212 research outputs found

    Internationalization strategies and methods of construction firms – a comparative study between Hong Kong - Chinese and Portuguese – European approaches

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de ConstruçãoThe topic about internationalization in construction industry is often discussed and debated. In a context of internationalization success, it is significant to evaluate the process of the international experience by exploring the underlying reasons and factors. This master thesis is a descriptive and qualitative study about the internationalization strategies and methods of construction firms. Based on the value and contribution to the research regarding the topic, it sets out to explore the similarities and differences of the internationalization decision-making behavior between by eastern and western construction firms. To fulfill the objective stated above, in-depth, individual, face-to-face, research interviews were conducted involving six top-level management executives of Hong Kong construction firms in Macau, towards gathering all the relevant information regarding their perception of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, risks and entry strategies related to international expansion. Based on the analysis for the information collected, a comparison with the western behavior was conducted regarding the mentioned factors, based on recent similar studies conducted for Portuguese-European firms. The findings suggested that (1) the generalization of Hong Kong construction firms internationalization behavior is valid to a wider context of typical Chinese construction firms behavior,(2) significant parities and disparities were found between Portuguese – European construction firms and Hong Kong – Chinese construction firms, (3) both western and eastern construction firms follow basically the same logic and framework for the internationalization decision-making behavior. Based on these findings, a specific internationalization method is proposed towards addressing the specific characteristics and needs of Asian construction companies

    Do family businesses perform better than the market in U.S.A. : the jewish case

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    This thesis investigates the Family Businesses and the Jewish Family Businesses monthly stock price performance compared with Non-Family Businesses and Non-Jewish Family Businesses. Some previous studies concluded that on average Family Businesses as a whole tend to have a better long term performance and create more value when compared with Non- Family Businesses. Jews are known, and/or stereotyped, to do better in economic terms and to be healthier, so this study aimed at discovering if this tendency does translate in a better company performance. Family Businesses theoretically can render this better as the culture and values will be more present in the company. Using the companies of the S&P 500 of 2014 as a sample, and analyzing them from 2005 to 2014, we observe that, although with no statistical significance, the Non-Family Businesses performed better than the Family Businesses as a whole, but on average the Jewish Family Businesses are the ones that performed better.Esta dissertação analisa o desempenho mensal dos preços das ações de Empresas Familiares e de Empresas Familiares Judaicas, comparando-as com a performance das Empresas Não-Familiares e Empresas Familiares Não Judaicas. Alguns estudos realizados anteriormente concluíram que em média as Empresas Familiares como um todo tendem a ter um melhor desempenho a longo prazo e a criarem mais valor quando comparadas com Empresas Não-Familiares. Os Judeus são conhecidos, e/ou estereotipados, por serem mais orientados para o negócio e por deterem uma riqueza acima da média, este estudo versa por isso mesmo descobrir se realmente os Judeus têm uma melhor performance empresarial. Teoricamente as Empresas Familiares poderiam traduzi-lo ainda melhor, uma vez que a cultura e os valores estariam mais presentes na empresa. Usando empresas do S&P 500 de 2014 como amostra, e analisando a sua performance de 2005 a 2014, foi possível observar, embora sem significância estatística, que as Empresas Não-Familiares tiveram uma performance melhor do que as Empresas Familiares como um todo, mas que em média as Empresas Familiares Judaicas tiveram a melhor performance

    Creative teaching methods in marketing higher education: A case study of a portuguese marketing school

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    This dissertation investigates the creative teaching methods applied in marketing courses. Its purpose is to understand how marketing higher education institutions can improve the students’ learning experience by using creative teaching methods. A qualitative approach was used, and an exploratory case study was conducted, which contributed to getting a deeper insight into the problem. Data were collected through document analysis, and eleven interviews were conducted with marketing higher education students of IPAM Porto, to understand (1) the creative teaching methods applied in marketing courses, (2) the specific application of each method, (3) their influence on the students’ learning experience, and (4) the improvement of the learning experience of students by innovating methods’ application. The findings of this study can support marketing higher education institutions and teachers understanding how the application of creative teaching methods improves the students’ learning experience. Suitable and contextualized creative teaching methods that promote direct contact with the business world, adaptation to new situations, teamwork, the development of creative skills, and that are seen as a new challenge, enrich the learning experience of students. Due to this study’s approach, the number of interviewees, and the fact that interviews were conducted mainly online, these findings may not be generalized.The high demand for marketers’ creative skills, as well as the lack of studies and depthless understanding of the improvement of the students’ learning experience through the application of creative teaching methods, reveal the relevance of this research

    Spirituality, Socialization and Knowledge: a Philosophical Approach to the Slow Food Agri-food System

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    The goal of this paper is to develop a better understanding on the potential to recognise a fourth principle encompassed by the slow food movement – agri-food philosophy – supported in three factors: spirituality, socialization, and knowledge. Employing a Delphi method to forecast if this new principle might constitute a future trend in agri-food systems, in a ten years timeframe, twenty-four national experts from business, administration and academic backgrounds have contributed their thoughts over three rounds. The results allowed to predict several trends associated with each of the three factors. Firstly, regarding the Socialization factor, findings revealed the growing importance given to three trends: the value of food, the "training of taste" and the "wise gourmand" of food traditions and artisans. This scenario can occur in 89.4%. Secondly, and concerning the Spirituality factor, the panel of experts validated that food associated with physical exercise and meditation will be the most important axes for achieving harmony of being. This trend observes can occur 82.8%. Finally, and in relation to the Knowledge factor, it was concluded that a standard of conduct assumed by all stakeholders will be possible based on full transparency (from raw materials to consumption) and access to true information. This trend can occur in 88.9%. This research allowed to conclude that there is space to reflect on the importance of philosophical standpoints to forecast trends in future agri-food systems. More importantly, it can stimulate serious and deeply critical thinking about the current state of agri-food systems and contribute to help and develop new research approaches, on the need to promote changes, not only in lifestyles and food consumption, but mainly in establishing and improving more transparency in all types of agri-food systems

    Design and prototyping of a network-enabled low-cost low-power seismic sensor monitoring system

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    Esta tese explora recentes desenvolvimentos em tecnologias de informação, comunicações e sensores no campo da sismologia. A tese aborda o potencial das redes de monitorização sísmica de elevada densidade na melhoria da resolução da actividade sísmica observada e, consequentemente, na melhor compreensão dos processos físicos que estão na base da ocorrência de terramotos. A tese argumenta que a tecnologia de sistemas de microelectromecânica (MEMS), usada na produção de acelerómetros de pequena dimensão, tem aplicabilidade e elevado potencial no domínio da sismologia. Acelerómetros MEMS já facilitaram a instalação de redes sísmicas de elevada densidade com superior resolução espacial pela Universidade da Califórnia (Rede Sísmica Comunitária) e pela Universidade de Évora (Rede Sísmica de Sensores do Alentejo), esta última ainda em fase de instalação. Neste contexto, a tese descreve o trabalho conduzido no desenho e desenvolvimento de sistemas de sensores baseados em acelerómetros MEMS. Este trabalho inclui a conceptualização de componentes de arquitectura usados para a implementação de quatro protótipos. Adicionalmente, foram também desenvolvidos os componentes necessários para a operação e gestão da rede de sensores, que inclui servidores dedicados a operar software especificamente desenvolvido neste trabalho. A tese descreve também a instalação e avaliação de protótipos, usando como base de comparação uma estação sísmica de elevado desempenho, recorrendo inclusivamente à actividade sísmica resultante de dois eventos sísmicos. A tese conclui que a arquitectura conceptualizada para o sistema sensor e para a rede de sensores demonstrou ser eficaz. Adicionalmente, embora a tecnologia MEMS seja promissora, ainda exibe limitações que limitam a sua aplicabilidade no domínio da sismologia, especificamente na observação de eventos sísmicos moderados e fortes. Conclui-se também que a instalação de acelerómetros MEMS em conjunto com sismómetros pode trazer benefícios na observação de actividade sísmica. Espera-se também que futuras gerações de acelerómetros MEMS possam ter uma adoção generalizada na sismologia; ABSTRACT: This thesis exploits advances in information technologies, communications and sensor systems to the field of seismology. It addresses the potential for high-density networks for seismic monitoring aiming to improve the resolution of the recorded seismic activity and, consequently, to improve the understanding of the physical processes that cause earthquakes, as well as to gather more detailed seismic characterisation of studied regions. It argues that microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, used to produce small size accelerometers, has a potential application in seismology. Indeed, MEMS accelerometers have enabled the deployment of high-density seismic networks capable of monitoring seismic activity with high spatial resolution, such as CalTech's Community Seismic Network (CSN) and University of Évora’s SSN-Alentejo, currently in the deployment phase. In this context, this thesis describes the work conducted to design and develop low-cost seismic sensor systems, based on low-cost MEMS accelerometers. This work includes the conceptualisation of the architectural components that were implemented in four prototypes. Moreover, server-side components, necessary to operate and manage the sensor network, as well as to provide visualisation tools for users, are also developed and presented. This work also describes the field deployment and evaluation of selected prototypes, using a high-performance seismic station as the reference sensor for comparison, based on generated signals and two recorded seismic events. It is concluded that the herein conceptualised architecture for the high-dense network and sensor prototypes has been demonstrated to be effective. Moreover, albeit promising, MEMS accelerometers still exhibit performance limitations constraining their application in seismology addressing moderate and strong motion. In addition, MEMS accelerometers characteristics complement seismometers, thus installing MEMS accelerometers with seismometers, may provide additional insights concerning seismic activity and seismology in general. It is also expected that next generation MEMS accelerometers will be capable to compete with traditional seismometers, becoming the de facto technology in seismology

    Spirituality in Agri-food sector: a complementary vision of slow food principles

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    The goal of this paper is to develop a better understanding on the potential to recognise a fourth principle encompassed by the slow food movement – agri-food philosophy – supported in three factors: spirituality, socialization, and knowledge. Twenty-four national experts from business, administration and academic backgrounds have contributed their thoughts over three rounds: the first round was to auto-evaluate the degree of knowledge and the contributions of each expert, improving the design of the final questionnaire, which was answered in two successive rounds in a set of 105 statements. Statistical measures (arithmetic mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation) were used. The results allowed to predict that until 2027 for the new principle purposed – Philosophical Dimension, the value of food will involve, the "training of taste" and the "wise gourmand" of food traditions and artisans. This scenario can occur in (89.4%) as a Socialization factor.On the other hand, based on the spirituality factor, the experts panel states that food associated with physical exercise and meditation will be, in 2027, the most important axes for achieving harmony of being. It will be a trend with the possibility of occurring around 82.8%.In contrast, one of the trends pointed out by the expert panel is that the food purchase decision will be based on individual beliefs. This trend has an 80.4% probability of occurring.Additionally, in 2027, the several forms of human sensations (e.g., smell, taste, vision) will influenced the perception of food consumption. This trend has an 76.5% probability of occurring.As a result of the knowledge factor, it was concluded that a standard of conduct assumed by all stakeholders will be possible based on full transparency (from raw materials to consumption) and access to true information. This trend can occur in 88.9%

    Barriers of edible insect purchase in Spain and possible segments (póster)

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    Malnutrition, obesity and climate change represent the great threats for the World population which, in 2050, according to the estimates of the United Nations, will reach 9,700 million inhabitants. To mitigate this effect, the practice of eating insects (Entomophagy) is a future challenge for food, feed security and also a global concern about the global sustainable and safe utilization of resources. In line with this issue, one of the big distribution channels in Spain, Carrefour, has started to introduce edible insect food in their shelf’s lines. In contrast and despite the great advertising campaign, the sales still very low. The present study focuses on Spanish consumer's behavior for edible insects and the potential barriers preventing its consumption, in particular, we focused on an insect-made snack. To achieve this aim, we collected 161 consumers with an online survey during Spring 2020. We used cluster and factorial analysis to profile Spanish consumers. The results confirmed that consumers did not accept the snack with insect flour in terms of organoleptic attributes and price, except for younger aged people with higher study level and income

    Stress, esse desconhecido : modelos mentais de peritos e não peritos

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Cognição Social Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2012Sendo a Psicologia Ambiental uma área envolvida no estudo do comportamento e experiências humanas em relação ao seu meio ambiente (Proshansky & O’Hanlon, 1977), torna-se de extrema relevância o estudo dos diferentes fenómenos que intervêm no bem-estar dos indivíduos. Deste modo, o presente estudo tem como objectivo continuar a tradição da intervenção ambiental através da comunicação de risco, a qual se tem alicerçado à metodologia dos modelos mentais. Recorrendo às cinco etapas desenvolvidas por Morgan Fischhoff, Bostrom & Atman, 2002), o presente estudo aborda um estímulo stressor (crowding), bem como o próprio processo de stress, através da construção de modelos mentais que permitem identificar os conhecimentos presentes na população e conhecimentos científicos existentes, relativos a esses dois fenómenos. São então consideradas duas populações distintas – utilizadores de metropolitano e não utilizadores – de modo a comparar os diferentes conhecimentos e concepções de informação consoante a maior familiaridade diária com o fenómeno de crowding e stress. O objectivo destes modelos é ajudar a desenvolver comunicações de risco adequadas e que consigam entender quais as lacunas de informação dos seus participantes que precisam de ser completadas.Since Psychology is the area related to the study of behavior and human past experiences in relation to their environment (Proshansky & O’Hanlon, 1977), it becomes of extreme importance the study of different phenomena which intervene with the people’s well being. In that sense, the present study is directed at continuing the tradition of environmental intervention through risk communication, which has been tied with the mental models methodology. Using the five steps developed by Morgan Fischhoff, Bostrom & Atman, 2002), the present study approaches a stressor stimulus (crowding), as well as the process of stress itself, through the construction of mental models which enable the identification of the knowledge present in the population and existing scientific knowledge, related to those two phenomena. It is considered here two different populations – subway users and non-users – to compare the different knowledge and conceptions of information related to the higher daily familiarity of the crowding phenomena and stress. The point of these models is to help develop suited risk communications that are able to understand the gaps of information of their participants that need to be filled

    A perceção dos estudantes face aos comportamentos de ensino dos professores de educação física

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    Sendo o tema do estudo “A Perceção dos Estudantes Face aos Comportamentos de Ensino dos Seus Professores de Educação Física”, pretendeu-se analisar e descrever a forma como os estudantes do Ensino Básico percepcionam a escola e a disciplina de Educação Física, bem como, perceber como percepcionam os comportamentos de ensino dos seus professores de Educação Física. É fundamental perceber como os comportamentos dos professores de Educação Física influenciam na percepção que os estudantes têm dos mesmos, colocando a seguinte questão: “Qual a percepção dos estudantes sobre os comportamentos de ensino dos professores de Educação Física?”. Para o presente estudo utilizou-se uma metodologia de natureza quantitativa, realizada através da aplicação de um questionário. O questionário consiste em quatro partes: a primeira parte contém 14 questões sociodemográficas, a segunda parte consiste em 4 afirmações sobre escola/escolarização, na terceira parte temos 15 afirmações relativas à disciplina de Educação Física e por fim, a quarta parte corresponde aos comportamentos de ensino do professor, sendo constituída por 23 afirmações sobre a dimensão Clima, 16 sobre a dimensão Gestão/Organização, 14 sobre a dimensão Instrução e 7 sobre a dimensão Disciplina. Para a condução deste trabalho, procedeu-se ao envio dos questionários em 2 escolas da zona da Margem Sul do Tejo, aos estudantes do 2º e 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, com o cuidado de ter sido mantido o seu anonimato e a confidencialidade das respostas. Sendo que os resultados indicam que na sua globalidade, os estudantes percecionam a escola e a disciplina de Educação Física de uma forma positiva. Considerando as quatro dimensões do estudo, os estudantes valorizam mais os comportamentos do professor que estão relacionados com as dimensões de Instrução e Clima de Aula. O presente estudo permitiu conhecer a perceção dos estudantes face aos comportamentos de ensino do professor, de modo a perceber se existe diferentes formas de perceção quanto ao género e à idade

    Bridging the hydrodynamic Drude model and local transformation optics theory

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    The recent ability of plasmonic nanostructures to probe subnanometer and even atomic scales demands theories that can account for the nonlocal dynamics of the electron gas. The hydrodynamic Drude model (HDM) captures much of the microscopic dynamics of the quantum mechanical effects when additional boundary conditions are considered. Here, we revisit the HDM under the Madelung formalism to reexpress its coupled system of equations as a single nonlinear Schrödinger equation in order to have a natural quantum mechanical description of plasmonics. Specifically, we study the response of two overlapping nanowires with this formalism. We ensure that an proposed frame concurs with classical electrodynamics when the local response approximation holds in the plasmonic system by finding the correction needed