingga proses detoksifikasi terhadap senyawa toksik akan terhambat. Kerentanan terhadap paparan senyawa toksik pada manusia akan meningkat apabila dijumpai polimorfisme gena. Salah satu senyawa toksik yang dapat menghambat aktivitas GST adalah timbal (Pb), terutama dalam bentuk tetra ethyl lead (TEL). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh polimorfisme gena GSTP-1 terhadap aktivitas GST pada individu terpapar Pb, yang diwakili pekerja bengkel mobil. Faktor keberadaan polimorfisme gena individu ditentukan dengan metode PCR-RFLP dan enzim restriksi BsmA1. Parameter yang diukur adalah kadar Pb dan aktivitas GST. Analisis molekuler gena GSTP-1 dilakukan secara deskriptif. Data kadar Pb dan aktivitas GST dianalisis dengan uji t independent. Hasil analisis gena GSTP-1 dari 40 orang subyek kasus setelah dilakukan digesti dengan enzim BsmA1, ditemukan sebanyak 10 orang individu dengan polimorfisme Ile105Val gena GSTP 1 atau sekitar 25% dengan genotip Ile-Val, sedangkan 30 orang atau 75% ditemukan tanpa polimorfisme dengan genotip Ile-Ile. Pita DNA individu dengan polimorfisme terpotong menjadi 3 fragmen sepanjang 176, 91 dan 85 pp (mutan heterozygot), sedangkan tanpa polimorfisme terletak pada 176 bp. Subyek kasus dengan polimorfisme gena GSTP-1 memiliki kadar Pb lebih tinggi dan aktivitas GST lebih rendah dibandingkan individu non polimorfisme. Telah terbukti bahwa polimorfisme gena GSTP-1 menyebabkan penurunan ekspresi enzim GST. Pada individu terpapar Pb dengan polimorfisme gena GSTP-1 memiliki aktivitas GST lebih rendah dibandingkan individu tanpa polimorfisme.ABSTRACTGSTP-1 gene regulates the expression of gluthation S-transferase enzyme, which role in detoxification of toxicant on liver. If the polymorphisms gene is found in individual, the production of GST is decreased and the enzyme failed to eliminate toxicants. Lead is one of toxic agents that could inhibite GST activity especially tetra ethyl lead (TEL). The susceptibility to lead exposure will increase if the polymorphisms gene is found in population. The objective of this studies were to know the effect of gene GSTP-1 polymorphisms to GST activity on lead-exposed individual ie. autorepair workers. The genotype individu were analyzed by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms with BsmA1 restriction enzyme followed by descriptived analyzed. Parameter recorded were blood lead and GST activity and data were analyzed by independent t-test. These result showed that 25% of 40 individual cases subject were detected by enzyme BsmA1 as polymorphisms individual of GSTP-1 gene, with Ile105Val genotype. As many as 75% were detected as non polymorphisms with Ile-Ile genotype. Three fragment DNA of polymorphisms individual of GSTP-1 is located on 176, 91 and 85 bp (heterozygote mutant) but non polymorphisms individual is only located on 176 bp. The Pb level of individual with polymorphisms GSTP-1 gene is higher than non polymorphisms individual but their GST activity was lower than non polymorphisms individual. It could be concluded that polymorphisms GSTP-1 gene could decrease the expression gene of GST enzyme and intoxication of lead-exposured could increased the decreasing of this activity

    Maculosin, a non-toxic antioxidant compound isolated from Streptomyces sp. KTM18

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    Context Streptomyces species are prolific sources of bioactive secondary metabolites known especially for their antimicrobial and anticancer activities. Objective This study sought to isolate and characterize antioxidant molecules biosynthesized by Streptomyces sp. KTM18. The antioxidant potential of an isolated compound and its toxicity were accessed. Materials and methods The compound was purified using bioassay-guided chromatography techniques. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments were carried out for structure elucidation. The antioxidant potential of the isolated compound was determined using DPPH free radical scavenging assay. The toxicity of the isolated compound was measured using a brine shrimp lethality (BSL) assay. Results Ethyl acetate extract of Streptomyces sp. KTM18 showed more than 90% inhibition of DPPH free radical at 50 mu g/mL of the test concentration. These data were the strongest among 13 Streptomyces isolates (KTM12-KTM24). The active molecule was isolated and characterized as maculosin (molecular formula, C14H16N2O3 as determined by the [M + H](+) peak at 261.1259). The DPPH free radical scavenging activity of pure maculosin was higher (IC50, 2.16 +/- 0.05 mu g/mL) than that of commercial butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) (IC50, 4.8 +/- 0.05 mu g/mL). No toxicity was observed for maculosin (LD50, <128 mu g/mL) in brine shrimp lethality assay (BSLA) up to the compound's antioxidant activity (IC50) concentration range. The commercial standard, berberine chloride, showed toxicity in BSLA with an LD50 value of 8.63 +/- 0.15 mu g/mL. Conclusions Maculosin may be a leading drug candidate in various cosmetic and therapeutic applications owing to its strong antioxidant and non-toxic properties

    Keragaman Morfologi Bakteri Nitrifikasi Asal Kompos Kotoran Domba pada Peternakan Domba dengan Sistem Bedding

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    The application of compost bedding system on sheep farm is a technology to minimize the negative impact of sheep manure waste toward environment. The microorganisms which inhabit the compost bedding, especially nitrifying bacteria are expected to have significant role in odor emission reduction which become environmental problem around the sheep farm. This study aims to analyze the abundance and diversity of nitrifying bacteria of compost bedding obtained from sheep farm which have important role in reducing odor emission of ammonia. The 12 days, 1 and 1,5 months old of compost bedding samples were obtained from sheepfold, while 3 and 4 months old of compost samples were obtained from compost pile. Furthermore, nitrifying bacteria were isolated from compost samples by pour plate method using specific media for Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. The results indicated that compost bedding samples with different composting time duration displayed different abundance and diversity of nitrifying bacteria. The current study was successfully isolated 39 and 47 nitrifying bacterial isolates using specific media for Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas, respectively. The highest diversity of nitrifying bacteria was gained from 12 days old compost bedding sample. Nitrifying bacterial isolates from compost bedding samples have significant role in odor emission declining as well as manure composting at sheep farm. The obtained bacterial isolates are also potentially to develop as bio-activator for compost bedding

    A community resource for paired genomic and metabolomic data mining

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    Genomics and metabolomics are widely used to explore specialized metabolite diversity. The Paired Omics Data Platform is a community initiative to systematically document links between metabolome and (meta)genome data, aiding identification of natural product biosynthetic origins and metabolite structures.Peer reviewe

    Chemical and taxonomic investigation of indonesian soil-dwelling bacteria

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    Ziel des Projekts war es, taxonomisch neuartige bakterielle Stämme aus dem Biodiversitäts-Brennpunkt Indonesien zu isolieren und hieraus neue chemische Verbindungen zu isolieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 25 Stämme gesammelt und auf antimikrobielle Eigenschaften hin untersucht. Daraus resultierend wurden zunächst fünf und im späteren Verlauf dann nur noch ausschließlich die beiden Stämme Streptomyces sp. SW4 und Pseudomonas aeruginosa SW5 priorisiert. Während der Stamm SW5 nur bekannte Naturstoffe produzierte und eine bereits bekannte Spezies darstellte, erwies sich der Stamm SW4 im Rahmen von polyphasischen taxonomischen Untersuchungen als völlig neuartige Spezies. Um die Ergebnisse zu untermauern, wurde das komplette Genom des Stamms sequenziert und mit den nächsten verwandten Typ-Stämmen verglichen. Diese bioinformatischen Experimente konnten die initialen Ergebnisse bestätigen. Berücksichtigt man, dass Biodiversität üblicherweise direkt proportional zur chemischen Diversität und Novität ist, wurde nachfolgend erforscht, in wie weit der Stamm befähigt ist, Sekundärmetaboliten zu biosynthetisieren. Neben den 17 Biosynthesegenclustern, die im Genom sichtbar sind, stach ein Biosynthesegencluster heraus, welches für Pristinamycin-artige Verbindungen kodierte und daher eingehender untersucht wurden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es trotz unterschiedlicher Größe, vollständig funktional war. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Produktion durch das Hormon γ-Butyrolakton reguliert war. Eine Molekulare Netzwerkanalyse förderte zudem zutage, dass der Stamm ein neues Derivat in sehr geringen Mengen produzierte

    Mengapa disebut segitiga

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    Tempe merupakan makanan tradisional asli Indonesia. Tempe mengandung gizi yang cukup tinggi, mencakup 25% protein, 5% lemak, 4% karbohidrat serta kaya akan mineral dan vitamin B12. Sentra produksi tempe di Indonesia paling banyak di temui di Jawa Tengah, dan salah satunya ada di Kabupaten Banyumas. Tekstur tempe yang kompak dan berwarna putih tercipta dari hasil kerja jamur genus Rhizopus, yang ditambahkan sebagai inokulum pada saat pembuatan tempe. Salah satu jenis jamur yang sering dijumpai dalam ragi tempe adalah Rhizopus oligosporus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi jamur R. oligosporus dari beberapa inokulum tempe di Kabupaten Banyumas. 56 jamur diisolasi dari inokulum tempe. Semua isolat termasuk dalam genera Rhizopus. 19 diantaranya dipilih berdasarkan warna konidia, yang terdiri dari isolat dengan konidia coklat keabu-abuan, dan abu-abu. Pengamatan makroskopik dan mikroskopik menunjukkan bahwa isolat terpilih adalah R. oligosporus