16,424 research outputs found

    La configuración de los circuitos «de proximidad» en el sistema alimentario : tendencias evolutivas

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    La organización espacial del sistema alimentario supone una división del trabajo y del capital entre lugares a lo largo de las cadenas productivas, cuyas conexiones se dan mediante los flujos (de capital, de mercancías, de información, de tecnología, etc.) necesarios para la producción y la circulación del excedente. Los «circuitos de proximidad» comprende - rían aquellos flujos orientados hacia los mercados locales y regionales, cuyas características estarían vinculadas a una mayor cercanía con el origen natural de los alimentos y a una gran participación de pequeños agentes (economía familiar, artesanal, etc.). A pesar de estar presionados por una tendencia de alargamiento -impuesta al sistema alimentario por el desarrollo de las fuerzas productivas-, estos circuitos podrían incrementar la apropiación territorial de la renta gracias a la concentración espacial de funciones o a la explotación de la calidad superior de los productos de la tierra. Los beneficios dependerían de la renta diferencial lograda por los agentes locales o regionales.L'organització espacial del sistema alimentari comporta una divisió del treball i del capital entre llocs al llarg de les cadenes productives, que estan connectades mitjançant els fluxos (de capital, de mercaderies, d'informació, de tecnologia, etc.) necessaris per a la producció i la circulació de l'excedent. Els «circuits de proximitat» comprendrien aquells fluxos orientats cap als mercats locals i regionals, amb característiques vinculades a una localització més propera a l'origen natural dels aliments i a una gran participació de petits agents (economia familiar, artesanal, etc.). Malgrat la pressió cap a una tendència a l'allargament -imposada al sistema alimentari per desenvolupar les forces productives-, aquests circuits podrien incrementar l'apropiació territorial de la renda gràcies a la concentració espacial de funcions o a l'explotació de la qualitat superior dels productes de la terra. Els beneficis dependrien de la renda diferencial aconseguida pels agents locals o regionals.L'organisation spatiale du système alimentaire suppose une division du travail et du capital entre lieux le long des chaînes productives, connectées à travers des flux (de capitale, marchandises, information, technologie, etc.) nécessaires à la production et circulation de l'excédent. Les «circuits de proximité» comprendraient ces flux orientés aucun les marchés locaux et régionaux, avec des caractéristiques en relation à une localisation plus proche de l'origine naturelle des aliments et à une grande participation de petits acteurs (économie familière, artisanale, etc.). Malgré la pression vers une tendance à l'allongement -imposée au système alimentaire par le développement des forces productives- ces circuits pourraient augmenter l'appropriation territoriale de la rente à conséquence de la concentration spatiale de fonctions ou à l'exploitation de la qualité supérieure des produits du terroir. Les bénéfices dépendraient de la rente différentielle obtenue par les acteurs locaux ou régionaux.The spatial organization of food systems would imply labour and capital divisions between places connected by flows (of capital, commodities, information, technology) vital to the production and circulation of surpluses throughout the productive chain. «Proximity circuits» encompass flows directed to local and regional markets closely linked with the origin of food in Nature and a strong presence of small agents (family, small economy etc.). Although under pressure to grow larger -imposed on food systems through the development of productive forces- these circuits could increment the territorial appropriation of income by: (1) a concentration of spatial functions or (2) the exploitation of the superior quality of the land produce. These benefits would be conditioned according to the differential income obtained by the local or regional agents

    Development of a colorimetric indicator, using a residue from grape juice processing, for food freshness monitoring

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    Filmes indicadores colorimétricos foram desenvolvidos para avaliação da qualidade de alimentos através do reaproveitamento do resíduo sólido, do tipo não-bagaço (NPG), da centrifugação do suco de uva, atualmente inexplorado em sistemas inteligentes para embalagens de alimentos. As dispersões foram obtidas por complexação polieletrolítica de alginato e gelatina e alginato e quitosana, com e sem adição de NPG, nas seguintes composições (m/m): alginato e gelatina (75 % + 25 %, AG); alginato, gelatina e NPG (75% + 25% + 0.5 g 100 g complexo -1 , AG0.5); alginato, gelatina e NPG (75% + 25% + 1.0 g 100 g complexo -1 , AG1.0); alginato e quitosana (75% + 25%, ACH); alginato, quitosana e NPG (75% + 25% + 0.5 g 100 g complexo -1 , ACH0.5); alginato, quitosana e NPG (75% + 25% + 1.0 g 100 g complexo -1 , ACH1.0). A adição de NPG afetou a estabilidade e o comportamento reológico dos complexos AG e ACH, que apresentaram características predominantemente viscosas e viscoelásticas, respectivamente, evidenciadas pelo comportamento de creep-recovery. O NPG afetou as propriedades hidrofílicas dos filmes indicadores. A umidade diminuiu em até 35 %, a solubilidade dos filmes AG aumentou, e não houve efeito significativo na permeabilidade ao vapor de água, exceto para a amostra ACH1.0, na qual alterações microestruturais promovidas pelo processo de secagem podem ter aumentado a difusão através do filme. As propriedades mecânicas e ópticas também foram alteradas, assim como a morfologia, formando-se filmes de menor transmissão de luz com estruturas mais heterogêneas e rígidas. Esse comportamento corroborou-se pela avaliação da topografia superficial dos filmes, cujos valores de rugosidade média para os filmes AG e ACH aumentaram cerca de 91 % e 52 %, respectivamente, após a adição do maior teor de NPG. Os difratogramas das amostras e os espectros de FTIR demonstraram que o NPG interagiu de maneira diferente com os dois complexos, e os compostos fenólicos do NPG podem ter atuado como um agente de reticulação para o complexo ACH, o que aumentou as interações intermoleculares e intramoleculares entre alginato e quitosana. Isto evidenciou-se na molhabilidade, que aumentou após adição de NPG, bem como na avaliação das propriedades termodinâmicas. As isotermas de adsorção de água dos filmes foram determinadas a 20, 30 e 40 °C, a partir das quais foram obtidas as propriedades termodinâmicas de sorção. O modelo GAB apresentou o melhor ajuste para os dados de adsorção, que foi um processo controlado por entalpia. As menores perdas de massa até 100 °C foram encontradas para os filmes ACH, que apresentaram os maiores módulos de armazenamento e perda na análise dinâmico-mecânica. Um novo método foi proposto para avaliar a biodegradabilidade dos filmes, por meio da avaliação da perda de área por análise digital de imagens. A adição de NPG diminuiu a biodegradabilidade, com perdas de área de 90,02 % a 35,90 % após 30 dias em ambiente fechado. Testes de eficiência colorimétrica dos filmes foram realizados em soluções tampão ácido lático / lactato e na fase gasosa com amônia, como sistemas modelo para a deterioração de produtos lácteos e cárneos, respectivamente. Eles também foram aplicados como indicadores de frescor em amostras de leite integral. Em geral, menores teores de NPG foram mais eficientes para diferenciação de cores pelo visualizador. A quantificação do desvio cromático vermelho em função do pH foi promissora para avaliar a mudança visual de cor por análise digital de imagens para aplicação dos filmes em embalagens de alimentos.Colorimetric indicator films were developed for food freshness assessment through the solid residue from the centrifugal separation process of grape juice upcycling, a non-pomace residue (NPG) currently unexplored in the development of intelligent systems for food packaging. The film-forming matrix was obtained by polyelectrolyte complexation of alginate and gelatin and alginate and chitosan, with and without NPG addition, with the following composition (w/w): alginate and gelatin (75 % + 25 %, AG); alginate, gelatin and NPG (75% + 25% + 0.5 g 100 g complex -1 , AG0.5); alginate, gelatin and NPG (75% + 25% + 1.0 g 100 g complex -1 , AG1.0); alginate and chitosan (75% + 25%, ACH); alginate, chitosan and NPG (75% + 25% + 0.5 g 100 g complex -1 , ACH0.5); alginate, chitosan and NPG (75% + 25% + 1.0 g 100 g complex -1 , ACH1.0). The NPG addition affected the stability and the rheological behavior of the AG and ACH complexes, which presented predominantly viscous and viscoelastic characteristics, respectively, evidenced by their creep-recovery behavior. The NPG affected the water-related properties of the indicator films. It decreased their moisture by up to 35 %, increased the solubility of the AG films, and had no significant effect on their water vapor permeability, except for the ACH1.0 sample, in which microstructure changes promoted by the drying process may have increased the diffusion through the film. The mechanical and optical properties were also affected, as well as the morphology with the formation of films with lower light transmission, and more heterogeneous and rigid structures. This behavior was corroborated by the films’ surface topography evaluation, whose average roughness values for the AG and ACH films increased by about 91 % and 52 %, respectively, after the highest content of NPG addition. The samples’ diffractograms and FTIR spectra demonstrated that NPG interacted differently with the two complexes, and the NPG phenolic compounds may have acted as a crosslinking agent for the ACH complex, which enhanced intermolecular and intramolecular interactions between alginate and chitosan. This behavior was evidenced in the wettability evaluation, which was increased by the NPG addition, as well as in the evaluation of thermodynamic properties. The films’ water adsorption isotherms were determined at 20, 30, and 40 °C, from which the thermodynamic properties of sorption were obtained. The GAB model presented the best fit for the adsorption data, which was an enthalpy-controlled process. The lowest mass losses up until 100 °C were found for the ACH films, which showed the highest storage and loss modules in dynamic mechanical analysis. A new method was proposed to evaluate the biodegradability of films, by area loss assessment through digital image analysis. NPG addition decreased the films’ biodegradability, whose area losses ranged from 90.02 % to 35.90 % after 30 days under indoor soil conditions. Colorimetric efficiency tests of the films were performed in acid lactic / lactate buffer solutions and in the gaseous phase with ammonia, as model systems for the deterioration of dairy and meat products, respectively. They were also applied as freshness indicators in whole milk samples. In general, lower NPG contents were more efficient for color differentiation by the viewer. The red chromatic shift quantification as a function of pH was promising to evaluate the visual color change by digital image analysis for the films’ application on food packaging

    Diversidade genética de formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) nas escalas da colônia e da população : um estudo comparativo de Camponotus renggeri e C. rufipes em vegetação de cerrado

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    Orientador: Paulo Sérgio Moreira Carvalho de Oliveira, Anete Pereira de Souza e Marina Corrêa CôrtesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: Eusocialidade é reconhecida como umas das estratégias evolutivas de maior sucesso entre os animais, sendo as formigas (Formicidae) o grupo eusocial mais dominante da Terra. Tal dominância é atribuída à fina divisão de trabalho e cooperação em colônias de formigas, associada às relações de parentesco entre os indivíduos do ninho. A ocorrência de poliginia (múltiplas rainhas na colônia) e/ou poliandria (fertilização da rainha por vários machos) é crucial para determinar essas relações e elucidar suas importâncias em diferentes espécies de formigas, bem como para compreender as distintas trajetórias evolutivas por de trás dos sistemas de cruzamentos das formigas. O sucesso evolutivo revelado pela abundância, papel ecológico e susceptibilidade ao ambiente também coloca as formigas como organismos promissores para o estudo dos efeitos de alterações ecossistêmicas. Estas características fazem das formigas organismos modelos para a biologia da conservação, especialmente em habitats ameaçados, tais como as savanas brasileiras conhecidas como cerrado. Neste trabalho, nós investigamos comparativamente duas formigas neotropicais abundantes e que se destacam por sua importância ecológica no Cerrado: Camponotus renggeri e C. rufipes (Formicinae). No primeiro capítulo, nós avaliamos as consequências do sistema de cruzamento na diversidade genética das colônias dessas duas formigas. Nós observamos que C. renggeri e C. rufipes apresentam poliginia facultativa, as rainhas copulam com machos não aparentados, e as operárias de colônias poligínicas são menos aparentadas que em colônias monogínicas. Colônias poligínicas de C. renggeri apresentaram rainhas não aparentadas, com ou sem reprodução diferencial entre elas, e que copulam com um ou poucos machos. Assim, nesta espécie, o número de rainhas determina a diversidade genética nas colônias. Diferentemente, as colônias poligínicas de C. rufipes apresentam rainhas aparentadas, com maior desvio reprodutivo entre elas, e com maior frequência de poliandria. Em C. rufipes, tanto rainhas quanto machos contribuem para a diversidade genética da colônia. Apesar destas diferenças, as duas espécies apresentaram níveis similares de diversidade genética dentro das colônias. No segundo capítulo, nós investigamos a respo sta em múltiplas escalas dessas duas espécies de Camponotus à paisagem, bem como suas susceptibilidades a variáveis ambientais (naturais, como as fisionomias de Cerrado, e de origem antrópica, como plantações e rodovias), utilizando abordagens recentes de genética da paisagem. No nível da colônia, nós encontramos que o número de rainhas e, consequentemente, a diversidade genética dentro dos ninhos de C. renggeri é muito mais afetada pela paisagem dos arredores de que em C. rufipes, aumentando com o distúrbio humano ao ambiente do cerrado. Na escala da população, nós mostramos que C. renggeri dispersa através de fisionomias florestais de Cerrado. Por outro lado, C. rufipes apresenta dois grupos genéticos bem definidos, os quais dispersam por diferentes componentes da paisagem, usando, cada um, áreas nativas abertas e florestais de Cerrado. Esses resultados mostram que a conservação do Cerrado é importante para a manutenção de ambas as populações de Camponotus. O presente trabalho aumentou nosso conhecimento sobre essas duas importantes formigas neotropicais, ressaltando a importância de trabalhos prévios de história natural de C. renggeri e C. rufipes para auxiliar a interpretação dos resultados genéticos. Esperamos que nosso trabalho encoraje estudos futuros a incorporar dados genéticos entre as informações básicas das espécies de formigas, tais como sistema de cruzamento e dispersão. Finalmente, esperamos que este tipo de estudo forneça subsídios para planos de manejo em reservas biológicas de savanas brasileirasAbstract: Eusociality is recognized as one of the most successful evolutionary strategies among animals, with the ants (Formicidae) as the most dominant eusocial group on Earth. Such dominance can be attributed to a fine division of labor and cooperation among colony members, associated with high genetic relatedness among nestmates. Polygyny (multiple egglaying queens in the colony) and polyandry (insemination by multiple males) are crucial traits mediating nestmate relatedness, and revealing their occurrence in different species helps to understand distinct evolutionary pathways underlying ant breeding systems. The evolutionary success of ants as revealed by their abundance, ecological roles, and environmental vulnerability, make them promising organisms to investigate effects of ecosystem disturbance. These characteristics make ants model organisms for conservation biology, especially in threatened habitats, such as the Brazilian Cerrado savannas. In this study, we investigate comparatively two abundant neotropical ants that are ecologically important in Cerrado: Camponotus renggeri and C. rufipes (Formicinae). In the first chapter, we evaluate the effect of the breeding system on colony genetic diversity in these two ant species. We observed that C. renggeri and C. rufipes exhibit facultative polygyny, queens of both species copulate with non-related males, and workers in polygynous colonies are less related than in monogynous colonies. Polygynous colonies of C. renggeri exhibited non-related nestmate queens, with or without reproductive skew among them, mating with one or a few males. Thus in this species queen number accounts for the genetic variability within colonies. In contrast, polygynous colonies of C. rufipes frequently have closely related queens, with higher levels of polyandry than C. renggeri, and increased reproductive skew among nestmate queens. Queens and males both contribute for colony genetic diversity in C. rufipes. Despite these differences, the two species presented similar levels of genetic diversity within colonies. In the second chapter, we investigate the multiscale responses by these two Camponotus species to landscape, as well as their susceptibility to environmental variation (natural variation, such as Cerrado physiognomies, and variation originated from anthropic action, such as plantations and roads), using recent approaches of landscape genetics. At the colony level, we found that the number of queens and thus genetic diversity in C. renggeri colonies are significantly more affected by the surrounding landscape than in C. rufipes, and increase with human-induced disturbance. At the population scale, C. renggeri disperses through forested Cerrado physiognomies, whereas C. rufipes presented two well-defined genetic clusters that disperse through different landscape physiognomies, using native open and forested cerrado areas each. Our results show that Cerrado conservation is important for the maintenance of both Camponotus species. The study increases our knowledge of these two important Neotropical ants, and highlights the relevance of previous natural history data about C. renggeri and C. rufipes to support the interpretation of genetic results. We hope our work encourages future studies to incorporate genetic data into basic information of ant species, such as breeding system and dispersal. Finally, we also hope that our study can help management and conservation programs in biological reserves of Brazilian CerradoMestradoEcologiaMestra em Ecologia131908/2014-62014/23141-1CNPQFAPES


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    Two research questions guided this study: How are alternative health practices affecting dietitians' practice? What should dietitians' roles be in actively confronting alternative health practices that convey nutrition misinformation and quackery? Quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection were used. A self-administered questionnaire was administered to all members of the Saskatchewan Dietetic Association. Data was obtained to answer three subsidiary questions pertaining to the first research question: i) how often and (ii) on which types of AHP dietitians were consulted, and (iii) which resources dietitians accessed when they were consulted on AHP. The questionnaire also collected information about demographics. Qualitative research methodology using both focus groups and telephone interviews, were then used to explore dietitians' practice towards AHP and what role dietitians should take in dealing with issues and/or challenges presented by AHP. All dietitians who were contacted in Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Melfort, Moose Jaw, were invited to participate in focus groups between May and June, 1997. A Reflexive journal, member checking, debriefing sessions, and an audit of the study, were used to increase trustworthiness of or validate the data collected. The questionnaire response rate was 53%. Seventy-five percent (n=68) of respondents worked in the nutrition/dietetic field and were generally consulted one to nine times on specific AHP during February 1996 to February 1997. Both questionnaire respondents and focus group/telephone interview participants indicated they were consulted more frequently on high protein products, herbal remedies, and products sold by multilevel marketing companies. Other dietitians, pharmacists, and the book The Honest Herbal by Varro Tyler, were the resources most accessed by dietitians. Participants in the first set of focus groups/telephone interviews described three main themes. 1) Participants felt alternative health practices were readily available, for example, unconventional practitioners, multilevel marketing companies, and health food stores are available in Saskatchewan. 2) How participants were consulted and by whom. Participants were consulted when clients asked them unsolicited questions about AHP but more often, participants discovered clients' use of AHP during nutrition consultations. More frequently, participants felt they were not consulted about AHP. Participants were consulted most often by seniors, competitive and noncompetitive athletes, women, and people with degenerative, debilitating, or terminal diseases, affected how often dietitians were consulted. 3) Participants dealt with alternative health practices in a variety of ways. They educated clients, used methods of persuasion, gained knowledge about AHP in response to questions asked, accessed credible sources of information, used professional ethics, were open-minded, encouraged clients to focus on their diet, established rapport and open-communication, and took time to listen and empathize with clients. The second set of focus groups/telephone interviews emerged five main themes. Participants felt that dietitians should be open-minded, share information, and continue to educate the public. They had differences of opinion about whether or not dietitians should be more visible. Suggestions were also made about what type of partnerships dietitians could form. The information gathered from this study could be used by several nutrition/dietetic professionals such as practicing dietitians, university faculty members and internship coordinators. When planning programs, faculty members and internship coordinators can incorporate information from this study into their programs. Also, these results may help dietitians either improve communication with clients about alternative health practices or be more effective in dealing with the issue of alternative health practices. If continuing education resources were developed and further research pursued, this study could provide a basis for choosing alternative health practices and areas of research

    Assisted assignment of automotive safety requirements

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    ISO 26262, a functional-safety standard, uses Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASILs) to assign safety requirements to automotive-system elements. System designers initially assign ASILs to system-level hazards and then allocate them to elements of the refined system architecture. Through ASIL decomposition, designers can divide a function & rsquo;s safety requirements among multiple components. However, in practice, manual ASIL decomposition is difficult and produces varying results. To overcome this problem, a new tool automates ASIL allocation and decomposition. It supports the system and software engineering life cycle by enabling users to efficiently allocate safety requirements regarding systematic failures in the design of critical embedded computer systems. The tool is applicable to industries with a similar concept of safety integrity levels. © 1984-2012 IEEE