356 research outputs found

    A survey for rickettsial agents on Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Ixodida, Ixodidae) ticks in Northeastern Brazil

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    No presente trabalho, foi pesquisada infecção riquetsial em amostras de sangue de 108 cães e 22 carrapatos Rhipicephalussanguineus (Ixodida, Ixodidae) coletados destes animais durante 2011 e 2012, em Patos, Estado da Paraíba, Nordestedo Brasil. As amostras de sangue foram examinadas pela reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) utilizando-seantígenos de seis isolados de Rickettsia do Brasil. Todos os 108 cães foram soronegativos para os antígenos de R.rickettsii, R. parkeri, R. amblyommii, R. felis, R. rhipicephali e R. bellii, sugerindo que a região estudada não é endêmicapara riquetsioses do grupo da febre maculosa. Dos 22 carrapatos R. sanguineus, R. felis foi detectada em um (4,5%)espécime por PCR do gene riquetsial gltA. São discutidas as possíveis implicações desse achado incomum na PCR.In this study, rickettsial infection was searched in 108 canine blood samples and 22 Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Ixodida,Ixodidae) ticks collected on these dogs during 2011 and 2012 in Patos municipality, state of Paraíba, northeasternBrazil. Blood samples were tested through indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) by using antigens of six Rickettsiaspecies isolates from Brazil. All 108 dogs tested seronegative for R. rickettsii, R. parkeri, R. amblyommii, R. felis, R.rhipicephali, and R. bellii antigens, suggesting a non-endemic status of the studied region for spotted fever ricketsiosis.Among 22 R. sanguineus ticks, R. felis was detected in one (4.5%) specimen by PCR targeting a portion of the rickettsialgltA gene. The possible implications of this unusual PCR finding are discussed


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    A brucelose bovina é uma doença bacteriana causada pela Brucella abortus, como também é uma zoonose e enfermidade infecto-contagiosa de importância econômica e em saúde pública, estando presente na lista da Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (OIE), sendo de notificação obrigatória. Com o objetivo de avaliar essa enfermidade na Microrregião de Pau dos Ferros, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, foi realizado um Estudo Retrospectivo compreendendo os municípios de Alexandria, Antonio Martins, Encanto, José da Penha, Major Sales, Marcelino Vieira, Paraná, Pilões, Riacho de Santana e Tenente Ananias. Analisando os dados dos relatórios mensais de exames realizados por médicos veterinários habilitados pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), no que diz respeito ao Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose Animal (PNCEBT). Foram analisados os resultados dos exames de brucelose bovina de 1077 animais de 189 propriedades, destas, quatro apresentaram animais positivos (2,12%), realizados durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a dezembro de 2009

    Interações de cultivares e linhagens de feijoeiro com ambientes

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    The performance of bean lines brought forth in breeding programs or of cultivars in use can be affected by environmental variability. The adaptability and stability of grain yield of 18 common bean cultivars and lines in 23 environments (combinations of seasons, years and locations) were evaluated in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. 'IAC-Carioca' and 'IAC-Carioca Eté' were used as standard cultivars for the carioca grain type, while 'FT-Nobre' and 'IAC-Una' represented the standard for black grains. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design with four replications and plots consisting of two, two central five meters rows flanked by border rows. Stability parameters were estimated by the methods Maximum Yield Deviations (MYD) and by the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Analysis (AMMI). For the identification of the most stable cultivars, the two methods led to consistent results, although by MYD the highest stability was always associated to the highest yield. 'MAC-733327' and 'LP 9637' were the most suitable cultivars and lines for the joint seasons, while 'LP 9637' and 'FT-Nobre' were the most suitable for the dry season. The MYD method combined a simple procedure, easiness of result interpretation, uniqueness of parameters, and association between stability and yield. On the other hand, the AMMI method simplified the identification of stable cultivars by visual inspection, also providing information on the environments. However, the complex nature which combines uni-and multivariate techniques hampers its widespread use in breeding programs.A variabilidade de ambientes pode afetar o desempenho de linhagens de feijoeiro geradas nos programas de melhoramento e também dos cultivares em uso. Assim, foram avaliadas a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade de produção de grãos de 18 cultivares e linhagens de feijoeiro em 23 ambientes (combinações de épocas, anos e locais), no Estado de São Paulo. 'IAC-Carioca' e 'IAC-Carioca Eté' foram os cultivares usados como padrões de grãos tipo carioca, enquanto 'FT-Nobre' e 'IAC-Una' foram padrões para grãos pretos. Os ensaios foram instalados em blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições e parcela útil de duas linhas centrais de cinco metros. Os parâmetros de estabilidade foram estimados pelos métodos dos Desvios da Produtividade Máxima (MYD) e da Análise da Interação Multiplicativa e dos Efeitos Principais Aditivos (AMMI). Ambos produziram resultados congruentes em termos de identificação dos cultivares mais estáveis, porém a maior estabilidade esteve sempre associada à maior produtividade no MYD. 'MA-733327' e 'LP 9637' foram os cultivares mais indicados para o conjunto das épocas, águas e inverno, enquanto LP 9637 e FT-Nobre foram os mais estáveis na seca. MYD reuniu simplicidade de procedimento, facilidade de interpretação de resultados, unicidade de parâmetros e associação entre estabilidade e produtividade. Por sua vez, AMMI, além de informar sobre os ambientes, facilitou a identificação dos cultivares estáveis por inspeção visual. Porém sua fundamentação complexa, visto que combina técnicas uni e multivariadas, dificulta seu uso generalizado em programas de melhoramento

    Avaliação de diferentes proporções de fosfato de cálcio na regeneração do tecido ósseo de coelhos: estudo clínicocirúrgico, radiológico e histológico

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the calcium phosphate, calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) with heat treatment at 700 and 900 ° C, tricalcium phosphate combined with hydroxyapatite (TCP/HA) and hydroxyapatite (HA) as bone substitutes. We used 20 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) of both sexes, New Zealand breed, with mean weigh of 2.5 ± 0.41 kg. The animals were randomly divided into two groups of 10 animals in the period in which they were euthanized (30 or 60 days). The implants were placed on the proximal and distal metaphysis of each femur so that CPP 700 and 900 were introduced in the left, while TCP/HA and HA in the right. Clinical and radiographic-surgical evaluations were performed immediately after surgery, and 30 and 60 days post-surgery. The animals showed normal clinical evolution. In the radiographic evaluation there was statistical difference between groups with higher degree of radiopacity at group 60 days that used TCP/HA and HA implants. In the histological evaluation by light microscopy and morphometric analysis the materials TCP/HA and HA showed greater one formation around the implants than CPP700 and CPP900 at 30 and 60-days evaluation.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os fosfatos de cálcio, pirofosfato de cálcio (CPP) com tratamento térmico a 700 e 900°C, fosfato tricálcio associado à hidroxiapatita (TCP/HA) e hidroxiapatita (HA) como substitutos ósseos. Foram utilizados 20 coelhos (Oryctolagus cuniculus), de ambos os sexos, da raça Nova Zelândia, pesando em média 2,5±0,41kg. Os animais foram distribuídos, ao acaso, em dois grupos de 10 animais de acordo com o período em que foram eutanasiados (30 ou 60 dias). Os implantes foram introduzidos na metáfise proximal e distal de cada fêmur, de modo que os CPP 700 e 900 foram introduzidos no membro esquerdo, enquanto o TCP/HA e HA no membro direito. Foram realizadas avaliações clínico-cirúrgicas e radiográficas imediatamente após a cirurgia e aos 30 e 60 dias do pós-operatório. Os animais apresentaram evolução clínica normal. Na avaliação radiográfica observou-se diferença estatística entre os grupos com maior grau de radiopacidade nos animais do grupo 60 dias que utilizaram os implantes TCP/HA e HA. Na avaliação histológica, por meio de microscopia de luz e análise morfométrica, os materiais TCP/HA e HA proporcionaram maior neoformação óssea ao redor dos implantes do que com os CPP700 e CPP900 aos 30 e 60 dias de avaliação

    Prevalência e fatores de risco da infecção por Leptospira sp. em cães atendidos em clínicas veterinárias em João Pessoa, Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with Leptospira sp. in dogs attended at veterinary clinics in the city of João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Northeast Brazil.  A total of 384 blood samples from dogs from 34 veterinary clinics were used from April 2015 to May 2016. The diagnosis of Leptospira sp. was carried out through Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT), using a collection of 20 pathogenic antigens and adopting a 1: 100 dilution as cutoff point. An epidemiological questionnaire was applied to the owners of the animals to obtain data to be used in the analysis of risk factors. The prevalence of seropositive animals was 11.7% (45/384), with reactions for serogroups Icterohaemorrhagiae (62.3%), Grippotyphosa (22.2%), Canicola (13.3%), Djasiman 2%) and Pomona (2.2%). The following risk factors were identified: age from 49 to 72 months (odds ratio = 2.74), Age > 72 months (odds ratio = 3.22), and monthly cleaning of the environment where the animals are kept (odds ratio = 10,70). It is concluded that dogs attended at veterinary clinics in João Pessoa are exposed to infection by Leptospira sp., with predominance of serogroups kept by wild animals, and it is suggested that the periodic cleaning of the environment where the animals are kept.  O presente trabalho investigou a prevalência e os fatores de risco associados à infecção por Leptospira sp. em cães atendidos em clínicas veterinárias da cidade de João Pessoa, Estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. Foram utilizadas 384 amostras sanguíneas de cães provenientes de 34 clínicas veterinárias no período de abril de 2015 a maio de 2016. O diagnóstico da infecção por Leptospira sp. foi realizado com o emprego reação de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (SAM), utilizando uma coleção com 20 antígenos patogênicos e adotando como ponto de corte a diluição 1:100. Foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico aos proprietários dos animais para obtenção de dados a serem utilizados na análise de fatores de risco. A prevalência de animais soropositivos foi de 11,7% (45/384), com reações para os sorogrupos Icterohaemorrhagiae (62,3%), Grippotyphosa (22,2%), Canicola (13,3%), Djasiman (2,2%) e Pomona (2,2%). Foram identificados os seguintes fatores de risco: idade entre 49 e 72 meses (odds ratio = 2,74), idade maior que 72 meses (odds ratio = 3,22), e limpeza mensal do ambiente onde os animais permanecem (odds ratio = 10,70). Conclui-se que cães atendidos em clínicas veterinárias de João Pessoa estão expostos à infecção por Leptospira sp., com predominância de sorogrupos mantidos por animais selvagens, e foi sugerida a realização da limpeza periódica do ambiente ocupado pelos animais

    Mycobacterium bovis infection in goats from the Northeast Region of Brazil

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    A total of 8,058 male and female mixed-breed goats and 1-4 years of age were slaughtered over a period of 7 months at the public slaughterhouse of Patos city, Paraíba state, in the Northeast region of Brazil; 822 animals were inspected for gross lesions of tuberculosis, and 12 (1.46%) had lesions suggestive of tuberculosis in the mammary gland, lungs, liver and mediastinal, mesenteric, submandibular, parotid and prescapular lymph nodes. Presence of granulomatous lesions was confirmed in the submandibular lymph node of one (8.3%) goat at the histopathological examination and at the mycobacterium culture the same sample was confirmed positive. Isolate was confirmed as belonging to the M. tuberculosis complex by PCR restriction enzyme analysis (PRA). Spoligotyping identified the isolate into spoligotype SB0295 on the M. bovis Spoligotype Database website (www.mbovis.org), and it was classified as M. bovis. The occurrence of M. bovis in goats in this study suggests that this species may be a potential source of infection for humans and should be regarded as a possible problem in the advancement of control and eradication program for bovine tuberculosis in Brazil

    Bacteria Isolated from Free-range Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) Eggs Sold in Semiarid Conditions and its One Health Impact

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    Background: Food contamination is an important and growing public health concern due to the risk of foodborne illnesses. In this context, the egg, consumed all over the world, stands out. This food has been pointed out as a carrier of several bacteria, causing outbreaks of food toxinfection. The production of free-range chicken eggs (Gallus gallusdomesticus) has been an alternative for generating income for producers in Brazil; however, there is no monitoring of the sanitary quality of this product. The objective of this study was to identify microorganisms in 128 free-range chicken eggs sold in open markets in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil.Discussion: The frequency of bacterial isolation obtained in this study was high and reflects contamination of the eggs, which can occur through the shell, and factors such as air humidity, time and temperature favor the migration of bacteria from the shell to the internal content of egg. Food toxinfection occurs due to improper conditions in food processing, and it is essential to guarantee correct handling, promoting health quality. Therefore, some care related to egg management is necessary, from primary production to commercialization, ensuring food safety for consumers. Another point to be highlighted concerns the way of marketing this product. Eggs from free-range chickens are usually sold in open markets, kept at room temperature from production to final distribution, mainly in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil. Temperature, storage time and chicken’s characteristics (lineage, age, nutritional management and health status) are factors that have a direct influence on the quality of the food offered to the consumer. The high frequency of isolated bacteria warns of the implementation of control measures to avoid contamination of this product and the importance of the correct use of antimicrobials in poultry, in order to avoid the spread of resistance-carrying pathogens, minimizing economic, health and environmental impacts

    Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Rio Grande do Norte State, Northeastern Brazil - Spatial analysis

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    Background: Human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL) is a potentially fatal disease with a worldwide distribution, being endemic in 12 countries in the Americas. The main reservoir in the urban environment is the dog, whose cases precede the disease in humans. For the control of HVL, the Ministry of Health of Brazil recommends efficiency in the notification of human cases, control of sandflies, elimination of reservoirs and health education, in addition to the interruption in the transmission of the disease by the intensification of surveillance and control of priority areas based on identification by spatial analysis. The objective of the study was to investigate the spatial distribution of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, determining areas of risk by identifying spatial clusters, with a view to monitoring and implementing preventive actions.Materials, Methods & Results: Secondary data from sample and/or routine serological surveys for serological diagnosis of LVC in the period from 2011 to 2018 were used. The inclusion of animals in the routine diagnosis per municipality resulted from demands of veterinarians, veterinary clinics, dog tutors, zoonoses control centers and environmental surveillance. The spatial statistical analysis was performed with SatScan software version 9.6 for the detection of spatial clusters, based on using the statistical scan method. Of the total of 231,123 dogs tested in the period, 24,642 (10.6%) were seroreactive for CVL. During the study, the municipalities with the highest number of cases were Natal and Mossoró, with 9,671 and 4,514 cases, respectively. During the years 2011 to 2018, 38 significant clusters (P < 0.05) were identified that included one or more municipalities.Discussion: The state of Rio Grande do Norte has an urban environment susceptible to the occurrence of CVL, with climate and topography that favor the proliferation of the vector and housing in precarious socio-sanitary conditions. The high number of CVL cases in Natal can be explained by the fact that the city is considered endemic for CVL, characterized as an area of intense transmission of the disease, according to the Ministry of Health. In addition, public infrastructure insome locations is deficient and living conditions are unfavorable, so that there is a need to invest in effective protection measures for vector control, as well as a focus on health education, whose HVL control measures in the municipality need to be readjusted. The high rate of cases and the constant presence of clusters in the municipality of Açu can be explained by the increasing degradation of the Caatinga biome, evidenced by the removal of firewood for use in the ceramist pole, whose activity is concentrated on a large scale in the use of raw material and energy, through the production of charcoal, for agricultural and livestock fronts, putting species of fauna and flora at risk. It is also noteworthy that this fact contributes to the destruction of wild ecotopes, resulting in the search for the vector for other sources of human and animal food, allowing an increase in the number of cases of the disease. It’s concluded that canine visceral leishmaniasis is distributed in a large part of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The underreporting and/or deficiency in the disclosure of data by some municipalities represents a challenge in complying with the actions of the Visceral Leishmaniasis Surveillance and Control Program, and attention should be paid to the monitoring and inspection of the execution actions of municipal managers, as well as how to train professionals who are part of the service. Keywords: georeferencing, public health, zoonoses, leishmaniasis, epidemiology.

    Detection of anti Brucella abortus, anti Brucella canis and anti Leptospira spp. Antibodies in hoary foxes (Pseudalopex vetulus) from semi-arid of Paraiba state, Northeastern region of Brazil

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti Brucella abortus, anti Brucella canis e anti Leptospira spp. em raposas (Pseudalopex vetulus). Para tanto, foram utilizadas 60 raposas atropeladas em rodovias no semiárido da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. Para a detecção de anticorpos anti Brucella abortus, o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado (AAT) foi empregado como teste de triagem, e a prova do 2-mercaptoetanol foi empregada como método confirmatório. Para o diagnóstico sorológico das infecções por Brucella canis e Leptospira spp., foram utilizados os testes de imunodifusão em gel de agar (IDGA) e soroaglutinação microscópica, respectivamente. Todas as amostras foram negativas na pesquisa de anticorpos anti Brucella canis e anti Leptospira spp. Das 60 raposas testadas, 16 (26,6%) foram positivas para anticorpos anti Brucella abortus no teste de AAT, e quatro (6,7%) amostras foram confirmadas no teste de 2-mercaptoetanol, sendo duas amostras com título 100 e duas com título 50.The aim of this research was to determine the occurrence of anti Brucella abortus, anti B. canis and anti Leptospira spp. antibodies in foxes (Pseudalopex vetulus). Sixty road-killed wild foxes from semi-arid of Paraiba state, Northeastern region of Brazil, were used. For the detection of anti B. abortus antibodies, the buffered plate agglutination test (BPAT) was applied as a screening method and the 2-mercaptoethanol test as a confirmatory method. For serological diagnosis of infections by B. canis and Leptospira spp., the agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) and the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) were used, respectively. All samples were negative for anti B. canis and anti Leptospira spp. antibodies. Of the 60 foxes tested, 16 (26.6 %) were positive for anti B. abortus antibodies at BPAT, four (6.7%) samples were confirmed in the 2-mercaptoethanol test, and two samples presented titer 100 and two titer 50